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Whats the Weirdest Character?

Black Drake

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Hi All,


I was wondering what strange and crazy characters you have ever allowed in your games, whether as a GM or a Player, and what were the consiquences.


I allowed a Ripoff of Gloop from the Herculods, and regretted it.


One of the players brought his girl friend who did a version of "Stripperala" that has led to the best role playing ever in our group. She was new to RPG stuff and asked lots of question, the group was quiet energized by her "new blood". Unfortunatly one of the players wifes became a little gelous and made him drop since we had "girls" there. But the rest of the group goes on!

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In a one-shot game, the strangest was a crab in a Champions game I ran at DunDraCon one year. Yes, a crab. A giant crab.


The guy actually played it quite well. It had been born a normal crab, mutated to great size (about the size of an elephant) and "high" intelligence (somewhat stupider than an average human) in a top-secret lab experiment. It escaped from the lab and wandered around the eastern seaboard, being randomly attacked by police, government agencies, etc. Eventually, some superheroes encountered it and -- since they didn't attack it -- it followed them around and became like an exceedingly helpful mascot. It couldn't speak English, but it understood it (as long as it wasn't too complicated).


The guy playing it really made it work. He didn't play the crab too smart, nor too dumb, and he didn't play it for laughs. He just played it as a helpful "super" with an odd background... a mutant crab who liked to help people because that's what its friends did. :)


In an ongoing campaign, the strangest was probably Inviant (an invisible giant). The player got the idea from the invisible giant in the Piers Anthony novel A Spell For Chameleon. It doesn't sound that bad on the surface, but in play it had some very weird dynamics.


For one thing, this was back in 3rd Edition Champions, when Growth increased your PRE. So he had this massive PRE, but (since no one could see him) making effective use of it was all but impossible.


For another, his Growth and Invisibility were Linked... so if he was big, you couldn't see him, and if you could see him, he wasn't big. And since the powers weren't always on or anything, they'd turn off when he was knocked out. The net result of this was that no one ever saw "Inviant" (and indeed, many in the media and community doubted there really was a member of the hero team with that name), but a seemingly-normal man in a costume was often found sleeping in the aftermath of the team's battles (the press dubbed him Narcoleptic Lad).


It was just one of those concepts that sounds good on paper, but gets goofy in play. :)

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The current champions campaign I run includes among it's 14 PC cast: a Rodeo Clown brick with a lariat and a mindflayer.


Previous campaigns included a glowing, levitating orb named Nicto (think of the orb from "heavy metal").


My characters tend to be a little less obvious in their rippoff-osity.


Non-Champions games I've been in included a psychic squirrel and a Sprite detective (same player).

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Originally posted by Blue


The current champions campaign I run includes among it's 14 PC cast: a Rodeo Clown brick with a lariat and a mindflayer.

Sam Bell ran a mindflayer. Mainly to drive the GM crazy to bring back a different PC. Does yours carry a supply of kittens and straws?


Somewhere, there's another thread of these.


Some of mine:

  • ExplorerPlaying a spaceship that was 2" long. Basically an Enterprise.
  • The Mime A VPP character.
  • The Chromosone Avenger "Living Filter for the Gene Pool"
  • Triad Two rival scientists & a chicken soup dispenser maintaince worker combined into the same energy construct. Had powers that warped gravity, etc...

Chromatic's got a couple...

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I think my character, The Troll was rather offbeat. He had detachable body parts that could function independently. He could pull out an eye and leave it behind to spy (or toss it behind a couch as a backup when he was afraid of getting blinded.) He'd often pull off an ear and leave it in someone's pocket. One of his main attacks at the start was his ability to pull off one of his arms and wield it as a weapon - a fairly horrific image. He could pull off a hand and throw it, using it as a weak ranged attack - eventually, his left hand gained sentience and became his DNPC.

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It didn't happen


By my players wanted to play an all mouse team in my Exiles Campaign. The players wanted to play Mighty Mouse (Flying Brick), Danger Mouse (Spy), Pinky and the Brain (this included a vehicle Man bot) and some other mouse that I am forgetting.

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Re: It didn't happen


Originally posted by Vex

By my players wanted to play an all mouse team in my Exiles Campaign. The players wanted to play Mighty Mouse (Flying Brick), Danger Mouse (Spy), Pinky and the Brain (this included a vehicle Man bot) and some other mouse that I am forgetting.


Mickey Mouse as in the Sorcerors Apprentice (wizard)...

oh wait he's more likely to be a villian...

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for my own

I allowed 'The Amazing Muto' in one of my games

a shapeshifting space fish, who had an Invader Zim like home and Clark Kent occupation

who needed to eat to shapeshift and was able to eat anything

whose favorite form was that of a cross between a Cockroach and a Tyrannosaurus Rex

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Originally posted by Derek Hiemforth

Are the rodeo clown and the mindflayer two different characters, or does the Rodeo Clown possess both a lariat and a mindflayer? :eek:;)

Ssshhhh. My players might be listening.


The two characters run by two different players; Though I'm sure nothing could top a rodeo clown attacking with his mind flayer.

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Originally posted by lemming

Sam Bell ran a mindflayer. Mainly to drive the GM crazy to bring back a different PC. Does yours carry a supply of kittens and straws?


No, but no one hangs around him when he's eating, let me tell ya. He refuses to dine on humans, so there are lots of braindead cattle around. Er... more braindead anyway. It's hard to tell with cattle.

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Re: Whats the Weirdest Character?


Originally posted by Black Drake

Hi All,


I was wondering what strange and crazy characters you have ever allowed in your games, whether as a GM or a Player, and what were the consiquences.


I allowed a Ripoff of Gloop from the Herculods, and regretted it.


One of the players brought his girl friend who did a version of "Stripperala" that has led to the best role playing ever in our group. She was new to RPG stuff and asked lots of question, the group was quiet energized by her "new blood". Unfortunatly one of the players wifes became a little gelous and made him drop since we had "girls" there. But the rest of the group goes on!


Made him drop the character, his girlfriend or the character?

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Originally posted by lemming

Chromatic's got a couple...




The Sarcoplasmic Reciprocator: He was a bricking guy with an AOE Str transfer always on. The SFX were he effected smooth muscle tissue. His name was a pun on the sarcoplasmic reticulum......ok its a really poor and esoteric pun. I think I merely threatened to play him, good thing for the other players with no power defense.


Death's Head: played only briefly in Andy Robinson's (of gadget book fame) campaign: a large disembodied skull, had mind control:single target and would order poor souls around and have them do his bidding. (since being a disembodied skull, he was pretty limited in what he could do himself.) He had pretty good presence too (oooh scary!)


Mind Strum: another horrible monstrosity played to annoy the GM so that I could get back my real character . Same campaign Sam Bell had to bring in MindFLayer. Proudly, Mind Strum was worse, and only lasted about 4 sessions, Mind Flayer was around for about a dozen. Mind Strum had ego destruction and mental paralysis, along with tunneling and n-ray vision. Truely a marvel of ingeniousness.


The Dreaded Eye Beam created steel beams (I-beams). From his eye (singular). Nuff said.



Rodin my character in Zornwil's game: early in the campaign it was erroneously thought he was a guy who could either turn himself into an indestructable statue, or turn someone else into said statue. It has now been discovered that he is actually an alien with many gestalt type forms: block of ice that can melt and become pool of water; mass of sticky goo; blob of mercurical metal; large mass of monopol sub molecular magnets; flaming ball; pile of dust; etc. As new forms are discovered, he has greater control over their automation and movement capabilities.



it's a talent.....

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Guest WhammeWhamme
Originally posted by nexus

Geez, how petty can you get.


ALong the lines of Stripperealla, we had Juggernaut, stripper by day, crime fighter by night. Her powers were...odd..


'I don't want you to hang out with strange women who pretend to be strippers!'


Er... gotta admit, that sounds bad.

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Originally posted by Black Drake

Wives can some times be a bit to demanding. She was constantly calling during play to check on him. It became a little bothersome, I miss the player but not his wives constant calling.:D




What did she think was happening? Live Action Role playing?

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