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In a follow-up to Bike-Fu, I decided to work up Skateboard-Do :)



Skateboard-Do is the art of battle using a skateboard as an extension of your body. While thought of as a form of Dirty Infighting, Skateboard-Do relies heavily on various maneuvers natural to the skater scene



Used with Skateboard; Vehicular Weapon Element is free.

Maneuver Phs Pts OCV DCV Damage/Effect

Truck Smash ½ 5 -2 +1 STR + 4d6 Strike

Face Plant ½ 5 -2 +0 ½d6 HKA (DC 2); Target Falls

Board Dance ½ 4 - +5 Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort

Body Grind ½ 4 +2 -2 STR + v/5; FMove

Spin Block ½ 5 +1 +3 Block, Abort

Board Trip ½ 3 +2 -1 STR + 1d6; Target Falls

Charge ½ 4 +0 -2 STR + 2d6 + v/5; Strike, Fmove

Hand Stand: 1/2 +1 +3

Block, Abort

180 Kick-Flip: 1/2 +2 +0

Weapon +2 DC Strike

Grind: 1/2 +2 -1

Weapon +1 DC Strike, Target Falls

Air Spin: 1/2 -2 +1

Weapon +4 DC Strike





Combat Driving: Skateboard

CSL w/ Skateboard

KS: Skateboard-Do

KS: Skater Culture

PSL vs. Skateboarding Combat

TF: Skateboard



Weapons +1 Use Art with Blunt Weapons



Edited to incorporate Ghost-Angel's Maneuvers

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Here's some of the maneuver's I'm sorting out for my Skater-punk TeenSuper "Soda-Pop Crush."


Hand Stand: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +3 DCV, Block, Abort

(character does a handplant and brings the board up to block incoming attack.)


180 Kick-Flip: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +0 DCV, Weapon +2 DC Strike

(The kick flip spins the board around into the target, rider meets the board on the otherside of the hit and keeps going.)


Grind: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, -1 DCV, Weapon +1 DC Strike, Target Falls

(Boarder does a grind as they pass the enemy that knocks them down - sweep maneuver.)


Air Spin: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, Weapon +4 DC Strike

(Just a harder-hitting version of the kick-flip as the boarder gets their entire body momentum into the hit.)



that's all I've got so far, it's a work in progress right now.


the skill set includes:


KS: Skateboards.

PS: Skaterpunk

Combat Driving: Skateboard

and a handful of CSLs.


Now, I built the "skateboard" as Flight "only in contact with surface", linked Leaping to it (10" Ollie!!), and have SL: Skateboard "Flight" to help simulate turn modes and such on a skateboard.


it could easily be as Running though. Depending on how you want to handle Skating in the game.


the Skateboard in my case is OIF, since the the skater and board "become one." If I get the character done I might post 'em. Still working out the other powers (throwing Soda cans with various effects).

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There's tons of ways to build something like a skateboard.


Gournd Gliding didn't have enough options for me.

I used Flying "Only while touching a surface" so I could have the skater do some gnarley tricks over all sorts of crazy objects, like cars, buildings, statues, skyscapers ... Imagine the Vert from an 80 story building :D




Not all, merge away, I was having trouble coming up with more maneuvers and you've got tons more than me. I was gonna ask you if I could steal some of your work.:)

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One of my most over-effective characters ever was a 350 point skater-punk. He was a super-speedster who did not have the invulnerability of pounding his feet into the ground at supersonic speed that so many speedsters seem to have, so he had to judiciously use a skateboard. Also to hit people with, since hitting them at superspeed with his hand broke his bones, as well.


I used an EC to simulate some of his skater tricks, like super-running, missile deflection, a limited form of Armor (superimposing the skateboard between himself and damage), and HA.


He then also had Martial Arts, like the Skateboard-Do. All of his maneuvers had the Full-Move element, which gave him a huge advantage. His 27" movement was more or less effectively doubled, sine he could move it all and still perform most of his attacks or defenses.


I purchased his movement as Running as opposed to Flying and it was amazing. Having no turn mode was another huge advantage. On one of his first missions, he cleaned out several twisting hallways worth of bad-guys in one massive swept Passing Strike because he was the only one that could maneuver through them at that speed. There were flyers with more inches of movement, but nobody who could near match his maneuverability.


I bought a limited form of Clinging for his zipping up wall ability, and a few inches of Leaping to clear the buildings, and it worked really well.


His skateboard was an OAF, of course, and he did lose it on two different ocassions. But since he was a speedster with a large DEX and CV, it was very hard to disarm him.


After we had gained some EPs, he changed to a flying skateboard, and while he lost some maneuverability, being able to take to the sky was pretty cool.


But I really think it was the most unbalanced character, as compared to the others, that I've ever built. Not only did he deal out top-level damage at the highest CV, he also had a massive number of non-combat skills. I didn't actually mean it to be that way, he just worked out really good. Oh yeah, now I remember the real reason that I built him. The GM always ran these dark, negative campaigns which nobody really cared for, so I used him as a light, humorous counterpoint. He annoyed the heck out of all the "darker-than-thou" NPC heros.


Oh yeah, his name was "Crime Thrasher".

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