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One reason why Superman doesn't need a mask...

Caped Crusader

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Originally posted by Korvar

Of course, the most annoying things about fanfic authors isn't their grammatical failings but their habit of getting 1/2 way through a story then stopping...


Yep. The inability to finish a project marks them as amateurs (in the pejorative sense) just as much as bad grammar.


Some people say that I'm prejudiced against fanfiction, but since my opinion is based on pat experience I would call it a learned opinion. Fanfiction writers, in my experience, lack the ability to be real writers.


Heck, I've got plenty of ideas for comic book stories I'd like to do. But the only way anyone's seeing them is when I get them produced and published.


Patrick J McGraw

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Originally posted by Allandrel

Really? Because I've yet to see a piece of fanfiction that isn't full of grammatical errors.


I've read several pieces of fanfiction that have actually managed to exceed the average quality of the original product itself... granted, with some shows and comic books, that's anything but an impossible job.


I do agree that there is a positive /ocean/ of fanfic crap out there, poorly plotted and scribbled by what appear to be borderline illiterates... but it's not all like that. Merely, oh, 90% of it.


Then again, we all know what Sturgeon said. :)

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Originally posted by Allandrel

Really? Because I've yet to see a piece of fanfiction that isn't full of grammatical errors.


I've only given in to temptation and written fan fiction once in my life. But I'd like to think that it contained a minimum of grammatical errors.

But it only appeared on three newsgroups, two websites, and in a Scottish paper fanzine so I have no real illusions about it being an earthshattering epic.

A Daria (MTV) crossover with the Cthulhu Mythos featuring The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets (a real-life Cthulhu-inspired band).

"The Shadow Over Lawndale"

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Re: Re: Cheesecake


Originally posted by Enforcer84

Did you see the JSA when the super strong convict had developed a "Bulldozer" style obssession with her?


Yeah, that was 'Da' Bomb'. Sheesh, what a moron. You know, if I made moves on a gal and she responded by beating me into a full body cast, I think I'd leave her alone after that.


Though I have known some (chronically oversexed) guys who would call that 'playing hard to get'.


Talking about busty gals, has anyone sen the new story starting in Dial H for H.E.R.O.? The one where the poor construction worker turns into a super-gal? Be interesting in a perverse way to see what happens with that.

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Originally posted by Lord Liaden

Because she doesn't dress herself - she's outfitted by comic artists and editors who know how large a fraction of their readership is made up of pubescent males. :rolleyes:


Frustrates the heck out of me, frankly. I hate pointless cheesecake costumes. :mad: Power Girl and Black Canary had both gotten relatively practical full-body outfits just pre- and post-Crisis, and now they're back in bodice-busters, bare legs and fishnets again.


Heh -- that gives me the idea for a story in which all the much put-upon ladies of the DC universe head down to the studio to pound some sense into the artists/editors.

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I should post my ninja overlord here but no scanner handy. Her costume was of the 'clock you while you are working your way up my chest' kind.


She was actually a male ninja master who had died and his followers put his soul in the best body they could get, a young mutant female they had captured. He was quite capable of fighting nude and the costume was actually the same he'd worn as a male. Just... on a very female female.

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