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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I heard an interview with a guy who interviewed Dan Brown and asked him point blank if the stuff was made up. He phrased it something like' date=' "Now these documents and events you refer to are fictional, right?" Brown's answer was that the documents had really existed and many of the events actually occurred. He apparently wants people to believe it's real.[/quote']


Well, I'm about 7 chapters into the book and it reads like any other religion-based murder/mystery style novel so far. Maybe all the to-do is later on in the book. I'll keep you all posted, if you are interested.






PS: Just because the specific pieces of art, the buildings, and the organizations are real, doesn't mean the story is real. I don't believe Brown ever claimed the events true, only that the setting details were researched and described correctly. The same can be done in any fictional story... doesn't make it true, just lends more believability air to the story.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


IIRC there is a statement in the front of the book that is problematic...




Well, I'm about 7 chapters into the book and it reads like any other religion-based murder/mystery style novel so far. Maybe all the to-do is later on in the book. I'll keep you all posted, if you are interested.






PS: Just because the specific pieces of art, the buildings, and the organizations are real, doesn't mean the story is real. I don't believe Brown ever claimed the events true, only that the setting details were researched and described correctly. The same can be done in any fictional story... doesn't make it true, just lends more believability air to the story.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


It seems somehow fitting that this post follows a Mightybec one.

So how did your Tribble greet the New Year ? How about with a virus that has shut down hospital wards ?

The symptoms are vomiting and diahorrea, the urge sometimes being for both at once. Spent most of Saturday dehibilated lying flat out on the floor. I only had breakfast for food. Didn't feel hungry and didn't really want to tempt fate. The vomiting seems to have stopped but the diahorrea just keeps on coming.

The up side is that I have seen the Extended Version of Return of the King.


Sorry to hear about the illness, hope you rapidly improve.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


That bug seems to be worldwide...


Our lender had it from Christmas eve to the 27th, part of the reason we aren't closing the house deal until tomorrow!


Reminds me of the time I came down with Acute gastroenteritis.


In fact, I wonder if this is a viral form? the two private colleges in town both had people hit by it, no sign of it being food related.


50 at one, 10 or so at the other.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Both Vans are gone! A part of me is sad that I didn't have the cash flow to get that project going. However' date=' I no longer have this task just sitting there, mocking me from the driveway. Plus I now have no excuse to not be able to park the bug in garage. With the bad weather coming in, should make the bug happier.[/quote']


Well, I can understand the regrets but it is nice to simplify one's life. I need to shed some projects.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


My wife's glasses broke in half' date=' right in the middle. She glued them, but it didn't hold more than a couple days. So I brushed off a bit of minature experience. Drilled a small hole in each side and pinned them together. Now I just need to put some filler in and cover it with something that won't irritate my wife's cute nose.[/quote']


Yuck, but good inventiveness/engineering on your part. I had a break on the side of my glasses a while back and the glasses people actually did a quick graft from another pair just as a quick freebie. Which is good and bad - good obviously in that it's fixed, but bad in that it's fixed well enough I haven't bothered to do anything more about it, so the piece that holds the glasses on one ear is actually different from the rest of the pair. But it doesn't stand out too badly, particularly with my hair being long and over it on that side of my face, the side opposite the part.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Yuck' date=' but good inventiveness/engineering on your part. I had a break on the side of my glasses a while back and the glasses people actually did a quick graft from another pair just as a quick freebie. Which is good and bad - good obviously in that it's fixed, but bad in that it's fixed well enough I haven't bothered to do anything more about it, so the piece that holds the glasses on one ear is actually different from the rest of the pair. But it doesn't stand out too badly, particularly with my hair being long and over it on that side of my face, the side opposite the part.[/quote']

Thanks. I'm hoping to do a decent enough job so it's not too noticable, but it will be better than the previous pair that my wife had Fed-Ex tape on the side for the better part of a year. :nonp:

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Well' date=' I can understand the regrets but it is nice to simplify one's life. I need to shed some projects.[/quote']

I've got a back log of projects a mile long. That one just wasn't going to happen anytime soon. I think the various house projects needed to take priority. Now I just need to get a real job so the cash flow problem gets solved. I figure I've got two monthes covered before serious problems start creeping in.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Just changed my major' date=' and threw the idea of being a teacher out the window. Now I'm a Criminal Justice major with a Law Enforcment emphasis. Just call me Officer Mightybec. :D[/quote']


No, I'm just calling my lawyer right now, being proactive about this!

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Shed some projects? I wish I could! Some are ongoing, but the ones that are one-off-and-finished, God, I wish I could get them done!


(Although I am working on one of them right now - cataloguing ALL of my Magic cards for sale! I'm so productive...)





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Guest Skaramine

Re: Musings on Random Musings


Instead of writing today, I worked on the Comte St. Germaine, and made a venom torso, and a wolverine head, arms and legs, and storm's glove and boots, and the ultimate green goblin's left hand, and some colored vinyl tape into a Minimate Morningstar. And finalized Morningstar's Powerset as an all Terrain Super Boxer.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


The governor of Florida... you know, the kid brother to that mook some people call "President"... has decided that in its infinite wisdom, the State of Florida needs five fewer administrative judges on its payroll.


Five. Not "five hundred". Not "five thousand". Five. And he personally decided which ones would be "downsized".


My wife was one of them. There was no warning... she had already begun processing her docket this morning when the Senior Court Judge called her in for a private meeting in which she said "We can work it two ways. One, you resign and we won't contest your unemployment benefits. Two, we fire you and keep your unemployment benefits in process until 2007."


According to her direct supervisor, the five people the Governor "downsized" were the only registered democrats hearing cases in the North-Florida administrative district. Coincidence? I wonder.


Our household income, after Becky's prodigious medical expenses, wasn't all that hot to begin with. Now, factoring and now that we've lost what little medical insurance we were able to scrape together to cover her and the kids, its even cooler.


I add this to Governor Bush managing to make my grandmother's pension disappear by investing it in Enron, and making my mother's retirement disappear by restructuring how state employment benefits are handled. Its almost like he has it in for us.


So all of you Bush-kissers who say that my hatred for the man and his family is unreasonable, or irrational, or baseless... get bent. I've got plenty of reason to hate them, and they are damned personal reasons.


Damn. :mad:


I'm sorry to hear that, Jack. :( I hope things turn around for you guys quickly.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: Musings on Random Musings


Damn. :mad:


I'm sorry to hear that, Jack. :( I hope things turn around for you guys quickly.

Ditto. And Jeb wants to run...


Like people are going to vote for someone named for a Beverly Hillbilly...

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Great. I intend to make the Bush administration sound bad, but I end up being called the racist.


Shoot me now.




Too many other people to get to first, sorry. Probably should have said something on the thread, but I was seeing to much red and not enough sense.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Ditto. And Jeb wants to run...


Like people are going to vote for someone named for a Beverly Hillbilly...



Oh yeah, Jeb's running. Why else did he go over to SW Asia with Powell? Looks like Frist is going to have someone other than Rove.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Oh yeah' date=' Jeb's running. Why else did go over to SW Asia with Powell? Looks like Frist is going to have someone other than Rove.[/quote']

Wait, Jeb might try to keep the Bush Line in the Presidency?

Oh that's too much. Just too too much. I wish to god I knew whether to laugh or cry.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: Musings on Random Musings


Wait, Jeb might try to keep the Bush Line in the Presidency?

Oh that's too much. Just too too much. I wish to god I knew whether to laugh or cry.

Where's a Cuban missile crisis when you need one?

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