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NPC Help:The Order of the Cross


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All right, now that that's taken care off, I'm looking for suggestions, seeds even full fledged write up for a Religious order of Superhuman teens, basically the Vatican's secret strike force of "specials" (the term for Superhumans in the Redwood/Raptors world). They would be in the 200-250 point range with 40 active point powers with strong religoous themes. Any suggestions would be helpful.

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Re: NPC Help:The Order of the Cross


Hi Nexus,


Here's a link to a campaign I'm running the GGU http://www.globalguardians.com/campaigns/knightsofmalta.php


My first thoughts for a teen taskforce would be


1) Go international: The Catholic Church spans the globe with faithful all across it. Who says the strikeforce has to be composed of Westerners any way.


2) Don't make them uber secret, make them hidden in plain sight with a nice bland sounding name..... and scant information aviable on what they do.


3) Keep in mind the Catholic Church has a ton of organizations inside it, pick one you like or fufills part of the functions you want. They range from fairly non political monastic orders, service focused organizations to highly intellectual and severe.


4) Best recruiting/origin tool: World Youth Day ~ last one was Toronto Canada 2002, Rome 2000. Massive gathering of young Catholic faithful = good recruiting ground or shared origin from youth around the world.


5) Religion is often in the mind of the character, the religious inspiration doesn't have to be blatant, it could just be a struggle of faith to use their destructive powers for good.


Cheers, David

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Re: NPC Help:The Order of the Cross




The obvious power suites: Healing, Light, Purity/Sanctification (is there "magic" in this campaign?), "Angel", Creation, Prophecy, Redemption.


A lot depends on how you want to come off to the PCs. Are they Crusaders who smite the infidels? Defenders who protect the innocent? Are they more interested in fighting evil unto destruction or blending justice with mercy?


If the group is at all public, they'll have a squeaky-clean look and be expected to toe the line on church doctrine.

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Re: NPC Help:The Order of the Cross




The obvious power suites: Healing, Light, Purity/Sanctification (is there "magic" in this campaign?), "Angel", Creation, Prophecy, Redemption.


A lot depends on how you want to come off to the PCs. Are they Crusaders who smite the infidels? Defenders who protect the innocent? Are they more interested in fighting evil unto destruction or blending justice with mercy?


If the group is at all public, they'll have a squeaky-clean look and be expected to toe the line on church doctrine.


There is officially, no magic. They would have been taught there powers are gifts from God or blessings. Other Specials would probably be considered demonic invested or at best, the result of man tampering with things he'd best not know. The team is secret. Superpowered beings are essentially unknown the setting (though the PCs are changing that rapidly).

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Re: NPC Help:The Order of the Cross


Waaaaaay back in the days of Comico, Bill Willingham's Elementals featured a group called the Rapture. Its members were each named after a verse in the bible, describing their powers. Unfortunately, my exposure was second hand, so I don't know the what the characters where like, i.e. powers and such.


I did a Google search, but the best I cold come up with was a list of members:


Genesis 6:4 (There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.)


Exodus 10:21 (Then the LORD said to Moses, "Stretch out your hand toward the sky, that over the land of Egypt there may be such intense darkness that one can feel it." )


Leviticus 26:22 (I will unleash the wild beasts against you, to rob you of your children and wipe out your livestock, till your population dwindles away and your roads become deserted. )


Judges 15:14 (When he reached Lehi, and the Philistines came shouting to meet him, the spirit of the LORD came upon him: the ropes around his arms became as flax that is consumed by fire and his bonds melted away from his hands.)


Matthew 27:51 (And behold, the veil of the sanctuary was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth quaked, rocks were split,)


Isaiah 6:2 (Seraphim were stationed above; each of them had six wings: with two they veiled their faces, with two they veiled their feet, and with two they hovered aloft.)


You might also look at In Nomine, from Steve Jackson Games. I could see a team similarly themed on different angels.

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Re: NPC Help:The Order of the Cross


Waaaaaay back in the days of Comico' date=' Bill Willingham's [i']Elementals [/i] featured a group called the Rapture. Its members were each named after a verse in the bible, describing their powers. Unfortunately, my exposure was second hand, so I don't know the what the characters where like, i.e. powers and such.


I did a Google search, but the best I cold come up with was a list of members:


Genesis 6:4 (There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.)


Exodus 10:21 (Then the LORD said to Moses, "Stretch out your hand toward the sky, that over the land of Egypt there may be such intense darkness that one can feel it." )


Leviticus 26:22 (I will unleash the wild beasts against you, to rob you of your children and wipe out your livestock, till your population dwindles away and your roads become deserted. )


Judges 15:14 (When he reached Lehi, and the Philistines came shouting to meet him, the spirit of the LORD came upon him: the ropes around his arms became as flax that is consumed by fire and his bonds melted away from his hands.)


Matthew 27:51 (And behold, the veil of the sanctuary was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth quaked, rocks were split,)


Isaiah 6:2 (Seraphim were stationed above; each of them had six wings: with two they veiled their faces, with two they veiled their feet, and with two they hovered aloft.)


You might also look at In Nomine, from Steve Jackson Games. I could see a team similarly themed on different angels.


Yeah...I vaguely remember this characters... just a bit of their powers and thats only for a couple of them... .

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Re: NPC Help:The Order of the Cross


I'll get to working on a group, but how you do their motivation can be as compicated or as simple as you like. Looking at this as realistically as I can, I think the church would call on the book of Enoch to make sense of what is going on. It is a wildly debated work, seeing how it is not in the Bible but is quoted in it. It tells a more in depth tale of Genesis 6. It seems the "sons of God" or the Nephilim were supposedly demons taking on human form so they could sate their lust for women. These were incredibly powerful beings, being demons and all, and they had powerful offspring ("heroes of old"). They also brought magic to the world. This was all pre-Noah. Now scripture says in the end times it will be like it was in the days of Noah. This could quite easily be taken to mean like it was described in the book of Enoch (supposed period, many issues though). That would mean they would view "specials" as half demon, sorcerers at best, and full fledged demons (Nephilim) at worst. This would be an obvious herald of the end times and seeing how the Church was not raptured they would view it as their duty to fight the encroaching evil, and they would probably be waiting for the anti-christ to show up as well.

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Re: NPC Help:The Order of the Cross


this came out a bit long [got caught up in the origin] and i really don't like the code name



Razil Angelito is a young Filipino catholic. Razil was raised in the back streets of manila by his grandfather, after his parents died in traffic accident when Razil was 8. His grandfather was a master of a number of traditional Philippines martial arts a legend in the street fighting and trained Razil by the age of 12 he was already a match for many much older fighters. At age 14, a street gang attacked Razil.

There where almost twenty of them led by Eddie Cortez a disgruntled former pupil his grandfather had cast out because of his violent temper. The gang laid about him and though he did his best to defend him self but armed with just a length of pipe against so many armed with machete and bailsong. Razil prayed and as the gang closed in on him trapped in a dead end something miraculous happen the pipe in his hand burst in to white flame and Razil found him self imbued with a deep calm. Time seemed to slow. He strode through the gangmembers defeating them with ease as many of them fled in terror.


Finally standing before Cortez. His grandfather’s former pupil was huge, seven years Razils senior and well trained and experienced through years of street fighting.

Razil thought he should be terrified but that strange calm held him, even as the muscular and scar covered fighter in front of him raised his twin machetes. Cortez bellowed with rage and charged Razil. It all appeared to happen in slow motion Razil stepped between the paths of the whirling razor sharp blades delivering the white flame wreathed pipe to the back of his foes legs driving him to his knees and a single blow laid him low.


Razil fled the scene more scared of the flame that had come to his aid than possible retribution from the gang members but before doing so he took the twin machetes from Cortez prone form.


He returned to his grand father he told the tale and the old man decided that they must speak to their priest.


In the vestry of the small church that served his neighborhood the priest asked Razil if he was able to show him this flame he prayed but nothing happened but as he lent forwards attempting to pray harder and his fingers grazed a letter opener on the fathers desk and it burst into the cool white flame that had appeared in the fight. The priest and his grandfather’s sounds of shock caused Razil to open his eyes revealing for the first time his eyes also seemingly filled with the brilliant white flame.


The priest told Razil that god had gifted him and that he could be of great service to the world and the church. He was sent to speak with the cardinal and with his grandfather he was sent to train with a group formed of other gifted believers.



Razil is a shy quiet studious boy but with an insatiable curiosity about the world the interpretation of Catholicism in the Philippine back streets is a little at odds with those of some of the other members of the group Especially his belief in magical talismans of protection he constantly wears a number to protect him from curses and evil forces.



Razil's main power is the ability to summon the holy flame as he calls it. The holy flame appears as a brilliant yet cool white flame that boosts the damage done by and toughness of any melee weapon in his hands. While he also gains a pre-natural calm, focus and speed.


Even without his power he is a formidable martial artist. he is usually armed with the twin machetes he took from the defeated Cortez and a pair of collapsible batons but any weapon or improvised item would do in a pinch.

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Re: NPC Help:The Order of the Cross


Interesting idea. I wouldn't sell the idea of Catholic Mages short; google St. John Bosco. He's already the patron saint of (iirc) students and editors, and members of his order were trying to get him named as patron saint of Magicians last time I looked into it. Catholic priests who travel the world investigating the supernatural are already part of the real world, and they make for great fiction.


I like the idea of keeping the cast international; no reason to have all (or any) of the Catholic super-teens be American,


How about each of the kids representing a different Catholic order, with powers themed by the saint that order follows? Here's a list of saints and powers lfted from the Darklands game:




St.Adrian: Patron Saint of soldiers and butchers, he was a pagan

officer who converted to Christianity and suffered horrible tortures

before his death. He increases Charisma and Endurance (healing only)

by a modest amount, and greatly increases all weapon skills.


St.Agatha: Patron Saint of bells and nurses, she was subjected to many

tortures during the Roman persecutions. Depictions in art works led to

the practice of blessing bread on her holy day. She increases Charisma

and Endurance (healing only) by a modest amount; females gain a large

amount of Endurance.


St.Agnes: A great Christian symbol of virginity and innocence, Agnes

grants no benefits unless the party contains at least one female. She

increases local reputation and Charisma by a good amount.


St.Aidan: An Irish saint (also known as Maedoc) known for his

miraculous fasts and prayers, Aidan is also known for his kindness

and love of animals. He increases Woodwise by a very great amount,

and may allow the party to communicate with or control wild animals.


St.Albert the Great: Patron Saint of learning, he increases Alchemy by

a very great amount, greatly increases Speak Latin and Read/Write, and

provides a modest increase to Intelligence and Perception.


St.Alcuin: A passionate devotee of both elementary and higher

education, Alcuin was made advisor to Charlemagne in 781. He provides

a very great increase to Latin and Read/Write, and a modest increase to

Intelligence. He also makes nobility more favorable toward the party.


St.Alexis: Patron Saint of beggars, Alexis was famous for his vows of

extreme poverty, living anonymously for seventeen years as a beggar in

his own home. He increases local reputation by a good amount, and

Charisma by a modest amount. He also grants the party money if they

become impoverished.


St.Andrew: Patron Saint of Scotland, Russia and fishermen, Andrew was

one of the twelve apostles. He improves Endurance and Charisma by a

modest amount. He gives a good increase to location reputation in

Scotland or Russia.


St.Andrew the Tribune: A tribune in the Roman army, Andrew called upon

Christ and was granted a victory. He and his men converted, and were

arrested and slain. He greatly increases skill with Edged, Impact,

Pole, Thrown and Bow weapons.


St.Anthony: Patron Saint of skin disease, domestic animals and

basket makers, Anthony was renowned for his acetism and devotion to

God. He grants a small increase to Strength and Endurance (healing

only) and to Charisma. He increases Speak Common and Latin by a good

amount, and Read/Write by a very great amount. He can also be called

upon to banish demons.


St.Anthony of Padua: Patron Saint of the poor, Portugal, lost articles

and harvest, Anthony of Padua was known for his fiery sermons and

ability to make converts. He provides a small increase to Strength, a

modest increase to Perception, a good increase to Impact Weapons and

Latin, and a large increase to Charisma and Speak Common.


St.Arnulf: Of noble birth, Arnulf was a warrior and was very

influential in affairs of state in the early 600's. He provides a

small increase to Strength and Intelligence, a modest increase to

Read/Write, Latin, Streetwise, Riding and Perception, and a good

increase to all weapon skills.


St.Apollinarius: Famous for his teachings and writings; called "The

Apologist" for the Apologia of Christianity he wrote to a Roman

emperor. Invoked in combat, he can cause enemies to desist or run away.

He can also heal a small amount of lost Strength and a fair amount of

lost Endurance.


St.Barbara: Patron Saint of gunners, miners, builders and artillery.

Betrayed by her own father, she became a virgin martyr for her faith.

She greatly increases Artifice, and provides a very great increase to

Mechanical Missile skill. She also prevents death from wounds for a

period (strength never goes below 1).


St.Bathildis: Also known as Bathild; she was a slave girl given to the

mayor of the imperial palace under King Clovis of France. In 649 he

married her; after his death she ruled as regent, enacting many great

works. She increases Intelligence and Perception by a small amount,

and can be invoked to free the party from imprisonment.


St.Boniface: A successful teacher and preacher known for the

destruction of the Oak of Thor, an object of pagan worship. He provides

a modest increase to Charisma, all Weapon skills, and Speak Common. He

can be invoked to destroy pagan sites and to purify defiled areas, and

to protect the party against pagan and satanic beings.


St.Catherine: Patron of philosophers, preachers, students, librarians,

and maidens, Catherine is one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers and is known

for her faith and conversions. She provides a small increase to

Intelligence, a good increase to Charisma, and a tremendous increase to

Speak Common.


St.Catherine of Siena: Patron Saint of Italy and one of the most

powerful Christian mystics of her time, Catherine is noted for her

devotion to healing the sick. She provides a good but variable increase

to Perception and Charisma, and a large increase to Speak Common; she

can also help the invoker sense evil or have prophetic dreams.


St.Cecilia: Patron Saint of music, she was forced into marriage but

converted her husband. Condemned for her faith, she was miraculously

saved from her sentence of death-by-suffocation. She increases

Charisma by a small amount, and enhances local reputation greatly

if the person has a musical instrument. She can also save the party

from suffocation.


St.Ceolwulf: Former king of Northumbria, Ceolwulf was not a great

leader, though he was praised for his piety. His tomb was the site of

many miracles. He provides a small increase to Intelligence and

Perception, and a modest increase to Strength, Latin, and all weapon



St.Charity: One of the ten daughters of Wisdom, when the ancient

Romans put her in a furnace, she emerged unscathed. She can improve

everyone's resistance to flame as well as greatly improving the

resistance of one chosen person; she also heals a small amount of



St.Christina, Astonish.: At the age of 21, Christina apparently died

of an epileptic fit. During her mass, she suddenly awoke and flew to

the roof of the church. Many levitations (translations) were attributed

to her. She provides a small but variable increase to Charisma and a

modest increase to Agility; she may sometimes translate the party away

from difficulties.


St.Christopher: Patron Saint of travellers and pilgrims, who carried

travellers across rivers. He survived many tortures and attacks for

the sake of Christ. He improves travel speeds, restores a small amount

of strength and a modest amount of Endurance, and improves bow weapons

and Streetwise by a good amount, and Woodwise and Riding by a very

great amount.


St. Clare: Known for extreme piety and vows of severe poverty, Clare

was instrumental in the spread of Fransicanism and the defense of

Assisi. She can restore strength and endurance losses, and cause

satanic foes to rout from battle.


St.Clotilda: Married Clovis, King of the Franks, in 492, and was

credited with saving one of his armies in battle. After his death,

she devoted her life to helping the sick. She increases Charisma by a

modest amount and Healing by a good amount. She also heals a small

amount of Strength and a good amount of Endurance.


St.Colman of Cloyne: Patron of Cloyne, Ireland, Colman was a poet and

later the royal bard of Cashel. He provides a modest increase to

Charisma and Latin, a good increase to Read/Write, and a very great

increase to Speak Common.


St.Columba: A powerful figure in Ireland, Columba did evangelical work

among the picts of Scotland as penance for causing a battle between

two monasteries. He provides a small increase to Charisma, a modest

increase to Endurance and Strength, and a good increase to all melee

weapon skills. He causes a small temporary loss to Perception.


St.Cosmas: Patron Saint of barbers and physicians, Cosmas was twin

brother to Damian; the two performed many miracles both before and

after their deaths. Cosmas enhances Perception by a small amount, and

healing by a tremendous amount; he also heals a small amount of

Strength and Endurance, and gives knowledge of St. Damian.


St.Crispin: Patron Saint (along with his brother Crispinian) of

cobblers, leatherworkers, and shoemakers. Crispin was a shoemaker by

trade who made many converts. The quality of all non-metal armor in

may be enhanced.


St.Cyprian: A sorceror and black magician who attempted to win the

love of a Christian girl through magical means. Her faith was stronger

than his magic; he renounced his evil ways and converted. He enhances

Intelligence and Alchemy by a small amount, and causes satanic magic

to fail 50% of the time.


St.Damian: Patron Saint of barbers and physicians, Damian was twin

brother to Cosmas; the two performed many miracles both before and

after their deaths. Damian restores all lost Endurance and a good

amount of lost Strength; he also brings automatic knowledge of St.



St.David: Patron of Wales and an English baron who became King of

Scotland; he warred unsuccessfully for the English throne. Known for

his charities, pieties, and justice. Grants a small increase to

Charisma and Intelligence, and a modest increase to Perception, weapons

skills and Riding.


St.Denis: Patron of Paris and France, beheaded because of his success

in making converts. His followers rescued his body from the Seine.

Restores a great amount of lost Strength and a small amount of

Endurance; greatly enhances Charisma and Speak Common and can enhance

local reputation in Paris and France.


St.Derfel Gadarn: In early life a soldier who may have fought by the

side of King Arthur; later, miracles were attributed to his wooden

statue. Provides a small increase to Strength, heals a modest amount

of Endurance, and provides a very great increase to all weapons skills.


St.Devota: Patron of Monaco and Corsica, Devota was a young Christian

girl who was racked to death for her faith. She can restore all lost

Endurance and some Strength, and aid the party in withstanding or

escaping torture. Greatly enhances Charisma and may enhance local

reputation in Corsica and Monaco.


St.Dismas: Patron of thieves and condemned criminals, Dismas is

thought to be the thief crucified with Christ. He increases Agility,

Woodwise and Stealth (for the entire party) by a good amount, and

Streetwise and Artifice by a very great amount. He increases Charisma

and Speak Common, and may allow escape attempts from prison.


St.Dominic: Patron Saint of astronomers and founder of the Dominican

order, Dominic also travelled widely in Spain. He enhances

Intelligence, Speak Common, Latin, and Read/Write by a good amount.

He may also cause members of the inquisition to treat the party with

respect and deference.


St.Dorothy of Montau: Patron Saint of Prussia, a gentle and humble

pilgrim who tamed a violent father, the swordsmith Albrecht of Danzig.

She can sense evil, especially in Germans, and improves Charisma and

Healing by a good amount, and Perception by a modest amount. She may

even provide a wondrous longsword to the needy.


St.Drogo: Patron Saint of shepherds, he was a pilgrim, shepherd and

hermit himself. He increases Perception by a modest amount, Healing

by a good amount, and Woodwise by a very great amount. He also

increases the party speed, but not the frequency of encounters.


St.Dunstan: Patron Saint of blacksmiths, armorers, goldsmiths,

locksmiths, and jewelers, Dunstan enhances Perception, weapons skill,

Alchemy and Streetwise by a modest amount, and Artifice by a very

great amount. In addition, the quality of all metal armor in the party

may be enhanced.


St.Dymphna: Patron Saint of epileptics, the mentally ill, and those

possessed by devils, Dymphna was killed by her father when she refused

his incestuous advances. She heals a good amount of Endurance, and

provides an increase to Agility and Healing, and a large increase to

Stealth; invoking her can cure various ills and may cause satanic

beings to flee.


St.Edward, Confessor: A King of England before William, he founded

Westminster Abbey. When invoked he insures that all party members have

a virtue of at least 20, but at great cost in wealth. He may aid in

seeing evil in nobility, improve Intelligence, Perception, all weapons

skills and Riding by a modest amount, and heals a small amount of



St.Eligius: Patron Saint of metalworkers and goldsmiths, Eligius was

known for his beautiful craftwork and charitable donations. He enhances

Artifice by a very great amount, Alchemy by a modest amount, and may

improve edged weapons, hammers, maces, halberds, crossbows and



St.Emydius: Patron against earthquakes, Emydius was a pagan knight who

converted to Christianity and then successfully converted others. He

provides a very great increase to Charisma and Speak Common, and can

allow the party to protect an area against earthquake, or to call an

earthquake to destroy a pagan or satanic site.


St.Engelbert: A traveller, crusader, and politician, Engelbert once

took up arms against Otto IV and was excommunicated; this was lifted

after he joined the Albigensian Crusade. He increases Charisma and

Speak Common by a modest amount, and Woodwise and Riding by a good

amount. He also allows the party to travel on rivers as if they were



St.Erasmus: Patron Saint of sailors, and one of the Fourteen Holy

Helpers, he is also known as St. Elmo, and was saved by an angel from

being burned alive. He enhances Agility and Perception by a modest

amount, and makes sailors and seamen friendly. He also increases the

party's defense against lightning and fire.


St.Eric: Patron Saint of Sweden, and king of Sweden until rebelling

nobles had him beheaded. He provides a small increase to Charisma, a

modest increase to Strength, Riding and Speak Common, and a large

increase to weapon skills. He also causes nobility (especially evil

nobility) to reveal information, and can increase local reputation in



St.Eustace: Patron Saint of hunters and escapes, and one of the

Fourteen Holy Helpers, Eustace converted after seeing a stag with the

sign of Christ between its horns. He provides a good increase to

Riding, a large increase to all weapon skills except impact and flail,

and a tremendous increase to Woodwise. He may speed travel through



St.Felix of Nola: Assistant to a bishop and arrested in his stead

after the bishop fled during a persecution, Felix was delivered from

his prison by an angel. He provides a modest increase to Agility, a

good increase to Woodwise and a tremendous increase to Stealth. If

imprisoned, a character may make a miraculous escape once in a



St.Finbar: Preacher, hermit and founder of monasteries, the sun did

not set for two weeks after Finbar's death. He provides a modest

increase to Charisma and Perception, and a good increase to Latin; upon

his invocation, the party is provided with light for one full day.


St.Finnian: Known for his feud with St. Columba, and for extravagant

miracles (including moving a river). He provides a small increase to

Streetwise, and a modest increase to Charisma, Agility, Speak Common

and Read/Write. While he is invoked, the party may travel on water as

though it were land for a period of one day.


St.Florian: Patron of Poland, Austria, and of those in danger from

water, Florian was killed by being thrown in a river with a rock around

his neck. He enhances all weapon skills and Riding by a modest amount,

and may add to local reputation in Poland and Austria. He also allows

the party to travel on water as if it were land.


St.Francis: A wealthy noble who experienced visions, renounced his

wealth, and became the most influential Christian teacher of his time.

Provides a modest increase to Endurance and Perception, a good increase

to Charisma and Speak Common, and a very great increase to Virtue. The

party may lose 10% of its cash when he is invoked.


St.Gabriel: God's angel, who brought the message of the birth of

Christ to Mary. He provides a good increase to Intelligence and

Perception, and can give divine messages to the party as well as help

them discern true motives and gain extra information. In combat, he

sounds a horn that may cause enemies to flee in terror.


St.Genevieve: Patron Saint of disaster, drought, rain, and fever, she

is known to have saved Paris from many disasters. She heals a small

amount of Strength and a modest amount of Endurance, and prevents

enemies from initiating combat until the party attacks; if she is

invoked in combat, enemies might flee.


St.George: Patron Saint of Knighthood and Crusaders. Famous for saving

a maiden while killing a dragon with his lance. He may improve the

quality of weapons and armor, provide a small increase to Agility, a

good increase to Strength, and a very great increase to all weapon

skills and Riding.


St.Gerlac: A former soldier who nursed the sick and spent seven years

doing penance for the sins of his youth. He provides a modest increase

to Charisma, a good increase to all weapons skills, and a very great

increase to Healing. He also heals a good amount of Strength and



St.Gertrude o'Nivelles: Patron Saint of travellers and gardeners, she

is known for her hospitality and visions. She improves Riding by a

small amount, Woodwise and Latin by a large amount, and Read/Write by

a very great amount. She allows instant travel to the nearest town or

city, and can bring prophetic visions of the future.


St.Giles: Patron Saint of cripples and beggars, and a friend to

animals. He provides a small increase to Streetwise, a very great

increase to Stealth, and a tremendous increase to Woodwise; he also

provides money if needed, and can heal a small amount of Strength and a

large amount of Endurance. He causes a loss to agility and weapon



St.Giles of Portugal: A former black magician who renounced his black

arts and suffered diabolical attacks until he was saved by a vision of

our Lady. He provides a small increase to Intelligence, a good increase

to Artifice, a large increase to Perception, and a very great increase

to Alchemy. Invoking Giles causes a wound, and a loss of virtue.


St.Godehard: A strict disciplinarian who travelled extensively to

reform several monasteries. He rose steadily through the church ranks

due to his discipline and drive. He increases Read/Write and Latin by

a very great amount, heals a good amount of Endurance, and can prevent

travel disasters such as avalanches and blizzards.


St.Godfrey: Raised in an Abbey, his strict discipline and insistence

on clerical celibacy was very controversial. He provides a good

increase to Artifice, a large increase to Speak Common, heals a modest

amount of Endurance, and may sense evil in monks and clerics. If

invoked before combat he prevents the enemy from attacking.


St.Gottschalk: Prince of the Wends, active in war and conversion, he

greatly increases all weapon skills, and local reputation in Wendish

Germany (includes Bremen, Hamburg, Luneberg, Lubeck, Wismar, Rostock

and Schleswig).


St.Gregory Thaumaturg.: Patron Saint of desperate situations,

earthquakes and floods. He provides a modest increase to Charisma, a

good increase to Alchemy and Speak Common, and a very great increase

to Artifice. His miracles may help in uncommon situations, and may

temporarily improve your luck.


St.Hedwig: Patron of Silesia, she married the Duke of Silesia and was

active in war, politics, and tending the poor. She provides a large

increase to Healing and local reputation in Silesia. She also heals a

modest amount of Strength and Endurance. When confronting nobles, they

will tend to reveal information.


St.Henry: A former Holy Roman Emperor, known for his abilities and

piety. He provides a modest increase to Intelligence and a good

increase to all weapon skills, and will improve local reputation when

dealing with any high noble.


St.Heribert: An active peacemaker devoted to the poor, he is known for

ending a severe drought by praying for rain. He increases Strength by

a small amount, and increases Charisma by a good amount, or a large

amount when dealing with farmers. He can also sense evil in farmers

and peasants.


St.Herve: Born blind, he nevertheless founded a monastery and remained

until his death, where he was venerated for his miracles and holiness.

He provides a large increase to Perception and can sense evil in



St.Hildegard: A great nun who founded convents and was famous for her

visions, earning her the nickname "Sibyl of the Rhine." St.Hildegard

may provide useful visions, especially if near the Rhine River. She

also improves Perception by a very great amount, and sometimes your

local reputation.


St.Hubert: Patron Saint of hunters for his vision of a crucifix

between the horns of a stag. He provides a large increase to pole,

thrown and bow weapons skills, a good increase to mechanical missile

weapons, a very good increase to Stealth, and a tremendous increase

to woodwise. He can aid the party in woodland encounters.


St.Illtyd: A warrior and later monk who was charged for a time with

guarding the Holy Grail. Some say Sir Galahad is modelled upon him. He

provides a small increase to Riding, a good increase to weapon skills

and Speak Common, and a large increase to Charisma.


St.Isidore: Patron Saint of farmers and of Madrid, he was a hired hand

to a Spanish noble, where he lived a life of great devotion and

poverty. He provides a small increase to Speak Common, a modest

increase to Charisma, and a good increase to Streetwise. He may

enhance local reputation in Madrid and Spain, and increase Charisma.


St.Ita: Also known as Deirdre and Mida, she performed many miracles of

healing, including reuniting a severed head with its body. She adds a

modest amount of Charisma and a very good amount of Healing; she can

restore all of a character's lost Strength and a large amount of lost



St.James: Patron of Spain, and the first apostle to be martyred, by

Herod Agrippa. Provides a small increase to Strength, Endurance, and

Charisma, and a good increase to Virtue. Causes a temporary loss of a

small amount of Intelligence, and can enhance local reputation in



St.Januarius: A bishop thrown to the wild beasts by Diocletian; the

beasts refused to attack. Januarius's blood is contained in a vial

that is said to liquefy on his feast days. Invoking Januarius can

cause wild beasts to cease attacking; in combination with his relic,

no foe can withstand Januarius.


St.John of Bridlington: Patron Saint of women in difficult labor, he

was also known as John Thwing and was famous for his piety and

honesty. He enhances Strength and Endurance by a small amount, for

women only, and can heal both attributes, more so for women than for



St.John Chrysostom: Patron Saint of preachers, he was famed for his

homilies, which earned him the name Chrysostom, meaning "Golden

Mouthed." He provides a modest increase to Charisma, and a very great

increase to Speak Common and Latin, but causes a small loss to

Perception. He may ignore prayers on festival days, due to his

distaste for extravagance.


St.John Climacus: Also known as John Scholasticus, famous as the

author of "Scala Paradisi," which described the 30 steps necessary to

attain religious perfection. Enhances ALL skills by a small amount plus

one for every five points of virtue the invoker possesses.


St.John Nepolmuchen: Nemesis of King Wenceslaus IV, finally tortured

and killed by him. Increases Streetwise by a small amount, Charisma

and Intelligence by a modest amount, and Speak Common by a very great

amount. Can enhance local reputation in Prag and Bohemia.


St.Joseph: The husband of Mary and 'father' of Jesus, Joseph is also

the Patron Saint of carpenters, woodworkers, travellers, and house

hunting. He provides a good increase to Streetwise, a very good

increase to Artifice and, inside a city, a modest increase to



St.Jude: Patron Saint of hopeless situations, and one of the twelve

apostles. He improves every attribute by a small amount, and every

skill by a modest amount. He may also provide special aid in hopeless

or extremely desperate situations.


St.Julian, Hospitaler: Patron Saint of travellers, hotel keepers, and

boatmen, he was punished for his sins but forgiven when he offered his

bed to a leper. He increases Riding by a modest amount, and Woodwise

by a very great amount; he can also allow free passage across bridges,

fords, and ferries.


St.Kessog: Son of a king of Ireland, he was known for his ability to

gain converts and his miraculous powers. He provides a small increase

to Riding, a modest increase to Charisma, a good increase to Healing,

and a large increase to Speak Common. He can also heal a small amount

of Strength and a good amount of Endurance.


St.Lasdislaus: A King of Hungary, known for his zealous defense of

that country, and for his piety and prowess. He provides a small

increase to Strength and Agility, a modest increase to Speak Common,

and a good increase to Riding and all weapon skills.


St.Lawrence: Martyred in Rome, he bore his torture with such

equanimity that he is credited with ending paganism in that city. He

provides a good increase to Charisma, Streetwise, and Speak Common;

he can restore all lost endurance to a character, and help the party

withstand or escape torture.


St.Lazarus: A friend of Jesus, raised from the dead after four days in

the tomb. Invoking Lazarus can restore a good amount of lost Endurance,

and all of a character's lost Strength, unless the character is already



St.Longinius: The Roman Centurion at the crucifixion who acknowledged

Christ as the son of God. He was converted, and later martyred,

whereupon the governor who had ordered his death was converted. He

enhances all weapon skills by a modest amount and may increase the

quality of one character's weapons.


St.Lucy: "Santa Lucia," famous for having her eyes torn out and then

miraculously restoring them; her name means "light." She enhances

Perception by a modest amount, can restore one character's Strength and

Endurance to maximum, and provides light for one day.


St.Luke: Patron Saint of physicians and painters, author of the third

gospel and the Acts of the Apostles. He was himself a physician and

enhances Healing by a very great amount, and heals a good amount of

Strength and a large amount of Endurance.


St.Lutgardis: Lead by a vision to be a Benedictine Nun in 1202, she

lived many miraculous ecstasies and ultimately became a Cistercian.

She improves Perception and Virtue by a modest amount, and Charisma by

a good amount. She can sometimes levitate people over obstacles.

Sharing her ecstasies in prayer costs Endurance.


St.Margaret: Patron Saint of childbirth and death, she was swallowed

by a dragon (actually the devil) and emerged unscathed. She restores

Endurance and Strength (more for females than males). She also improves

female attributes and skills by a small amount, and the flame

resistance of one person's armor.


St.Margaret of Cortona: A former noblewoman who renounced her worldly

goods when her husband was killed, and devoted herself to helping the

sick and needy. She provides a good increase to Speak Common and a very

great increase to Healing. She also restores a large amount of Strength

and all Endurance.


St.Mark: Patron Saint of notaries, writers, Egypt, and Venice, and one

of the apostles, he once was threatened with capture but wriggled out

of his cloak and fled naked down the street. He enhances Agility by a

good amount, and Read/Write by a large amount.


St.Martin of Tours: Patron Saint of soldiers, horsemen, and geese. He

can sense evil in some people, helps heal injuries provided the

character is wearing some armor, and improves Charisma by a modest

amount, Perception by a good amount, and Speak Common and Riding by a

very great amount.


St.Matthew: Patron Saint of bankers and bookkeepers, one of the

apostles and author of the first gospel. He provides a modest increase

to Intelligence, a large increase to Latin, and a very great increase

to Read/Write. He can also enhance local reputation with Fuggers and



St.Maurice: Patron Saint of swordsmiths, soldiers, armies, Piedmont,

Savoy, and Sardinia, Maurice was a Christian legionnaire who refused

to sacrifice to the gods and was killed along with his legion. He

provides a good increase to Alchemy and a very great increase to Edged

weapons. He may improve the quality of any edged weapons carried.


St.Michael: Patron Saint of battle, Brussels, and Germany, and one of

the three captains of the heavenly host. Provides a small increase to

all weapon skills, a good increase to Charisma, and a very great

increase to Healing; in combat, he may improve the party's weapons and

armor. He also improves local reputation in Germany and Brussels.


St.Milburga: A famous nun and founder of convents, she is venerated

for her visionary and levitational powers. She improves Charisma by a

good amount, and Healing by a very good amount. St. Milburga may

sometimes be willing to levitate everyone to or around obstacles.


St.Moses the Black: A former slave, released due to his vicious

nature, who became an outlaw. He was converted by unknown means and

was famous for the extreme penances he performed. He increases Woodwise

and Streetwise by a good amount, all weapons skills by a large amount,

and Stealth by a very great amount.


St.Nicholas: Patron Saint of storm-beset sailors, Russia, Lorraine,

Greece, Sicily and Apulia; his generosity led to the Santa Claus myth.

He provides a modest increase to Agility, a good increase to Charisma,

and a tremendous increase to Riding. He affects local reputation in

areas of his patronage, and saves ships and boats from storms.


St.Odilia: Patron Saint of the blind and of Alsace, she was the blind

child of an Alsatian lord. Her vision was restored at the age of twelve

when she was first baptized. She provides a modest increase to

Perception, and to local reputation in Alsace. She can also provide



St.Odo: Active in secular as well as ecclesiastical affairs, he was

with King Athelstan at the battle of Brunanburh. He increases Charisma

by a small amount, all weapon skills and Speak Common by a modest

amount, and Perception by a good amount.


St.Olaf: Patron of Norway, Olaf was a pirate in his youth who rose to

become king of Norway. His efforts to unify and Christianize Norway

made him one of her great heroes. Enhances all weapon skills by a good

amount, and heals a good amount of Endurance.


St.Pantaleon: Patron Saint of the medical profession and one of the

Fourteen Holy Helpers, he was a doctor who survived tortures before

his death. He enhances Alchemy by a good amount, and Healing by a

large amount. He allows armored characters to regain lost Strength and

Endurance; in combat, animals and fire have less effect on the party.


St.Patrick: Patron of Ireland, he converted most of the Irish

chieftains and Druids by miraculous means. He increases Strength by a

good amount, greatly increases Charisma, Edged, Pole and Impact

weapons, Speak Common, and Read/Write, and increases Latin by a very

great amount. In combat, he may enhance armor against missile weapons.


St.Paul: Patron of Malta and Greece, he was an apostle who performed

many miracles. Provides a small increase to Endurance, a modest

increase to Charisma, a good increase to Latin, and a very good

increase to Speak Common and Read/Write. He also heals a point of

Strength. Can provide escapes, and enhances local reputation in Greece

and Malta.


St.Paul the Simple: Childlike and naive, Paul became a disciple at age

sixty, where he exhibited powers of mind-reading and healing. Restores

lost Strength and Endurance, and can allow the party to discern the

motives of others; when invoked, he causes a temporary loss of half the

character's Intelligence.


St.Perpetua: Of noble birth, Perpetua was arrested for her faith;

sentenced to die in the public games, she was put to the sword after

the wild beasts refused to attack her. Enhances Charisma by a good

amount and can cause wild animals to cease attack and flee.



St.Peter: Patron Saint of fishermen, and an apostle; known for

ignoring danger, he was saved from prison by an angel. Increases

Strength, Speak Common, Latin, and Healing by a good amount, Charisma

by a moderate amount, and Edged weapons by a large amount. Can aid in

prison escapes; causes temporary loss of half the character's



St.Peter of Atroa: An Armenian monk persecuted during periods of

iconoclasm; he was also accused of witchcraft because of his miracles.

He increases Intelligence and Perception by a modest amount, Riding

and Alchemy by a good amount, and Stealth by a tremendous amount.

However, the party loses a small amount of local reputation.



St.Polycarp: A devout man, at age eighty he was ordered burned to

death, but the flames failed to hurt him; he was put to the spear

instead. When he is invoked, regardless of whom you pray for, the

entire party's resistance to flames improves.


St.Raphael: Patron Saint of the blind, of travellers and safe

journeys, and of eye disease; Raphael is one of the three archangels.

Enhances Agility and Perception by a modest amount, and Healing by a

tremendous amount. He restores all lost Strength and Endurance and can

destroy and purify pagan/satanic worship places.


St.Raymond Penafort: Patron Saint of lawyers, known for his

conversions and preaching. He provides a good increase to Intelligence,

and a very good increase to Read/Write. Allows the party to travel on

water as though it were land for one day, and improves local reputation

with Dominicans.


St.Raymond Lull: An avid missionary to Moorish lands, and a brilliant

scholar and poet; he suffered many indignities and dangers while trying

to convert the Moors. Provides a good increase to Intelligence, and a

very great increase to Alchemy and Read/Write. If the invoker's

Strength and Endurance are very low, they are raised to "9."


St.Reinold: Patron of stonemasons, he was murdered by stonemasons

jealous of his work. Prayer may allow one to see hidden doors, and to

climb straight up stone. He improves Alchemy by a modest amount,

Artifice by a tremendous amount, and heals a good amount of Endurance,

but reduces Charisma by a modest amount.


St.Roch: Patron Saint against plague, and of prisoners, he worked to

help plague victims and himself recovered from the disease. He was

imprisoned as a spy and died in prison. Enhances Artifice by a modest

amount, and Healing by a good amount. He can end plague in an area,

and heals a modest amount of Strength and Endurance.


St.Sabas the Goth: A Goth converted to Christianity, he proclaimed his

faith during a persecution but was left unharmed. He survived many

tortures and was drowned after refusing an offer to go free. Enhances

Charisma by a good amount, and restores all lost Strength and Endurance.


St.Sebastian: Patron Saint of archers, athletes and soldiers, he was

shot with arrows as execution, but survived. Provides a good increase

to Riding and Agility, a very good increase to Bow weapons, and a

modest increase to all other weapon skills. He can heal a small amount

of Strength and Endurance, and end plague in an area.


St.Stanislaus: Patron of Cracow and Poland, a sought-after advisor who

was killed by King Boleslaus. Provides a modest increase to Charisma,

and a very great increase to Speak Common and Latin. Heals a small

amount of Strength and a modest amount of Endurance, and can increase

local reputation in Poland and Cracow.


St.Stephen: Patron of Hungary, ruler of the Magyars and then King of

Hungary. He increases Intelligence, Charisma, and Speak Common by a

modest amount, and Riding and all weapon skills by a good amount. He

can enhance local reputation in Hungary.


St.Swithbert: A missionary to Germany who converted many with his

eloquence and zeal. He enhances Charisma by a good amount, and Speak

Common by a very great amount. He also heals a small amount of Strength

and a modest amount of Endurance.


St.Tarachus: A former Roman soldier who survived many tortures during

his persecution. He was thrown into the arena, but the beasts would not

attack him. He enhances Charisma by a modest amount, and heals a modest

amount of Strength and a good amount of Endurance. He can also cause

wild animals to flee from combat.


St.Thaelaeus, Merciful: Called the merciful because of his work with

the sick and poor, his executioners were killed with him because of

their compassion for him. Enhances healing by a very great amount, and

heals a small amount of Strength and a modest amount of Endurance.


St.Theodore Tiro: A recruit in the Roman army, he refused to

participate in their pagan rites and was burned to death in a furnace.

Increases Charisma by a modest amount, all weapon skills by a large

amount, and Riding by a very great amount.


St.Thomas the Apostle: He was the apostle who did not believe in the

resurrection of Christ until he had seen it with his own eyes, from

which we get the phrase "doubting Thomas." He increases Speak Common,

Strength, Endurance and Woodwise by a small amount, and Healing and

Artifice by a modest amount.


St.Thomas Aquinas: Patron Saint of universities and scholars, his

writings now form the basis for all of Christian theology. Provides a

good increase to Intelligence and Latin, a large increase to Read/Write

and a very great increase to Religion. Enhances local reputation at

monasteries and universities. NB: St. Thomas Aquinas is very helpful

when encountering the demon at the devil's bridge. Known as a fundamental

scholastic, Aquinas will convince the demon that a treaty with the devil

is irrelevant to living beings, therefore the demon will leave the

villagers alone. Engaging the demon in battle, however, may be a more

"definite" solution. (AL)


St.Valentine: Patron Saint of lovers, he was a clergyman in Rome,

noted for his piety and healing skills. He provides a modest increase

to Stealth and Speak Common, and a good increase to Charisma and

Healing. He also heals a small amount of Strength and Endurance.

Finally, invocation may provoke good fellowship with others.


St.Victor o'Marseilles: Roman soldier condemned to death; he converted

his guards, who were then sentenced to die with him. Enhances Charisma

and all weapon skills by a modest amount, and Speak Common by a good

amount. Can also restore all lost Endurance and a small amount of lost



St.Vitus: Patron Saint of dancers, actors, comics, and epileptics, and

one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers. He provides a good increase to

Charisma and Agility, and can cure epileptic seizures, dispell demons

and transport the party to the nearest town/city. There is risk that

the invoker will lose some Endurance.


St.Wenceslaus: Patron of Bohemia; his Christian teachings and stern

rule earned him many enemies. He was killed by a rebel faction led by

his brother. Provides a modest increase to Strength, Perception,

Intelligence, all weapon skills, and Riding. He increases local

reputation with nobles, and in Bohemia.


St.Wilfrid: Wilfrid travelled far and wide to establish Roman order

over Celtic. He was involved in power struggles within the church, and

in the building of many monasteries. Enhances Charisma and Artifice by

a modest amount, and Speak Common by a very great amount. He also heals

a small amount of Endurance, and may double party travel speed.


St.Willehad: An active proselytizer in western Europe, he had many

run-ins with pagans bent on his death, but survived them all. Provides

a modest increase to Agility, and a good increase to Woodwise and

Riding. If invoked before or during battle, opponents may be surprised

enough to avoid attacking you for a short period.


St.Willebald: A great wanderer and pilgrim, he wrote the first English

travel book. Provides a modest increase to Woodwise, a good increase to

Charisma, and a very great increase to Speak Common.


St.Willibord: A missionary, he was so successful at converting

Frieslanders that he became known as "the apostle of the Frisians."

He provides a modest increase to Woodwise, a good increase to Charisma,

and a very good increase to Speak Common. He can enhance local

reputation in northern Germany.


St.Wolfgang: A director of monastery schools, known for his work with

the poor and also with nobility (including the Emperor). Increases

Intelligence, Charisma, Woodwise, and Riding by a modest amount, and

Speak Common by a very great amount. He also enhances local reputation

in villages and with nobility.


St.Zita: Patron Saint of servants, she was known for her patience,

zeal, and holiness. She was a servant in the same household for 46

years. Enhances Perception and Streetwise by a modest amount, and heals

one point of Strength and a small amount of Endurance. She can also

gain information from servants.

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Re: NPC Help:The Order of the CrossHere, a Catholic Captain Marvel:

Caballero de la Iglesia

Eduardo Bartis

Val Char Cost
40/70 STR 0
24 DEX 12
28 CON 6
20 BODY 0
10 INT 0
13 EGO 6
30 PRE 5
10 COM 0
8/29 PD 0
6/27 ED 0
4 SPD 6
14 REC 0
56 END 0
55 STUN 0
6" RUN 0
2" SWIM 0
8"/14" LEAP 0
Characteristics Cost: 35

Cost Power END
14 Psychokinetic Force Field "The Armor Of God": Elemental Control, 36-point powers, (18 Active Points); all slots Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)
15 1) Blessing of Saint Erasmus: Force Field (15 PD/15 ED), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (37 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 1
14 2) Blessing of Saint Christina: Flight 12", Variable Advantage (+1/4 Advantages; Used for 1/2 END cost or Megascale; +1/2) (36 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 4
15 3) Blessing of Saint Reinold: Density Increase (8,800 kg mass, +30 STR, +6 PD/ED, -6" KB), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (37 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 1
Blessings of the Saints, all slots Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)
24 1) Blessing of Saint Michael: +30 STR (30 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 3
24 2) Blessing of Saint Sebastian: +10 DEX (30 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)
24 3) Blessing of Saint Sabas: +15 CON (30 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)
16 4) Blessing of Saint Barbara: +10 BODY (20 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)
12 5) Blessing of Saint Vitus: +15 PRE (15 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)
12 6) Blessing of Sain Clare: Mental Defense (18 points total) (15 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 0
10 7) Blessing of Saint Ita: Healing 1 BODY, Can Heal Limbs, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (30 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 0
2 8) Blessing of Saint Gertrude: Bump Of Direction (3 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4)
26 9) Blessing of Saint Roch: Life Support (Extended Breathing: 1 END per 20 Minutes; Immunity All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents; Immunity All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum) (33 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 0
Powers Cost: 208

Cost Skill
2 KS: Catholic Theology 11-
2 KS: Lives of the Saints 11-
0 Language: Spanish (idiomatic; literate) (5 Active Points)
1 Language: Latin (basic conversation)
2 Language: English (fluent conversation)
Skills Cost: 7

Val Disadvantages
25 Psychological Limitation: Absolute Faith in God and the Catholic Church (Very Common, Total)
15 Psychological Limitation: Devoted to living a Catholic Life, and being an example to others (Very Common, Moderate)
10 Psychological Limitation: Must Spread The Word (Common, Moderate)
5 Physical Limitation: Heroic Form is seven feet tall and weighs 300 pounds, causes some problems (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)
20 Vulnerability: 2 x Effect PRE attacks from Women and Clergy (Common)
20 Hunted: Supervillain Group 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)
25 Hunted: Watched by the Catholic Church 14- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)
15 Social Limitation: Subject to Orders from the Church (Frequently, Major)
15 Distinctive Features: Inhumanly Handsome and Over-Muscled in Heroic Form (Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
Disadvantage Points: 150
Cost Summary:Base Points:200Disadvantage Points: 150Total Experience Available: 0Total Character Cost: 250Height: 2.14 mHair: BrownWeight: 137.00 kgEyes: BrownAppearance: As Eduardo: A moderately tall, athletic, and handsome 15 year old spanish boy with brown eyes and hair.


As The Kinight: A huge, impossibly muscular and inhumanly handsome Spaniard.

Personality: Eduardo has a deep faith in his God and Church, and a temper he struggles to keep in check. He devotes himself to the service of God, and to trying to live by the highest standards of his faith, but mockery brings out his dark side. A lifetime of conditioning (and a lack of real world experience) has left him very vulnerable to manipulation by women and clergy.Quote:"In the name of God, stop or know pain!"Background: A deeply devout young Catholic newsboy from Santander, Spain, at the age of 13 Eduardo saved his older sister Julia from a brutal attempted rape, driving off her teen attacker with fists and threats. While helping her from the filthy alley where she had been assaulted, Eduardo saw the young punk who had attacked her returning with a group of friends. In terror, Eduardo and Julia fled through back streets, the gang that pursued them gaining with every passing moment. Finally they were cornered, Julia weeping, the gang sneering, and Eduardo knew that he would die, and worse, that Julia would die. Eduardo cried out to God and all the saints, and was answered.

Where the teen Eduardo had stood was now an adult mountain of muscle, glowing with divine light. Eduardo struck one of the attackers, and his fist smashed the boy's head to a pulp. The gang fled, and Eduardo looked down in horror at the body, and in exultation. Eduardo found himself changing back into his human form.


Two days later at confession Eduardo told all. The priest, having heard of the killing of a known local brute, absolved Eduardo of his sins. Thinking Eduardo to be insane with guilt, the priest then asked Eduardo to call on God and the saints again. Eduardo did so, and again transformed.


Since that day, Eduardo has served his faith. Most of the time he is simply a student who hopes one day to be a priest. However, when the need is there, Eduardo calls upon the saints to become a Knight of the Church.

Powers/Tactics: A classic flying brick. Campaign Use: The Catholic Captain Marvel.
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Re: NPC Help:The Order of the Cross




St.Olaf: Patron of Norway, Olaf was a pirate in his youth who rose to

become king of Norway. His efforts to unify and Christianize Norway

made him one of her great heroes. Enhances all weapon skills by a good

amount, and heals a good amount of Endurance.


Minior qvibble: His name was Olav.

Great post.

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