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Re: stronghold


I think we're going to need a few more details, NN. Who are these "few characters" and why and how do they "want to hurt my game very badly?" These villains sound like they're already in Stronghold - why do you want them out? Do you want ideas for a prison break, or excuses for why they'd be outside prison? What type of resources do these villains have to work with: followers, finances, technical expertise, political clout?

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Re: stronghold


well the characters are Sentinel (captian american type), gemstar (brick), and Sureshot ( archer) and i had them against the crons of krim and they had to save a primary school full of kids. they decided to arrest them which was good but did it in only 30 minutes and and i need ideas of ways to break them out with only Bloodstone and Tremblor left of the crons of krim and i have no idea how to do it so that they get out and make the session last longer than 30 minutes. even though i am new at the gm thing but i need alittle help. i was thinking of using eurostar and two crons of krim.

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Re: stronghold


Did your three PCs go up against all six Crowns of Krim, including Dark Seraph, and beat them in 30 minutes? :eek: If that's the case, first thing I'd suggest would be some kind of ceremonial "powering up" to boost the Crowns' power level for their next encounter.


Okay, it sounds as though you're looking for ways to break the Crowns out of prison. Did the imprisoned Crowns have their crowns taken away from them before they were locked up? If not, both Dark Seraph and Eclipse can use Desolid to slip out of material cells, unless the Stronghold authorities know they can do this and have created exotic cells to hold them.


Temblor is still free? Well, he has Desolid "earth melding" enabling him to pass at will through earth and stone; if your Stronghold is still on that mesa in New Mexico like the original version, that should take him a long way in. Alternatively his Tunnelling power, while not quite as effective, would let him take Bloodstone with him for backup.


As far as allies to help with a jail break, you should look for ones that would have a reason to join with the Crowns. Eurostar's goals do not clearly jibe with those of Dark Seraph, although they might team up for a specific terrorist act (which the PCs will have to thwart, of course). Assisting them with that might be Eurostar's price for busting the Crowns out of the slammer. However, IMO it would make more sense to use other evil occult villains, like Black Paladin or the Slug.


If you want to be really nasty, Takofanes might see this as his chance to draft the Crowns into his service while they're weak and vulnerable. He doesn't need to show up himself - he could send demonic or undead servants to assault Stronghold. OTOH with his powers he could probably just appear within Stronghold and whisk the Crowns away.


If that isn't what you had in mind, feel free to post a followup. :)

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Re: stronghold


If Dark Seraph is one of the prisoners to be busted out, how about this?


He has that coven of witches. They could cast a ritual spell and possess the mind of an agent in Stronghold long enough to disarm Dark Seraph's cell. Seraph should be powerful enough to free the lot by himself from there.

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Re: stronghold


In most real world prisons, the doors will automatically unlock if the fire warning systems go off.


Something similar might happen with Stronghold if the fire sensors or the reactor sensors (Stronghold has its own.) were to indicate serious problems.


A serious glitch may even have the Stronghold robots going out of their way to help everyone (guards and prisoners alike) evacuate.

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Re: stronghold


You can do the "Evil Warden" scenario, which I what I did last game. Have him be some kind of believer in the powers of the Crowns. They can either be freed by him, which will shock the characters when they show up to fight the remaining two and find all six are present! Or perhaps they are allowed to be free behind the walls. When the characters show up to question them, POW, a surprise attack, backed by any number of other super-baddies to which the warden offers the opportunity.

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Re: stronghold


Did your three PCs go up against all six Crowns of Krim' date=' including Dark Seraph, and beat them in 30 minutes? :eek: [/quote']



Yeah! How did that happen? I wiped the floor with the Crowns against the team in my campaign, and they had allies. Did you not use DS's Body Drain?


I agree...the Crowns need a power up in your campaign if they were manhandled.


I like the Takofanes idea, but the evil insider is more subtle. Are the PCs watching Stronghold day and night? Do you need cold, hard rules to move your story forward? If it happens in the background, figure out your best story. :thumbup:


Actually, though unless compelled, and knowing the disposition of Temblor and Bloodstone. They probably won't come to the rescue.

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