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Tactical Question: How would your characters deal with these villians?


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Re: Tactical Question: How would your characters deal with these villians?


Well, the NND and equivalent limits on Precog would leave him unable to effect/perceive Microman II, Princess Cyrande, and Warmaster Fielan. Starguard has the afforementioned Invis to Mental Group, which should protect her. Horus would be susceptible, insofar as his Ego rating allowed ( IOW, he'd be a "focus required" target ). Poor Warp, he'd get the privelege of information sequestering efforts. ;-)

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Re: Tactical Question: How would your characters deal with these villians?


Well, for one, they aren't built on considerably more points than most of the players and they are built on less points than others.


By SFX, Ocean would like be taking a mental damage shield (which does body and had a few levels of penetrating on it) from one character who is an "entity" of omnidimensional sorts - an overload of information on multiple planes and the sheer "alien-ness" of the mind. Mental conact with her is... traumatic at best. If Ocean's power is always on, he can't break contact and won't survive long (unless there are mutliple levels of hardened on the mental def). In addition, this character only exists in the present "monopresent" so you can't determine what her future actions would be (invisibility to pre and retrocognitive powers, etc).


Is she human? Otherwise his Hyperpathy doesn't include her. Still not quite sure how I am going to build that. SFXwise, lots of information/odd minds shouldn't really effect him that much. Certainly not enough to kill him.


Beyond that, assuming there is no actual mental contact, this scary character has 100+ int (don't remember, maybe KawangaKid does) and a ginormous skill list, too. So you're looking at master vs master in that dept, but the hero's skills include sorcery and dimensional manipulation (hi, Shift), as well as the martial arts and all that. And that's not even everything yet. She's gross, imo.


Lure, being a "sea" critter, is pretty much doomed by falling under the dominion of the water elemental character. You can get lots of points into powers when you have lims like "only vs aqautic life" and/or "only under water." The latter is known to some for boosting her already impressive hydrokinetic abilities, but the former is one of those "rarely used but unbelievably powerful" sets of powers situations. The gadgets might help, but if the being in the armor is dominated... well....


Well, I was going to make Lure as close to "invulnerable" to mental powers are I could, but I can't say. These character seem pretty large scale.

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Re: Tactical Question: How would your characters deal with these villians?


Is she human? Otherwise his Hyperpathy doesn't include her. Still not quite sure how I am going to build that. SFXwise' date=' lots of information/odd minds shouldn't really effect him that much. Certainly not enough to kill him. [/quote']


Nope. Wrote her right out, then (alien android shell possessed by a omnidimensional entity) :) It was the mental damage shield that would have done the deed (the SFX is the info overload and alien mind, you just don't want to touch this chick's mind unless you're ready for some Lovecraft brainripping damage that gobbles your soul).


Well, I was going to make Lure as close to "invulnerable" to mental powers are I could, but I can't say. These character seem pretty large scale.


In this case, the active points exceeds the usual campaign limit since it's a "specialty area." It's certainly not impossible to buy up enough defense to resist it. It starts at 30d6 vs a single target and diminishes power the more area she tries to affect. She gets another 100 points to play with if she's under water.


Again, this is just an area where a specific character is bumping into a specific (and narrow) specialty of another character. If Lure were, say, a spider-creature instead then he's golden and I'd again say "well, it depends on just how much raw power they have, because it'll be one hell of a slugfest."


Are you looking for generic weaknesses in the concept of the villains? I mean, it's one thing to say "they all take extra damage from fire, so they can be beat that way" but doesn't mean much if your players have no flamethrowers.


They're a pretty solid team. They all need flaws or gates, but not necessarily the same flaws and gates. Something for everyone, if you get my drift. Hero 1 might be able to take out one or two, but Hero 2 is needed to take out the next guy... that sort of thing.

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Re: Tactical Question: How would your characters deal with these villians?


Alot of it isn't power levels, so much as exact designs. There are many teams you could create that would bite it if the opposition had a well-designed speedster, for instance. And sometimes, special effects just plain mesh ( the fish man vs massive aquatic telepathy in this case, or perhaps a team with lots of tech sfx vs a powerful cyberkinetic ).

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Re: Tactical Question: How would your characters deal with these villians?


Alot of it isn't power levels' date=' so much as exact designs. There are many teams you could create that would bite it if the opposition had a well-designed speedster, for instance. And sometimes, special effects just plain mesh ( the fish man vs massive aquatic telepathy in this case, or perhaps a team with lots of tech sfx vs a powerful cyberkinetic ).[/quote']




In the only instance I can answer a threat of this magnitude beyond "we'd get stomped into the ground", I have instances where certain abilities are just coming up against specialties or Hulk vs Hulk, who is strongest?


If the villain team didn't have the same range of abilities, but remained overpowering in their own fields, I would focus more on the areas that they don't dominate and try to find the weak point. This villain team nearly runs the spectrum and it would boil down to "how much punishment can they take and dish out."


This is why I said a couple are toast, a couple are rough, and a couple are just par for the course for that team (that judgement based on the suggested points level). I don't consider this a bad thing, it would actually be a good opposing team for the PCs in question. Lure takes extra steps to hide his origins from the water elemental. Ocean is tied up countering the skill level of the dimensional entity. Gaea avoids direct conflict with the earth elemental. Divide and conquer are good tactics for good guys and bad guys. The bad guys, being the instigators, would be able to choose their fights more wisely. Feurmacher, who is tough, is not the guy who should be facing off against Marvel's Pyro.




I dig the team.

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Re: Tactical Question: How would your characters deal with these villians?


This so beyond our team (heck these guys are more powerful than anyone else in our campaign world by an order of magnbitude). Most likely our team would assume plot devices are available And we'd probably start equipping the inhabitants of Notherworld (a parallel dimension protected by the Impossible Hand Kid) with Huskitonian technology. The rest of the team would gather recon while Husky (secluded in his lab and transformed into Kenneth) confered with IHK to develop a plan of attack. In a coordinated effort with the Penultimates the main assault would be a distraction while Husky and Sidekick used our speedster cyborg as a mobile computer link to hack the quantum computer and force him to assualt his own team in mass.

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Re: Tactical Question: How would your characters deal with these villians?


Ocean is a bit of a worry, of course.


Generally speaking, my characters would approach things the Reed Richards way: find a loophole.


That is, get someone tougher than them to beat up on the bads, borrow the Ultimate Nullifier, or generally pull something out of a hat.


Going toe to toe with them would be a mistake.


My only character that is anywhere near their point totals is my current version of Assault, but he doesn't really have a team to back him up, so he would be toast in a fight. Then again, he has lots of friends.


Whizkid (Reed Richards meets Kid Flash) would be suitable for a "find a loophole" approach.


Marino, well, uhh, forget it. Unless he can convince the whole of Atlantis to declare war on them... Hmm...

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Re: Tactical Question: How would your characters deal with these villians?


Hi, I really do not have any characters that play in these characters’ league, so instead I think I’ll just give some general commentary of possible tactics that might/could/should be effective against what you have described, but you have only given a very sketchy outline.


Ocean- Ocean is a telepath to the Nth power, a 'hyperpath'. Drawing on the thoughts and memories of the entire human race he has the skills of the world's greatest experts, is a martial artist par excellence and knows what the PCs are going to do before they do (by accessing their subconscious minds).


The first thing that comes to mind here is overwhelm him with Automotons. Yes, he knows they are coming, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he can do anything about it.


Next came if you have a character with some sort of “randomness†as part of his SFX, like the Scarlet Witch’s Hex Spheres. (I remember an old Avengers Annual. Where thanks to Destiny the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants were handing the Avengers a decent whupping, until Wanda stepped out of the Quinjet. All Destiny could say was “Uh oh.â€)


Finally, a Darkness or Flash vs. the Mental Sense Group could seriously off balance a character like this. He sounds like he has become quite dependent on all that background noise and using it to his advantage. We kind of in the games have a tendency to down play just how disoriented our characters would be by the lack of sight or hearing, but you could play that up with this guy.


The Soldier - Genetically modified by a secret government project to be the perfect killing machine. Soldier has a battery of biological enhancements inspired by the animal kingdom. She has the vision of an eagle, the sense of smell of a bloodhound, a whole range of extra senses, enhanced strength and speed, electrical discharges, box jellyfish venom, a limited shapeshift ability similar to an octopus and so forth.


The classic way to deal with someone with a wide array of enhanced sense would be with sensory overload. Dump a couple gallons of cologne on Dazzler and lure him to attacking her at a disco. Over in five seconds.


Adam Farpoint - A quantum computer AI, Adam's consciousness controls a variety of robotic bodies of his own design. None are humanoid, but resemble the animal-like constructions in the Matrix.


Well, it seems here is the trick is that you want to fight the consciousness not the robots. Adam as an opponent almost requires a Cyberpath or expert hacker on the team, to have the most fun with the concept. Otherwise it is beat up all the robots until he runs out, or attack the “main frame†if he has such a main nodal computer.


Gaea - A powerful psychic/mystic with control over natural phenomena such as earthquakes and the weather, Gaea is a devout pagan who believes herself to be the avatar of the earth mother. An extreme environmentalist she seeks to put an end to pollution, preserve biodiversity and prevent global warming.


Generally, a character like this has their connection to their “power source†as their Achilles heel. So severing/blocking her connection to the Earth would be one possible tacit. “So, welcome to the moon. Can you do Lunar Quakes? Why, yes, you can. Lets try just free fall for a while.†Alternatively, you could try enhancing it. This generally works better in the comics than in a game, but the idea would be to pump up her connection to the biosphere until she is lost in it, and really can’t focus on anything individually.


Lure - Lure is a bizarre looking humanoid resembling a deep sea fish. He has a large mouth filled with enormous teeth, whip-like filaments and bioluminescent patches. He is a representative of an ancient species that dwells on the ocean floor and predates human civilisation by tens of thousands of years. Wearing a protective suit to survive the low pressure environment on the surface, the equivalent of power armour, Lure wields a variety of advanced gadgets.


Over power the armor. Lure’s biggest weakness appears to be that a crack in the armor, and he would probably die very quickly. I’m sure he is aware of it, and therefore has made his armor very tough, but theoretically anything can be broken.


Fortress - Composed of neutron star material, Fortress is practically indestructible and very strong. (Superman, post crisis)


Really, by far the most straightforward to handle, bury him. Drown him. Put him in orbit. If he doesn’t have a form of flight or telportation, the best thing is to put him some place that he can’t leave.


Shift- Capable of accessing the other membranes (dimensions) predicted by M-Theory, Shift can transpose locations in our universe with those in another. By selecting specific worlds she can alter the laws of physics in a limited area. For example she could control gravity, making it weaker or far stronger or change the strength of the forces holding atoms together, with catastrophic consequences.


This is the only one, that some sort of predictable solution doesn’t come to mind. The best that comes so far is that she probably wouldn’t handle mystics very well. You say she can alter the laws of physics, usually magic is held somewhere outside of physics.

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Re: Tactical Question: How would your characters deal with these villians?


Okay, here's some more specific thoughts on how the New Sentinels could deal with these guys ( assuming they go public as having conquered the world without having already tried to take down our team, which isn't entirely sensical, but what the hell ).


(Thanks to Doug Macrae for the character ideas!) Assume these characters are made on world beater levels.(estimated 900-1000+ pts) They have effectively taken over their world and have access to global resources and can easily handle modern military forces so they aren't pansies. They act as a team and cover each other combat. They also have NOTHING agianst using lethal force (very Authority like).


Ocean- Ocean is a telepath to the Nth power, a 'hyperpath'. Drawing on the thoughts and memories of the entire human race he has the skills of the world's greatest experts, is a martial artist par excellence and knows what the PCs are going to do before they do (by accessing their subconscious minds).

As mentioned earlier, over half our team should invisible to his hyperpathy, giving us a significant exploitable advantage. He's definitely the biggest threat, though, and thus, would be our primary target. Given we have a highly skilled telepath of our own ( Warmaster Fielan ), though, we may be able to feed him false data, if we can figure out how his powers work.


The Soldier - Genetically modified by a secret government project to be the perfect killing machine. Soldier has a battery of biological enhancements inspired by the animal kingdom. She has the vision of an eagle, the sense of smell of a bloodhound, a whole range of extra senses, enhanced strength and speed, electrical discharges, box jellyfish venom, a limited shapeshift ability similar to an octopus and so forth.

Potentially a big threat if he can get access to our more fragile members. However, it sounds like he wouldn't be much use against something unsubtle, like Horus-Re simply flying up and punching him into the next state. Not a high priority for preemptive takedown.


Adam Farpoint - A quantum computer AI, Adam's consciousness controls a variety of robotic bodies of his own design. None are humanoid, but resemble the animal-like constructions in the Matrix.

This guy, OTOH, is. If Microman could manage to infiltrate and disable, or better, take control of, this AI, it would be really good, but I wouldn't bet on it. Then again, whatever his means of remote control on the robotic bodies, Princess Cyrande can probably disrupt them.


Gaea - A powerful psychic/mystic with control over natural phenomena such as earthquakes and the weather, Gaea is a devout pagan who believes herself to be the avatar of the earth mother. An extreme environmentalist she seeks to put an end to pollution, preserve biodiversity and prevent global warming.

Going by the description, it doesn't sound like her firepower is the concern, so much as the sheer scale she operates at. Best bet would probably have Horus-Re grit it through her offensive for a melee takedown, perhaps with Starguard playing dispel and suppress on her actions.


Lure - Lure is a bizarre looking humanoid resembling a deep sea fish. He has a large mouth filled with enormous teeth, whip-like filaments and bioluminescent patches. He is a representative of an ancient species that dwells on the ocean floor and predates human civilisation by tens of thousands of years. Wearing a protective suit to survive the low pressure environment on the surface, the equivalent of power armour, Lure wields a variety of advanced gadgets.

Sorry, guy, but your screwed. Powered armor = Microman uses internal attacks to break stuff into non-functionality. This is the kind of opponent Microman was designed to fight.


Fortress - Composed of neutron star material, Fortress is practically indestructible and very strong. (Superman, post crisis)

Sounds tough, but either mental attacks or battlefield removal should work fine.


Shift- Capable of accessing the other membranes (dimensions) predicted by M-Theory, Shift can transpose locations in our universe with those in another. By selecting specific worlds she can alter the laws of physics in a limited area. For example she could control gravity, making it weaker or far stronger or change the strength of the forces holding atoms together, with catastrophic consequences.


Okay, this guy sounds nasty, and a definite priority for taking down, but his special effect is bad for him. Warp has power tricks specifically designed for shutting down gates and reinforcing dimensional boundaries.


Overall, with their small numbers and point advantage, they'd be a serious serious threat. Especially as they will almost certainly have the initiative. However, if the Sentinels can survive any first strikes and regroup, odds are, we could take them down eventually.

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Re: Tactical Question: How would your characters deal with these villians?


As mentioned earlier, over half our team should invisible to his hyperpathy, giving us a significant exploitable advantage. He's definitely the biggest threat, though, and thus, would be our primary target. Given we have a highly skilled telepath of our own ( Warmaster Fielan ), though, we may be able to feed him false data, if we can figure out how his powers work.


That would be pretty clever. I don’t intend to make him helpless without his hyperpathy. He can still draw on the rest of the world and his technology as well from his own and Lure’s people, but that sort of strategy would be sound.


Potentially a big threat if he can get access to our more fragile members. However, it sounds like he wouldn't be much use against something unsubtle, like Horus-Re simply flying up and punching him into the next state. Not a high priority for preemptive takedown.


Can’t do much about that except keep her teamed with Fortress for physical assaults. That’s good to know.


This guy, OTOH, is. If Microman could manage to infiltrate and disable, or better, take control of, this AI, it would be really good, but I wouldn't bet on it. Then again, whatever his means of remote control on the robotic bodies, Princess Cyrande can probably disrupt them.


The way I see it is he just sort of “exists†across all his bodies, linked to them on quantum and subquantum level as a hive mind. I’m not sure it can be disrupted without destroying him first. Battling him cyberspace would extremely cool though and someone might be making a cyberpath style character so that’ll be fun.


Going by the description, it doesn't sound like her firepower is the concern, so much as the sheer scale she operates at. Best bet would probably have Horus-Re grit it through her offensive for a melee takedown, perhaps with Starguard playing dispel and suppress on her actions.


Melee is her weakness. She is also the bargining chip and WMD. In personal combat her attacks are highly offensive but indiscrete, tending to endanger bystanders (Volcanos, Earthquakes, multiple tornados, etc). She can also command animals but against high level teams that likely not much of an issue. She will usually backed up by Lure’s troops/automatons or Fortress in my plans.


Sorry, guy, but your screwed. Powered armor = Microman uses internal attacks to break stuff into non-functionality. This is the kind of opponent Microman was designed to fight.


What defenses would he need? His “suit†is s biomechanical battle system designed by alien technology several thousand years in advanced of ours. Its self repairing and his multiple redundant systems, etc and works on very strange principles. Breaking it should be very hard because as you correctly noted if it is breached, he is in a lot of trouble.


Power Defense?

Multiple Hardening?

Difficult to dispel?


My main thing is I’m trying to make these guys the primary focus of the game. If they have glaring “Beat them in one phase†weaknesses I need to patch those holes as much as possible.


Okay, this guy sounds nasty, and a definite priority for taking down, but his special effect is bad for him. Warp has power tricks specifically designed for shutting down gates and reinforcing dimensional boundaries.


She’s going be sort of the catch all for what the other’s can’t do and offer backup in case someone else bites off more than they can chew, but changing the rules to give her team mates the advantage. Physically, she will be tough, but can be taken out.

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Re: Tactical Question: How would your characters deal with these villians?


Re: the suit, well, from the sound of it, it'd be a hard target to break, but sfx wise, the internal attack is built as an NND Does Body RKA, with the defense being "Only Works on Inanimate/Automaton Objects." If its properly speaking a living thing, it'd be a tougher target, but that still leaves "Micro-delivered demolition charges" as an option, perhaps with a blackmail element ( "Hello, I would advise you to behave normally. Charges have been placed within your suit, capable of breeching structural integrity. . ." ).

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Re: Tactical Question: How would your characters deal with these villians?


Re: the suit' date=' well, from the sound of it, it'd be a hard target to break, but sfx wise, the internal attack is built as an NND Does Body RKA, with the defense being "Only Works on Inanimate/Automaton Objects." If its properly speaking a living thing, it'd be a tougher target, but that still leaves "Micro-delivered demolition charges" as an option, perhaps with a blackmail element ( "Hello, I would advise you to behave normally. Charges have been placed within your suit, capable of breeching structural integrity. . ." ).[/quote']




Huh, I'm not sure if I would allow that particular power build. But I guess I won't get Lure's battlesuit as a focus to dodge the problem.

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Re: Tactical Question: How would your characters deal with these villians?


Well, the real overall answer to this problem is: think, not fight.


Unless the PCs are overwhelmingly tough, they will be stomped.


The best way to deal with these guys, or any other ubervillains, is to treat them like Galactus. You don't just fly up and zap him - you find a way to make him go away and bother someone else.


I'm a bit twitchy about Ocean - omnipotence is not a good power for a villain to have. I played in a game where the main villain was a precog and we couldn't find a way of getting around him. Everything we tried was predicted and countered.


Now, if we had had a decent scientist/gadgeteer, or if our team's wizard had been designed to do anything more useful than throwing fireballs (yawn...), we might have been able to fix him. But without that, we were totally dependent on the GM providing a suitable plot device. And he didn't. We were pooched.


So, if these guys are supposed to be what the campaign is about, you will have to provide the PCs a way of beating them. Either that, or hold the players' hands when they are designing their characters, to ensure that they build appropriate characters. Otherwise, the PCs are just going to get beaten, and the players are going to think your game sucks.


Of course, you don't have to make it easy for the PCs to find out how to beat the bad guys - just let them know/hope that there is an answer out there. Without it, they will just skip town.


PS (Edit): Champions is, of course, a roleplaying game, not a tactical simulation. The answer to all problems like these is, of course, to roleplay.

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Re: Tactical Question: How would your characters deal with these villians?


My main thing is I’m trying to make these guys the primary focus of the game. If they have glaring “Beat them in one phase†weaknesses I need to patch those holes as much as possible.


Personally, I find it hard to help you with on this Katherine, because that kind of glaring weakness in combat would most likely show up in the actual way the character is built. "Did you give them enough defenses for the attacks that will reasonably be hitting them" kind of thing.


For example, how dependent is Ocean on being connected to every mind on earth? Would a Mental Sense Group Flash or Darkness reduce his intelligence, skill levels, etc (probably best represented by a large Susceptibility or Phys. Lim., but Limitations on all the applicable Stats and Skills could work too)?


Did you remember to give Gaea Personaly Immunity on her powers so she isn't part of that collateral damage?


It is things like those that are hard to tell from such brief descriptions.

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Re: Tactical Question: How would your characters deal with these villians?




Huh, I'm not sure if I would allow that particular power build. But I guess I won't get Lure's battlesuit as a focus to dodge the problem.


Don't worry, most GMs wouldn't give as much leeway on the construct as mine does. Then again, I *am* sacrificing alot of firepower to have tricks like that. My DCs max out at 15, and thats with exotic attacks; more normal stuff peaks at 12. Against a living opponent, all they need is inherent resistant defense and I can't internal attack them.


Basically, I'm a machine-buster.

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Re: Tactical Question: How would your characters deal with these villians?


Yeah. I see your point. I'm just not grooving on this high power level. It is not what I'm used to working with. Perhaps I should reconsider running this game before I get in over my head.


Well, there always has to be a first time. As long as you and your players work well together, and as long as you remember that you're in this for the story, it will work out. :)


I would say that making sure you have a few ideas about how this team could be legitimately beaten, and a few escape routes in mind for them as well, it should be fine.


Also, be clear on the story you want to tell. If this is a story about the triumph of the heroes over adversity, have a few paths to that triumph in mind.

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Re: Tactical Question: How would your characters deal with these villians?


Hmm.. probably complain to the GM




Let's see... I'm going to assume that the Silver Knights have been together for a while now (around post- Target Earth in the timeline)


In general, divide and conquer with a ton of emphasis on finding out what their weaknesses are, if any. With their power, it's pretty unlikely that they need to assemble all of their forces in one place so if you're careful you could probably take them out in small pockets.


"Ocean- Ocean is a telepath to the Nth power, a 'hyperpath'. Drawing on the thoughts and memories of the entire human race he has the skills of the world's greatest experts, is a martial artist par excellence and knows what the PCs are going to do before they do (by accessing their subconscious minds)."


Hmm... I'm assuming that knowing what the PC's will do, as hinted before, is only at close range and you have to concentrate. Have Titan, the team's Iron Man and gadgeeter create some psi-jammers. If you apply the certain groups of minds, I don't, then sic Nova (alien) and Nightshade (elven assassin with incredible fighting ability) after him. Also, try to back engineer his power. If he has access to all those memories, he must have a way to control them. Take out that control and he'd be overwhelmed (or "flooded" as it were).


"The Soldier - Genetically modified by a secret government project to be the perfect killing machine. Soldier has a battery of biological enhancements inspired by the animal kingdom. She has the vision of an eagle, the sense of smell of a bloodhound, a whole range of extra senses, enhanced strength and speed, electrical discharges, box jellyfish venom, a limited shapeshift ability similar to an octopus and so forth."


Hmm... with those abilities, I wonder if he's prey to their weaknesses like fear of fire? Or going into heat during mating season.


"Adam Farpoint - A quantum computer AI, Adam's consciousness controls a variety of robotic bodies of his own design. None are humanoid, but resemble the animal-like constructions in the Matrix."


I can't think of anything that he probably couldn't counter. EMP pulse, virus, or eliminating his ability to contact the outside world, etc. Perhaps leave a small backdoor in the Knight's computers that is a trojan horse to go back to his mainframe.


"Gaea - A powerful psychic/mystic with control over natural phenomena such as earthquakes and the weather, Gaea is a devout pagan who believes herself to be the avatar of the earth mother. An extreme environmentalist she seeks to put an end to pollution, preserve biodiversity and prevent global warming."


Fighting dirty here, but I wonder if she's pretty vulnerable to toxins and pollutions. Lady Silver at this point is one of the most powerful mages on Earth so she could probably throw down.


"Lure - Lure is a bizarre looking humanoid resembling a deep sea fish. He has a large mouth filled with enormous teeth, whip-like filaments and bioluminescent patches. He is a representative of an ancient species that dwells on the ocean floor and predates human civilisation by tens of thousands of years. Wearing a protective suit to survive the low pressure environment on the surface, the equivalent of power armour, Lure wields a variety of advanced gadgets."


If he's in armor, he's prey for Lodestar, a Polaris level master of magnetism. Use that or other means to shred his suit and lure him into battle in water... only it's water laced with a powerful anesthetic. This would depend heavily on selecting the place of battle unless you could carry around enough of the drug and get him into a small enough body of water.


"Fortress - Composed of neutron star material, Fortress is practically indestructible and very strong. (Superman, post crisis)"


If he's vulnerable to something use it. Don't face him head on in battle but instead use Lady Silver to attack him spiritually. Given that he's made out of neutron star material, he's going to be incredibly heavy though if he can fly that helps negate it a bit. I need to figure this out a little more.


"Shift- Capable of accessing the other membranes (dimensions) predicted by M-Theory, Shift can transpose locations in our universe with those in another. By selecting specific worlds she can alter the laws of physics in a limited area. For example she could control gravity, making it weaker or far stronger or change the strength of the forces holding atoms together, with catastrophic consequences."


Nothing comes to mind right now though there is nothing to indicate superhuman characteristics or durability. Get in close really fast (Speed Demon would be great for that) and try to one-hit her with a massive move-through.


That's all for now.

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Re: Tactical Question: How would your characters deal with these villians?


Some additions:


Personally, I'd design them with some weaknesses to take advantage of. That's me personally at least. I'm reminded of the JLA where they would be pitted against some high levels who could even toss Superman. With some planning though, the JLA could come back by taking advantage of weaknesses (among other things) as Batman did taking out several White Martians.


Let's see..


Ocean: I misinterpreted his power. Mental jammers wouldn't help it seems. Still, Nova and Nightshade are still outside his memories and the latter has moves never seen on earth. Also, it's possible that Lady Silver, if she's arch mage at this point, could sever his connection to the memories of those of the world through plot device of her office as defender of Earth. Slight stretch but I kinda like it since I'm reminded of Mystic Masters where one possibility was that the Arch Mage could derive power from the spiritual energy of humans.


Also, it's possible to challenge Ocean to search his memories for a conqueror, no matter how enlightened, who actually achieved a true golden age that did not throw humanity in chains. Or turn opinion against this team and have him absorb the anger of humanity (or the pain he has caused in his quest) against him.


Fortress: it seems that he can't fly. In that case, get him somewhere with weak floors and some mighty deep holes. Or over an ocean where his weight will drive him straight to the bottom.


Shift has superhuman toughness? Hmm... might have Star Knight use a massive Flash... good luck targeting those powers then! Even is she alters physical laws, I can't see that healing the damage.

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Re: Tactical Question: How would your characters deal with these villians?


Yeah, if you don't think you can handle it, especially with all original characters, don't try and force it.


Whats the highest point campaign you've ever run before??


Around 300-400 points when I decided to wrap it up.


Yeah, I am not going to try this. High level gaming doesn't seem to be for me. Maybe I can talk them into a nice Street Level game. :)

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Re: Tactical Question: How would your characters deal with these villians?


It felt different starting lower and working things up. By the time they got really powerful I was getting ready to wrap things up not just starting. I didn't have to come up with allot of mega villains to challenge them. Just one grande finale to tie up the loose ends. I'm not really a very tactical GM but more story oriented. The mechanics often confuse me frankly and high power level seem to amplify that problem. I'm gonna play it safe, but I appreciate all the advice from everyone.

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