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Silly Challenge


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Okay so I am packing up stuff from the house that I spent my life from age 12 to 24 and I run across a number of my old writings and drawings and character designs and what not. It was quite the pleasant trip down memory lane!!


I found a story and writeup under no particular system for a character that was supposed to be the ultimate power in the universe. The catch was you were to take a background/secondary character from the Marvel Universe (we were all Marvel Zombies) and through "plausible" (I use the word loosely) events and circumstances evolve him into the ultimate power in the Multiverse. That would be why I had a story and timeline.


I chose Rick Jones who at the time was "merely" human.


Who else would have been a good pick and why? I'm curious to see what people would come up with.

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Re: Silly Challenge


yer right... When I said mere human I should have better qualified it. I want someone who was human, not a mutant, someone who at the time had no powers. I think my buddies and I did this challenge right before Rick was marrying Marlo during Peter David's run. A buddy of mine did some interesting things with Eddie Brock (which by our estimation was allowable...Eddie gets the Symbiote has his vendetta against Petey and then goes on to bigger and better things) Probably the most interesting one I remember was someone taking Senator Robert Kelly and turning him into some form of Uber Sentinel!!)


Yeah Rick even at that time just seemed to have all the right connections and excuses to get the most improbable things done. Nega bands...cytorak gem...blah blah blah... :think:

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Re: Silly Challenge


I think TOAD would be the perfect candidate for this.


Lets see after blasting off with the stranger once more he finds him self stranded on an alien world where the dominate species is a sentient 5 foot tall frog people unfortunately the frogs are about to be crushed by a despotic species who want them as slave labor for there aquatic farms.


So toad unable to deal with the idea of the people who have been so good to him becoming slaves or exterminated like his fellow mutants. he sets about training a few frog. soon word gets around and soon he’s is training the frog legions and eventually becomes there war leader.


the night before the arrival of there hated enemy the frog priest take him to the inner sanctum of there temple and gift him certain artifacts belonging to there gods. With these and his well trained forces toad beats back the invading forces capturing a ship he reluctantly leaves the frog world and sets of in search of earth to help free mutant kind from the tyranny of humanity.


As he travels his encounters with alien civilizations lead him to question the philosophy magneto exposed and confront his own self-loathing. Acquiring a range of alien weapons and martial arts techniques as well as a booster intellect thanks to the eternal philosophers of Hagan 8.


Finally hearing word of a great threat approaching earth, he journeys home joining the heroes and offering the final solution to the problem of this cosmic menace.

He returns to earth to take in morlocks and other hated mutants and teach them his message from the stars.

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Re: Silly Challenge


I chose Rick he did seem to know everybody and he had been witness to some of the most insane happenings in the Marvel Universe. I think I was reading the Atlantis Attacks storline and remember seeing something about his being used by Moondragon to amplify a psionic attack. I did some research, hung around the comic shop and had someone explain about his merging with Captain Mar Vel (it is two words right?) I think I had a grasp on the Nega Bands and I remember wondering/speculating about what would happen if Rick got hold of those again. So I had him 'borrow' a Quinjet hop skip and jump out to one of the moons of Saturn (or was it Saturn).


(As I understood it, the Nega Bands were buried with Mar Vel and I had Rick dig up the Nega Bands and put them on....This wild flight of fancy is happening circa 1990-1991 as I recall... he went after another "Marvel Artifact" before he went after Juggernauts Cytorak Gem...which at the time I believe had been hurled into space.... I think I am gonna have to find the story timeline.)


I always enjoyed lil ole very experienced Rick Jones occassionally demonstrating his very exceptional training (usually only among other thug normals) and how he would make off hand comments about being trained by Captain America in the process. It always left an impression on me.

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Re: Silly Challenge


Comic book plausible ? Heck, that kind of stuff happens in comics if you know when and where to look.


The Green Lantern Corps is notorious for drafting potential nobodies and elevating them to greatness.


Consider Hal Jordan. Normal test pilot, normal member of GLC, premiere meber of GLC, destroyer of GLC, restarts time (!!!!), seemingly dies, dies saving the earth, rises from the dead and drives the contents of the underworld back where they belong, becomes one of God's right hand men (and struggles with the responsibility, because even at DC, with great power comes...). And will soon take a demotion back to GL.


Consider Guy Gardner. School gym teacher, former football player. An uninspiring good guy. Pegged as backup GL, and brain damaged. Awakened and given a critical mission during the Crisis. Eventually lost his ring, took a Qwardian ring, lost that ring and gained mystic warrior powers, then alien warrior powers. Now runs a bar and is a background/secondary character.


Consider Kyle Rayner and his eminently forgettable buddy. Buddy goes into the alley to puke and Kyle follows. Kyle is given the last Green Lantern ring and told to do good with it. If buddy had just let Kyle drink that tequila, would he have gotten the ring ? What would he have done with it ? Even Kyle with the ring - didn't he become Ion and actually become Earth's most powerful resident (which is saying something in the DC Universe) ?


It would take some work (and at least 12 issues), but it couldn't be that hard to take almost any schmuck to the pinnacle given a few breaks and soem lucky timing.


Take Ren Tenaka, former girlfriend of Hank Hall. With the passing of Hank Hall, Ren Tenaka is sought out by a Lord of Order and a Lord of Chaos. Ren has been mystically touched by Order and Chaos through association with Hank Hall, Dawn Granger, and even Kestrel. The two Lords want a new mystical focus to stand as their symbol of the power of Chaos and Order working in concert (and I don't mean with guitars; never got that). As the mystical heroine Wren, she seeks tutelage from the likes of Dr. Fate, Mordru, Amethyst, Lucifer Morningstar and Zatanna. At the extreme high and low ends of magic, she even gets boffed by John Constantine and Desire (in a twisted play to force her to attack Dream). Still, she doesn't come to the true pinnacle of power until she aquires an ankh made of Nth metal from Dr. Fate and uses it to break Darkseid's invasion of New Genesis, driving Darksied into the Source by reflecting the Omega Effect back at him, and trapping him in the Source Wall.

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Re: Silly Challenge


Jason Todd, the second Robin, has a run in with the Egyptian gods in the afterlife, and winds up with the job of gaurdian of earth from the forces of darkness when Dr.Strange becomes possessed by a great demon temporarily.


Warmachine is biologically fused with his armor in an accident, and gains mental control of all of the new line of Stark defense machines all over the world (including sattelite weapons).


Bucky Barns, after WWII, discovers the secret lair of Red Skull and various Nazi experimental devices. Using a supercomputer and formulas to delay ageing, he predicts all major world events from then on, growing more intelligent and mad as he does.

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Re: Silly Challenge


Wasn't Alfred Pennyworth MI-5 or MI-6 or some such. I thought I remembered hearing that he had been involved in espionage before he came to work for the Waynes. (My understanding of DCU details are poor and often outdated and conflicted.)



Unless they retconned it out when I wasn't looking yeah, he used to be "British Secret Service" (whether that means MI-6 or not I don't know).

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