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Burrito Boy

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Posts posted by Burrito Boy

  1. It's belated but 2 weeks ago I had my first old man moment.

    I fell on a chair and bruised my ribs.


    I can now kinda sorta run across the street if I don't mind wincing and sleep has become easier.


    But I'm getting real tired of this body and the crap it makes my brain put up with.

    You have my sympathy. I pulled a muscle (at least I think that's what happened) in my left hip a couple weeks ago and it hasn't stopped hurting. Standing and walking are fine but bending and sitting are still painful.

  2. For what character ideas have you thought..."On second thought I am never going to be able to use this.">


    Example: Suicide Squid. This extremely agile thrill-seeking molluscoid alien swings through the city on his long tentacles performing feats of inexplicable daring-do.

    Better not? Are you kidding? That's an awesome idea!


    On a mollusc related note, I had an idea years ago for a character inspired by Octomom that I never built. Not sure if I wrote anything down at the time but I still remember a few things. They're probably best left unshared. :P

  3. I build characters to concept, "useless" skills and all. I really love skill monkeys. And every once in a while, that's what allows them to shine. I still remember fondly the one Pathfinder game I played in where my dwarf's knowledge of stonemasonry helped the group find a secret passage into the tower the party was supposed to break into.

  4. The two most iconic Opening Adventures I can think of for Champions are:


    A villinous agency is robbing all of the local banks. The heroes must stop them.


    An arsonist is setting a series of apartment buildings on fire. The heroes must save as many residents as they can before the building collapses, as well as find and defeat the arsonist or discovery why these apartments are being burned down.


    I've been listening to a lot of old time radio lately and I thought of your post when I heard this episode of Sherlock Holmes.


  5. The Moons of Barsoom. Professional writers write John Carter fanfic. A couple of them were interesting, particularly for showing how others perceive John Carter. But the Tarzan versus John Carter one was just obnoxious. John Carter was not a modern Confederacy apologist.

    Do you mean Under the Moons of Mars? I picked that one up for a quarter a while back and only made it through four or five stories before I gave up in disgust. The story by Joe Lansdale has some interesting concepts even though it's generally lackluster in execution. The other stories I read are clichéd and horribly written. But there's a story in it by Garth Nix that I'm holding out hopes for because he's one of my favorite writers. So is Tamora Pierce, who I wish had written a story for the anthology rather than just the introduction.

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