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I Need Opinions on published supplements.


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I have only recently returned to the HERO system after a lengthy hiatus (actually Fusion scared me and I ran away screaming). I have picked up FRED Champs, CU and CKC, and was wondering what the next supplements I purchase should be.


I'm not partial to any particular genre and really would just like to know what the individuals gathered here consider to be the best of the new books (new being 5th ED)




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Re: I Need Opinions on published supplements.


I have only recently returned to the HERO system after a lengthy hiatus (actually Fusion scared me and I ran away screaming). I have picked up FRED Champs, CU and CKC, and was wondering what the next supplements I purchase should be.


I'm not partial to any particular genre and really would just like to know what the individuals gathered here consider to be the best of the new books (new being 5th ED)





One book that I think is a must is the Ultimate Super powers Database. It's a collection of powers buy category (i.e. light powers, earth powers,) The best part is that they are already prewritten with costs and everything else added in. Perfect the player that can decide what he wants or needs to actually see a premade power.


Next on the list is the various organization books such as Viper, Until, Demon and others. You don't really need them if you are using your own background but they do help just because I have always found premade charatcers easier to use and less time consuming. Also get arcane adversaries for more magical villians.


Next get the location books especially the Mllenium city book.


Finally get the books that such as the Ultimate line of books, Gadgets and Gear and the Mystic World. And the Gm screen too.

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Re: I Need Opinions on published supplements.


Welcome to the boards. :)


I suppose the answer depends somewhat on what genre or type of game you intend to run. Ultimate Martial Artist is useful for pretty much anything from street punks to superheroes, so that's a good place to go next.


The new Dark Champions is also very impressive, and it's not tied specifically to superheroics. You can use it to create anything from Navy SEALS to Indiana Jones.


Star Hero really should have been titled "Sci Fi Hero" because it covers everything from cyberpunk to starships, time travel to hyperspace. I've found it quite useful in my Champions campaign for helping create "bleeding edge" technology in a superhero context.

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Re: I Need Opinions on published supplements.


I have only recently returned to the HERO system after a lengthy hiatus (actually Fusion scared me and I ran away screaming). I have picked up FRED Champs, CU and CKC, and was wondering what the next supplements I purchase should be.


I'm not partial to any particular genre and really would just like to know what the individuals gathered here consider to be the best of the new books (new being 5th ED)





First, Welcome Back!

I would highly recommend picking up a copy of The Ultimate Martial Artist if you can find it. I think it is out of print, but there are still copies around. It will also eventually show up as a PDF for sale here in the Online Store, but I like printed books better, myself. It can be used with any genre where Martial Arts appears, which is basically any genre.


The Until Superpowers Database is a great resource if you have trouble building powers, or want something to give beginning players who want to build a character based on a certain Special Effect. It can also be invaluable for people with Variable Power Pools, since it gives tons of powers that someone with a VPP could "whip up" when they needed them.


Sidekick is also a great choice if you need to introduce new players to the system. It is not a different set of rules, or an abomination like Fusion :eek:, it is just a simpler subset of the rules, with some easier explanations, and not so much potentially mind-numbing detail.

(I don't find the full version mind-numbing, but for those who do feel that way, Sidekick is ready to help you.)



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Re: I Need Opinions on published supplements.


First, Welcome Back!

I would highly recommend picking up a copy of The Ultimate Martial Artist if you can find it. I think it is out of print, but there are still copies around. It will also eventually show up as a PDF for sale here in the Online Store, but I like printed books better, myself. It can be used with any genre where Martial Arts appears, which is basically any genre.


The Until Superpowers Database is a great resource if you have trouble building powers, or want something to give beginning players who want to build a character based on a certain Special Effect. It can also be invaluable for people with Variable Power Pools, since it gives tons of powers that someone with a VPP could "whip up" when they needed them.


Sidekick is also a great choice if you need to introduce new players to the system. It is not a different set of rules, or an abomination like Fusion :eek:, it is just a simpler subset of the rules, with some easier explanations, and not so much potentially mind-numbing detail.

(I don't find the full version mind-numbing, but for those who do feel that way, Sidekick is ready to help you.)




Excellent, I was looking at picking up Sidekick for a couple of my new players and the UNTIL Database sounds ideal for my situation. I have 2 players new to HERO and two returning after a long time away.



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Re: I Need Opinions on published supplements.


Welcome to the boards. :)



The new Dark Champions is also very impressive, and it's not tied specifically to superheroics. You can use it to create anything from Navy SEALS to Indiana Jones.


Ah, Dark Champions, one of my absolute favourites from long ago. I think this one is going to be at the top of the list, just to see what changes have been made from the original. The idea of a more "realistic" genre is appealling for some of my players who "shudder" don't read comic books..... :rolleyes:



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Re: I Need Opinions on published supplements.


Ah, Dark Champions, one of my absolute favourites from long ago. I think this one is going to be at the top of the list, just to see what changes have been made from the original. The idea of a more "realistic" genre is appealling for some of my players who "shudder" don't read comic books..... :rolleyes:




Just so you know, Dark Champions is now, basically the "Modern Hero" book.

It has less stuff that pertains to "dark" Superheroes, and much more Street Level/Espionage/Realistic, stuff. It is indeed great, especially if you want to run a "realistic" campaign with real world guns, forensics, etc.


By the way, I did see a couple of UMA's on eBay.


Here is a link:





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Re: I Need Opinions on published supplements.


Let me vote for Ultimate Martial Artist, a book I use a lot.


Second I would suggest for any GM the Hero System Beastiary (If you can find a copy), you never know when you will need the stats for an animal or what have you...

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Re: I Need Opinions on published supplements.


I would recommend the VIPER: Coils of the Serpent book if your going to GM. It has lots of information on a major villain organization. It includes how to quickly through together a variaty of VIPER agents a ton of weapons and vehicles. You could very easily use the VIPER book for 6 - 8 weeks of games and not touch another book. I try to make VIPER in about every 3rd game.

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Re: I Need Opinions on published supplements.


Ulitmate Martial Artist should be very useful, regardless of the genre you're playing. Grab a copy if you can. You won't be disappointed.


If you're looking to branch out from supers, try Fantasy HERO. It makes the short-list of best books I own.

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Re: I Need Opinions on published supplements.


Welcome back aboard, TrevorG! :)


Since you specify that you're not focussing on any particular genre, I recommend the general-use books:


Fantasy HERO and Star HERO are must-buys for anyone planning to use HERO to run a fantasy or sci-fi campaign. Both books are densely packed with great world-building and campaigning advice, even if you weren't using HERO; but the specific game-mechanic sections are a boon.


Ultimate Martial Artist benefits any game with significant use of the martial arts, heroic or superheroic. Enormous range of real and fictional styles and weapons, plus how to design your own unique styles and maneuvers. For campaigns focussed on MAs Ninja HERO pairs exceptionally well with UMA.


HERO System Bestiary not only has a vast array of real-world and extinct animals, and sci-fi, fantasy and movie beasties; it goes into detail on how to use animals in all genres, and how to design your own. Perhaps the most broadly-useful book yet published for 5E.


What Bestiary does for animals, The Ultimate Vehicle does for, well, vehicles. Examples of all types from chariots to starships, how to build them, optional rules for using them. The HERO System Vehicle Sourcebook uses those guidelines to build a host of vehicles for all types of games.

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Re: I Need Opinions on published supplements.


Thanks for all the feedback guys. It looks as if The Ultimate MA and The Until Superpowers Database are the clear cut winners and Fantasy Hero a runner up, which works out well as I have a couple of players interested in keeping with a fantasy genre.


Thanks, TWG

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Re: I Need Opinions on published supplements.


Thanks for all the feedback guys. It looks as if The Ultimate MA and The Until Superpowers Database are the clear cut winners and Fantasy Hero a runner up, which works out well as I have a couple of players interested in keeping with a fantasy genre.


Thanks, TWG



Fantasy Hero and Star Hero both rock.. I didn't list them simply because this is the 'champions' thread (heh) if you get Fantasy Hero.. look out for the fantasy hero grimore too.. very good thing to have :snicker:

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Re: I Need Opinions on published supplements.


I'm going to go 180-out and say you HAVE all the books you need.


I've never liked the Database. I've always felt it was a book for people who didn't know how to create characters. I felt insulted by it. If using the rules to create things in new and interesting ways isn't something you enjoy, then you're playing the WRONG game.


Until, Viper and Primus all get run out of my head. I don't NEED a book to GM those groups. Doesn't hurt, though.


I'd say the only thing listed is the GM's Screen. (And that's the only thing you can't GET anymore! :mad:)

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Re: I Need Opinions on published supplements.


I own the entire line, except for the Star Hero books. In terms of books I think most Champions/Hero gamers will actually get a lot of use out of, in order:


1) FRED. You need it.


2) Hero Designer 2.0. This will save you huge amounts of time.


3) CKC / Arcane Adversaries. Well done villains are always the GM's friend.


4) Bestiary / Monsters, Minions and Maurauders. Now that you have cool rules for Multiform and Summon, you'll want stuff that you can actually do with them, and you won't want to have to write everything yourself.


5) Viper / Demon. Great organization books, tons of plot seeds, agents, villains.


6) The various pre-fab books. USPDB / Grimore 1&2, Gadgets & Gear, etc. These books are fun to read, and they can spark ideas, but I don't find myself using them all that much. Read, enjoyed, put on shelf. I still pull them down now and then, but they're not all that vital IMO.


7) Mystic World, UMA, Ninja Hero, Ultimate Brick, Champions, Champions Univers, Fantasy Hero, all the rest. Fun to read, and you'll get some ideas here and there, but unless you're really interested in adding some cool X to your next campaign you don't really need most of these.


Of course, if you have the time and money, buy them all. I don't want Hero going out of business again. ;)

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Re: I Need Opinions on published supplements.


I'm going to go 180-out and say you HAVE all the books you need.


I've never liked the Database. I've always felt it was a book for people who didn't know how to create characters. I felt insulted by it. If using the rules to create things in new and interesting ways isn't something you enjoy, then you're playing the WRONG game.


Until, Viper and Primus all get run out of my head. I don't NEED a book to GM those groups. Doesn't hurt, though.


I'd say the only thing listed is the GM's Screen. (And that's the only thing you can't GET anymore! :mad:)


Oh definitly, Fred is the only one you NEED. The rest of them are fluff pure and simple, but for the most part very well done fluff, more for the people who either don't have time or the willpower to come up with it themselfs (I qualify for both.) :stupid:

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