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Longest Running Thread EVER

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


I think so long as you caveat it like that it's fine, based on what else I've seen. Just my opinion, not Ben's, though, his being the one that counts.


You may want to check with him before you have to PM EVERYBODY - 'cause I'd like a PM, too, if you can't post it, but I bet you'll get lots more requests.


I'd say Ben's opinion is the one that counts, but my guess is he'd probably say no.


I'd request a PM, but it may be something I've already bookmarked.... :D



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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


and kistr wjp dpesm\t you know what this means? it means that I am typoing this with my eyess closed. I don't know whether if this is appearing correctly for all i know this is around the right way or not, Ho ho! ho! aren't I the funny one? the answer" yue. ues I am right, I am hilarious. BUt how mauch I know about, don't you? The answer is yes, yes i am correct, and and no, no I am unvise, and fill of folleu. You\'d thik this wold be muy opis, but it isn't/ Believe me it n't.



I seem to be inlove with the texture that is on the bey board, or it could be something com pletley diffferent.

but who knows, especially as we a re a depository for the worlds largst whirlpoool/toranado



Yoi see. nut is all an elabrat excuse to try and type with my eyes closed. I fdeel sd for anyone that trys to red thsis.



Ok, well I seemed to have sucked at this idea, but it is fresh ideas like this that keep these threads of the NGD.


I AM THE NGD's Patron Saint!! Pray to me or Jebus Crotch, and as long as you don't pray to me you will not in fact be sad... unless you are.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Some thoughts from Alien vs Predator from those taking part.


Predator: Next time I work with professionals.


Alien Queen: I am NOT into bondage !


Predator: What do you mean WE LOSE ?


Alien and Alien Queen: What do you mean WE LOSE ?


Alien and Predator: Next time we get a good script.


Alien's Agent: You can't use energy weapons. It breaks the whole continuity.

They won't have those sort of things for 2-300 years.


Alien Queen after the egg laying: Oh my aching back !


Alien Queen to the the Alien Agent: I get brought out of deep freeze, then I get electrocuted, tied up like some sort of bondage freak and dumped into the Antarctic Ocean ? How much am I paying you exactly ?


Alien to Predator (sarcastic): Love the hair



Reviewer: Mr Salmon, why are you killed by the Predator's spear instead of letting the net take you out ?


Colin Salmon: Because I was diced into cubes in Resident Evil and the AVP producers would have been sued by the Resident Evil ones.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


My week at work:


Q: what’s worse than political correctness destroying the English language?


A: A person speaking “broken English†with a hard to understand (and hence comprehend) accent, who is a work "colleague", more like a tyrant ;)


I am under the impression that the person I replaced found it too difficult to deal with her and found a different job. This morning I started having the same thoughts. Then my supervisor acknowledged that "Hun" (er Melvin) was difficult*; asked me nicely, to perserve. I should she her if I have any difficulty. I also have an intermediary between Melvin and I which is nice.


*Melvin is worse than Gollum on crystal meth playing holochess against stoned satanic eskimos on ‘ice’. (Not really, but I like the turn of phrase). :hex:


So next time someone complains of political correctedness, don't argue, at least you can comprehend what they are saying, even you agree with them. It...could...be...worse.


Basically...I'm working in the Twilight Zone. True story: my supervisor, lovely lady, yesterday, or the day before, asked if I could write my name on a piece of paper so she could annouce me in a newsletter. I believe it was on my job description which she read as she was on the interview panel. :think: Am I missing something?


Anyone know of any good desktop pictures/wallpapers of the Twilight Zone appropriate for an Anglican organization?

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