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force fields with always on


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Would you allow a character to have a force field with always on?

Now..in the book it says "its not worth any points", this would mean that its a (-0) limtation. Thing is that the character in the campaign that would like to have this has FULL LIFE SUPPORT. So he's not really affected by any common problems with force field.

Would you allow a character to have this limitation (now its kind of an advantage too imo, for 0 points because he's not LIMITED by it, now he doesnt even have to turn it on now.


How would you guys treat this combination in a campaign, or do you even allow it at all?

Im leaning strongly to not allow this combination (force field with always on and full life support), but it would be nice to hear some oppions from someone else as well.

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Guest Confusinator

Sure, why not


If he wants to pay out the nose after buying 0 END and Persistent.


The smarter way is to buy it as Armor, and just make the special effect suit how he envisions it working.

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Re: Sure, why not


Originally posted by Confusinator

If he wants to pay out the nose after buying 0 END and Persistent.


The smarter way is to buy it as Armor, and just make the special effect suit how he envisions it working.


Well the problem is that its cheaper than armor. Costs no end = +½ advantage, persistent = +½ pts , and he has the always on limitation for -½. Add to this he's putting it into an elemental control inside a foci and you got the worlds cheapest armor :)

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I would start by asking the character's player whether he can define how having the FF Always On would impair him. If he can't come up with some solid detrimental effects, it's a -0 Lim. ;)


Even if it is -0, depending on the SFX of the Force Field, I might let him take a Distinctive Features Disad for having it on all the time.

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It's cheaper but the character also has a power that is visible to three sense groups as well. Usually sight and sound. This character is going to attract a lot of attention wherever they go. Even if Force Field is bought 0 END, its inherently an END power and so unless it is bought with invisible special effects, it is nastily visible.

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Originally posted by Mutant for Hire

It's cheaper but the character also has a power that is visible to three sense groups as well. Usually sight and sound. This character is going to attract a lot of attention wherever they go. Even if Force Field is bought 0 END, its inherently an END power and so unless it is bought with invisible special effects, it is nastily visible.


Then what about if the character has invisible at 0 end?

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If the force field is a focus, it can't take the always on limitation, because the focus can be removed and the power would thus not be always on.


If it's in an EC, draining or suppressing any power in the EC zaps all of them at the same time at double effect. Just hit him with a few characters with suppress flight, and have some fun. :)

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Oh, you are limited by FF always on.


Not needing to eat isn't the problem. What it looks like isn't a problem (force fields don't have to be glowing energy fields. It can look like a metal coating, ice armor, whatever).



Changing clothes is a problem.

Putting things in your pocket is a problem.

Having a continually active power can be a problem for some (easy to detect, etc).

Etc etc


However, it's not "always on" because it's in a focus (at the very least, it's worth a -0 and thus no different than armor that you wear, since he has to put it on to activate and then has all of the problems associated with a barrier of force blocking everything outside from the inside). That immediately invalidates the idea. Otherwise, it's not a problem.

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Originally posted by Acroyear

Oh, you are limited by FF always on.


Not needing to eat isn't the problem. What it looks like isn't a problem (force fields don't have to be glowing energy fields. It can look like a metal coating, ice armor, whatever).



Changing clothes is a problem.

Putting things in your pocket is a problem.

Having a continually active power can be a problem for some (easy to detect, etc).

Etc etc


Not to seem indelicate, but you left one out.

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Originally posted by Marchwarden

Not to seem indelicate, but you left one out.

Full Life support=Doesn't Eat/Drink=Doesn't Excreate (there I wrote it so sue me).

Unless your talking about another indelicate subject in which case I agree. Remember no human contact can have a serious detrimental effect on one's psyche, just as Rogue.

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Originally posted by Karma

Full Life support=Doesn't Eat/Drink=Doesn't Excreate (there I wrote it so sue me).

Unless your talking about another indelicate subject in which case I agree. Remember no human contact can have a serious detrimental effect on one's psyche, just as Rogue.


The latter case would be correct.

Potentially not even possible, and if it were than the...consequences would be trapped inside the unromoveable field.

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To clarify a little bit.

The character is a ghost-like character.

He has FULL life support, with and would like force field with always on. He doesnt need money, sleep, food or air. He doesnt need pocketmoney or clothes.


Another thing I've been wondered with force field is this:

A character with forcefield cant EAT through it, does this mean he's not standing on the ground but actually the force field? Does this mean he cant BREATHE through it, or that he cant grab stuff?

Also, stuff from INSDE the forcefield be dropped through it? (ie if i dropped my keys, or tried to spit on the ground, would it stay on the field?

How do you define what cant go through and what can?

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There is nothing in the rules under Force Field that prohibits a person from picking up, dropping, moving, pushing things at all. In fact, it clearly states that it doesn't hinder the player's attacks (which could be anything from throwing a knife to putting his hands in his pocket as some sort of weird energy attack).


However, as a GM I see it this way. When you attack someone with a force field, unless they have Invisible Power Effects, it because clear they have a force field on. I generally give it a sort of light glow unless there is a stated special effect. So Always On means it is always visible.


Furthermore, I bet this person has desolid. I would NOT allow a person with force field with ED to pass through a wall that possess electrical wiring. Because the Force Field is putting up a resistance to this.

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Originally posted by Super Squirrel

There is nothing in the rules under Force Field that prohibits a person from picking up, dropping, moving, pushing things at all. In fact, it clearly states that it doesn't hinder the player's attacks (which could be anything from throwing a knife to putting his hands in his pocket as some sort of weird energy attack).


However, as a GM I see it this way. When you attack someone with a force field, unless they have Invisible Power Effects, it because clear they have a force field on. I generally give it a sort of light glow unless there is a stated special effect. So Always On means it is always visible.


Furthermore, I bet this person has desolid. I would NOT allow a person with force field with ED to pass through a wall that possess electrical wiring. Because the Force Field is putting up a resistance to this.


According to the FRED, you cannot EAT through a force field (check under always on). So my question was "where do you draw the line for what you CAN or CANT do?"

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"According to the FRED, you cannot EAT through a force field (check under always on). So my question was "where do you draw the line for what you CAN or CANT do?""


Thats easy...


Whereever game balance, maturity, common sense, and dramatic sense tell you to.

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Exactly... and here's the converse. Invisible FF AO, Per, 0 End... Not really worth it from my perspective.


Cost Power END
30 Armor (10 PD / 10 ED) (added to Secondary Value)
40 Force Field (10 PD / 10 ED), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1) (60 Active Points); Always On (-1/2) (added to Secondary Value)
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Originally posted by Brutal

According to the FRED, you cannot EAT through a force field (check under always on). So my question was "where do you draw the line for what you CAN or CANT do?"


Regarding where you draw the line, I believe when a rule starts to hit grey areas, go with what your GM says or where your GM & Players agree. After all, the rules are for everyone's fun.

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Originally posted by MisterVimes

Exactly... and here's the converse. Invisible FF AO, Per, 0 End... Not really worth it from my perspective.


Cost Power END
30 Armor (10 PD / 10 ED) (added to Secondary Value)
40 Force Field (10 PD / 10 ED), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1) (60 Active Points); Always On (-1/2) (added to Secondary Value)


But the FF can be placed in a EC. Also FF's happen to be the defense to far more NND and AVLD attacks than Armor.

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