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Can I have some suggestions on this character? Uncle Samurai


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Ok, our GM is going to start a "street level" supers game pretty soon 100+100 disads.


I decided to play a martial artist type, but not your standard ninja, monkish karate master, or honor bound samurai. Instead, I'm going to play someone trained in the samuri tradition, but an insane superpatriot at the same time. Uncle Samurai was thus born.


Comments or sugestions of any kind would be greatly apreciated.


Uncle Samurai




Val** Char*** Cost
15** STR 5
18** DEX 24
15** CON 10
10** BODY 0
13** INT 3
10** EGO 0
13** PRE 3
10** COM 0
3/13** PD 0
3/13** ED 0
4** SPD 12
6** REC 0
30** END 0
26** STUN 0
*9"**RUN62"**SWIM03"**LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 63


Cost** Power END
20** Armor (10 PD/10 ED) (30 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)*
2** "He's Nucking Futs": +2 Mental Defense (4 points total)*
13** Swords Swords Swords: Multipower, 30-point reserve, all slots: (30 Active Points); OAF (-1), No Knockback (-1/4)*
1u** 1) Missile Deflection (Bullets & Shrapnel), Ranged Adjacent Hex (+1/2), +4 ocv (+1/2) (30 Active Points)*
1u** 2) Katana: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6 (plus STR) (vs. PD) (30 Active Points)* 3
1u** 3) Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6 (plus STR) (vs. PD), Reduced Endurance 1/2 END (+1/4), Armor Piercing x1 (+1/2) (26 Active Points)* 1
1u** 4) Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 0 1/2d6 (plus STR) (vs. PD), Autofire (5 shots; +1/2), Penetrating (+1/2), Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1) (30 Active Points); No Knockback (-1/4)*
Powers Cost: 39


Cost** Martial Arts Maneuver
5** Passing Strike: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, Weapon +v/5; FMove*
5** Sacrifice Strike: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, -2 DCV, Weapon +4 DC Strike*
4** Martial Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort*
4** Martial Disarm: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, Disarm; +10 STR to Disarm roll*
Martial Arts Cost: 18


Cost** Skill
3** Acrobatics 13-*
3** Breakfall 13-*
3** Climbing 13-*
3** Combat Driving 13-*
15** +3 with HTH Combat*
3** Concealment 12-*
3** Deduction 12-*
2** KS 11-*
1** Language: Japanese (basic conversation)*
1** Language: Spanish (basic conversation)*
1** Language: Mandarin (basic conversation)*
1** Language: Insults (basic conversation)*
3** Security Systems 12-*
3** Shadowing 12-*
20** +2 Overall*
3** Stealth 13-*
3** Streetwise 12-*
1** WF: Blades*
Skills Cost: 72


Cost** Perk
5** Vehicles (27 Base, 0 Disad)*
3** Anonymity*
Perks Cost: 8




Total Character Cost: 200


Val** Disadvantages
5** Cold Blooded Killer: 8- (Extreme (Known Only To A Small Group))*
5** Crazy as a Coot: 8-*
20** Psychological Limitation: Paranoid: (Very Common; Strong; Custom Adder)*
15** Psychological Limitation: Patriot: (Uncommon; Total)*
5** Unusual White Hair and Beard: (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)*
5** Quirks*
10** Rivalry: Whatever player is stupid enough to take it.: Professional (; Rival is As Powerful; Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry; Rival is a Player Character)*
15** Casual Killer: (Common; Strong)*
20** Normal Characteristic Maxima*

Disadvantage Points: 100


Base Points: 100

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0


Background/History Uncle Samurai is a martial artist hero based in San Francisco who takes insperation from the Patriotisim of Uncle Sam, and the skills of the Samurai.

US's civilian ID is not known and may no longer exist.

Personality/Motivation US is out to stop crime and mainly focuses in on the gangs of San Fran.

Powers/Tatics A highly trained normal human who will not give up and willingly uses force against those he sees as lawbreakers.

Campaign Use Versatile hand to hand fighter with useful street level skills.

Appeareance A well built caucasian mail with white hair and beard wearing an Uncle Sam hat and red, white, and blue samurai armor.




I will probably spend the first few XP on raising Ego, Pre, and Com, the points just wern't there for the starting character.


The Missle Deflection has the 4th addition ocv modifier on it, the GM has allowed this already.


The vehicle will probably be a motorcycle, havn't started building it yet. The points wern't there for full Kenjutsu from martial arts, I'll probably expand on that as I get more points too.


Thanks ahead of time for the comments,



Narthon the Bold



edited to add background, for what it's worth

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Re: Can I have some suggestions on this character? Uncle Samurai


No Knockback is not a legitimate lim for the MP.


Lose the MD


Armour 14<


consider HKA 1d6 ap oend


instead of overall use HTH levels


Use saved points for stat increases.


language insults, what language exactly?


Patriot lim could be common, any body says somtehing bad about america youd kill him ( casual killer, crazy, superpatriot ie you view extreme violence as perfectly accetable if your "countrys honnor" has been sullied , you wouldnt sit down ad discuss it)

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Re: Can I have some suggestions on this character? Uncle Samurai


Etherio: I'd be honored if you drew something for the character.




Losing the no knockback is an ok idea, but why isn't it "valid"? Oh, because of the Deflection probably.


Why lose the MD? It isn't like I have a ton of it...


Less than ten resistent defence in PD or ED will probably equal a dead character. I could see going lower with physical since I have the deflection though.


1d6 0 end is a great idea.


I have three hth levels and 2 overall levels. I don't think there is a problem with this.


Language insults is something that this paticular GM threw my way. Basicly knows how to swear in many many language, but doesn't know how to converse. He can always find a way to insult people and reconise their insults.


I made it uncommon so he won't kill people in the truckstop for saying the country sucks or something like that.



Thank you both for your comments.

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Re: Can I have some suggestions on this character? Uncle Samurai


Losing the no knockback is an ok idea, but why isn't it "valid"? Oh, because of the Deflection probably.


Yes you must lose the no knockback limitation on your MP, you can keep it on your HKAs though.


Why lose the MD? It isn't like I have a ton of it...

Likely because of the David Spade reference more than anything else. But do check and see if you have purchased the campaign minimum amount for the power. In most games it is 5 points.


Less than ten resistent defence in PD or ED will probably equal a dead character. I could see going lower with physical since I have the deflection though.


No problems with your defenses.



I have three hth levels and 2 overall levels. I don't think there is a problem with this.


You want to be skill guy? That is what the overall levels mean...you are good at whatever you put your mind to.


Language insults is something that this paticular GM threw my way. Basicly knows how to swear in many many language, but doesn't know how to converse. He can always find a way to insult people and reconise their insults.


That is a very cool idea. Call someone a douchbag in Cantonese and a &(#@(&$@%@% in German at the same time.


I made it uncommon so he won't kill people in the truckstop for saying the country sucks or something like that.


No it is a common situation, he is just moderately concerned by it and can ignore it on an Ego roll according to your description. Very Common, Moderate commitment.


If you really want to please me, which you have no reason to, you will check with the GM over your casual killer psych lim. Villians kill. Heroes do not. It is that simple. If you are a casual killer, quite a few fellow heroes would be glad to clean Uncle Samurai's clock and incarcerate him...for a long long time.


Better yet take a Physical Lim. that reflects your PC is NUTS: Psychological Instability: Delusional Frequently Greatly Impairing.



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Re: Can I have some suggestions on this character? Uncle Samurai


If you really want to please me, which you have no reason to, you will check with the GM over your casual killer psych lim. Villians kill. Heroes do not. It is that simple. If you are a casual killer, quite a few fellow heroes would be glad to clean Uncle Samurai's clock and incarcerate him...for a long long time.


Yep, I have and the GM is ok with it. He will gat into a lot of trouble for killing people. I'm sure other PCs won't like it at all.


As for other heros looking for him: About 4 years ago game time, almost all heros were killed keeping Morgoth from coming to earth, and of those that survived, many have left earth. The few (about 5 plus the Silver Guard) who are left are so busy keeping earth safe from the big threats that they don't have time to worry about individual cities. Part of the idea of this campaign is that there are the new heros popping up to fill the gaps left from all the ones killed in the morgoth incedent.


Uncle Samurai will probably have to change dramaticly soon, or his career won't be very long.

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Re: Can I have some suggestions on this character? Uncle Samurai


The name really made me smile. It's so obvious and yet most of the time people would say Nah !

You could use as a disad. 'What he believes to be code of Samurai' or 'What he believes to be code of Bushido'

That could be taken from Samurai films, Hollywood treatment of the genre, Kill Bill etc.

Just give the GM a list of things that the character believes are authentic Samurai traits. Like 'Sword must always draw blood when unsheathed', 'Sword is the charcater's soul'.

It could also give pure Samurai or Japanese experts kittens when they see what he is doing.

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