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Building a DC/Marvel Amalgam Universe


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Hi guys,

I am just about to start work on a new superhero campaign for guys who are not comic buyers at all. They have been drawn in more by the recent popularity of the super hero movies.

I wanted to build a superhero universe which was very recognisable to them without using the actual characters they actually know.


So my idea was to draw on both the big 2 DC & Marvel and build one universe based on their characters, building from the most popular characters and coming up with the "ultimate" super hero universe.


I have loads of time before we start so i wanted to get as much feedback as possible from you guys.

What i thought was i would ask you about a general concept of a character/team/organisation and then discuss names (names are vital to me) and then i would write the character up and post him for comment.


I think i will start with team concepts and then master villains feel free to comment and suggest as much as possible.




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Hero Teams


OK, want to sketch out the hero teams first. I do not want to overpopulate the universe with each US major city having multiple teams. I want each team to be unique and serve a distinct purpose or archetype.


I do want to spread them around geographically but they MUST be the only example of each archetype team.


First question i Have is do i need a JLA type team and a distinct Avengers type team.

are they different enough in type and power level to exist happily alongside or should they be lumped in together?




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Re: Hero Teams


First question i Have is do i need a JLA type team and a distinct Avengers type team.

are they different enough in type and power level to exist happily alongside or should they be lumped in together?





The JLA seens to only respond to planitarie/galatic threats. And then, thay tend more to 'talk it out' than to use physical force. The Avengers tend to be more action orientated. Also, while thay do have there shair of planatarie/galatic adventures, thay are not known for such adventures. Thay are mostly a group of heros on call to stop powerful threats, able to move to anywhere on a moment's notice.


As for if you need both of them...I would say 'yes', as long as you don't have them stept on eachother's toes. The JLA handles the alien invasions before thay hit Earth, while the Avengers handle stuff like The Growing Man and The Masters Of Evil.

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Re: Building a DC/Marvel Amalgam Universe


Well, the 5e Champions Universe is basically a DC/Marvel Amalgam Universe.


You should check it out; you might save yourself a lot of work :D


I have all the books, there are some great aspects to it and some great characters, but many things i would do differently. Anyway half the fun is changing things and creating anyway.


Some things i am gonna steal whole cloth that in my mind can't be improved on.

such as VIPER, Dr. Silverback, Mechanon, etc.


but with most things i will be ruthless. lol.




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Re: Building a DC/Marvel Amalgam Universe


You have decided upon a rather ambitious project. I will offer what Help I can. To answer your question...that depends.


How do you want the JLA to work? Modern JLA is a global team dealing with enormous Global scale threats. Old school JLA dealt occasionally with global threats. In the 90's they became JLI (International) briefly.


Avengers has historically been a US Group, but recently have been sanctioned by the UN. I think they work better as a US Group.


Defenders are a weird group which seems like they hang out in Vegas, LA, or the Southeast, but I think the comic was set in Northern NY.


Part of the problem is DC created their own cities. Some have argued "Gotham" is actually Chicago and "Metropolis" is New York. All the DCers have their own city. If you want you could use every group with very little crossover.


I would suggest JLA deals with Global threats.

Avengers would Deal with New York, East Coast US Threats.

Champions, West Coast Avengers, or Titans for West Coast threats.

Outsiders for Midwest (Chicago) threats.

Teen Titans for Midwest (Dallas) Threats.

I'd put the Defenders in the South East or Mid-SouthWest.


Good Luck

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Re: Building a DC/Marvel Amalgam Universe


Defenders are a weird group which seems like they hang out in Vegas, LA, or the Southeast, but I think the comic was set in Northern NY.


The thing about the clasic Defenders (and "Secret Defenders", but not New Defenders) was the fact that it was not, in reality, a true team. It was more of a "Dr. Strange knows that his magic is not enougth, or that he needs a group to solve a problem he curently has no time dealing with, and brings together supers he views can solve the problem, even if one of them is a supervillian". This dosen't truly translate well into RPGdome.

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Re: Building a DC/Marvel Amalgam Universe


Going off topic here. I disagree totally. IMHO The original Defenders comic read more like an RPG than any other comic I ever read. You got the grey area morality. Strange villians and strange behavior all around. Just hangin' out kinda stuff. To me the Defenders seemed like a bunch of characters just hanging out. (Except the really early Subby, Hulk, and Doc team haven't read those. I'm talkin the Gerber years.)


Never seen the JLA do that. Avengers neither. Was my campaign a freak show?? Didn't anyone elses team ever go to a public place looking for trouble because they were bored?

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I do imagine the JLA type team much as they were on the great Morrison run, with the moon base, the terrible threats and iconic membership.


The Avengers i would base on the great Jim Shooter run of the late 70's early 80's, big rotating membership, national and international threats.


So i agree we need both so what about names guys? my initial thoughts are

JLA = The Guardians

Avengers = Strike Force


two nice in jokes for old school champ players and desribes their mind set pretty well Guardians defensive and Strike Force offensive.

Opinons pls, open to all comments good or bad.




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Re: Building a DC/Marvel Amalgam Universe


The thing about the clasic Defenders (and "Secret Defenders"' date=' but not New Defenders) was the fact that it was not, in reality, a true team. It was more of a "Dr. Strange knows that his magic is not enougth, or that he needs a group to solve a problem he curently has no time dealing with, and brings together supers he views can solve the problem, even if one of them is a supervillian". This dosen't truly translate well into RPGdome.[/quote']

Actually, I like this type of setup, where the team is more a troupe of "specialists" or all-stars that come together specifically to get the job done.


This can translate very well into RPGs if you have players that are imaginative and like to design more than one character, and are adept at characterization.


It can also happen by accident. My most recent supers campaign, the Millennial Men, saw a lot of coming and going of players as it was primarily played over the summer last year and people were in and out, some people moved, some people came in, and three different GM's took stabs at running. So the PC roster fluctuated a lot from week to week.

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Re: Building a DC/Marvel Amalgam Universe


Did the Marvel/DC Universe a decade ago. You have to make some decisions about timeline issues. Aaron Allston ran his Strikeforce Campaign in an Amalgamated World that had the supers show up at the date they first appeared in comic books. Batman and Superman before 1940 and the Uncanny X-Men (not Silver Age X) in the mid 70s. The Superskrull (a poster on these boards) and I made decisions based on who we wanted active and how long we wanted them to have been active so - Superman and Batman appeared in 1980. Spiderman appeared in 1988. The Fantastic Four and the JLA appeared in the early Sixties sans Superman but enter Thor in his spot. The Avengers pop up early Seventies and Thor retains his spot. (For a time, Thor was on both teams at once. Hey, he's Thor.) The First X-Men appear in the early 1980s and so on. Oh, the Justice Society defended the Homefront while the All Star Squadron fought in Europe and the Pacific usually divided into subsets like the Invaders, Seven Soldiers of Victory, and the All Winners Squad.


Superman was a Kryptonian Eternal (the baseline Kryptonians went bye-bye long ago)

The Martian Manhunter was a Skrull Eternal.

Skrulls, Durlans, and Dire Wraiths all make up one unhappy alien family of wierdness.

Mongul was a Kryptonian Deviant.

Add the Watcher and his brothers into the Guardians/Controllers mix.

The NegaBands were an early attempt to compete with the Green Lantern rings.


Hawkeye was originally Green Arrow's sidekick, Speedy.


Anyway, I think you get the picture.


The thing with an Amalgam Universe is everyone already knows the basics of the characters so, for the most part, all you have to do is come up with a timeline and assign the characters to cities.

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Re: Building a DC/Marvel Amalgam Universe


I have a campaign going on this premise. We run off a 15 year timeline charting the most important characters and events involved. The major NPC teams have thought out line ups that combine universes.


For example, Captain Atom and Zatanna are Avengers. The Warriors are a team combining members from the New Warriors and the Outsiders. Give me a couple days, i'll post it

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Re: Building a DC/Marvel Amalgam Universe


It sounds like there are two major takes on Amalgam here. Some that advocate just combining characters from both settings into one setting, and others that combine two or more characters from different settings to make a new derivative/combination character.


I favor the second approach, though it takes much more work. Like combining Bruce Wayne and Steve Rogers to get:


Roger S. Bruce (decendent of Robert I aka Robert the Bruce) aka Nightshield, the Crusading Patriot! From a wealthy (Scottish-) American family, he saw his parents killed by Nazi bombs as a small boy when visiting family in Kincardine, Scotland in 1939.


Returning to the family estates outside of Chicago in the care of Kenneth Kincade, a loyal family servant whose family has served the Bruces for over 700 years, Roger was instructed and trained by a succession of the best tutors from the world over at the direction of Kincade. Driven by a secret vow to bring justice to the evil organizations of the world (particularly anything Nazi related), the young Roger learned well and quickly, taking special delight in learning fighting arts. Roger also possessed a keen and perceptive mind, enhanced by the difficult regimine of cognitive skills Kincade made him do daily.


Finally reaching his majority in 1953, Roger took over as CEO of the family business, Star Spangled Steel Amalgamated (abbreviated S3A), which had been held in trust by Kincade previously. Much more significantly however, Kincade revealed to Roger that his more unusual militant training had been for a purpose. According to Kincade a line of the Bruce family had been entrusted with great responsibility since before the time of David I King of Scots; protectors of an ancient artifact and a matching ancient duty. Kincade presented Roger with the artifiact, a perfectly preserved shield bearing Sable a lion rampant Azure (a blue standing lion on black).


Kincade told Roger that the shield was magical. Not only was it indestructible, but it granted great strength and fortitude upon its rightful possessor, even when not carried. According to legend, the rightful inheritor of the shield was remade into the ultimate warrior, the epitome of human might. The Bruce family was intrusted with the shield and with the solemn duty to use it to protect the world from oppression, to be a bastion for freedom for the people against those who would conquer and subjugate. Kincade delivered a warning as well; should the inheritor of the shield become unworthy of it, the powers granted by it would no longer be granted upon them and the shield would become inert, awaiting the next worthy Bruce to take it up. Kincade told Roger that his parents weren't in Scotland to visit family, rather Roger's father Godfrey had planned to fight against the Nazi's but was slain before he could join the cause of freedom againt Hitler.


With a fervent zeal in his eyes, Roger slipped the shield onto his arm and was instantly transformed physically from his athletic but otherwise normal teenaged form into a powerfully muscled fully mature man with incredible reflexes and unflagging endurance. Wasting no time Roger donned a dark costume complete with helmet and cape and took to the streets of Chicago as a costumed crimefighter known as Nightshield, a "mystery man" as the press then called them.


Working from a secret base below Bruce Manor, Roger initially took the fight to organized crime in Chicago, Roger soon found himself following trails of crime connections to various cities in his war on the mafioso. As he grew in experience and confidence he expanded his battle against infamy to include powered criminals and organizations. Eventually he encountered his great nemesis JORMUNGAND, a secret society bent on world domination with Nazi roots, mystical overtones, and a snake motif [blend of VIPER, HYDRA, and the Red Skull]. Nightsheild has continued to fight crime into the modern day, his aging apparantly retarded by the powers of the shield he bears.


Kenneth Kincade died of cancer in the 70's, but his son Kyle, took his place as Roger's major domo and aide. Kyle was also trained by his father in the same fashion as Roger, and though he lacked the mystical gifts of Roger he sometimes joined Nightshield in his battles as the costumed adventurer known as Kestrel.


In 1978 Roger restructured Star Spangled Steel Amalgamated into Star Spangled Sciences (S3) after fighting off a attempted hostile takeover engineered by Nathan Numen's NumenCorp [Lex Luthor, King Pin amalgam]. S3 branched its existing Mettalurgy labs into numerous other sciences via companies aquired in the levereged reversal Roger used to counter the NumenCorps buyout. In the decades to come S3 would become one of the worlds most influential and succesful technology firms, with branches dedicated to telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, infotech, and general government contracting.


As Nightshield progressed to fighting world-spanning dangers (eventually joining the Freedom Society of America in the 80's as a provisional member), Kestrel tended to stay local to Chicago and battle more street-level crime whenever Nightshield left the city to pursue bigger threats. Nightshield and Kestrel were a famous duo through the late 70s and early 80's, but in 1984 Kestrel was slain by Loke, one of the leaders of JORMUNGAND, an evil genius gadgeteer and trickster [Joker parallel], at the direction of the leader of JORMUNGAND the Crimson Serpent [Red Skull parallel]. loke tortured Kyle terribly, seeking to learn Nightshields true identity, but Kyle would not betray the secret and took it with him to the grave.


Kyle's younger brother Kevin Kincade left college at this point and returned to the Bruce mansion outside of Chicago to don the mantle of Kestrel and take up the family duty to serve the Bruces'. However Roger, stricken by the death of Kyle, refused to allow him to take up the identity of Kestrel. Finally Kevin secretly took to the streets on his own wearing his brother's costume. Of a more inventive bent but not as skilled of a fighter as his brother, Kevin supplemented his repetoir with a number of clever devices he had designed and built in college.


One night Roger discovered this charade when he went looking for Kevin in the mansion and instead found the case that normally held the Kestrel outfit empty. Donning his costume and sheild Nightshield went into the city to find Kestrel, expecting the worst. However Nightshield found Kestrel fighting a gang of Fringer thugs and doing quite well. Following him for the duration of the night, he watched Kevin deal with several problems all quite handily. Beating him back to the mansion Nightshield "caught" Kevin sneaking in and confronted him about his forays. Nightshield delivered an ultimatum; Kevin could continue his crimefighting as Kestrel, but only in conjunction with Roger himself.


Nightsheild and Kestrel soon returned to fighting crime as a team, often referred to as the "Dynamic Duo" by the press. Additionally Kevin's inventiveness lead to Nightshield carrying a belt of increasingly clever crime fighting aids, and later a number of sophisticated vehicles were added to the arsenal of crime-fighting tools such as the well known "Nite-kite" delta-winged stealth jet, the "Night Steed" jet powered motorcycle with hover capability, and the "Nightmobile" armored (and gadget laced) car.


Kevin also made a number of technological improvements to the Kestrel suit, to the point that it was more properly a suit of powered armor, augmenting its wearer to be roughly comparable to Nightshield's physical capabilities as well as a capacity for sustained flight, which was slowly improved from a powered glide to full-fleged flight. These improvements allowed Kevin to fight crime on a larger scale alongside Nightshield in the final years of his career as Kestrel.



In the mid-90's Kevin passed on the Kestrel mantle to Kyle's son (and his nephew), Kenneth "Kenny" Kincade. Kevin took a more supporting role to Nightshield's operations, typically serving as a "mission control" in addition to maintaining Bruce Manor, covering for Roger's many absences, and keeping the underground base in top condition. Kevin has occasionally come out of retirement in dire extremity to assist Kenny and Roger, wearing a full-fledged battle suit he calls Sparhawk. The Sparhawk suit is piloted (rather than being a pure exo-skeleton) and is modular, but its basic focus is as a straightforward superstrong flying platform with some non-lethal crime fighting attachments [very loose Azrael parallel, with aspects of old-man-Bruce from Batman Beyond].



Kenny lacked his uncles experience, but with the constantly improved Kestrel suit and his own youthful athleticism and enthusiasm, he quickly proved himself to Roger and the "Dynamic Duo" continued with little interuption. While his father Kyle's approach as Kestral was more martial arts and gumshoe detective work oriented, andh his uncle Kevin's approach was more gadgets, forensics, and computer aided analysis oriented, Kenny's approach to Kestrel has been more focused on learning the Kestrel suit's capabilities and pushing them to their limits, like a highly trained fighter pilot. While not as capable when it comes to investigative work, and not as clever as his uncle or Roger, Kenny has become much more adept at fighting powered crime than either of his predecessors due to using the technology at his disposal to it's fullest [batman Beyond parallel].


In the modern day, in addition to his exploits with Kestrel, Nightshield is also a respected member of the Freedom League of America (previously known as the Freedom Society of America), though generally regarded as being somewhat aloof by many of the younger members of that organization due to his unwavering and "old fashioned" ideals. He is widely held to be the greatest example of the "mystery men" of the 50's, due largely to his longevity, and his combination of sluething skills and uncanny ability to both predict outcomes and see through villainous ploys garners much respect among less cerebrally gifted superheroes. And of course his shield-smashing two-fisted approach to crime fighting is not to be disrespected either. He frequently serves as the leader of FLA response teams, and along with Mr. Wonderful, Freedom Lady, Iron Ring, and Dr. Proportion (aka Doc Prop) is one of the founding members of the group, having been in the FSA previously.


Roger is starting to show signs of age as well. Though chronologically 70 years old he looks like he is in his late 30's. He has had to employ make up and later prostetics when appearing in public as himself for the last 20 years, and has limited his public appearances heavily to conceal his retarded aging. Kevin handles most of his interests publicly and was appointed as "Director of Operations" of S3 over a decade ago. Roger has had many romances over the years in both identities, but his burning need to fight crime has prevented him from settling down. Kevin frequently urges him to find a suitable wife and father an heir lest the family line be ended.


Nightshield is sometimes called "The Dark Knight" and "The Shield of Justice" in the press, referring to some of the alternate names used to describe him in the late 50's and early 60's before his true nom de guere was widely known.



That kind of Amalgam is much more interesting to me personally, but Im too lazy (and lack enough DC knowledge) to ever attempt it myself :D

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Re: Building a DC/Marvel Amalgam Universe


Thks guys for all the input, but to make myself clear i want to have clear versions of all the best characters or "types" and only want to combine characters when there is a clear blurring of characters from both comanies.


So for example I will need both a Batman character and a Captain America character. I will not need both a Doctor Strange and a Doector Fate as in my mind both these characters have ebough simularities for me to have but one such character in my universe.

I will not need a Moon Knight or Shroud type for example as I already have my Batman type and these were always very strongly based on his character and archetype anyway.




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Re: Building a DC/Marvel Amalgam Universe


right, been thinking about what hero team types i want and initial names i have thought of. Would like feedback on both the names and if i have missed out on any major team archetype.


JLA Type - Most powerful hero team on the planet, based on the moon with a pretty solid membership of the icons of the superhero world. initial name - The Guardians.


Avengers Type - The Team that deals with national and international emergencies, based in New York, this team has a revolving door membership with some really powerful members others not so much. Initial name - Strike Force


Teen Titans/New Warriors type - The new kids in town, teenage heroes trying to learn how to use their powers for the good of humanity and learn about themselves at the same time, tutored by a gruff tough hero from the golden age with a heart of gold. Many members have connections two or are sidekicks of the most powerful hero's of the day. Based in ? Initial name - The Academy


Fantastic Four Type - A close knot team of family and friends, this team are the explorers of the universe, instead of fighting crime as such they are the ones who will find new places and threats from earth and beyond into other space and other dimensions. I want to expand the family concept for more members and i am a big fan of what Steve Kenson did with the Atom Family.

Based - Houston, Initial name - The Atom Family (I am struggling here much help needed!)


Mystic Masters Type - The most powerful and knowledgable of earths good magicians who come together every so often to combat mystic threats to our reality they cannot cope with alone, also including heroe's with major magical items this team is a very loose organisation which forms only when it is needed. Based - New Orleans or whereever its needed. Initial Name - The Circle


Official US Goverment Team Type - This team is controlled and totally funded by the US military and goverment. It has a number of patriot and flag suit types on its roster, some are more liberal some more right wing than others.

This causes conflict both within the team and with many other superteams when the military team "gets involved" or tries to take over situations.

Think of this team having on Cap types with then US Agent types plus with Captain Atom types thrown in for good measure. Based - Washington DC, Initial Name - Executive Sanction


JSA Type - The legacy team from the golden age, the team of legendary heroes from WW2 who have a miriad of connections to todays heroes. Must have had either/both an adventure through time to bring themselves to todays era and/or a mutual way that there ageing can be stopped somewhat.

I want these guys like the elder statesman of the universe.

Based in - Boston, Initial name - The Freedom Squad.


Guardians of the Galaxy Type - The cosmic heroes, the aal powerful guys who save the universe for breakfast, they have adventures in space and never on earth. Again a very loose membership of cosmic heroes who only come together when in dire need. Based - Space. Initial name - The Galaxy Legion.


Heroes for Hire Type - Group of low powered heroes who hire themselves out to clients for money. Despite having a mercenary reputation, the team only takes cases very carefully and manages to fight crime surprisngly well.

Based - Detroit, Initial name - Law and Order inc.


Defenders Type team - The non team of misfits, freaks and outsiders who come together more mutual protection and to protect the world, have a series of weird and wonderful adventures sometimes not even they understand, another revolving door membership but with a core of misunderstood major players.

Based - Mobile. Initial Name - The Outsiders.


X- Men type team - The Mutant team. Although i want a mutant influence within the universe I do not want the current overkill Marvel has got itself into. Think X-men in the Bryne/Claremont era without all the extra teams and complications. This team trains and helps mutants both understand and use their powers for the god of a humanity which misunderstands and fears them.

a large membership of mutants from many parts of the world.

Based - San Francisco. initial name - The Protectors.


Thunderbolts Type - The Ex Supervillains trying to go striaght. This team is made up of crimianals and convicts trying to put their past behind them and convince a suspicious public and super hero community of their good intentions.

Some members are only pretending to turn over a new leaf and will revela themselves over time.

Based - LA. Initial name - The Redeemed.


Suicide Squad Type - Secret goverment unit of convicted supervillains formed to perform missions that are deemed to dangerous or sensitive to give to the official goverment team. A revolving door membership but with a core of hardened supervillains of medium power range. Based - Nevada Area 51. Initial group name - Unit X


Batman Family Type - The loose group of heroes with strong connections to this universe's Batman figure. Sidekicks, former sidekicks and allies in the fight against crime. A loose organisation with no real membership as such more a family and ally feel. Based in - Chicago. Initial Name - No idea (Help)


Lastly Geographic and country teams froma round the world. Initial thoughts are UK (Knights of the round table) Europe (the Union) Soviet Union (Supreme Soviet) in my universe Soviet Union never fell. China (Tiger Squad) and maybe others from other parts of the world.


Let me know if i have missed any types out and feedback on concepts and names.




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Re: Building a DC/Marvel Amalgam Universe


SleepyDrug's Marvel/DC Universe

Who's Who


The Avengers -- Known as the Earth's Mightiest Heroes, the Avengers operate under a special UN charter giving them quasi-national status and global police powers to counter any threat of paranormal or extraterrestrial nature.


Members: Wasp, Captain America, Iron Man, Hercules, Zatanna, Captain Atom, Vision, Hawkeye

Reserves: Giant-Man, Scarlet Witch, She-Hulk, Quicksilver, Morningstar (Photon/Captain Marvel II), Black Knight, Thor, Ant-Man II


Fantastic Four -- The premiere team of the heroic age. Explorers and guardians against cosmic or interdimensional threats.


Members: Mr Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Human Torch, Thing


J L A -- The league is the Earth's last line of defense against any and all threats. Members are the strongest, most powerful, most experienced that the world has to offer. Reserves are drawn from all frontline heroes but the active watch are those actually considered to be JLA.


Members: Aquaman, Black Canary, Martian Manhunter, Elongated Man, Firestorm, Flash III, Green Lantern V, Superman, Wonder Man, Fate, Wonder Woman, (floating member)


J S A -- Semi active team oriented towards setting the standard for heroes. The core members debuted in WWII. The Justice Society acts as a crisis reserve, political point group, and training center.


Members: Wildcat, Sentinel, Flash, Mr Terrific, Dr Mid-Nite, Namor, Hawkgirl, Stargirl, Atom-Smasher


Warriors -- Originally a group of young heroes that has since disbanded and reformed. Now a team of heroes that hunt villains and crime organizations before they can create a crisis.


Members: Nightwing, Arsenal, Nova, Justice, Firestar, Jade, Metamorpho


Titans -- the latest incarnation of the original teen group. This version consists of veterans training novices.


Members: Cyborg, Speedball, Starfire, Superboy, Robin, Kid Flash, Wonder Girl


Thunderbolts -- former criminals turned wanna-be heroes


Members: Moonstone, Atlas, Liberty (riordan), Fixer, Blackheath, Mach-4, Songbird


X-Men -- a band of outlaw heroes and now the public face of the mutant problem. Based at Xavier's School for the Gifted.


Members: Cyclops, Iceman, Archangel, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Sage, Storm, Colossus, Rogue, Phoenix III


Solo Heroes: Batman, Dr Strange, Hulk, Spider-Man, Silver Surfer, Oracle, Shadowcat

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Re: Building a DC/Marvel Amalgam Universe


Marvel DC/Timeline


Year Zero (1989)

- Fantastic Four's focket flight; debut in NYC

- Clark Kent debuts as Superman in Metropolis

- The Fixer begins operating as a criminal

- Don Blake finds mjolnir and transforms into Thor

- Abe Jenkins starts to operate as the Beetle

- Metropolis creates the first anti-paranormal Special Crimes Unit

- Tony Stark designs the first Iron Man armor to save his life in China

- Dr Pym discovers Pym Particles and uses them to become Ant-Man


Year One (1990)

- Bruce Wayne debuts in Gotham City as Batman

- Barry Allen debuts as Flash II

- Abin Sur, dying, passes his ring to Hal Jordan...Green Lantern II

- Dinah Lance debuts as Black Canary II

- Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch join the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants

- Wasp, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman all debut

- Justice League forms

- Avengers form

- Elongated Man, Hawkeye, Wonder Woman debut

- Pym changes from Ant-Man to Giant-Man

- Avengers locate Captain America

- Zatanna, Wonder Girl, Kid Flash debut


Year Two (1991)

- Speedy debuts; Teen Titans form

- Wonder Man & Plantman debut

- Avengers roster shift to Cap's Kooky Quartet


Year Three (1992)

- Mr Fantastic & Invisible Girl wed

- Ultron creates the Vision

- Erik Josten becomes Power Man

- JLA relocates to satellite hq

- Hercules debuts

- Teen Titans disband

- Franklin Richards is born

- Kree/Skrull War

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Re: Building a DC/Marvel Amalgam Universe


Year Four (1993)

- Professor X forms a new team to rescue the X-Men from Krakoa

- Black Knight IV, Batgirl debuts

- Giant Man becomes Yellowjacket

- Firestorm, Moonstone debut

- Teen Titans reform and soon after disband again; Titans West

- Avengers fight Korvac

- Ant Man II debuts


Year Five (1994)

- Masters of Evil III frame Dr Pym; Hawkeye kills Egghead; Dr Pym retires

- Infinity Inc, She-Hulk, Nova debut

- Dark Phoenix Saga

- Captain Marvel II (rambeau) debuts


Year Six (1995)

- Beyonder hosts a Secret War

- Batman quits JLA and forms the Outsiders

- Power Man changes name to Goliath; Robin changes to Nightwing

- Nova loses his powers

- Raven reforms the Titans to fight Trigon; Starfire & Cyborg debut

- Dire Wraith Invasion

- Jason Todd debuts as Robin II

- JLA satellite base destroyed

- Aquaman disbands JLA, forms Detroit branch

- Vision directs Hawkeye to form Avengers West

- Vision struggles with his control crystal; attempts to conquer earth

- Doom destroys the Baxter Building

- Four Freedoms Plaza built

- Thor and Don Blake split

- Mutant Massacre

- Beyonder arrives on earth; sparks Secret War II

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Re: Building a DC/Marvel Amalgam Universe


Year Seven (1996)

- Crisis on Infinite Earths; Flash II dies; Kid Flash debuts as Flash III

- Marvel Boy debuts

- Captain Marvel II changes name to Morningstar

- JSA enters limbo to prevent ragnarok

- Billy Batson debuts as Captain Marvel III

- Siege of Avengers Mansion

- Thanos targets earth's Legends; temporary ban on paranormals

- Captain Atom debuts

- JLA disbands following deaths of Steel and Vibe

- Pym comes out of retirement as Doctor Pym

- Wonder Girl becomes Troia


Year Eight (1997)

- Avengers disband

- J L A reforms; Maxwell Lord seizes control of the team

- Iron Man wages an Armor War

- Outsiders disband

- Joker cripples Barbara Gordon...retiring Batgirl

- Justice League splits into JLA and JLE with new UN ties

- Firestar debuts

- Joker kills Robin II

- Oracle debuts

- JSA is rescued from limbo

- Inferno

- Robin III debuts

- Captain America reforms the Avengers

- Eclipso attempts to take over all of earth's heroes

- Avengers replace Justice League as the UN's global team

- Acts of Vengeance

- Doomsday; Superman apparently killed


Year Nine (1998)

- four new Supermen debut

- Speedy becomes Arsenal; Speedball debuts

- Infinity Gauntlet

- Impulse arrives from the 30th century

- villainous Cyborg destroys Coast City

- Superman awakens from his coma

- Hal Jordan goes on destructive rampage; Green Lantern V (kyle) debuts

- Zero Hour

- JSA retires

- Pym returns as Giant-Man

- Titans disband; Starfire leaves earth

- JLA splits into JLA, Extreme Justice, JL Task Force

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Re: Building a DC/Marvel Amalgam Universe


Year Ten (1999)

- New Warriors form

- Galactic Storm

- Titan's form under Arsenal's leadership with US ties

- Aqualad becomes Tempest; Marvel Boy becomes Justice

- government disbands Arsenal's Titans


Year Eleven (2000)

- New Warriors fight the Sphinx; travel through time

- JLA disbands

- Loren Jupiter and Omen form a Teen Titans team

- Wonder Girl II debuts

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