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Spell: Animate Object. Help... me....

Kraven Kor

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OK I have a mage in my campaign who has an animate object spell. It is built as a summon, 2x 42 point characters, slavishly loyal. It has -3/4 RSR which is subject to Skill vs. Skill, -1/2 Lockout (can't cast other spells while animated objects are in use), -1/4 Conditional: Must have objects to animate, and -1/4 Incantations.


I'm wondering if this covers this spell properly or not. The basic concept is that he animates the object, giving it a semblance of life so long as he keeps the spell up. It does not cost him endurance or require any detailed concentration -- the objects more or less think for themselves and act on their own, fueled by his magic.


Issues I'm having:


1. First off, automaton is expensive and I don't see drapes, rocks, or furniture as being stunned. They are not very smart so I gave them an INT of -35, EGO -0-, PRE 0, and generally buy off swimming. This gives me enough points to make them useful, at least, but not enough to buy the life support they should inherently have as non-living objects. For now, I'm cheesing it by putting a -5 "Keep it simple, stupid" limitation on the life support. Automaton does not make these overpowered (yet, as the points increase on the objects it could) but I have my dignity as a FH GM to preserve here so I hate BS solutions.


2. If I buy the INT that low, they should require an INT roll to obey any command of his. If I don't, I can't afford the automaton or whatever. I'm having a very difficult time building balanced, useful "animated objects" that still fit that description and don't feel more like homunculi.



So, how do I best represent the ability to animate objects so as to create, for now, what equates to general nuissance and light attacks. I want them to be able to do 1d6k / 8d6 tops for damage, have low defenses but take no stun, and fit into a 30 point max multipower as a "low powered" spell. I also want them, by power or disadvantage or whatever, to fit the description of "animated objects." Anything non-living can be animated.

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Re: Spell: Animate Object. Help... me....


Automatons are darn expensive, no doubt about it. If you could just define them as basic characters with resistant defense and no need to breath, eat, or sleep, you'd probably save yourself alot of headache.


You could buy other stats fairly low, 5 dex, 5 str (or less), buy running down to 2", most common objects would have less than 5 body. Buying intelligence down to negatives more or less assumes they have to be constantly be monitored by the wizard. You could also drop the x2 and get 25 more character points for your animatronic. If you want them to have a valid attack, 8d6 is 40 points, which is 10 more than the spell itself is. Starting to smell a little munchkiny.


Option 2: This might be a bit of a stretch, but instead of a summon, you could call it Change Environment, with a bunch of different effects - TK, slight attack, etc. Might be too expensive, though.

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Re: Spell: Animate Object. Help... me....


8d6 HA is actually less than 40, 27 actually. I'm not allowing him to give them ranged attacks, these creatures are generally not smart or agile enough to use combat manuevers or tactics. Big Rocks strike, small rocks move through, drapes grab, etc. You also have to understand that 8d6 normal attacks in my campaign, so far, have been relatively ineffective since most everything I put them up against (that is meant to be more than filler) has resistant defenses of some sort. Most creatures have at least 10 PD once you add inate PD and any Armor or whatever so such attacks are rarely doing more than stun, whether vs. PC or NPC. That, and I really love using automatons as bad guys (undead, trolls, golems, and the main bad-guys the gith are all built as automatons.)


These summoned creatures generally have very low defenses, low BODY, their attacks are defined as unable to be used with any combat manuever BUT the one thing they are designed to do. Things like drapes and ropes and such I gave Choke Hold and Takeaway and a decent DEX, but low STR and such.


Edit: Ack, automaton doesn't make PD/ED resistant -- I feel silly. I'll post the "pets" I have made so far when I get them looking somewhat complete. Still looking for ideas.

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Re: Spell: Animate Object. Help... me....


Animated Weapon




Val Char Cost
10 STR 0
10 DEX 0
10 CON 0
5 BODY -10
-10 INT -20
-10 EGO -20
0 PRE -10
0 COM -5
1/4 PD 0
1/4 ED 0
3 SPD 10
4 REC 0
20 END 0
0" RUN-120" SWIM-20" LEAP-2Characteristics Cost: -71


Cost Power END
60 Automaton (Takes No STUN) 0
10 Flight 6" (12 Active Points); no Noncombat movement (-1/4) 1
10 HKA 1d6 (15 Active Points); No STR Bonus (-1/2) 1
27 Armor (3 PD/3 ED) 0
Powers Cost: 107



Cost Skill
0 Breakfall 8-
0 Climbing 8-
6 +3 with any single attack
Skills Cost: 6





Total Character Cost: 42



Base Points: 42

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0

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Re: Spell: Animate Object. Help... me....


Animated Object -- Flyer This represents small objects such as books, candelabra's, buckets etc. that will fly about and harrass their victims.




Val Char Cost
5 STR -5
20 DEX 30
10 CON 0
1 BODY -18
-10 INT -20
-10 EGO -20
0 PRE -10
0 COM -5
1 PD 3
1 ED 0
4 SPD 10
3 REC 0
20 END 0
6" RUN00" SWIM-20" LEAP-1Characteristics Cost: -38


Cost Power END
60 Automaton (Takes No STUN) 0
16 Flight 10" (20 Active Points); no Noncombat movement (-1/4) 2
4 HA +2d6 (10 Active Points); Only to add to movement based attacks. (-1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Cannot Be Used With Multiple-Power Attacks (-1/4) 1
Powers Cost: 80



Cost Skill
0 Breakfall 8-
0 Climbing 8-
Skills Cost: 0





Total Character Cost: 42



Base Points: 42

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0

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Re: Spell: Animate Object. Help... me....


Animated Object -- Very Flexible This represents ropes, drapes, and other non-rigid objects which can grab and constrict their victims. I gave them martial manuevers to represent this




Val Char Cost
10/20 STR 0
17 DEX 21
10 CON 0
4 BODY -12
-10 INT -20
-10 EGO -20
0 PRE -10
0 COM -5
5 PD 12
2 ED 3
3 SPD 3
4 REC 0
20 END 0
3" RUN-60" SWIM-26"/8" LEAP4Characteristics Cost: -32


Cost Power END
60 Automaton (Takes No STUN) 0
5 +10 STR (10 Active Points); Limited Power Only for grabs / disarms / throws (-1/2), No Figured Characteristics (-1/2) 1
Powers Cost: 65


Cost Martial Arts Maneuver
4 Choke Hold: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +0 DCV, Grab One Limb; 2d6 NND
5 Takeaway: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, Grab Weapon, 20 STR / 30 STR to take weapon away
Martial Arts Cost: 9


Cost Skill
0 Breakfall 8-
0 Climbing 8-
Skills Cost: 0





Total Character Cost: 42



Base Points: 42

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0

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Re: Spell: Animate Object. Help... me....


Animated Object -- Big 'n' Slow [this represents large objects -- such as boulders, heavy dressers or chairs, large tables -- which run over or smash their victims.]




Val Char Cost
20 STR 10
9 DEX -3
10 CON 0
5 BODY -10
-10 INT -20
-10 EGO -20
-10 PRE -20
0 COM -5
4 PD 9
4 ED 9
3 SPD 11
5 REC -2
22 END 1
6" RUN00" SWIM-24" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: -42


Cost Power END
60 Automaton (Takes No STUN) 0
12 Damage Resistance (4 PD/4 ED) 0
10 HA +4d6 (20 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Cannot Be Used With Multiple-Power Attacks (-1/4), Cannot Be Used With any combat manuever but strike (-1/4) 2
Powers Cost: 82



Cost Skill
0 Breakfall 8-
0 Climbing 8-
2 +2 OCV with unarmed strike only
Skills Cost: 2





Total Character Cost: 42



Base Points: 42

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0

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Re: Spell: Animate Object. Help... me....


I'd probably buy it as a TK with a limitation to the effect that X amount of damage can dispel the effect.


Even more obvious afterthought: TK with a Focus limitation, the Focus being the animated object.


Exactly, it's TK with an Obvious Acessable Focus (prob -1/2 only since losing the object doesn't take away the power exactly...). The rest can be handled by special effects, I think. The STR of the TK will determine the power of the object, unless you want to link the object's body with the amount of STR that can be used with it. (ie 5 STR for every 1 BODY the object has) If the object is destroyed, the spell is lost.


The only problem would be if you don't want the Mage to have to burn up their own actions to tell the object what to do. If they are independant, then things get a little trickier. Although a certain amount of GM handwaving can also solve the problem.


Not to say your method isn't valid too, but this is how I'd do it.



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Re: Spell: Animate Object. Help... me....


Well, I definitely want them acting on their own. He can basically make objects come to life -- he has to focus a bit to keep them going, but does not fully direct them -- they act on their own. Mainly, he can't cast other spells while the pets are out, but other than that can do as he pleases while using the pets to annoy. As you can see, they aren't terribly powerful nor are they that hard to kill.


Question part 2: Is that enough divisions to cover most common items he can animate? Any ideas on other items that would have unique abilities? I think I'll do the hand wave on the life support, some is built into automaton but not all.

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Re: Spell: Animate Object. Help... me....


I guess I don't seem to understand...


How is a Summon (40pt automaton) expensive? It costs 8 real points (5pts per point in the creature, unless I haven't read the new Summon rules) plus limitations... You're not actually buying the automaton... you're writing it up for the summon.


I guess I'm out of touch...



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Re: Spell: Animate Object. Help... me....


I think he's saying it's hard to build a 40-pt automaton, not that it's expensive to summon them. I'm a little uncertain why he set the cap at 40 pts, though. Even slavishly loyal (+1) , summoning two 40 pt critters is only 26 active points. It seems a low cap

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Re: Spell: Animate Object. Help... me....


couldnt you make this an ai of some kind which controlls the tk?




Telekenisis str 20 base cost (30), OIF (inanimate objects of opportunity) -1/2,

concentration 1/2dcv -1/4, gestures -1/4, incantations -1/4 RC:13


Animated Objects Intelegence


Int 10

Ego 10

Dex 10

Spd 2


Attack Abilities

Disarm -1 ocv +1dcv Disarm+10 str

Kidney Blow -2 ocv +0dcv 1/2d6hka

Low Blow-1ocv +1dcv 2d6nnd resistant pd on groin

Punch +0ocv +2dcv str+2d6strike

RoundHouse -2ocv +1dcv str+4d6strike

Throw +0ocv +1dcv Str+vel/5 Target falls

Weapon element Telekenisis

Weapon Familiarity telekenisis

Cost: 26


AI cost :5


Total ability cost 18



its prolly just a silly way of doing it but i do silly well :P

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Re: Spell: Animate Object. Help... me....


The characters are built on 150 points, the one wizard in the party is not a dedicated wizard so he only has a 27 point Multipower Pool -- going from 42 to 43 in hero designer somehow puts him over the AP limit of his multipower:


Shvetzel Gaddleshmidt




Val Char Cost
9 STR -1
16 DEX 18
12 CON 4
8 BODY -4
18 INT 8
15 EGO 10
15 PRE 5
10 COM 0
5/11 PD 3
6/12 ED 4
3 SPD 4
5 REC 2
27 END 2
20 STUN 1
4" RUN-42" SWIM01 1/2" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 52


Cost Power END
5 Luck 1d6 0
5 Darksight 0
3 +1 PER with all Sense Groups 0
5 +1 with all DEX Skills
3 Signet of the Magi (Ring): Combat Luck (6 PD/6 ED) (12 Active Points); Independent (-2), IIF (-1/4), Limited Coverage Only versus attacks you can see coming (-1/4)
15 Multipower, 27-point reserve, (27 Active Points); all slots Requires A Magic Skill Roll (RSR Skill is subject to Skill vs. Skill contests; -3/4)
1u 1) Sight and Hearing Groups Images 1" radius, +/-3 to PER Rolls (24 Active Points); Requires A Magic Skill Roll (RSR Skill is subject to Skill vs. Skill contests; -3/4), 2 Recoverable Continuing Charges lasting 1 Turn each (-1/2), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4) [2 rc]
1u 2) Hearing and Touch Groups, Normal Sight and Normal Smell Images Increased Size (2" radius; +1/4), +/-1 to PER Rolls (26 Active Points); Requires A Magic Skill Roll (RSR Skill is subject to Skill vs. Skill contests; -3/4), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, Character May Take No Other Actions, -1/2), 1 Recoverable Continuing Charge lasting 1 Minute (-1/2) [1 rc]
1u 3) Invisibility to Sight and Hearing Groups (25 Active Points); Requires A Magic Skill Roll (RSR Skill is subject to Skill vs. Skill contests; -3/4), Only When Not Attacking (REQUIRED -- CAMPAIGN RULE) (-1/2), Concentration, throughout (1/2 DCV; -1/2), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4) 2
1u 4) Telekinesis (10 STR), Fine Manipulation (25 Active Points); Requires A Magic Skill Roll (RSR Skill is subject to Skill vs. Skill contests; -3/4), Concentration, throughout (1/2 DCV; -1/2), Lockout (-1/2) 2
1u 5) Obscuring Mist: Change Environment 2" radius, -2 to Sight Group PER Rolls, -2 to Hearing Group PER Rolls, Multiple Combat Effects (24 Active Points); Requires A Magic Skill Roll (RSR Skill is subject to Skill vs. Skill contests; -3/4), Concentration, throughout (1/2 DCV; -1/2), Lockout (-1/2) 2
1u 6) Ego Attack 2 1/2d6 (25 Active Points); Requires A Magic Skill Roll (RSR Skill is subject to Skill vs. Skill contests; -3/4), Eye Contact Required (-1/2), Subject To Range Modifier (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) 2
1u 7) Entangle 2 1/2d6, 2 DEF (25 Active Points); Requires A Magic Skill Roll (RSR Skill is subject to Skill vs. Skill contests; -3/4), Animation -- Only works if there are loose or manipulable objects nearby (branches, vines, roots, furniture, drapes, carpets, ropes, etc.) (-1/2), IAF (Focus (powdered whatsit you sprinkle on objects to animate.); -1/2), Only When Target is in Contact With The Ground (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4) 2
1u 8) Minor Transform 2 1/2d6 (Rock / Dirt into Mud) (25 Active Points); 1 Recoverable Charge (-1 1/4), Limited Target ([Very Limited]; -1), Requires A Magic Skill Roll (RSR Skill is subject to Skill vs. Skill contests; -3/4), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4) [1 rc]
1u 9) Kinetic Infusion: RKA 1d6+1, Autofire (3 shots; +1/4) (25 Active Points); Requires A Magic Skill Roll (RSR Skill is subject to Skill vs. Skill contests; -3/4), Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2), IIF (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) 2
1u 10) Animate Object: Summon 2 42-point creatures, Slavishly Devoted (+1) (26 Active Points); Requires A Magic Skill Roll (RSR Skill is subject to Skill vs. Skill contests; -3/4), Lockout (-1/2), Conditional Power Must have objects to animate (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) 3
Powers Cost: 46



Cost Skill
0 Breakfall 8-
0 Climbing 8-
3 Concealment 13-
3 Deduction 13-
3 CuK: Ancient History (Gnomish) 13-
1 Riding 8-
0 CK: Belethaas 8-
1 Bureaucratics 8-
3 Spellcraft 13-
2 Navigation (Land) 13-
3 Paramedics 13-
3 Stealth 12-
3 Trading 12-
2 WF: Common Melee Weapons
4 +2 with any single attack
0 Language: Gniddish (Gnomish/Telos) (fluent conversation; literate) (3 Active Points)
3 Language: Telosian (fluent conversation; literate)
1 Language: Ulohen (fluent conversation; literate) (3 Active Points); (reduced cost from lang chart) (-1 1/2)
1 Language: Oordish (fluent conversation; literate) (3 Active Points); (reduced cost from lang chart) (-1 1/2)
1 Language: Ogrish (basic conversation)
1 Language: Thiss (various dialects) (basic conversation)
3 Jack of All Trades
1 1) PS: Armorer (2 Active Points) 11-
1 2) PS: Carpenter (2 Active Points) 11-
1 3) PS: Farmer (2 Active Points) 11-
1 4) PS: Fisherman (2 Active Points) 11-
1 5) PS: Goldsmith (2 Active Points) 11-
1 6) PS: Herdsman (2 Active Points) 11-
1 7) PS: Jeweler (2 Active Points) 11-
1 8) PS: Mason (2 Active Points) 11-
1 9) PS: Scribe (2 Active Points) 11-
1 10) PS: Tanner (2 Active Points) 11-
1 11) PS: Teamster (2 Active Points) 11-
Skills Cost: 52





Total Character Cost: 150


Val Disadvantages
15 Distinctive Features: Cat-like Whiskers (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
10 Physical Limitation: Short (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
10 Physical Limitation: Requires Cane to Walk (Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
5 Money: Poor
10 Reputation: Untrustworthy, 11-

Disadvantage Points: 50


Base Points: 100

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0

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Re: Spell: Animate Object. Help... me....


The characters are built on 150 points, the one wizard in the party is not a dedicated wizard so he only has a 27 point Multipower Pool -- going from 42 to 43 in hero designer somehow puts him over the AP limit of his multipower:


Summoning two 42pt creatures is 42 / 5 = 8.4 + 5 (for second creature) = 13.4, add Slavishly Loyal(+1) is 13.4 * 2 = 26.4


Hero Designer rounds at the end, dropping the .4...


Summoning two 43pt creatures is 43 / 5 = 8.6 +5 (for second creature) = 13.6, add Slavishly Loyal(+1) is 27.2, then it drops the .2 ... but you're already over the 26 pt limit...


Don't you just hate decimals... :sneaky:


I'd suggest boosting the size of the MP to 27pts when you get a chance... you'd end up spending 1pt more than now (which means you'd have to drop something a point), but you'd be able to summon 43pt automatons... :whistle:



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Re: Spell: Animate Object. Help... me....


You could come at this from a different angle. Most of the things these objects do are some sort of attack EB, Entangle, RKA. Just make them Indirect, Uncontrolled, Some sort of Focus, ect.


You may have to handwave some kind of Continuous to allow the caster to take other actions.

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