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Ninja Hero Review At ENWorld

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Re: Ninja Hero Review At ENWorld


Am I the only one bothered by the fact that this is a published review, and yet displays the grammatic grace of a one-legged duck? Maybe the author did this for free, in which case it's fine. Who'd bother proof-reading something that didn't really matter? yeah, that's gotta be it.

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Re: Ninja Hero Review At ENWorld


Am I the only one bothered by the fact that this is a published review' date=' and yet displays the grammatic grace of a one-legged duck?[/quote']


Nope, not at all, Sociotard. I found myself wincing (as I do when reading badly written work) through the whole damn thing.


Is it elitist of me that I would rather have no review out there for Ninja HERO than a badly written one?

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Re: Ninja Hero Review At ENWorld


Id have to try really hard to write something with that many errors in it, it would have to be deliberate. ( ps i have no pretentions about being a writer )


if your game can get a review on a d20 site which is probabilly the most popular game in existance its good press, even if its written in crayon.

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Re: Ninja Hero Review At ENWorld


There are a scant handful of places that pay for reviews; fewer even if you only count online sources. (SJGames Pyramid is one. Don't know of any others off the top of my head, but surely there has to be at least one or two others...)


When you read an RPG review online, almost certainly the MOST payment recieved was a free copy of the book. Not a bad way to get paid, as long as you like what you're getting! Speaking just for myself, I like the free books, but mainly I do it because I love the hobby. I can only imagine that that holds true for most others who aren't receiving monetary compensation (and it's probably for most of those folks, too).


So, wince away. I do it to, when I read something I think is poorly written. But cut a bit of slack, while you're at it, please. :) It'd be great if there were more professional-level writers doing RPG criticism, but since there's no money to be had from it, it doesn't exactly attract the creme de la creme of the writing world... As nice as it'd be to have a Hemingway of gaming criticism, I'm afraid the best we can hope for is a bunch of Dean Koontz-es. :D


If you have the time, I know a lot of game sites (like my own humble abode, GamingReport) accept fan-submitted reviews. If you'd like to see a better written review of Ninja Hero, write one! It's good for Hero, and it might end up in people giving you free books so it's good for you too!

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Re: Ninja Hero Review At ENWorld


Just wanted to echo what Butch said -- most reviewers aren't pros, they're just fans like yourselves who are interested in having something to say. I don't know about ENworld, but some sites, like RPG.Net, will take pretty much any review sent to them. So, if you don't like one you read, you can submit one of your own! ;)


And Butch knows whereof he speaks, since he does well-written and -researched reviews on GamingReport. ;)

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Re: Ninja Hero Review At ENWorld


I try.


Well, that in and of itself sets you above many reviewers in this industry. But that's the nature of the beast when there's not enough money involved in the field for websites and the like to hire full-time, professional reviews -- you end up with a lot of amateurs, people with axes to grind, etc. doing reviews. C'est la vie.

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Re: Ninja Hero Review At ENWorld


Am I the only one bothered by the fact that this is a published review' date=' and yet displays the grammatic grace of a one-legged duck? Maybe the author did this for free, in which case it's fine. Who'd bother proof-reading something that didn't really matter? yeah, that's gotta be it.[/quote']


I was farily amazed at how poorly written the review was. The sentences were "clunky" to say the best. But he did like the book, so... :bounce:

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