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The Last Word


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Re: The Last Word


My wife makes me go to the doctor regularly. I'm really not looking forward to my physical this year; having just turned 50, a new array of stuff will get added to the list of intrusions. I have been hypertensive my whole life; my cholesterol count has always been borderline high, with a good-to-bad ratio in the :nonp:-laugh-out-loud-nervously range. So what new irritations will get appended to the list? Bleah.

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Re: The Last Word


You mean this happens to people with normal veins' date=' too?[/quote']

First time I ever had a blood draw by someone other than my mom was in college. (My mom was a med tech)

The nurse slipped when putting on the second test tube and pushed the needle so it went over. I had a horrific bruise for a month.


Worst test I ever had was the camera to check my bladder.

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Re: The Last Word


It doesn't help that I have uncooperative veins. Any attempt to draw blood winds up with me wondering if this wouldn't be less painful if I'd just brought a razor blade. The last time I had a blood draw (around Christmas of last year), I offered to let them try the vein in my leg. The nurse exclaimed, "But that's painful!"


I rolled my eyes and said to her, "More so than this?"


They wound up going through the one in my wrist. The nurse winced in sympathy pain as she stuck me with the needle. I was bemused.


When I get a needle to draw blood, most of th time I can't look at it going in.

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Re: The Last Word


Yep, I can relate to that. The viens in my arm run deep and thin. I always end up bruised after they've spent 15 minutes jiggling the needle around. These days I just tell them to draw it from the ones on my hands upper side. They're large and close to the surface.

Likewise "But that will hurt you..." And the tech starts wiggling the freaking needle...

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Re: The Last Word


I first donated blood more or less on a dare to myself, because of the needle thing. It didn't go badly. But a little while later, eating in the dorm dining hall, I noticed that dinner was even more devoid of taste than normal. A few other oddities (vague numbness in the tongue, toes) made me realize I was going into mild shock. So I had one last glass of sugar water, went up to my room and went to bed. I've never had any problems like that since, not even the time the incompetent tech couldn't find a vein in four tries (two in each arm).

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Re: The Last Word


When I get a needle to draw blood' date=' most of th time I can't look at it going in.[/quote']

I'm the same way. I turn my head away and I say, "Just give me a half-second warning."


re: blood donation . . .


The third time I donated blood, I hadn't eaten anything that day. I felt SOOOOO sick afterwards.

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Re: The Last Word


My worst oops (I don't the shock on the first time as an "oops") with a blood donation was sitting in the dorm lounge after giving, and joining in when someone came in asking for help carting a bunch of stuff to their car. Didn't hurt, but I ended up with technicolor arm for the next week or two.

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Re: The Last Word


I last Donated Blood in 5/01, and almost have my 4 Gallon Pin. The thing is, these days I get so nervous about the needle my pulse and BP are too high to donate, and it's very embarrassing, I feel like everybody's STARING. Also since then no Plebotomist has been able to get anything from my arms. Many have tried. None have succeeded. For the past 4 years or so when I need a blood test or an IV they have to use my wrist or hand. I don't think I can be a Blood Donor anymore. I'm sad about this because the last time I was asked was just before Thanksgiving and had I donated, a needy Family would have received a free Turkey in my name. :(

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Re: The Last Word


I'm pretty sure I've given more than 10 gallons, but scattered across five different locations. They haven't disqualified me yet.


In Austin I said that I gave blood so often because they were the only people in town who wanted me for my body. AFAICT, that was true.

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Re: The Last Word


Both my wife & donate; we're on opposite ends of the chart. She's O negative; I'm AB positive (and heterozygous for the positive; both our kids are negative). We're a walking heredity experiment.

I'm B positive, but they won't take my blood anymore. Josh is O positive, and I'm always bugging him about donating when I normally would've.

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Re: The Last Word


I guess they forgot that step.


I hadn't realized before that day that losing blood could make you nauseated.


I know that one from not donating...


I'm OK with watching the needle and all, but I haven't donated since I spent more time than allowed in England. Damn third world country! I suppose I could go there to donate.

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