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The New Circle


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Re: The New Circle


I thought I'd post some plot seeds for Wyrmbane to tie them in with the New Circle. The characters themselves can be found in the Superheroes With Pics thread, since I didn't originally have anything tying them explicitly to the CU and since they are not homage characters.


Plot Seed: The New Circle has vanished. The last the Master had heard of them, they were going to investigate rumors about Chang Kar Wai having been seen recently in the city. However there has been no word from them in over a week, and the Master is getting quite concerned. He needs to find some new heroes to find out what happened to the New Circle, and he is desperate enough to consider recruiting a team of teens to do the job. Sibyl, however, is outraged. Is it simply her revulsion at the Master's recruitment tactics, or does she know more than she's letting on?


Plot Seed: A series of strange attacks by mysterious Edomite monsters which appear briefly, only to vanish again just as mysteriously, has begun to plague the city. The attacks seem almost random, with no goal other than to draw forth a response from the city's heroes, and have been occurring with enough frequency to run many heroes ragged chasing after phantoms. At least some heroes, however, are finding the monsters more eager for a confrontation. A teen hero team known as Wyrmbane comes to the New Circle for help. Always senses that there may be a pattern unfolding that could result in a cataclysmic horror being unleashed not just on the city, but on the world as a whole. Can the New Circle determine the source and the purpose of these attacks before The Slug is able to capture his prizes and make use of them in a ritual sacrifice?


Plot Seed: A new church has sprung up in the city and has been gathering new worshippers amongst the street people at an incredible rate. The church is sponsoring soup kitchens, treatment centers, and several other facilities for the needy. Parishioners talk about having religious experiences and seeing angels on a weekly or even nightly basis. But something is amiss. One day Night Hunter reports to the rest of the New Circle that rumors have been circulating about homeless people going missing and a demon preying on the church. He investigated and found little other than a black scorch mark on the ground, and several very large feathers scattered about. Yet if the church has come under attack, they have not asked the police or anyone else for help dealing with the problem. Just what is going on here?


Plot Seed: In the small hours of the morning, while most of the city sleeps, a catastrophe occurs somewhere in the city. The next night, a completely different seemingly random event occurs. So it goes for a week. Then the Master introduces the New Circle to a woman fearful for her son's life. Gifted, convinced that the events are somehow his fault, has gone into a catatonic trance. Yet the events continue. Who is responsible, and how can Gifted be brought out of his self-imposed imprisonment?


Here are the character links:

Glaive – Fantasy World Warrior Woman in Modern America



Glave’s Shieldmaidens – Shadow Warrior Followers of Glaive



Glaive’s Shadowhounds – Dogs of War



Beast Warden – Shape Changing Shamanic Fantasy Hero in Modern America



Beast Warden’s Forms:

Polar Bear - http://www.herogames.com/forums/showpost.php?p=703394&postcount=139


Sea Hawk – http://www.herogames.com/forums/showpost.php?p=703395&postcount=140


Soulbarb – Schoolgirl Were-Demon Crime Fighter



Gifted - Artistic Schoolboy Hero


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33 You WILL Fear Me! Armor Piercing (+1/2) and Penetrating (+1/2) on 40 PRE, Only For Fear Based PRE Attacks (-1/2)

20 You Can't Scare Me!: Harden (x2, +1/2) on 40 PRE, Only To Protect Against Fear Based PRE Attacks (-1/2)

Interesting. I've been interested in PRE tricks recently, but never thought to use Armor Piercing. I assume it would halve the defender's PRE against a Presence Attack?


Sneaky. I'll have to remember that. :eg:

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Re: The New Circle


Interesting. I've been interested in PRE tricks recently, but never thought to use Armor Piercing. I assume it would halve the defender's PRE against a Presence Attack?


Sneaky. I'll have to remember that. :eg:

Actually, that's not rules legal.

AP Mind Control doesn't halve the EGO that it works against. It halves the Mental Defense. Since most characters don't have Presence Defense [Presence only vs. Presence Attacks (-1)] it usually wouldn't do much. Plus, characters with high Ego's get to use PRE or EGO vs. a Presence Attack and there's no way that buying AP for PRE should halve the defenders PRE and EGO too!



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Guest Skaramine

Re: The New Circle


Actually, that's not rules legal.

AP Mind Control doesn't halve the EGO that it works against. It halves the Mental Defense. Since most characters don't have Presence Defense [Presence only vs. Presence Attacks (-1)] it usually wouldn't do much. Plus, characters with high Ego's get to use PRE or EGO vs. a Presence Attack and there's no way that buying AP for PRE should halve the defenders PRE and EGO too!



How about Penetrating? :whistle:

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Re: The New Circle


How about Penetrating? :whistle:


The same logic would apply. I should retract my 'rules legal' comment. It is legal to purchase AP or Penetrating but they would only apply against PRE bought with a limitation to only defend vs. Presence Attacks.


The same points bought on more PRE would be more effective. Another option would be to combine it with a Drain vs. PRE and EGO with the limitation Only to affect Presence Attacks.



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Guest Skaramine

Re: The New Circle



The same logic would apply. I should retract my 'rules legal' comment. It is legal to purchase AP or Penetrating but they would only apply against PRE bought with a limitation to only defend vs. Presence Attacks.


The same points bought on more PRE would be more effective. Another option would be to combine it with a Drain vs. PRE and EGO with the limitation Only to affect Presence Attacks.



Or I'd just use extra Pre, with OIHID + Targets must make Rep Roll, Offensive Only. You could buy some pretty good amounts with the same points you'd put into making your own PRE Armor Piercing.

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Re: The New Circle


Actually, that's not rules legal.

AP Mind Control doesn't halve the EGO that it works against. It halves the Mental Defense. Since most characters don't have Presence Defense [Presence only vs. Presence Attacks (-1)] it usually wouldn't do much. Plus, characters with high Ego's get to use PRE or EGO vs. a Presence Attack and there's no way that buying AP for PRE should halve the defenders PRE and EGO too!




Drat...I diden't know that was ilegal. I should just deleat the ilegal power then. Anyways, is Harden PRE legal?

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Re: The New Circle


What are you going to harden PRE against' date=' if there is no such thing as AP or penetrating PRE attacks?[/quote']


True. I just wanted to make him more frighting than the avrage supervilian, even in a mystical campain. Now I realised I diden't realy need to add AP Penatrating and Harden on his PRE to make him frighting...the other fear related powers he has can do that job just as well. I saved 55 points by getting rid of the ofending nakid advantages.

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Re: The New Circle


The Dimension Commandoes 12


Hair/eye color-brown hair, brown eyes

Height/mass- 5'2", 160 lbs.


Place of birth-Wei Lung

Date of birth- 7/21/80


STR (20) 30

DEX (39) 23/33

CON (28) 24

BODY (30) 25

INT (17) 27

EGO (18) 19

PRE (12) 22

COM (4) 18

PD 6

ED 4


REC 10

END 48





PHASES 3,6,9,12



21 tough skin: damage resistance (18 pd/10 ed) hardened (x 2, + 1/2)


60 Iron Fist Skills: 60 point reserve multipower

4u Take it Apart: Dispel Technology (45) 15d6, any one power (+1/4), Hand to Hand Attack (-½) 37.5

4u Hitting the Weak Spot: Drain Body (60) 6d6, Hand to Hand attack (-½) 40

3u Hand Like A Bow: Energy Blast (60) 12d6, OAF (item of opportunity, - 1), range based on strength (-1/4) 26.6

4u Last Resort: Hand Killing Attack (60) 5d6, Hand to Hand Attack (-½) 40

6u The Discerning Eye: Find Weakness (60) (all HTH attacks), 18- 60

1u Balance: Flight (12) 6", only along a solid surface (-½) 8

1u Grasshopper: Leaping (15) + 15" 15

6u No Wall Can Stop Me: Tunneling (60) 12" tunneling through DEF 12 60

1u Bullet Catcher: Missile deflection (15) (bullets/shrapnel) 15


Cost Skill Roll

3 acrobatics 15-

3 breakfall 15-

3 absolute range sense

30 + 6 HTH combat skill levels

30 Reflexes: + 10 dex

16 Prowess: + 4 dc with martial arts

4 block

4 dodge

4 escape

4 knife hand

3 legsweep

2 language: english

2 AK: china 11-

2 AK: southeast asia 11-

3 climbing 15-

2 navigation 14-

3 stealth 15-

2 survival 14-

2 WF: common melee weapons

2 WF: common martial arts weapons

2 WF: common missile weapons

15 Combat Sense 14-

25 Danger Sense, out of combat, any danger.

5 member: Trismegistus Council


Disadvantages 150 pts

25 Hunted: Chinese Government (mo pow, NCI, kill) 11-

25 Hunted: Demon (mo pow, NCI, kill) 11-

10 Rivalry: Other Martial Artists (pro)

15 Psych Lim: Protective of Others

20 Psych Lim: Honorable

30 DNPC: DC support staff 11-

5 DF: T-shirt and jeans (easily concealable, noticed and recognizable)

10 DF: chi aura

10 Famous Martial Artist


Characteristics Cost: 168

Powers Cost: 111

Skills Cost: 171

Total Cost: 450


Plot Hook 1) Tournament of the Dragon. What else needs to be said?


Plot Hook 2) Dimensional gates have begun to erupt in the campaign city. Only the Tiger Squad and Fu have dealt with these invaders. The Tiger Squad is ordered not to assist the heroes. That leaves them one person to call for aid. Will the Chinese Security Service try to take the defector home?


Plot Hook 3) Fu has discovered an artifact that could change everything a character thought about how he acquired his powers. Before he can clarify the situation, the martial artist vanished.



Swithin led the way through the twisting corridors. Squads encountered the commandoes, but quickly joined the ranks of the sleeping.


"It looks like we're on the right trail," the man in the suit said, straightening out his cuffs. "That door has to lead to the Engine Room."


Fu gestured for his comrade to lead on as he had been doing.


Swithin smiled as he walked over to the door. It slide out of his way obediently. Massive turbines worked their magic beyond that threshold. Once they shut these down, flying would be out for the turtle ship.


The problem that faced the adventurers were the engineers that were staring at them, reaching for tools that could be turned to weapons of convenience. The green clad soldiers started for the door to deal with the intruders.


"How do you want to do this?," Swithin asked, watching the slow approach of their opponents.


"I'll distract them while you work on the machinery," said Fu, cracking his knuckles when he made a fist.


"I can do that," said the luckiest man alive.

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Re: The New Circle


The Dimension Commandoes 13

The man known as Swithin had always been lucky, some said blessed beyond belief. Everything went his way so that he didn't have to work for anything he desired. That would spoil most but Duncan McGowrie just took it in stride.


Duncan didn't ask for his luck, and he didn't believe in keeping it to himself either. His family and friends shared his blessing with him. His neighborhood was a utopia in the middle of an impoverished zone. The criminal element had accidents as soon as Duncan crossed their paths. You couldn't ask for a better place to live anywhere.


Demon is what made an unassuming man from Virginia into a hero.


The local morbane became aware of a large knot of probabilities turning into a straight line not far from the abandoned church where he had set up his cover cult. He decided that this aberration had to be checked out and harnessed for the greater good of his advancement.


It took the Demon agents time but they finally isolated the cause of the phenomena. The problem was Duncan didn't agree with their plans, and if Duncan didn't agree then a lot of things around him didn't agree either. He drove the offenders off after a small battle. The property damage was extensive.


Duncan decided to take to the road, his gift allowing him to go anywhere he liked without incident. Demon still hunted him, but he ruined many of their cells just by trying to get out of their way.


Finally the original morbane that had started the manhunt took Duncan's neighborhood hostage. He believed that someone would know how to get in touch with the wanderer and call him home. Then the organization could write a spell to transfer Duncan's luck to the proper subject. The plan went smoothly up to a point.


Duncan had attracted the attention of others while he was on the road. He had earned the name Swithin among the mystic community and some learned of his predicament as he headed home. So when he returned to his home town, he wasn't alone.


Duncan made short work of the morbane that had instigated the hostage taking while the rest of the heroes fought off the other Demon elements present. The McGowries were reunited for the first time in years. The party that was thrown is still remembered by those who attended.


The Trismegistus Council offered to look out for Duncan's family, friends, and neighbors if he would help them stop threats to the world with his unlikely luck. There were things that only he could render harmless.


Duncan agreed to the proposition, his luck and good cheer staving off disaster more than once.

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Re: The New Circle


Warning: The Folowing Paragraph Is Writen Up Only In Bizarospeek.


[bizarospeek]Me take away the not Bizaro digital not known as The Homunculus. Me know you no like it. Me know you want not the Homunculus, so me no present it.[/bizarospeek]


Nope...I'm not even going to try to translate what I just wrote above into human speek. Your just going to have to figure it out for yourself.


So, without futher interuptions, The Homunculus.


The Homunculus


Cost Chara Valus Roll Notes

60 STR 50 21- Lift: 100tons 12d6 [6]

23 DEX 39 14- OCV: 8 DCV: 8

30 CON 40 15-

10 BODY 0 11-

8 INT -2 11- PRE Roll: 11-

23 EGO 26 14- ECV: 8

30 PRE 20 15- PRE Attack: 6d6

8 COM -1 11-


30 PD 0 Total PD: 30 PD (30 rPD)

30 ED 15 Total ED: 30 ED (30 rED)

6 SPD 27 Phases: 2,4,6,8,10,12 (Or, if you prefer a more "bizaro" Homunculuc, phases 1,3,5,7,9, and 11)

30 REC 24

60 END 0

60 STUN 5


Total Charatistic Cost:243


Movement: Running: 6"/12"

Leaping: 12"/24"

Flight: 30"/60"

Megascale Flight: 24km/48km

Faster-Than-Light Travel: 1,000 LY A Year

Swiming: 25"/50"


Cost Powers END

120 Me Do Anything: Variable Power Pool 90 base cost, 45 control cost, Limited Class Of Powers (Brick Tricks Only, -1/2) Var

120 Me Crush Anyone: Variable Advantage on 60 STR (+1 worth, +2) Var


38 Me Skin Hard As Steal, And Rocks, And Plastic: Damage Resistance on 30 PD, 30 ED, Harden (+1/4)

19 Me Eyes Shine Like Glass, And Plastic: Flash Defence 15 points, sight sence group, Harden (+1/4)

19 Me Ears...Me No Know What Thay Made Of: Flash Defence 15 points, hearing sence group, Harden (+1/4)

19 Me Skin Is Steal, And Rocks, And Plastic: Flash Defence 15 points, touch sence group, Harden (+1/4)

35 Me Brain Made Of Silly-Con, And Plastic, And...Stuff: Mental Defence 30 points, Harden (+1/4)


60 Me Can Fly: Multipower 60 points

6u Me Not Fall Down: Flight 30" 6

6u Me Fly Fast: Flight 24", Megascale (1 hex=1km, +1/4) 4

3u Me Fly In Space: Faster-Than-Light Travel 1,000 LY/year 3

2u Me Fly In Sea: Swiming 25" 3


50 Me Survive Anywhere: Life Suport (all)


Cost Skill Roll

15 Power: Brick Tricks (INT Base): 18-


Total Power Cost: 512

Total Cost: 755


200+ Disavantages

20 Distinctive Features: Alchemical Life Form Made To Look Roughtly Like Another Superbeing (Not Concelable, Always Noticed)

20 Enraged when Confused, Flustered, and/or Bewilded (Common, 11-, 11-)

20 Hunted by superbeing which he is an indirect copy of (As Powerful, NCI, 11-, Capture)

20 Hunted by The New Circle (As Powerful, NCI, 11-, Capture)

20 Hunted by The Black Tryangle (As Powerful, NCI, 14-, Watching, "Babysit")

20 Psychological Limitation: Childlike Manor, "Much like an overgrown three year old with superpowers" (Common, Total)

20 Psychological Limitation: Killer, Likes To Break His Toys, And His Playmates (Common, Total)

20 Psychological Limitation: Sees The Brain and Lucifer as his parents, varie loyal to them both (Common, Total)

15 Social Limitation: Artifical Life Form Without Any Legal Rights (Frequently, Major)

30 Susceptibility: To Being Touch By The Pholocipal Stone (Uncommon, Segment, 3d6)

350 Experence


Background/History: "I don't quite know about this, Lucifer." The Brain looked down upon the vat of alchemical fluids in frount of him. He then tossed a few metal beams into the vat and watch as the fluids turned the metal beams into soup.


"I realy don't cair what you think, Brain. We need some powerful mussel around here, and this alchemical being shall be it." Lucifer then tossed in a few plastic action figures into the mix. Not only would the figures give the alcemical being a human shape, but the plastic should help hold the metal and pieces of stone tossed into the vat together once the chanting starts.


"Why not just make another contract."


"If I made another contract so soon, do you think the Circle will not notice it? Besides, thay would not expect to see us dabbling into alchemisty." Lucifer then tosed into the mix a few hairs he aquiered during a small battel he had a few members of The Black Tryangle stage just to get the hairs. Then, he started to regurgtate his imps. Once the sky of the room was fild with small demonic creatures, he, The Brain, and the imps started to chant the alchemical chant of life.


It took about an hour of chanting, but the materials came back together, swirled, and took a human shape. It reached up and pulled itself from the tank. "Welcome to life, my Homunclcus. You now serve The Black Tryangle till your existance ends."


Quote: "Me want! Give!"


Personality/Modivation: The Homunclcus is basicly an overgrown toddeler with a temper of a three year old, and the strength to destroy whatever bothers him. Beyond seeing The Brain and Lucifer as parents, and wanting to please them, that is about as deep as The Homunclcus is.


Powers/Tactics: The Homunclcus has outragous strength, and the nack of how to use it. Beyond that, his artifical body provides him the ability to survive in extreen conditions, and an amazing resistance to damage. Finaly, the hairs which were tosed into the mix somehow gave him the power of flight.


Beyond the verstility, The Homunclcus has no grasp of tactics. He uses his strength in ways to cause mass destruction. What he does is more instant than anything.


He does have a major weakness. Because of his nature, being touched by The Pholosiper's Stone (also known as The Sorcerer's Stone and The Alchemical Stone) causes him great pain.


Apperance: The Homunclcus has no real "skin" or "costume" (basicly, his skin IS his costume). His body is rather tall, made with pieces of stone and metal and plastic, bauld, and rougthly looks like another superhero (exactly who is up to the GM to decied). He can be mistaken for that hero in the shadows.


Campain Notes: Note that The Homunclcus has no skills excapt one. He is still young, and his mind is basicly a clean slate. If someone can convince him that The Brain and Lucifer Morningstar are bad for him/to him, he might leave The Black Tryangle. But what are the heros going to do with what is basicly a superpowered toddler?


The Homunclcus is not ment to be less powerful, nor ment to be more powerful. If you wish, you can increase or decrease his VVP and Variable Advantages on his Strength.


The Homunclcus does not hunt...he has no real mind for it. Mostly, Lucifer uses him for protection.


Plot Seeds


Take It Outside: The superhero who The Homunclcus was made to repersent learns of it's existance, and decides to destroy the parody of himself in a drag out fight in the middle of the city. This is a bad thing, since The Homunclcus decides to use cars and buildings and people as weapions agenst the hero. Can the hero convince the Homunclcus and the hero to "take it outside"?


Alchemical Stew: Black Tryangle steals some odd chemicals and materials. Once thay got the last of the materials, half the group goes on to steal a Pholosiper's Stone, while the other half mixes the material and have the Homunclcus "absorb" it into him. Will the material make him imune to his only weakness?


Tantrum: Someone has told the Homunclcus that he can't have something. BIG mistake. Now the Homunclcus is haveing a tantrum, much like a three year old. But most three year olds can't rip buildings apart, toss tanker trucks into gass stations, and cause small earthquakes when pounding on the ground. Can the heros get him to stop before people die?

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Re: The New Circle


Oh... and it should be "Me miss Ground. Me Fly slow. Me not go nowhere." :D


The Homuclcus talks that way because he is basicly a three year old mentaly, not because he is a bizzaro. Of course, I did base him on Bizzaro #1, but only varry loosly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thought I'd post another multiform for the Undying Ka, who is getting ready to make a (secret) appearance in my campaign:




Alternate IDs: The Undying Ka


Val Char Cost

75 STR 65

15 DEX 15

28 CON 36

23 BODY 26

25 INT 15

25 EGO 30

40 PRE 30

4 COM -3


20 PD 5

18 ED 12

6 SPD 35

20 REC -2

60 END 2

75 STUN 0


11" RUN 10

10" SWIM 0

25" LEAP 0

Characteristics Cost: 276


Cost Power

-50 Gargantuan: -10 with DCV

66 Tongue: (Total: 126 Active Cost, 66 Real Cost) Stretching 16", Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (120 Active Points); Always Direct (-1/4), Limited Body Parts (tongue; -1/4), No Noncombat Stretching (-1/4), No Velocity Damage (-1/4) (Real Cost: 60) plus Extra Limbs , Inherent (+1/4) (6 Active Points) (Real Cost: 6)

75 Gargantuan Tongue: Naked Advantage on STR, Area Of Effect (up to One Hex; +1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2)

9 Tough Skin: Damage Resistance (9 PD/9 ED)

30 Tough: Energy & Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25%

30 Heavy: Knockback Resistance -15"

10 Frog's Legs: Leaping +10" (25" forward, 12 1/2" upward)

8 Frog's Legs: Swimming +8" (10" total)


40 Mesmeric Powers: Multipower, 40-point reserve

4u 1) Mesmeric Assault: Ego Attack 4d6 (40 Active Points)

4u 2) Mesmeric Control: Mind Control 6d6, Telepathic (+1/4) (37 Active Points)

4u 3) Mind Reading: Telepathy 8d6 (40 Active Points)

1u 4) Mind Speech: Mind Link (Any Willing Target) (15 Active Points)

15 Mental Defenses: +15 Mental Defense (20 points total)

0 Mental Sense: Mental Awareness

Powers Cost: 246



Cost Skill

4 +2 with Grab

10 +1 Overall

5 Cramming

3 Metempsychosis (Power Skill) (EGO-based) 14-

3 Animal Handler (Insects & Anthropods, Primates) 17-

3 Climbing 12-

3 Deduction 14-

3 Tactics 14-

3 PS: Connoisseur (INT-based) 14-

3 Linguist

1 1) Language: German (imitate dialects; Native)

4 2) Language: English (imitate dialects)

2 3) Language: Arabic (completely fluent)

2 4) Language: Turkish (completely fluent)

2 5) Language: Arameic (completely fluent)

2 6) Language: Egyptian (completely fluent)

3 Scholar

1 1) KS: Ancient History 11-

1 2) KS: Turakian Age 11-

2 3) KS: Occult (INT-based) 14-

2 4) KS: Freemasonry (INT-based) 14-

2 5) KS: Theosophy (INT-based) 14-

1 6) KS: The Mystic World 11-

1 7) KS: The New Circle 11-

3 Scientist

1 1) SS: Alchemy 11-

1 2) SS: Archaeology 11-

2 3) SS: Pyramidology (INT-based) 14-

2 4) SS: Mesmerism (INT-based) 14-

1 5) SS: Spiritualism 11-

3 Traveler

2 1) AK: Underearth (INT-based) 14-

2 2) AK: City of White Apes (INT-based) 14-

1 3) AK: Japan 11-

1 4) AK: Egypt 11-

Skills Cost: 85


Cost Perk

40 Base: Hidden Sanctum (200 Base, 30 Disad)

Perks Cost: 40


Cost Talent

3 Simulate Death

Talents Cost: 3


Total Character Cost: 650


Pts. Disadvantage

25 Distinctive Features: Gargantuan Frog! (Not Concealable; Extreme Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

5 Enraged: Disrespect (Uncommon), go 8-, recover 14-

20 Hunted: The New Circle 11- (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish)

5 Hunted: Tsuuken Kaibutsu (Monster Labs) 8- (As Pow; Watching; Extensive Non-Combat Influence)

15 Physical Limitation: Gargantuan (64 m, six million kg, +10 to PER rolls to perceive) (Frequently; Greatly Impairing)

15 Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipulation (Frequently; Greatly Impairing)

10 Physical Limitation: Cannot Talk (Frequently; Slightly Impairing)

15 Psychological Limitation: Arrogant & Overconfident (Very Common; Moderate)

15 Psychological Limitation: Honorable & Noblesse Oblige (Common; Strong)

20 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Very Frequently; Major)

5 Vulnerability: 1 1/2 x STUN Affects Desolidified or Versus Ghosts (Uncommon)


Disadvantage Points: 150

Base Points: 350

Experience Required: 150

Total Experience Available: 150

Experience Unspent: 0


Background/History: The Froghemoth is a kaiju created in the Tsuuken Kaibutsu (Monster Labs) at the behest of the Undying Ka, who paid for the work to use it as a host body for one of his many schemes.






Powers/Tactics: 15d6 (1 hex) Tongue Strike [7]

4d6 Ego Attack "Mesmeric Assault" [4]

6d6 Mind Control (telepathic) "Mesmeric Control" [4]


Campaign Use: The Undying Ka uses this Froghemoth host body to go on a one-time rampage, solely to distract the heroes from his real goals. Because battle with the Froghemoth should be straightforward, and because the Undying Ka is willing to allow this host body to be destroyed, the Froghemoth is best used to open an adventure, or to end an adventure. As an opener, the Froghemoth is sure to attract the attention of the heroes, and make them wonder what is going on. As a closer, the Froghemoth is a credible threat to an entire team of heroes.


Additionally, the Froghemoth allows you to tongue your players' characters, which is fun.


Plot Seed: A gargantuan frog hops out of the local harbor, and goes on a rampage through the downtown financial district at lunchtime. Panic reigns while the heroes try to deal with the batrachian behemoth. They learn later of a series of robberies that occurred during the time the Froghemoth was on the rampage -- robberies all committed by albino apes. Can the heroes learn what the Undying Ka is up to before it is too late to stop him?


Plot Seed: The heroes have at last found the lair of the Undying Ka and are racing to confront him there before he has the chance to escape once more. However, on their way they learn that their DNPCs are in danger -- held in the tongue of a gargantuan frog as it climbs a local skyscraper. It is the Undying Ka, sacrificing his Froghemoth so that his minions have time to flee with his Canopic Jar form. Can the heroes find a way to save their loved ones, defeat the Froghemoth, and stop the Undying Ka from escaping again?


Appearance: Gargantuan frog.

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Re: The New Circle


Before I get to my last two villians in The Black Tryangle, I realy want to know what you would change in all the other members to fit in your campain. (This includes the members people have already comented on, for thoes who joined us late).


The members up for consideration are:

The Corouptor, Lucifer Morningstar,

The Laff,

The Brain,

The Claw,

The Cold,

The Corpse,

The Dark,

The Devilfish

The Fear,

and The Homuclcus.


I still need to post The Mirror and The Puppet, but I can do that at a later date. Oh, and also a "who likes them/who hates them" thingie.

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Re: The New Circle


Well ive been reading the thread for a while now from time to time and am impressed both by the imagination and quality of the characters posted. So now its my turn. 'Wraith' was created for use in a one off game in which i have since decided to use another character. The disadvantages fit in with our campaign but perhaps not with the new circle. Wraith lacks a background and as such could represent almost anything from villan to hero, feel free to plagarise, edit or shoot down in flames. (does anyone know why i cant attach .mht web archives to a post?)

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Re: The New Circle


The Dimension Commandoes 14


Hair/eye color- brown hair/ brown eyes

Height/mass- 5'10, 175 pounds.


Place of birth- Fall Rivers, Virginia

Date of birth- November 10, 85


STR (15 pts) 25

DEX (78 pts) 36

CON (28 pts) 24

BODY (40 pts) 30

INT (2 pts) 12

EGO (30 pts) 25

PRE (2 pts) 12

COM (1 pts) 12

PD 5

ED 5

SPD (20 pts) 6

REC 10

END 48





PHASES 2,4,6,10,12



The World's Luckiest Man-Luck 12d6 (60 pts)

Protected by Destiny-Physical and energy Damage Reduction, 50% (60 pts) luck based (-½), nonpersistent (-1/4) (34 pts.)

Walk through any Danger- Desolidification (40 pts) invisible power effects versus sight (+1/4), Str affects physical world (+ 1), not through solids (-1/2), must be aware of danger (-1/2), luck based (-½), nonpersistent (-1/4), limited control (-1) (24 pts)

Helping hand- Change environment 8" radius (20 pts), varying effects (+1/2), always on (-½), reduced end (0 end + ½) 26 pts

Everything goes my way-VPP- 40 + 20 pts, luck based (-½), 30 pts


Cost Skill Roll

3 AK: Continental United States 11-

3 AK: Fall Rivers 11-

3 KS: plumbing 11-

3 KS: landscaping 11-

3 KS: masonry 11-

3 PS: carpentry 11-

3 KS: carpentry 11-

3 mechanics 11-

3 electronics 11-

2 survival 11-

3 paramedics 11-

3 combat driving 16-

2 TF: small motorized vehicles

2 Navigation 11-

2 gambling 11-

3 climbing 16-

3 breakfall 16-

3 Stealth 16-

0 Reputation- philanthropist, (close neighbors) 11-

5 Wealth- $500,000 a year

5 member: Trismegistus Council


Disadvantages 150 pts

30 Hunted by Demon (mo pow, NCI, easy to find, harshly punish) 11-

25 Hunted by Gremlins (as pow, NCI easy to find, harshly punish) 11-

10 DF: Luck Aura

30 DNPC: Fall Rivers Neighborhood (16 normals, occasionally) 11-

15 Psych Lim: Protective of others (common, Strong)

15 Psych Lim: Fearless (common, strong)

10 Reputation: Good natured, reckless loon 11-

15 Public Identity


Characteristics Cost: 216

Powers Cost: 174

Skills Cost: 60

Total Cost: 450


Plot Hook 1) Disaster follows Swithin everywhere he goes. Is this a natural backlash for his powers, or is something more sinister at work.


Plot Hook 2) Swithin and Jack Fool have been spotted dueling over a book. After the characters track them down, Swithin explains the significance of the book in the hopes that the heroes can use it to liberate the undead hero from DEMON.


Plot Hook 3) Swithin is somehow trapped, and before he can escape is used to rewrite reality into a fairytale land.



It tossed aside a guard that had got in its way as the power went out. That couldn't be good.


It grabbed the door to the bridge in rag covered hands, pulling open a narrow gap to get through. It wasn't surprised by the alien invaders running around in a panic as their turtle ship headed for the ocean. Its fog shroud seemed almost invisible to the hysterical crew as they tried to get the power on.


It knew its comrades too well. Good luck stopping the crash, fellows.


Mr. Mist drew the collar of its torn overcoat close as it tried to decide what to do. Maybe it should at least try and question one of these gooberish looking apes. Cap would like to know something when they filed the reports at the end of the action.


The Council so loved their reports.


Mr. Mist grabbed one of the yellow goons in its arms. A moment later, it had vanished into the eternal fog drifting around him. It took some minutes for the D-Commando to learn everything its victim knew. It released the reptile back on the bridge with a swing of its arms.


"Cap," Mr. Mist said into the communicator hidden under its hat. "There's a bomb in the belly of this thing. When we crash, everything in fifty miles will be changed into a home for our froggy friends. You might want to make sure we don't crash if you don't mind."


The invaders turned in mass at the strange intruder. Some reached for weapons.


"I wouldn't do anything rash," said the misty refugee from Babylon. "I'm not fond of frog legs for dinner."

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Re: The New Circle


Now, for the second from last member, The Mirror (and if you can't guess who she is based on, no cookie for you).


The Mirror


Value Char Cost Roll Notes

8 STR -2 11- Lift: 75kg 1 1/2d6 [1]

29 DEX 57 15- OCV: 10 DCV: 10

15 COM 10 12-

15 BODY 10 12-

17 INT 7 12- PER Roll: 12-

17 EGO 14 12- ECV: 6

30 PRE 20 15- PRE Attack: 6d6

20 COM 5 13-


15 PD 13 Total PD: 25 PD (10 rPD)

15 ED 12 Total ED: 25 ED (10 rED)

6 SPD 21 Phases: 2,4,6,8,10,12

20 REC 15

50 END 10

40 STUN 13


Total Charatistic Cost: 205


Movement: Running: 6"/12"

Leaping: 1 1/2" / 3"

Swiming: 2"/4"

Mirror Teleportation: 15"/30"

Extra-Dimentinal Teleportation: Earth to "The Hell Behind The Mirror" and back.


Cost Powers END

105 Demonic Mirror Powers: Multipower

17m Reflective Light Lazer: Energy Blast 12d6, Indirect (any location, any direction, +3/4), A Mirror Or Reflective Object Must Be Neerby To Use This Power (-1/4) 10

2u Going To The Hell Behind The Mirror: Extra-Dimentinal Movement (Earth to "The Hell Behind The Mirror" and back), Any Physical location, A Mirror Or Reflective Object Must Be Nearby To Use This Power (-1/4) 3

17m Reflective Light Blindness: Flash VS Seight Sence Group 12d6, Indirect (any location, any direction, +3/4), A Mirror Or Reflective Object Must Be Nearby To Use This Power (-1/4) 10

2u Bend Light For Self, Invisability: Invisability to Seight Sence Group, Chameleon (-1/2) 3

3u Bend Light For Self, Protection: Missile Deflection And Reflection (any), Reflection (any target), Light Based Attacks Only (-1/2) 0

4u Bend Light For Self, Image Asumption: Shapeshift to Sight, Hearing, and Touch Sence Groups, Imitation, Instant Change, Makeover 4

6m Mirrorportation: Teleportation 15", Position Shift, Safe Blind Teleport (+1/4), Can Only Teleport Between Mirror/Reflective Objects (-1/4) 4

13m Bend Light Agenst Others, Image Stealing: Cosmetic Transformation (person with features to person with blank feachers) 13d6 (currable when she freely gives up image via Bend Light For Self, Image Asumption power) 7


82 The Shatered Mirror: Desolification, Cannot Pass Through Solid Objects (-1/2), Does Not Protect Agenst Area Effect Atacks (-1), AND Killing Attack Ranged 1d6, Affects Physical World (+2), Armor Piercing (+1/2), Penatrating (+1/2), Area Of Effect (One Hex, +1/2), Damage Shield (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END, +1/2), Linked (-1/4) 4


38 Armored Glass Mirror Shell: Armor 10 PD, 10 ED, Harden (+1/4)

21 Mirrored Mind: Mental Defence 20 points, Harden (+1/4)

50 Mirrored Life: Life Suport (full)



2 Deep Cover

10 Money: Wealthy



16 +2 w/All Combat


7 Acting:18-

7 Conversation: 18-

9 Disguise: 16-

7 High Society: 18-

8 KS: The Modeling World: 18-

6 KS: The Mystical World: 16-

7 Power: Mirror Magic: 18-

7 PS: Modeling: 18-

7 Seduction: 18-


Total Power Cost: 453

Total Cost: 658


200+ Disavantages

15 Distinctive Features: Walking, Living Mirror/Model-Type Beutie (Concelable, Always Noticced)

10 Distinctive Features: Souless (Not Conecelable, Always Noticed, Detectable by Detect Magic/Detect Souls)

20 Hunted: The New Circle (As Powerful, NCI, 11-,Capture/Deposess)

20 Hunted: Lucifer Morningstar (As Powerful, NCI, 14-, Watching)

20 Psychological Limitation: Extrem Vanity (Common, Total)

20 Psychological Limitation: Killer (Common, Total)

20 Psychological Limitation: Vengful (Common, Total)

10 Reputation: Ex-Model Who Married Rich, 11-

15 Social Limitation: Secret Idenity (Rebecka Forester-Morningstar, Frequently, Major)

10 Social Limitation: Famous (Frequently, Minor)

20 Vulnerability: X2 STUN From Good Aligned Magic

20 Vulnerability: X2 BODY From Good Aligned Magic

258 Experence


Background/History: Rebecka Forester was a top modle. She started dateing Lucifer Morningstar for a year before he asked her to wed him. She acepted, fully planing on divorcing him after she got what she wanted out of him. He presented her with a pre-nuptinal argrement. While it looked odd, she saw nothing in it which would ruin her future plans, so she signed it. A week later, Lucifer took her to the hidden floor of his building, and introduced her to the members of The Black Tryangle. He also explaned the powers he gave her. That evening, thay got wed in a dark ceromony, and at the end of the week, thay got maried in public.


Quote: "Your beutiful, and I hate that. So I am going to first rob you of your face, then flay your skin."


Personality/Modivation: Rebecka was once a diva with a superority complex, a gold digger mentality, and a fear about her looks fadeing. Now, she is still a diva, othoe a more lethal one. The demon inside her cured her of the fear of getting old, but it done nothing to get rid of her vanity and vengful streeks.


It should be noted that she does not love Lucifer at all, and only puts up with the the whole married life out of fear that her contract gets destroyed, and her love of inflicting damage on people more beutiful than she is.


Powers/Tactics: The Mirror has the ability to assume any humaoid image she wants. She can also remove the images of others, turning them into monotoned people with featurless grey skin, clear hair, white eyes, and no finger prints. She can also bend light rays around her to become invisable or protect herself from light based attacks. Finaly, she can teleport between reflective objects, enter "The Hell Behind The Mirror" (an extradimentinal space which lies behind any reflective object), and even cause reflective objects to release concertrated light for both damage and blinding effect.


Her most scary power is her ability to "shater". While in this forme, magic can harm her, as can any power which affects an area. And while in this forme, she can cut a person's skin to ribbons in seconds.


Tacticly, she likes to use sneek attacks, bending the light around herself to keep oponents guessing as to her real location. The only time she will get up closs and personal is when she spots someone she considers more beutiful than she is. Then she shaters (literly).


Apperance: Rebecka Forester-Morningstar is a beutiful woman with long brown hair and blue eyes. Her shape is still modle-like, and she can still turn heads when walking down the runway. Unforcently, that is not her true image. Instead, her true image can still be called beutiful, but also scary. Her true image is that of a living 'mirror', with a reflective skin, eyes, and hair. And she can assume any humaoid shape at will (but will avoid the realy ugly images unless she must take one).


Campain Use: To make The Mirror more powerful, give her some more light based attacks. To weaken her, reduce her light based attacks.


The Mirror freely hunts anyone who she thinks looks more butiful than she does. She always hunts using surprise tactics. And she always "shaters".


Plot Seads


The Mirror Has More Than Two Faces...: A beutiful superheroien wakes up one day with her 'image' stolen. And to make maters worse, a woman claming to be the superheroien is comiting crimes in her name. And to makes maters worse, the false superheroien seems to have all her powers. What is going on here? Is The Mirror behind this?


American's Top Model Corpse: Rebecka Forester-Morningstar starts a reality tv show where she will take one young woman under her wing and make her a model. But first, the contestants must earn it. And one by one, as one of the girls gets voted off the show, thay wind up dead and mutilate, there skin flayed.


Welcome To The Other Side: Durring a battel with The Black Tryangle, The Mirror grabs a bistander and retreats inside a mirror. Can the heros follow her? Can thay save the bistander from what lies behind the mirror? Can the heros find the right "Hell Behind The Mirror"?

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Guest bblackmoor

Re: The New Circle


This is a character I have trouble describing without making her sound goofy and lightwieght.


I did a major rewrite of Nightveil. A number of changes:


  • I bought her base, Umbra Solis (an occult bookstore).
  • I dropped the Incognito communicator, because she's not a full-time member of WestGuard, and they are kind of picky about who gets those.
  • I dropped the two different Power Pools, because it was just a hassle in play. In stead, she has a 56 point Power Pool with two Advantages on it (Costs END Only To Activate, and Affects Desolid). The Pool takes a half-phase and a skill roll to change; combined with the modest size of the Pool, this should keep her fun to play but prevent her from overshadowing less flexible characters.




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