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Holocaust Rebuilds Terror, Inc.


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Re: Holocaust Rebuilds Terror, Inc.


Originally posted by Metaphysician

While searching for something, Holocaust runs across Giganto, who starts obeying him. Finding this funny, he decides to recreate Terror Inc, as his own team. Who would he most likely recruit??

According to Monolith, Frisbee!


Well, we'd want to go with those that have a pro-mutant agenda

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I must respectfully disagree with my esteemed rodential colleague; Holocaust's mutant origin has little or nothing to do with his own agenda, which is to personally rule the world, because he thinks he deserves to. He has a habit of hiring mercenary villains to assist him, but that's different from leading a team who shares his vision and/or is willing to follow him for other than a steady paycheck.


Looking at published Champions Universe characters, Tesseract has a similar goal and might be open to being persuaded to work with Holocaust; but she doesn't like to kill, while Holocaust is a casual killer. With his usual M.O. and a team name like "Terror Inc." it's reasonable to expect the group to do a fair bit of killing. Would Tesseract put up with that as long as she didn't have to bloody her own hands? GM call there.


Esper seems to have no such scruples, and she is also motivated to gain power; but she's such a misanthrope that she'd have trouble working with a team for a prolonged period. Again, the GM could work around that.


If you'd be satisfied with just giving Holocaust a bunch of hirelings, any mercenary villain willing to kill would do, and Holocaust can afford to hire the best. In that vein, I'd suggest Mechassassin as a battle commander and to lead any agents Holocaust might have. Masquerade would be of great benefit to any scheme requiring subtlety and infiltration skills. Giganto already has raw muscle covered, especially if you use the more experienced version that Steve Perrin posted to the boards.

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Originally posted by Lord Liaden

I must respectfully disagree with my esteemed rodential colleague; Holocaust's mutant origin has little or nothing to do with his own agenda, which is to personally rule the world, because he thinks he deserves to.

I must be misremembering some bit. Maybe it's because of his hatred of the ack whatever replace Genocide.


I like your ideas.

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I chose not to go with Giganto as I have other plans for him in the future.


My idea of Terror, Inc. is that it will be a revolving membership type of group along the lines of Marvel's Masters of Evil. I don't think anyone outside of terrorists/mercenaries would be willing to work with Holocaust for long periods of time due to his killer attitudes. That's why I went with Shamrock and Lazer. They are both mercenary/terriorst bent and have similar ideologies. Frizbee is just in there to be the "weak link" of the team when my players encounter them.


I see TI as having: Holocaust, Shamrock, Lazer, Frizbee and ocasionally Gravitar when she's in town to see her boyfriend. :)


Eventually Frizbee will betray TI and either be killed by Holocaust (to make a profound effect on the player(s) who "converted" her) or she will escape him and be on the run from him (and then hating the heroes for making her life so miserable) for the rest of her life.


I'm later envisioning some type of Gravitar/Shamrock relationship that will rip the organization apart even farther. At that time a "new" Terror, Inc will appear with Holocaust again at the helm.

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Monolith, I agree with you about Holocaust: he's too much of an arrogant jerk for someone to choose to work for him for long unless the pay is good. Since his pay could be very good, he could hire elite mercenary supervillain mercenaries for a particular job. For example, Cybermind, Esper and/or Masquerade would be very effective in gathering information or penetrating a sensitive installation. Mechassassin is the best tactician and combat leader available. For muscle I would go with Gargantua, a mega-brick with brains. If Holocaust could persuade Tesseract that her best chance for conquest lay in joining him, you'd have a group with the bona-fides to threaten the whole world.

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Originally posted by Dr. MID-Nite

Have to agree with LL here. Only mercenary types are likely to team with Holocaust, as he's too insufferable for most people to be around. Mercs are only in it for the money....so they'll put up with him.

I agree with him too. That's why I went with Lazer and Shamrock. :)


I wouldn't use Mechassassin because working in a group long-term does not seem to be his style, no matter how good the money is. I envision him more along the lines of Deathstroke (the Terminator), working from job to job, usually alone, and only very temporarily working with established groups.


I don't care for the Esper choices because her loathing for humanity would seem to make it difficult for her to work with other human villains long-term.


Masquerade is a good choice. You get that Mystique feel from the X-men. She might be a little under powered to run with Holocaust though. As far as infiltration she'd be great, but in raw power she'd get toasted.


I don't think Cybermind would hang with Holocaust or any mercenary villains. His total Code Against Killing wouldn't allow it.


Gargantua would be a good choice. I just like Shamrock better. :)

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As an aside, I have a version of Holocaust I did for my PC group The Millennial Men when I was running Champions Battlegrounds; And the Minutemen too.


They are both posted in the Digital HERO forum, though youll need to search for them as they were posted during the CB playtest.


The principal change to Holocaust was to put him on an END Reserve and round out the character a bit.


The principal change to the Minutemen was to make them actually good at fighting Mutants moreso than anything else, with an array of nasty anti-mutant tricks, like an Analyze Mutant Powers in conjunction w/ Find Weakness, and a few Powers only usable vs Mutants that have been successfully analyzed.

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  • 2 months later...

Re: Holocaust Rebuilds Terror, Inc.


On looking back at this issue, I agree, the super mercenary crowd make the best recruits. OTOH, I think Steel Commando would be the easiest to acquire, as Holocaust could, in addition to paying him, also pay off the Warlord to get him off SC's back.


I really don't see Tesseract getting along with Holocaust at all, though.

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Re: Holocaust Rebuilds Terror, Inc.


Beyond the standard consensus of mercenary help, the following villains probably wouldn't mind working with Holocaust:


Fenris(Casual killer...plus with his pack mentality he wouldn't be adverse to joining a group)


Hornet(His psyche lims seem to fit right in with Holocaust's extreme personality)


That's pretty much it from the main book.



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Re: Holocaust Rebuilds Terror, Inc.


Perhaps Scorpia could be lured away from Eurostar? It's possible.


I plan on updating Shamrock for my campaign too. Monolith, did you make any drastic changes to his build? Care to post him for me? What type of relationship do you suppose Shamrock and Scorpia would have, considering they are both Irish and they both support the IRA? Do they even know each other? I think they do. So are they buddies or rivals? I wonder.



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