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Hello fellaws...


as I've got a NONO from SL about building a special MA. maneuver with the response element [uMA] to create a interrupt move, I'm looking for input to create other ways to interrupt the attack of the opponent (like in the movies - Jet Li, Bruce Lee...)


thanx in advance for input...

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Basically, this idea has been around for a long time, and in a lot of cases (Strke Force, the First Ninja Hero) there have been rules for it.


But, on Aaron Alliston's (or however you spell his name) website, he disavows the construction, and says that it's overpowered.


Which is why it's been removed in 5th edition.


"I'm going to abort to attack" That's unbalancing, and unfair. I'm not ever giving up anything for the privledge of drilling my opponent over and over again. I attack. He goes, and I attack. He goes again, and I attack him. Every time he goes, I abort to attack him, and drill him before he gets there.


If you want to play the game that way, you buy up your speed, hold your action, and when he attacks you, you attack him with that held action. You're giving up something (the initiative order, the ability to do something else) to be reactive to your opponent.


Simple. Easy. Fair.


Jet Li has a 6 speed. He's fighting 3 Speed mooks. (it also works for 4 and 2, respectively). He can hold those extra actions and reactive strike the mooks just fine.



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I'm studying Jun Fan Jeet Kun Do now, and that's just about exactly how the basic maneuvers work. Develop a defensive strike with a quick draw, and be faster than the other guy.


That's just Single Direct Attack. Attacking by drawing would be a little harder. A martial strike linked to a martial block? Its a bit of a kludge, and more than sort of abusive. I guess the caveat for that maneuver is - if you miss, you're open (not really - JKD and Wing Chun are exceptional defensive arts)call it a DCV suppress for a side effect for failure.


This isn't the best use of game mechanics, but it is a great use of martial arts.

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Re: Interrupt...


Originally posted by h-leqin

I'm looking for input to create other ways to interrupt the attack of the opponent (like in the movies - Jet Li, Bruce Lee...)

One thing that bothers me about the 'counterstrike' using Damage Shield is that it only works against a successful attack. That's fine for a character covered in spiky bits, but it seems backwards to me for a martial artist - he should get the counterstrike against an unsuccessful attack, representing a block/counterstrike or interrupting the attacker's strike. To create this, remove Damage Shield and add Trigger at the +1/2 level (same price!).
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Re: Re: Interrupt...


Originally posted by SCUBA Hero

To create this, remove Damage Shield and add Trigger at the +1/2 level (same price!).


I've got a trick in my FH game built with a naked Trigger. It's called "Archer's Riposte" and allows you to automatically counterfire against an enemy archer. Of course you have to prepare it beforehand and there are conditions for the Trigger to remain set. It sounds like a similar construct could meet h-leqin's requirements.



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Re: Re: Interrupt...


Originally posted by SCUBA Hero

representing a block/counterstrike or interrupting the attacker's strike.


In a way, a normal block does that. A successful block allows your next attack to fall before the attacker can land another blow. That's a fairly effective counterstrike.


The way I would do it, (if I couldn't buy more speed) is buy a no-range area effect attack (limited to hand-to-hand range) and add personal immunity. Entering melee range means you get hit with my ultra-fast counterstrike attack.

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Re: Re: Re: Interrupt...


Originally posted by Blue Jogger

In a way, a normal block does that. A successful block allows your next attack to fall before the attacker can land another blow. That's a fairly effective counterstrike.

Yes, a normal Block between same-SPD characters works. The counterstrike lets you have as many attacks as times you are attacked by others; I envision it only for uber-martial artists.


Originally posted by Blue Jogger

The way I would do it, (if I couldn't buy more speed) is buy a no-range area effect attack (limited to hand-to-hand range) and add personal immunity. Entering melee range means you get hit with my ultra-fast counterstrike attack.

I like that, too. The ultra-uber-martial artist is so good, you get whapped just as you come into range.


Another possible Limitation is 'Only Verses Mooks'. That way the martial artist hero wades through the faceless minions and gang members, but it doesn't help him against the main opposition.

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Heh. In one of the Druss books (Druss the Legend, I think) there are two people watching Druss fight in a massed melee.


One of them comments (heavily paraphased, it's been a while): "How has the man survived this long? He doesn't seem to defend himself at all."


The reply: "His defense is that anyone within reach is already dead. And he has a longer reach than most people."


I once built a fantasy NPC who was just supposed to be just that scary, so I added the construct: RKA 3d6K, Continuous (+1), 0 END (+1/2), AE 2" (+3/4), Selective (+1/4) [157 AP], No Range (-1/2), Must Be Aware of Target (-1/4), Only Up to Damage and Reach of Wielded Weapon (-1/4) [78 RP].


He normally carried a great axe with 1" Stretching with which he did (you guessed it) 3d6K damage. So, once he was in 'combat mode', if he noticed you coming within 1" of him, he could hit you immediately. And then on his turn, he could hit everyone within 1" without using an action! So he could still defend himself will dishing out insane quantities of damage to anyone who came anywhere near him. Or, if he was in a bad mood he could just smack you a second time. (He had some general combat levels and several PSLs to hit specific locations for when he wanted to kill people really dead).


Unfotunately the campaign never got off the ground, so the players never saw him in action. They also never saw him get poisened the next night so that they'd have to try and take his place as the hero's of the nation ;-).



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