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Jeff Wayne's War of the World's meets Champions


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Re: Jeff Wayne's War of the World's meets Champions


Oh oh oh oh !!!


Take the Monsters like the Vampire, Flesh Golem, WereWolf, etc.. To join in the fight to save their world.


The Vampire after all has just seen his food source dry up, The Flesh Golem has no one to chase him with torches, and the WereWolf has no one to feed upon.


Moriarti, Fu Manchu, etc... survives and joins in the fight. Imagine the chaos inherent as the Villians help the fight and at the same time try to take control.


Lovin it.

Funny you should mention that....I ran a halloween "one-off" that was the Wolfman, a Vampire and a Flesh Golem serving as the "Creature Commandos" battling against the Nazis. Much fun. :D
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Re: Jeff Wayne's War of the World's meets Champions


Funny you should mention that....I ran a halloween "one-off" that was the Wolfman' date=' a Vampire and a Flesh Golem serving as the "Creature Commandos" battling against the Nazis. Much fun.[/quote']

Ah, the "Drac Pac" scenario. I once ran a crossover Storyteller game where the PCs played a Vampire (Ravnos gypsy), a Werewolf (Glass Walker Ahroun professional wrestler), and a Mage (Son of Ether Frankenstein's monster). It lasted much longer than it had any right too; such a game has the benefit of having iconic stereotypes that are popular and easy to get into, while also having characters with different capabilities who don't often overshadow each other.

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Re: Jeff Wayne's War of the World's meets Champions


Oh oh oh oh !!!


Take the Monsters like the Vampire, Flesh Golem, WereWolf, etc.. To join in the fight to save their world.


The Vampire after all has just seen his food source dry up, The Flesh Golem has no one to chase him with torches, and the WereWolf has no one to feed upon.


Moriarti, Fu Manchu, etc... survives and joins in the fight. Imagine the chaos inherent as the Villians help the fight and at the same time try to take control.


Lovin it.

I would play in that .. but only if I get to play Moriarti ;)

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  • 1 year later...

Re: Jeff Wayne's War of the World's meets Champions


I would play in that .. but only if I get to play Moriarti ;)




If you want to see what Sketchpad and I did with this magilly, check out Digital Hero #39, on sale soon! :D


Hey Sketchpad, it's kinda funny that you were the last guy to post to this thead a year and half ago, and then ended up being the artist for the article. Um...post to more of my DH idea threads. ;)

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Re: Jeff Wayne's War of the World's meets Champions




If you want to see what Sketchpad and I did with this magilly, check out Digital Hero #39, on sale soon! :D


Hey Sketchpad, it's kinda funny that you were the last guy to post to this thead a year and half ago, and then ended up being the artist for the article. Um...post to more of my DH idea threads. ;)


As long as you raised this thread from the dead...


Has anyone else seen these commercials for a new animated Justice League movie with what look a whole lot like Fighting Machines as the foes?

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Re: Jeff Wayne's War of the World's meets Champions


What about moving the aftermath of the war to 1938 where a young Orson Welles is trying to warn every one about a second invasion by the returning martians, but the twist is unlike the real world, no one takes him seriously except the pulp heroes because the general public believes its only a radio program?


BTW, liked the aliens in Spielbergs War of the Worlds but hated Cruise and his whiny loud brats.


And any word from the one that takes place in victorian england?

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Guest daeudi_454

Re: Jeff Wayne's War of the World's meets Champions


BTW' date=' liked the aliens in Spielbergs War of the Worlds but hated Cruise and his whiny loud brats.[/quote']Spielberg made a movie.

It had cool aliens.

The tripods were awesome.

Spielberg did not make a War of the Worlds movie.


Some motion pictures have martians with tripods. (some a=B)

All War of the Worlds have Martians with Tripods. (All c=a)

But it does not mean that all c=b.

Pilot episode of justice league... for example.

We will never speak of it again.

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Re: Jeff Wayne's War of the World's meets Champions


(Spielberg made a movie.

It had cool aliens.

The tripods were awesome.

Spielberg did not make a War of the Worlds movie.)


You are so right! It was like ET returns with a chip on its shouder to stalk a grown up Elliot (Cruise). Even Morgan Freeman's voice over couldn't save this movie.


Still i cheered when the aliens kicked Humanity's butt. :eg::mars::whip::earth::cheers:

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Re: Jeff Wayne's War of the World's meets Champions


Meet Grenadier. My PC for Proditor's setting:




[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
40	STR	30	17-	Lift 6.4 tons; 8d6 HTH Damage
21	DEX	33	13-	OCV:  7/DCV:  7
23	CON	26	14-
12	BODY	4	11-
18	INT	8	13-	PER Roll 13-
13	EGO	6	12-	ECV:  4
18	PRE	8	13-	PRE Attack:  3 1/2d6
16	COM	3	12-

12	PD	4		Total:  12 PD (8 rPD)
12	ED	7		Total:  12 ED (8 rED)
5	SPD	19		Phases:  3, 5, 8, 10, 12
12	REC	0
46	END	0
44	STUN	0		[b]Total Characteristics Cost:  148

Movement:[/b]	Running:	7"/14"
Leaping:	12"/24"
Swimming:	2"/4"

[b]Cost	Powers & Skills[/b]
15	[b]Heave Ho!:[/b]  +20 STR, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); Only For Throwing (-1)
42	[b]He's His Own Field Artillery:[/b]  RKA 4d6, Indirect (can be arced over some 
obstacles; +1/4), No Range Modifier (+1/2); Extra Time (Full Phase; -1/2), OIF (any 
hurled object; -1/2),  Damage Depends On Hurled Object (-1/4), Range Based On 
STR (-1/4), END 10
10	[b]Webley No. 1 Revolver:[/b]  RKA 1d6+1, +1 Increased STUN Multiple (+1/4); OAF (-1), 
4 Clips of 6 Shots (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4)
10	[b]Sword Bayonet:[/b]  HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); 
OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4)
8	[b]Hard To Hurt:[/b]  Damage Resistance (8 PD/8 ED)
5	[b]Immune To The Black Dust:[/b]  Life Support (Immunity:  Black Dust)
4	[b]Battlefield Mobility:[/b]  Leaping +4" (12" forward, 6" upward), END 1
2	[b]Move Solider!:[/b]  Running +1" (7" total), END 1

3	[b]Fire On Red!:[/b]  Absolute Range Sense
3	[b]Can Instantly Adjust For Wind Speed:[/b]  Lightning Calculator

0	Fringe Benefit:  Military Rank

8	[b]Experienced Soldier:[/b]  Combat Skill Levels:  +1 with Combat
2	[b]Missileer:[/b]  Combat Skill Levels:  +2 OCV with thrown objects
16	[b]Missileer:[/b]  Throwing Skill Levels:  +8 versus OCV penalties for throwing unbalanced 
and/or non-aerodynamic objects 

0	AK:  Home Area 8-
3	Climbing 13-
3	Concealment 13-
0	Conversation 8-
0	Deduction 8-
2	Gambling (card games) 13-
2	KS:  Ballistics 11-
2	KS:  English Military History And Customs 11-
0	Language:  English (native)
3	Paramedic 13-
2	PS:  Soldier/Artilleryman 11-
0	Shadowing 8-
2	SS:  Mathematics 11-
0	Stealth 8-
0	TF:  Horse-Drawn Vehicles
5	WF:  Common Melee Weapons, Small Arms, Emplaced Weapons
[b]152	Total Powers & Skills Cost
300	Total Character Cost

150+	Disadvantages[/b]
15	Hunted:  The British Army 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very 
easy to find, Watching)
20	Hunted:  Martians 8- (Mo Pow, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, 
Harshly Punish)
15	Psychological Limitation:  Stereotypical British Overconfidence (C, S)
15	Psychological Limitation:  Strong Sense Of Duty To The British Empire And Her 
People (C, S)
5	Reputation:  "one-man artillery unit, 8-
10	Rivalry:  female "super-men," must show this is Still A Man's World (Prof, some rivals 
may be PCs or have superior rank)
20	Social Limitation:  Subject to Orders (VF, M)
10	Vulnerability:  1 1/2 x STUN from Ego Attacks (C)
40	[b]Experience
300	Total Disadvantage Points[/b]



When the Martians invaded London, Albert Place, an artilleryman in the Royal Army, stood by his gun. Directing the firing of the cannon, he kept his men at their posts as the Heat Ray sought out other emplaced weapons, destroying men and machines alike. Then the Fighting Machines unleashed the now-dreaded Black Dust, and Albert's men fell, choking and gasping for air. He fell as well, coughing and hacking, but still alive. Crumpled next his howitzer, Albert watched the Fighting Machines advance, wading through the smoke and Dust effortlessly, their Heat Rays cutting down anything that moved. Albert, driven to the edge of despair at the sight of the forces of the great and noble British Empire falling like chaff to the Martians, with London sure to follow, went a little mad.


Unable to load and fire the howitzer fast enough, Albert settled for simply throwing anything at hand at the oncoming fighting machine -- be it rocks, a length of splintered log, a broken carriage wheel, or even a 12 pound shell. While he didn't seem to realize just what he was doing at the time -- hurling howitzer shells with equal force and greater accuracy as the gun at this side, the War Machine did. It paused, pivoted, and unleashed its Heat Ray, reducing the cannon and its carriage to fragments and sending Albert flying into a copse of trees, where he spent the rest of the night, finally coming to his senses the following morning. Finding himself alive in a field of the dead, Albert did the only thing he could do -- fled south to London, hoping to find some trace of human resistance and continue the fight.


Albert Place, now dubbed "Grenadier" in recognition of his superhuman throwing ability, has joined forces with Britannic, Donnybrook, Nike, Stella Steampipe, and the rest of the England's newfound "super-men" in fighting the Martian invasion. While strong enough in hand-to-hand combat, his throwing ability makes him for more suitable in a fire support role, and he can claim the destruction of a Martian Scout Machine, brought down with the well-aimed throw of a 12-Pound Cannon shell.



Albert Place is a soldier through-and-through. In a world turned upside down, in which horrid jellyfish-like creatures drink human blood while striding across the green fields of England, in which a woman has proven to be smarter than the entire Royal Academy of Science, in which another woman scandalously wears an indecently tight costume, in which men can fly as birds... his best hope of maintaining some sense of the proper order of things is to follow his training, to obey his superiors, and be a good soldier. Thus, Albert fights to defend the Empire and its people, in that order. He realizes that failure is not an option and if England falls the rest of the world will follow. However, Albert also feels that England will prevail, just as it has for centuries, no matter how strange this new foe may be. This many prove to be his doing, however, as the times are changing, and he'd best change with them, or find that a "stiff upper lip" will mean nothing in the face of new technologies being fielded by men and Martians alike.


Quote: "Cry God for Victoria, England and Saint George!"



Like many of the people changed by the Black Dust, Grenadier possesses superhuman levels of strength, agility, and endurance. He is somewhat invulnerable, as well, surviving a number of close-range explosions with minor wounds at best. His most important ability, at least as far as the Army is concerned, is an almost supernatural skill a throwing. Anything Grenadier gets his hands on can be hurled at lethal velocities, even something as simple as a small rock. The Army has experimented with simple solid cannon shells as a weapon for Grenadier. They are light enough to get the desired range, and heavy enough to have the proper impact. However, in a pinch, Grenadier will hurl anything solid enough and heavy enough to do damage, from the barrel of a wrecked artillery piece to a solid chunk of paving stone.



Grenadier is 5'10" in height -- tall for his time -- with a muscular, but trim build. He keeps his hair and mustache trimmed smartly, and tries to dress as befitting a officer in the British Army. His costume is a modified military uniform, complete with sidearm and short sword. The coat is scarlet with black cuffs and collar, a white belt, and dark blue pants with a red stripe up the side, tucked into knee-high boots. Borrowing an idea from Britannic, Grenadier has had the Union Jack sewn on the breast of his jacket.

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Re: Jeff Wayne's War of the World's meets Champions




If you want to see what Sketchpad and I did with this magilly, check out Digital Hero #39, on sale soon! :D


Hey Sketchpad, it's kinda funny that you were the last guy to post to this thead a year and half ago, and then ended up being the artist for the article. Um...post to more of my DH idea threads. ;)

LOL ... That is kinda funny that it worked out that way ;) I just hope I did it justice Prod ;)

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Re: Jeff Wayne's War of the World's meets Champions


TLoEG is not to everyone's tastes, and contains adult concepts (especially the second volume) - dark and disturbing in parts.


However, one interesting thing that Hyde pointed out that is very valid in a superhero game is - Tripods are a very stupid design. You take out one leg, and they fall over.


Which just proves that Martians, like Humans, suffer from the kind of engineers and architects my old lawyer used to call "Frank Loyd Wrongs."


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary notes that it also suggests that the Martians have advanced technology but had not actually fought a war in a long time

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Re: Jeff Wayne's War of the World's meets Champions




I'm glad you necromanted the thread - I missed it first time round, but it would have been interesting. The "victorian Hero" game I started (but which flopped due to lack of player interest) was going to feature a "war of worlds" theme.


In my case, it was pulp level adventuring and I had planned to have the actual martian invasion happen while the players were out of communication in the Hindu Kush - to get around the players knowing the "they all die of the cold" scenario.


However! It seemed a neat way to introduce "weird science" into the game, with the players (and spies of every nation) scrambling to gather up martian tech, find out how it worked and build their own fighting machines. They would then have had to avert a WWI fought in Europe with walking machines and land leviathans! (the plan was that some martian tech would have been too advanced for humans to replicate, so black dust and walking machines would have been possible, but heat rays probably not, which means that scavenging/stealing working versions would have been very important). If the game had culminated as planned, it would have ended with an earthly counter-invasion of Mars (led of course by the players!)


I'm still kinda bummed I never got to run that campaign :(


cheers, Mark

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Re: Jeff Wayne's War of the World's meets Champions


Mike, I hope we'll get to see Grenadier in action this fall. Very cool character, and I still want to see him lobbing shells at Martians. :D


The whole group was cool, and very much followed the concepts outlined n WotW:C. I really hope we can find the time this fall to go smash some invaders!

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Re: Jeff Wayne's War of the World's meets Champions


Mike, I hope we'll get to see Grenadier in action this fall. Very cool character, and I still want to see him lobbing shells at Martians. :D


The whole group was cool, and very much followed the concepts outlined n WotW:C. I really hope we can find the time this fall to go smash some invaders!




And John, I'm gonna have a HERO get-together at my place Labor Day weekend (Sunday). Want to come? Need a ride?

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