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Supers With Pictures: Fun For All


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Re: Supers With Pictures: Fun For All



Val Char Cost Roll Notes

35 STR 25 16- Lift 3200.0kg; 7d6; [3]

21 DEX 33 13- OCV 7 DCV 7

16 CON 12 12-

10 BODY 0 11-

8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11-

8 EGO -4 11- ECV: 3

25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6

16 COM 3 12-


23 PD 16 Total: 23 PD (23 rPD)

21 ED 18 Total: 21 ED (21 rED)

4 SPD 9 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12

10 REC 0

40 END 4

36 STUN 0 Total Characteristic Cost: 146



Movement: Running: 11" / 22"

Swimming: 9" / 18"

Leaping: 7" / 14"


Cost Powers END

19 Freeform body: Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25%, Inherent (+1/4) (19 Active Points) 0

6 Really freeform body: Extra Limbs (8), Inherent (+1/4) (6 Active Points) 0

49 Freeform body part 2: Damage Resistance (23 PD/21 ED), Inherent (+1/4), Hardened (x4; +1) (49 Active Points) 0

17 Heavy fists: Hand-To-Hand Attack +5d6 (25 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) 2

30 Spiked fists: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6 (3 1/2d6 w/STR), +1 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1/4) (37 Active Points); Reduced Penetration (-1/4) 4

25 Body controll: Power Defense (20 points), Inherent (+1/4) (25 Active Points) 0

25 Body forming: Shape Shift (Hearing Group, any shape) 2

10 Stretching: Stretching 2" 1

7 Re-forming: Aid Body 1d6 (10 Active Points); Self Only (-1/2) 0




6 Money: Wealthy

9 Contact: A fence. (Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Contact limited by identity, Very Good relationship with Contact) 14-




4 Double Jointed

3 Simulate Death




3 Streetwise 14-

2 WF: Small Arms

3 Stealth 13-

3 High Society 14-

2 Language: English (basic conversation; literate)

3 Lockpicking 13-

3 Security Systems 11-

3 Bribery 14-

8 Gambling (Card Games, Dice Games, Sports Betting, Roulette) 11-



Total Powers & Skill Cost: 240

Total Cost: 386


200+ Disadvantages

10 Psychological Limitation: Snobbish (Common, Moderate)

5 Psychological Limitation: Greedy, a real miser (Uncommon, Moderate)

15 Psychological Limitation: Envy of the strong and disdain for the weak (Very Common, Moderate)

10 Reputation: super-powerd killer, 8- (Extreme)

20 Hunted by International police forces: 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)

5 Vulnerability: Electric attacks (Uncommon)

121 Experience Points


Total Disadvantage Points: 386


Background/History: Michael Cord was born a mutant in the south American nation of Costa Rica. His father was a petty criminal who had lost his nerve for crime after a run-in with the police.

He was very happy over the fact that his son was special and teached him all he knew about surviving on the streets.

Freeform never knew his mother.

When Freeform became a teenager he reblled against his father since he thought it was ufair that he should do all the work while his father "kept watch".

Freeform dumped his father and got involved on the international supervillan scene.

His father later sold him out to the police for some easy cash, that is why Freeforms identety is not secret.


Personality/Motivation: Freeform likes money more than power but he also craves respect from everybody around him.

He does not work well with master villians because they have a tendency to order him around and (gasp!) belive that they are more powerfull and important than him.

Freeform does not employ minions or genric thugs either since he despise people who are less powerfull than him and does not want any "freeloaders" hanging around.

Freeform can be hired to steal a spesific object, allthough he looks upon super mercenaries, assasins and muscle with disdain and will not take such jobs himself.


Quote: "If you know what is good for you, you would let me pass senor"


Powers/Tactics: Freeform is very straightforward in his tactics, he simply walks into the building where his target is trying to use his shapechange power to remain unoticed for as long as possible and use his great strenght to rip through any defences. Then hesimply pick up the loot and run off trying to hide with his shapechange power.

If somone try to stop him Freeform attacks, normals and supers alike. He does not hold back.

Freeform never bother with hostages or other such tactics trusting his own powers to save him. "A real man does not hide behind women and childeren senor"


Campaign Use: Freeform is a solo villian who should be able to give a team a good fight. He is interested in stealing, but also be hired to steal for others.


Appearance: A young good looking hispanic man of average size and weight. He dresses like the snob he is.

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Re: Supers With Pictures: Fun For All


Oh well, I posted it as rich text format, none of the hero board friendly templates were very hero board friendly. (There is a reason for it, don't remember what but I bet its good).

Anyway you can see the character now.

Exuse me while I correct some spelling and grammar errors.

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Re: Supers With Pictures: Fun For All



Damm what are all these crickets doing here?

Well anyway I just made up another character sheet for one of my characters in the pics that could be a superteam thread.



Val Char Cost Roll Notes

8 STR -2 11- Lift 75.8kg; 1 1/2d6 [1]

11 DEX 3 11- OCV: 4/DCV: 4

8 CON -4 11-

8 BODY -4 11-

10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-

12 EGO 4 11- ECV: 4

10 PRE 0 11- PRE Attack: 2d6

6 COM -2 10-


4 PD 2 Total: 4 PD (0 rPD)

4 ED 2 Total: 4 ED (0 rED)

3 SPD 9 Phases: 4, 8, 12

4 REC 0

16 END 0

20 STUN 4 Total Characteristic Cost: 10


Movement: Running: 5"/10"

Leaping: 1"/2"

Swimming: 2"/4"


Cost Powers END

71 Horror generator: Drain PRE 8d6, Affects Desolidified Any form of Desolidification (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Cumulative (96 points; +3/4), Area Of Effect Nonselective (16" radius; +1 1/4) (320 Active Points); Fuel Dependent (fuel is Very Common; must refuel Once per 20 Minutes; -1 1/4), IAF Bulky (Huge horror machine; -1), Arrangement (-1/4), Gradual Effect (5 Minutes; -3/4), Real Weapon (-1/4)

11 Colt python: Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6-1, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (37 Active Points); OAF (Gun; -1), 6 Charges (-3/4), Beam (-1/4), No Knockback (-1/4) [6]



3 Bureaucratics 11-

7 Concealment 13-

3 Conversation 11-

3 Deduction 11-

1 WF: Handguns

2 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles

3 Electronics 11-

2 Sound engineering: SS 11-

4 Computer Programming (Personal Computers, Military Computers) 11-


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 110

Total Cost: 120


150+ Disadvantages

15 Psychological Limitation: Sadist (Very Common, Moderate)

10 Psychological Limitation: Dislike causing pain (Common, Moderate)

5 Hunted: Police 8- (Less Pow, Harshly Punish)

10 Rivalry: Professional (With other fear based villian; Rival is More Powerful; Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry)

5 Distinctive Features: Shabby (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)


Total Disadvantage Points: 45



Horrorsong has been a sadist since he learned to interact with other people. His strict and unforgiving parents “taught” him to dislike physical pain however and he got interested in psychological torture in stead. When he was young he imagined presence as a “force” some people had and some people lacked. Clearly the ones who wielded this force should rule the others. After an un-eventful childhood Horrorsong got a job as a scientist working to find a way to psychologically influence soldiers to give up. He rejected the fear gas the other inventors came up with and designed his own fear generator which used sub vocal sound waves to influence the brain pattern of the subjects.

He failed to make the horror generating machine portable however and the machine produced waves in all directions making all people sick with fear not just the enemy, he tried to generate a projector device but he just did not have the skills necessary.

The machine was rejected and Derrick was to start another project when he got the not so bright idea to use the machine to play a joke on one of his subordinate researchers. He tricked her into coming over to his lab and then he switched on the machine to see who could “stand” the fear effect for the longest. To his surprise she went into a hysteric fit right away and when he turned it off she promptly quit her job. Then she sued the company for millions of dollars. Derrick got fired for his stupid stunt and his over-specialization and arrogant personality made it difficult for him to find a job that he did not feel was beneath him.

Unemployed and alone Horrorsong started to slowly sunk more and more down into self-pity and his anti-social ideas from his childhood started to return in full force.

Only he understood the “force” that made some people better than others.

People rejected him because they were envious of the potential they saw in him.

He desired vengeance and over the years he almost sub-concisely collected all the parts he needed for creating another machine.

He loaded onto a truck and drove into town, parked it turned on the machine and left the truck. As a diversion he had donned a gasmask and used several fear inducing gas grenades. Then he proceeded to rob a jewelry store. A superhero showed up and using his powers over air quickly got rid of the gas but it did not help him with the sound waves.

Horrorsong could leave in peace while security, customers, the superhero and the police lying on the ground shaking with fear.

He had never felt so powerful! Now Horrorsong truly went over the bend and became more and more delusional, he started to see himself as an artist a master of the horror force, fit to be king over man!


Personality/Motivation: Horrorsong see himself as an artist in horror. He through his power over horror is better than others and have the (natural) right to do as he please.

He dislike pain both causing it and feeling it himself.


Quote: And gigants walk among us tall, but on clay feet..


Powers/Tactics: Hide the machine/truck on a corner and walk into a store and fill his bags with loot.

If faced with serious resistance he tries to shoot them with his gun. Horrorsong is arrogant and not prone to change his plans just because he should.


Campaign Use: As a one trick pony Horrorsong could be used in an adventure or two. His equimpment might fall into a more competent vilians hands.

Since Horrorsong has faced some hard times and does not try to kill or injure people some heroes might try to cure Derrick of his delusions and help him into a normal life. That will probably fail since Horrorsong is a sociopath just with a taste for causing fear rather than pain. It would take long time in a very good mental asylum to help him live a normal life.


Appearance: Average size and weight. Allthough Horrorsong like to wear expensive suits he does not clean them as often as he should so he comes off as a little dirty and scruffy looking. He has black greasy hair and brown eyes. He often goes a day or two witouth taking baths.

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Re: Supers With Pictures: Fun For All



Val Char Cost Roll Notes

10 STR 0 11- Lift 100.0kg; 2d6 [1]

26 DEX 48 14- OCV: 9/DCV: 9

18 CON 16 13-

12 BODY 4 11-

10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11-

20 EGO 20 13- ECV: 7

15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6

14 COM 2 12-


20 PD 18 Total: 20 PD (0 rPD)

20 ED 16 Total: 20 ED (0 rED)

5 SPD 14 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12

6 REC 0

40 END 2

37 STUN 11 Total Characteristic Cost: 158


Movement: Running: 7"/14"

Flight: 20"/80"

Leaping: 2"/4"

Swimming: 2"/4"


Cost Powers END

55 Mind over matter : Multipower, 55-point reserve

5u 1) Smashing darkness: Energy Blast 11d6 (55 Active Points) 5

5u 2) Cutting darkness: Energy Blast 7d6, Armor Piercing (+1/2) (52 Active Points) 5

5u 3) Darkness within: Ego Attack 5 1/2d6 (55 Active Points) 5

5u 4) Dark command: Mind Control 11d6 (Human class of minds) (55 Active Points) 5

5u 5) Mastery over matter: Major Transform 4d6-1 (Anything into anything, By blessings, holy water or item or being in a church or other holy place) (55 Active Points) 5

45 Flight: Flight 20", x4 Noncombat 4

3 Basic Strike +1 +0 4d6 Strike

4 Charge +0 -2 4d6 +v/5 Strike, FMove

5 Flying Grab -2 -1 Grab Two Limbs, 20 STR for holding on; FMove

5 Flying Dodge -- +4 Dodge All Attacks, Abort; FMove

3 Flying Tackle +0 -1 2d6 +v/5 Strike; You Fall, Target Falls; FMove

4 Martial Block +2 +2 Block, Abort

4 Martial Disarm -1 +1 Disarm; 20 STR to Disarm

3 Takedown +1 +1 2d6 Strike; Target Falls

5 Passing Strike +1 +0 2d6 +v/5; FMove

5 Passing Throw +0 +0 2d6 +v/5; Target Falls; FMove



5 Money: Well Off

2 Reputation: Supervillian gone good (A large group) 11-, +1/+1d6

4 Contact: A FBI agent (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Good relationship with Contact) 8-



20 Combat Sense (Discriminatory) 11-



3 Acrobatics 14-

3 Acting 12-

3 Analyze: Combat 11-

2 Animal Handler (Felines) 12-

3 Breakfall 14-

3 Bribery 12-

3 Bugging 11-

3 Climbing 14-

3 Combat Driving 14-

32 +4 with All Combat

3 Conversation 12-

3 Interrogation 12-

2 KS: the supervillian world 11-

3 Security Systems 11-

3 Seduction 12-

3 Sleight Of Hand 14-

3 Shadowing 11-

3 Stealth 14-

3 Streetwise 12-

3 Tactics 11-

8 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Small Arms, Garrote, Homemade Weapons, Mortars, Shoulder-Fired Weapons


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 292

Total Cost: 450


200+ Disadvantages

10 Hunted: Demon 8- (As Pow, Harshly Punish)

10 Hunted: The police 11- (Less Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)

10 Psychological Limitation: Loves cats and children (Common, Moderate)

20 Psychological Limitation: code vs killing (Common, Total)

5 Psychological Limitation: Ashamed of former crimes (Uncommon, Moderate)

15 Reputation: supervillaness, 14-

15 Social Limitation: Former criminal (Frequently, Major)

5 Unluck: 1d6

10 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN Demonic or other unholy powers (Uncommon)

10 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN Demonic or other unholy powers (Uncommon)

140 Experience Points


Total Disadvantage Points: 110


Background/History: The woman known as Darksoul ran away from her Mother when she was only seventeen years old. Her mother was an abusive drunk and had a new boyfriend every other week.

Mary went to the big city hoping to find work and maybe become an actor but she was tricked and kidnapped right off the bus by an evil cult who wanted to sacrifice her to a demon. (who knew the tabloids were right?)

The demon however sensed more anger and potential evil in her than in the cultist so it gave her the power that it had promised the cultists. Atleast that was what it said to her when it was finished.

And she became the supervillianess known as Darksoul. After a long and sucsessfull crime carrer Darksoul was defeated and imprisoned.

In jail she found religion the preacher that suksessfully converted her told her that the demon that gave her those powers did it not because she had more potential to evil than the cultist but because she was a good person and that corrupting as many souls as it could is the demons purpose it does not care about who got the power. since the cultist were allready evil he could just eat them and let their souls go to hell. Corrupting her too would be the icing on the cake. Mary was shocked over this discovery she had allways assumed that she was dammed from the day she got her powers and now she was given a way out. And hell was anything like what this demonhunter/cartoonist/preacher said she did not want to go there!

Right then and there Darksoul decided to do good in the world instead of evil.

She got out early because of good behaviour (she did ten years) and threw herself into charity work.


Personality/Motivation: Darksoul is a complex woman who have had her ups and downs in her life. She does not like to use her powers because she is afraid that it will tempt her to do evil again.

Darksoul does a lot of charityable work for homless children and cats (her two favorite charities) but is willing to lend her famous face to any charity that needs her.

When people talk to her they get the impression of her being a friendly thirty year old woman with little education or insight in the world today that is mostly interested in charity and cats.

It is then a little suprising if the conversation turns to the world of super crime and super where she talk like the old pro she is. Darksoul is very modest and a hard worker who allways does her best and she never cuts corners.

Mary Burke has no children or living relatives.


Quote: Points to her cats: "This is Mindy I adopted her from a old couple down in Detroit they just could not take care of him anymore, that is Trixy she is the youngest of three and there is Captain Photon I call him that because he behaves JUST LIKE Captain Photon"


Powers/Tactics: Carefull planning and use of the terrain is Darksouls m.o. She is likely to use her powers to the best effect in any combat, she is adabtable and cunning and never underestimate anybody. If it had not been for the fact that she does not kill she would have been one of the most dangerous supercrimminals in the world.


Campaign Use: Darksoul is the rehablitated villian, she can give information to the pc's or she can serve as a springboard for further adventures as her hunters might come looking for her or she could turn bad again.


Appearance: A good looking blonde woman in her thirties she wear a black costume with silver highlights.

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Re: Supers With Pictures: Fun For All


Here's Eidolon: http://www.herocentral.net/test/get/files/premium/Eidolon_v0.01.htm


[b]Eidolon - Jessica Umbridge[/b]

[b][u]VAL[/u]   [u]CHA[/u]   [u]Cost[/u]   [u]Total[/u]   [u]Roll[/u]      [u]Notes[/u][/b]
15    STR     5   15/30      12- / 15-       HTH Damage 3d6/6d6  END [1/2]
20    DEX     30   20/30      13- / 15-       OCV 7/10 DCV 7/10
13    CON     6   13      12-
10    BODY    0   10      11-
13    INT     3   13      12-       PER Roll 12-/17-
14    EGO     8   14      12-       ECV: 5
13    PRE     3   13      12-       PRE Attack: 2 1/2d6
10    COM     0   10      11-
3    PD      0   3/21             3/21 PD (3/10 rPD)
3    ED      0   3/21             3/21 ED (3/10 rED)
3    SPD     0   3/5                 Phases:  4, 8, 12/3, 5, 8, 10, 12
6    REC     0   6
26    END     0   26
25    STUN    0   25
6    RUN      0   6"                END [1]
2    SWIM     0   2"                END [1]
3    LEAP     0   3"/6"                3"/6" forward, 1 1/2"/3" upward

[b]CHA Cost: 55[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]POWERS[/u][/b]
10     [b][i]Psionic Powers[/i][/b]: Elemental Control, 20-point powers [Notes: Most invisible to sight/sound; all visible to mental.] - END=
15     1)  [b][i]Photokinetic/Sonokinetic Shield[/i][/b]: Invisibility to Sight, Hearing and Radio Groups , Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4) (37 Active Points); Side Effects: 3d6 STUN Drain (-1/2), Requires A Psionics Roll  (Active Point penalty to Skill Roll is -1 per 20 Active Points; -1/4) - END=3
5     2)  [b][i]Dermal Psi-shield[/i][/b]: Force Field (7 PD/7 ED), Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4), Invisible to Hearing, and Sight Groups, SFX Only (+1/4) (21 Active Points); Requires A Psionics Roll  (-1/2), Side Effects: 2d6 PD & ED Drain (-1/2) - END=2
4     3)  [b][i]Pain Damping[/i][/b]: (Total: 20 Active Cost, 10 Real Cost) +8 PD, Invisible to Hearing, and Sight Groups, SFX Only (+1/4) (10 Active Points); Stun Only (-1/2), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4), Must Be Aware Of Attack (-1/4) (Real Cost: 5) [b]plus[/b] +8 ED, Invisible to Hearing, and Sight Groups, SFX Only (+1/4) (10 Active Points); Stun Only (-1/2), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4), Must Be Aware Of Attack (-1/4) (Real Cost: 5) - END=2
4     4)  [b][i]Psychic Healing[/i][/b]: Healing 1 BODY, Invisible to Hearing, and Sight Groups, SFX Only (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (22 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2) - END=0
4     5)  [b][i]Instill Rage[/i][/b]: Succor 1d6+1, Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4), Invisible to Hearing, and Sight Groups, Source Only (+1/4), Continuous (+1), STR, CON, BOD, STUN simultaneously (+1) (24 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), Only to Activate, -3/4), Concentration (0 DCV to Activate; -1/2), Side Effects: Enraged In Combat Go 14- Recover 11-, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Side Effect only affects the recipient of the benefits of the Power; -1/2), Requires A Psionics Roll  (-1/2) [Notes: Max 20 AP per stat, uses 2 END per phase.] - END=2
4     6)  [b][i]Telekinetic Mass Amplification[/i][/b]: Density Increase (500 kg mass, +15 STR, +3 PD/ED, -3" KB), Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4) (19 Active Points); Requires A Psionics Roll  (-1/2), Side Effects: 3d6 STR Drain (-1/2), Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -1/4) [Notes: Density Increase is naturally invisible.] - END=2
6     7)  [b][i]Telekinetic Levitation[/i][/b]: Gliding 14", Usable As Leaping (+1/4), Invisible to Hearing, and Sight Groups, SFX Only (+1/4) (21 Active Points); Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) [Notes: 17"/20" with Leaping.] - END=2
4     8)  [b][i]Ethereal Presences[/i][/b]: Summon 2 25-point Telekinetic Ghosts, Expanded Class of Beings Very Limited Group (+1/4), Invisible to Hearing, and Sight Groups, Source Only (+1/4), Slavishly Devoted (+1) (25 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x4 END; -1 1/2), Requires A Psionics Roll  (-1/2), Side Effects: 3d6 BOD Drain (-1/2) - END=8
4     9)  [b][i]Psionic Link[/i][/b]: Mind Link , Any Willing Target, Number of Minds (x2) (20 Active Points); Requires A Psionics Roll  (-1/2), Side Effects: 3d6 STUN Drain (-1/2), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) - END=2
5     10) [b][i]Mind's Eye[/i][/b]: Clairsentience (Sight Group), Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4) (25 Active Points); Only Through The Senses Of Others (-1/2), Requires A Psionics Roll  (-1/2), Side Effects: 2d6 INT & EGO Drain (-1/2), Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -1/4) - END=4
40     [b][i]Prescient Reflexes[/i][/b]: (Total: 40 Active Cost, 40 Real Cost) +10 DEX (Real Cost: 30) [b]plus[/b] +1 SPD (Real Cost: 10) - END=0
10     [b][i]Limited Prescience[/i][/b]: +1 Overall - END=
6     [b][i]Psionic Toughness[/i][/b]: (Total: 6 Active Cost, 6 Real Cost) Damage Resistance (3 PD/3 ED) (Real Cost: 3) [b]plus[/b] +3 Mental Defense (6 points total) (Real Cost: 3) - END=0
50     [b][i]Latent Potential[/i][/b]: Reserved For Future Use - END=0
      - END=
40     [b][i]MOM Handunit[/i][/b]: Multipower, 70-point reserve,  (70 Active Points); all slots IAF MOM (-1/2), Not In Intense Magnetic Fields (-1/4) [Notes: Meson Overspin Modulator, visible to smell (ozone)] - END=
3u     1)  [b][i]Quantum Teleportation[/i][/b]: Teleportation 5", No Relative Velocity, Position Shift, x2 Increased Mass, x4 Noncombat, Safe Blind Teleport (+1/4), Invisible to Hearing, and Sight Groups, SFX Only (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (70 Active Points); Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), IAF MOM (-1/2), Not In Intense Magnetic Fields (-1/4) - END=0
3u     2)  [b][i]Distance Teleportation[/i][/b]: Teleportation 1", No Relative Velocity, Position Shift, x2 Increased Mass, Safe Blind Teleport (+1/4), Invisible to Hearing, and Sight Groups, SFX Only (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), MegaScale (1" = 100 km; +3/4), Can Be Scaled Down 1" = 1km (+1/4) (66 Active Points); Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), IAF MOM (-1/2), Not In Intense Magnetic Fields (-1/4) - END=0
3u     3)  [b][i]Quantum Phase Shift[/i][/b]: Desolidification  (affected by Dimensional, Quantum, or Radiation), Invisible to Hearing, and Sight Groups, SFX Only (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (70 Active Points); IAF MOM (-1/2), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4), Not In Intense Magnetic Fields (-1/4) - END=0
3u     4)  [b][i]Quantum Displacer Beam[/i][/b]: Teleportation 9", Position Shift, Invisible to Hearing, and Sight Groups, SFX Only (+1/4), Limited Range: 64" (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Usable As Attack (+1) (69 Active Points); IAF MOM (-1/2), no Noncombat movement (-1/4), Not In Intense Magnetic Fields (-1/4) - END=0
3u     5)  [b][i]Meson Beam[/i][/b]: Energy Blast 8d6, Invisible to Hearing, and Sight Groups, SFX Only (+1/4), No Normal Defense (ED Forcefield; +1/2) (70 Active Points); IAF MOM (-1/2), Beam (-1/4), Cannot Be Bounced (-1/4), 4 clips of 6 Charges (-1/4), Not In Intense Magnetic Fields (-1/4) - END=[6]
3u     6)  [b][i]Meson Barrage[/i][/b]: Energy Blast 5 1/2d6, Invisible to Hearing, and Sight Groups, SFX Only (+1/4), No Normal Defense (ED Forcefield; +1/2), Area Of Effect Nonselective (11" Cone; +3/4) (70 Active Points); IAF MOM (-1/2), 4 clips of 6 Charges (-1/4), Not In Intense Magnetic Fields (-1/4) - END=[6]
3u     7)  [b][i]Overcharged Meson Beam[/i][/b]: Energy Blast 14d6 (70 Active Points); IAF MOM (-1/2), 4 clips of 6 Charges (-1/4), Not In Intense Magnetic Fields (-1/4) - END=[6]
1     [b][i]MOM Teleport Memory[/i][/b]: Teleportation: Fixed Location (2 Locations) (2 Active Points); IAF MOM (-1/2) [Notes: Home, Last location teleported from] - END=0
5     [b][i]Backup Handunit[/i][/b]: Another MOM - END=0
Mirrorshades: List, all slots IAF Shades (-1/2) - END=
3     1)  [b][i]Image Enhancer[/i][/b]: +5 PER with Normal Sight (5 Active Points); IAF Shades (-1/2) - END=0
1     2)  [b][i]Zoom Function[/i][/b]: +5 versus Range Modifier for Normal Sight (2 Active Points); IAF Shades (-1/2) - END=0
3     3)  [b][i]Mirrored Surface[/i][/b]: Sight Group Flash Defense (5 points) (5 Active Points); IAF Shades (-1/2) - END=0
5     4)  [b][i]Data Display / Earbug / Subvocal Mike[/i][/b]: High Range Radio Perception (Radio Group) (12 Active Points); Sense Affected As More Than One Sense Sight & Hearing (-1/2), IAF Shades (-1/2), Nonpersistent (-1/4) - END=0
      - END=

[b]POWERS Cost: 250[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]SKILLS[/u][/b]
0      1)  Acting 8-
0      2)  Climbing 8-
0      3)  Conversation 8-
0      4)  Language:  English (idiomatic; literate) (5 Active Points)
0      5)  Paramedics 8-
0      6)  Persuasion 8-
0      7)  PS: Scientist 11-
0      8)  Shadowing 8-
0      9)  TF:  Everyman, Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles
0      10) WF:  Clubs, Fist-Loads, Thrown Rocks, Unarmed Combat

3      Computer Programming 12-
3      Concealment 12-
3      Deduction 12-
3      Electronics 12-
3      Inventor 12-
11      Power:  Psionics 16-
3      Scientist
1      1)  SS:  Biology 11- (2 Active Points)
1      2)  SS:  Engineering 11- (2 Active Points)
1      3)  SS:  Optics 11- (2 Active Points)
1      4)  SS:  Physics 11- (2 Active Points)
2      5)  SS:  Psionics 12- (3 Active Points)
2      6)  SS:  Quantum Physics 12- (3 Active Points)
3      Stealth 13- (15-)
3      Systems Operation 12-

[b]SKILLS Cost: 43[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]PERKS[/u][/b]
2      Money:  Well Off - $200K per annum

[b]PERKS Cost: 2[/b]

[b][u]Value[/u]  [u]DISADVANTAGES[/u][/b]
20     Hunted:  PSI 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
20     Hunted:  VIPER 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Capture)
10     Watched:  PRIMUS 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)
20     Normal Characteristic Maxima
15     Psychological Limitation:  Underconfident (Very Common, Moderate)
15     Psychological Limitation:  With Great Power Comes Great Responsability (Very Common, Moderate)
5     Psychological Limitation:  Doesn't Trust The Government (Uncommon, Moderate)
15     Psychological Limitation:  Code vs. Killing (Common, Strong)
15     Social Limitation:  Weirdness Magnet (Very Frequently, Minor) [Notes: Wild Psi talent attracts all manner of strange people.]
15     Social Limitation:  Consistently Unappreciated & Pushed Around At Work (Frequently, Major) [Notes: Resulting from her underconfidence and odd acquaintances.]

[b]DISADVANTAGES Points: 150[/b]

Base Pts: 200
Exp Required: 0
Total Exp Available: 0
Exp Unspent: 0
Total Character Cost: 350


Height: 1.55 m Hair: Blonde

Weight: 60.00 kg Eyes: Blue

Appearance: Blonde shoulder length hair, dresses in casual clothes, usually light fabrics in light colors. White is a staple part of her wardrobe. She wears a lab coat while in the lab, of course. Her costume is a white single-piece bodystocking she wears under her clothes, with a silver starburst on her chest and a utility belt, in silver, about her waist. The utility belt includes several pouches for storing things in, including her street clothes when she's not wearing them.


Personality: Eidolon is a novice heroine who is still pretty unsure about her abilities and about her ability to handle a combat situation. She is very self-effacing and deferential as a result, and can be pretty naive. Nevertheless she has come to realize that she has a responsability to help defend her community against the forces of chaos.


Quote: "Betcha didn't see that coming..."


Background: Dr. Kleiner looked down at me with derision as he erased my equations from the chalkboard, destroying hours of work. "Yes, yes, but have you considered the what the leptons will transform into when they change from up-spin to down-spin? Your proof is incomplete. I'd advise you to start again." And with that, he left the room. I'm sure Dr. Kleiner's right; he's far more experienced with quantum physics than I am. Not as experienced as Dr. Lewis was, not by a long shot, but then who was, really. I try to keep old memories from resurfacing, try to keep the tears from coming. A drop of moisture at the corner of my eye; I fail.


Back in Seattle, things were different. I was Dr. Lewis's grad student, and he was wonderful. Brilliant, a literal genius, though his field of expertise was perplexing to most anyone else. There are so few people who really understand quantum physics, and even those who study it joke that anyone who claims to do so is lying. Dr. Lewis was one of the exceptions that proved the rule; no-one else could follow him at all once he got really going. I did my best, and I think I captured some of the mystery, but large parts continue to elude me. I'm just not smart enough to grasp it all intuitively, I guess. I have to work hard at it, and even then I make mistakes.


Dr. Lewis was patient with my mistakes. Being considered a bit of an oddball himself, he was patient with all the strange people that keep turning up, seems like every time I turn around. People from Wyoming who live on a commune and claim to know me. I've never even been to Wyoming. Anyway, it never seemed to bother him much. My secret never seemed to bother him either. I'm sure he must have known I was keeping something from him, though in those days I hid my secret from everyone as carefully as I could. He was certainly smart enough to figure I wasn't telling him everything when I came to the lab with a splitting headache. But he never said anything about it.


We were working on a couple prototype meson emitters when it happened. Really, they were Dr. Lewis's emitters, I was just helping him with calibration and testing. I understood how they worked, sort of, but the idea had been all his. He said someone from the government had given him a big grant to build them. I was a bit nervous about that, considering my secret, but I didn't say anything; it wasn't my business, really. Then one day, while we were working late at the university lab, running some final tests to make sure they worked as designed, there was a ruckus. I heard some shots fired. Dr. Lewis pointed to the fire door, urged me to come with him and began running that way. I hesitated, grabbed the prototypes, the laptops, and only then started running. Almost too late. Some men in green combat gear stormed the lab just as I was leaving. Fortunately I managed to get away, made it home.


That was the last time I saw Dr. Lewis. I got a message on my machine the next morning that he was safe, in good hands, but that I shouldn't go back to the university. I should get out of town, before they could find me. And that I should use every trick I knew to stay out of sight. That's when I knew the Feds had got Dr. Lewis, and they were going to sit on him, make him work at a secure think tank. And that's when I knew for sure that Dr. Lewis knew my secret. The secret that I'm a psi.


I'm not a powerful psi, like Menton or whatever. Just a beginner, self-taught with whatever tricks I could figure out, really. Nothing special. But I'm a psi, and the government does things to psis. Hunts us down, locks us up, tries to figure out what makes us tick. I'm not in for that, so I don't trust 'em much. Dr. Lewis, he's no psi as far as I know, they won't be dissecting him -- just using him. I might not be so lucky. So instead of telling the police what I knew about the guys in green combat armour, I just called Mom and Dad in Florida, told them I was changing universities and not to worry, and left.


I decided to head to Millenium City. I took the MOMs with me; I guess they're mine now. Dr. Lewis seemed to imply as much when he told me to leave town; he knew I had them. I took the laptops too, so I could study up on the schematics. Turned out there was some other useful stuff in there as well. Once I got to Millenium City and started a new life, I filed a couple patents Dr. Lewis had written up but never sent in. It gave me an income and enough up front cash to settle in. I applied for a grad student position at one of the local universities. And I started seriously looking at what I wanted to do.


I'd never used my psi powers in public. Never even so much as used them to my own benefit, except in trivial ways. Now it seemed like I was going to have an enemy no matter what. And it seemed like sometimes, even when you do everything you can to keep a low profile, sometimes bad things will happen to people who don't deserve it. Unless someone stops them. I decided I'd been hiding my powers too long, that denying they existed wasn't the answer. It was time to start using them. By themselves, maybe they don't amount to much. But I didn't just have my psi powers anymore. Now I had MOM to help me out.


I had, by the grace of God or plain dumb luck, been gifted with abilities beyond normal everyday folk not once, but twice. It was time I started owning up to what that should mean. It was time for me to do something more than just be a grad student, hiding away and pretending like I was just like everyone else. Instead I would do something to stop people like those guys in green combat armour from ruining some other grad student's life.


Of course, that doesn't mean I can't still follow Dr. Lewis's advice and use every trick I know to stay out of sight. It just means that when I bring MOM out into the schoolyard, the bad kids won't know what hit them.


Powers/Tactics: Eidolon is a low-grade pan-psionic, able to manifest a wide variety of psionic talents. Most of her abilities are individually not very strong, but she is able to maintain a remarkable number of them active simultaneously. On the other hand, she is completely self-taught and has incomplete mastery over her abilities, so that she does not always achieve the effect she intends; if she loses control while doing so, oftentimes deleterious effects will result. Eidolon has demonstrated abilities to generate psychic shields that render her invisible and protect her physically and mentally, to reinforce her body, ignore pain, and otherwise render herself more potent physically, to subconsciously predict the future to a limited degree, to levitate, communicate with others min-to-mind, and see through the senses of others. She even has an unusual ability to summon telekinetic 'ghosts', reflections of her will encased in telekinetic energy. She is a wild talent, with potential to be a very powerful psychic, but most of that potential currently remains unrealized. Partly this is due to her relative lack of self-confidence, but it is also due to her having focused much of her time pursuing other interests, primarily her scientific career.


That scientific career is the source of Eidolon's other abilities. She knows enough quantum physics and engineering to be able to maintain, and perhaps recreate, the MOM devices that she's inherited since VIPER destroyed the lab she used to work in in Seattle, even if she could never have come up with them to begin with on her own. The MOM units look something like a ST:TNG tricorder and have a variety of functions revolving around quantum physics. The primary one is quantum teleportation, both of the user and of others, willingly or not. Its other abilities are to shift the user to another quantum state wherein the user ceases to interact with standard matter in any normal sense, and to project a beam of mesons capable of stunning or physically damaging the beam's target. Unless overcharged, these beams are not stopped by anything short of an energy force field, but are invisible to hearing and sound, thus complementing Eidolon's psionic abilities nicely. The overcharged version of the beam is visible, but is physically damaging and can potentially overpower a forcefield. The entire device is powered by a small power core which is good for about 20 minutes of continuous use, or much longer if spread out; Eidolon typically keeps a couple spare cores around, as well as her spare handunit. In addition to the MOM devices, Eidolon has designed and built a set of sunglasses that include an integral heads-up display, image enhancement, zoom, and wireless data capabilities.


Eidolon is not very aggressive in combat, preferring to remain invisible as much as possible and take down opponents from short to moderate range. Her limited prescience enables her to be quite accurate to begin with, as well as to be quite difficult to pin down even if she can be located. Moreover, her accuracy is also supplemented by the fact that her opponents generally can't see her attacks coming or locate from which direction they are being attacked. On the other hand, Eidolon's quickness and invisibility is offset by the fact that she is easily put down; with only 13 CON, most attacks can stun her without difficulty, and area effect attacks, mental attacks, and other NND attacks will all work well against her.

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Re: Supers With Pictures: Fun For All


Here's Coon, a detective of one sort by day, and of another sort by night. He and King Of Pain could be acquaintances in the same Dark Champions or Animated Dark Champions campaign.



I've also attached an updated version of King Of Pain. Mostly small changes, so I won't go into a lot of detail describing them.



[b]Coon - Mapache, Harry Grimes[/b]

[b][u]VAL[/u]   [u]CHA[/u]   [u]Cost[/u]   [u]Total[/u]   [u]Roll[/u]      [u]Notes[/u][/b]
15    STR     5   15      12-       HTH Damage 3d6  END [1]
18    DEX     24   18      13-       OCV 6 DCV 6
18    CON     16   18      13-
10    BODY    0   10      11-
18    INT     8   18      13-       PER Roll 13-
10    EGO     0   10      11-       ECV: 3
13    PRE     3   13/16      12-       PRE Attack: 2 1/2d6 / 3d6
12    COM     1   12      11-
4    PD      1   4/14             4/14 PD (0/10 rPD)
4    ED      0   4/14             4/14 ED (0/10 rED)
4    SPD     12   4                 Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12
7    REC     0   7
36    END     0   36
27    STUN    0   27
6    RUN      0   6"                END [1]
2    SWIM     0   2"                END [1]
3    LEAP     0   3"                3" forward, 1 1/2" upward

[b]CHA Cost: 70[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]POWERS[/u][/b]
30     [b][i]Utility Belt[/i][/b]: Multipower, 45-point reserve,  (45 Active Points); OIF Belt (-1/2) - END=
1u     1)  [b][i]Fighting Knives[/i][/b]: Hand-To-Hand Attack +3d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Armor Piercing (+1/2) (30 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), OIF Many Knives (-1/2) [Notes: 8d6 AP w/ Basic Strike.] - END=0
1u     2)  [b][i]Throwing Knives[/i][/b]: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6 (1d6+1 w/STR), Range Based On STR (+1/4), Autofire (3 shots; +1/4), Armor Piercing (+1/2) (30 Active Points); OAF Knives (-1), 6 Recoverable Charges (-1/4) - END=[6 rc]
1u     3)  [b][i]Bolas[/i][/b]: Entangle 1d6, 2 DEF, Area Of Effect Accurate (One Hex; +1/2), Takes No Damage From Attacks All Attacks (+1/2) (30 Active Points); OIF Bolas (-1/2), 6 Recoverable Charges (-1/4), Cannot Form Barriers (-1/4), Range Based On Strength (-1/4), Can Be Missile Deflected (-1/4) - END=[6 rc]
1u     4)  [b][i]Double Dart Gun[/i][/b]: Suppress Characteristics 5d6, any Characteristic one at a time (+1/4), 4 clips of 2 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Hour each (Increased Reloading Time, 2 Full Phases; +0) (31 Active Points); OAF Dart Gun (-1), Can Be Missile Deflected (-1/4), Beam (-1/4) [Notes: Narcotics, barbituates, psychoactives, etc. Countered with appropriate antagonist drug.] - END=[2 cc]
1u     5)  [b][i]Smoke Pellets[/i][/b]: Change Environment 4" radius, -6 to Sight Group PER Rolls, 6 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Minute each (+0) (30 Active Points); OAF Smoke Pellets (-1) - END=[6 cc]
1u     6)  [b][i]Medkit[/i][/b]: Healing BODY 3d6, 16 Charges (+0) (30 Active Points); OAF Medkit (-1) - END=[16]
1u     7)  [b][i]Electroshock Gloves[/i][/b]: Hand-To-Hand Attack +9d6 (45 Active Points); 4 clips of 2 Charges (-1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), OIF Gloves (-1/2) - END=[2]
1u     8)  [b][i]Gel-Foam Dispenser[/i][/b]: Entangle 3d6, 6 DEF (45 Active Points); OAF Foam Dispenser (-1), 2 clips of 6 Charges (-1/2), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Susceptible: Dissolving Agent, Uncommon (-1/4) - END=[6]
1u     9)  [b][i]Remote Camera Bugs[/i][/b]: Clairsentience (Sight Group And Normal Hearing), Mobile Perception Point (can move up to 6" per Phase), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (45 Active Points); OAF Bugs & Controller (-1), Sense Affected As More Than One Sense Sight & Hearing (-1/2), Restrainable (By Radio Jamming or Removing Bug; -1/4), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4) - END=0
1u     10) [b][i]Laser Torch[/i][/b]: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1 point, 2 Continuing Fuel Charges lasting 20 Minutes each (+0), Penetrating (+1/2), Continuous (+1) (12 Active Points); No STR Bonus (-1/2), OIF Belt Torch (-1/2) - END=[2 cc]
2m     11) [b][i]Swinglines[/i][/b]: Swinging 25" (25 Active Points); OIF Belt Launcher & Pouch (-1/2), Restrainable (-1/2) [Notes: Can hold them & swing, or loop around belt.] - END=2
1u     12) [b][i]Cling-Grips[/i][/b]: Clinging (normal STR) (10 Active Points); OIF Grips (-1/2), Cannot Resist Knockback (-1/4) - END=0
1u     13) [b][i]Breathing Masks[/i][/b]: Life Support  (Self-Contained Breathing), 2 Continuing Fuel Charges lasting 20 Minutes each (+0), Usable By Other (+1/4) (12 Active Points); OIF Masks (-1/2) - END=[2 cc]
      - END=
8     [b][i]Armoured Costume / Vest[/i][/b]: Armor (5 PD/5 ED) (15 Active Points); OIF Costume (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4) - END=0
9     [b][i]Combat Reflexes[/i][/b]: Armor (5 PD/5 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (19 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2), Nonpersistent (-1/4), Must Be Aware Of Attack (-1/4) - END=0
1     [b][i]I've Seen That Before[/i][/b]: +3 PRE (3 Active Points); PRE Defense Only (-1) - END=
4     [b][i]Data-enabled Cellphone/PDA[/i][/b]: High Range Radio Perception (Radio Group) (12 Active Points); OAF PDA (-1), Sense Affected As More Than One Sense Sight & Hearing (-1/2), Nonpersistent (-1/4) - END=0
9     [b][i]Audio-Filter Headset[/i][/b]: (Total: 20 Active Cost, 9 Real Cost) Targeting with Normal Hearing (10 Active Points); OAF Headset (-1) (Real Cost: 5) [b]plus[/b] +5 PER with Normal Hearing (5 Active Points); OAF Headset (-1) (Real Cost: 2) [b]plus[/b] Hearing Group Flash Defense (5 points) (5 Active Points); OAF (-1) (Real Cost: 2) - END=0
      - END=

[b]POWERS Cost: 75[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]MARTIAL ARTS[/u][/b]
3      Basic Strike:  1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, 5d6 Strike
3      Legsweep:  1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, -1 DCV, 4d6 Strike, Target Falls
4      Martial Dodge:  1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort
1      Weapon Element:  Blades, Unarmed

[b]MARTIAL ARTS Cost: 11[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]SKILLS[/u][/b]
0      1)  Acting 8-
0      2)  Climbing 8-
0      3)  Conversation 8-
0      4)  Language:  Native Language (idiomatic; literate) (5 Active Points)
0      5)  Persuasion 8-
0      6)  PS: Police Detective 11-
0      7)  TF:  Small Motorized Ground Vehicles

3      Acrobatics 13-
3      Breakfall 13-
3      Bureaucratics 12-
6      +2 with Martial Arts
3      Computer Programming 13-
3      Concealment 13-
3      Criminology 13-
3      Deduction 13-
3      Electronics 13-
3      Interrogation 12-
3      Inventor 13-
2      AK: Campaign City 11-
2      Language:  Spanish (fluent conversation)
3      Lockpicking 13-
3      Paramedics 13-
3      Scholar
1      1)  KS: Law (2 Active Points) 11-
1      2)  KS: Police Cases & Activity (2 Active Points) 11-
1      3)  KS: Police Procedure (2 Active Points) 11-
3      Scientist
1      1)  SS:  Chemistry 11- (2 Active Points)
1      2)  SS:  Engineering 11- (2 Active Points)
1      3)  SS:  Pharmacology 11- (2 Active Points)
1      4)  SS:  Physics 11- (2 Active Points)
3      Security Systems 13-
3      Shadowing 13-
10      +1 Overall
3      Stealth 13-
3      Streetwise 12-
4      WF:  Small Arms, Blades, Clubs, Fist-Loads, Thrown Knives, Axes, and Darts, Thrown Rocks, Unarmed Combat

[b]SKILLS Cost: 85[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]PERKS[/u][/b]
2      Fringe Benefit:  Local Police Powers
1      Money:  Well Off - $100K per annum
3      Well-Connected
1      1)  Contact:  Peter Ellis, Police Captain (Contact has useful Skills or resources, Contact limited by identity) (2 Active Points) 11-
1      2)  Contact:  Rosen 'Rose Da Nose' Scapelli, Informer (Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact limited by identity) (2 Active Points) 11-
1      3)  Contact:  Special Agent Dan Smith, FBI (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact limited by identity) (2 Active Points) 11-

[b]PERKS Cost: 9[/b]

[b][u]Value[/u]  [u]DISADVANTAGES[/u][/b]
10     Enraged:  Innocents Deliberately Harmed (Uncommon), go 11-, recover 14-
20     Normal Characteristic Maxima
15     Psychological Limitation:  Compulsive Thinker / Planner (Very Common, Moderate) [Notes: Has a plan for everything, dislikes improvisation & surprises.]
15     Psychological Limitation:  Protective Of Innocents (Very Common, Moderate)
15     Psychological Limitation:  Overly Curious (Very Common, Moderate)
15     Social Limitation:  Secret Identity (Frequently, Major)
10     Social Limitation:  Subject to Police Orders (Occasionally, Major) [Notes: As a detective, Harry gets a certain amount of leeway.]

[b]DISADVANTAGES Points: 100[/b]

Base Pts: 150
Exp Required: 0
Total Exp Available: 0
Exp Unspent: 0
Total Character Cost: 250


Height: 1.70 m Hair: Brown

Weight: 80.00 kg Eyes: Brown


Appearance: A somewhat short but heavily built man with a receding hairline, Harry is certainly fit enough but doesn't really look the part of a vigilante. When dressed for his day job he usually wears non-prescription glasses, an old suit, a long tan coat, and sometimes a hat. His 'Coon costume has inserts to make him appear taller, and is mostly a mottled black and grey urban camouflage, with white stripes across his full face mask.


Personality: Harry's motivation as a vigilante is the same as the reason he joined the police force in the first place -- he believes in getting felons off the street and behind bars where they can't hurt anyone. Where law and order have failed to deter, as Coon he can take more direct action aimed at particularily troublesome criminals. He also has an adventuresome streak that his Coon identity allows him to express, and while this sometimes lands him in trouble, he usually has a contingency plan. Regardless, he's generally competent and skilled enough to deal with whatever comes his way.


While Coon is quite concerned about protecting the innocent from criminals, he is much less concerned about the possibility of killing a known criminal, especially when it comes to dangerous felons. As far as he's concerned, such people have forfeited their rights under the law. His knives are potentially lethal instruments and that doesn't bother him much, and though he won't go out of his way to kill, under the right circumstances he won't hesitate to.


Quote: "Now that was quite clever. But I think I can come up with something even better."


Background: About 15 years ago, Harry Grimes joined the police force as a fresh-faced recruit out of university hoping to make a difference. Unfortunately, he learned over the next five years that for every criminal the cops catch, two more seem to pop up to replace them, despite his best efforts and the resultant promotions, ultimately landing him the job of a fully fledged police detective. When it came to getting dangerous criminals off the streets, whether it was laziness, corruption, underfunding, or just an overwhelming job to start with, for whatever reason that job was not getting done -- at least, not to Harry's satisfaction. All too often a perpetrator would walk due to insufficient or mishandled evidence, even when the cops knew -- when Harry knew -- he was guilty and belonged behind bars. Harry could have given up and just started marking time and going through the motions, like so many of his colleagues. In fact, at work, he in fact appeared to do so. But the reason was because decided to devote his time to something else -- to doing something about the crime problem that the police are not capable of. He decided to take the fight to the criminals. If the police and the law can't make the streets safe, then Coon will.


For the last ten years Coon has been patrolling the streets at night while Harry continues to work half-shifts as a police detective during the day. He doesn't need the salary he draws from the force anymore, but he figures it's good to keep a hand in things, and more than once he's been able to use his position in the force to get information on crackdowns that might have put his second career in jeopardy, on investigations against high-profile criminals he could provide assistance with, and on younger, bloodier vigilantes who are less than careful about who they kill. Besides, the police still do manage to get things right sometimes, and it's nice to be able to celebrate when that happens.


Still, it's his identity as Coon that occupies most of Harry's time. He has a series of victories to his credit that would make many vigilantes proud, but they are by and large private victories. He has no great reputation either with the police or with the criminal community because he doesn't use scare tactics like some other vigilantes do and because he's careful to maintain a relatively low profile, with little evidence left behind to tie his activities back to him. Coon is happy to let his targets continue to remain unaware of or underestimate him while he quietly goes about his business of putting one of them after another behind bars.


Powers/Tactics: Although he's a capable fighter, Coon's main power is his intelligence. He's a very capable detective -- much moreso than his superiors believe him to be -- and inventor. Even if he comes across a situation which his arsenal does not leave him prepared for, he can often improvise something to deal with the situation. Moreover, his position within the police force leaves him ideally placed to monitor the activities of the criminal element, of other vigilantes, and of police actions against them.


In combat, Coon largely relies on his knives, which act as his claws. He keeps quite a number of them concealed about his person in case one or more should get lost. In general he prefers to attack in hand-to-hand combat, rather than at range, so that he can take advantage of his martial arts skills, though if an opportunity arises to soften up or disable a foe at range with one of his gadgets he will certainly be prepared to take advantage of the situation. He will often use smoke pellets to give him an advantage against foes that rely primarily on their eyesight to find him. He tends to reserve his electroshock gloves for emergencies, such as when he is grabbed or entangled, or to put down a particularily tough foe that's not succumbing to his knife attacks. He is generally quite aware of the environment around him and is often able to use it to his advantage.


Campaign Use: Coon is intended for a gritty street-level game in the style of Dark Champions or Animated Dark Champions. He has Batman's gadgets and detective skills, without the brooding attitude or the cape and cowl, but instead a quiet no-nonsense work ethic. Coon is not the toughest combatant in the world, and in the face of really strong opposition is likely to get put down if he draws too much attention to himself. However, his flexibility means there are few foes he can't tackle in one way or another, or at least soften up for an ally.

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Guest bblackmoor

Re: Supers With Pictures: Fun For All


Well' date=' we can't post proper exports anymore, and now it seems we can't display pics. Does that make this thread dead?[/quote']


It's been declared dead before (when the file quotas were reduced), yet it's still struggling for air. I would not place pennies on its eyes just yet.


I'd offer an alternative, but history shows it'd be a waste of time: inertia is a powerful force.

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Re: Supers With Pictures: Fun For All


I'll assume the thread is not dead. :) Here's...




[b]Raven - Jack Storm[/b]

[b][u]VAL[/u]   [u]CHA[/u]   [u]Cost[/u]   [u]Total[/u]   [u]Roll[/u]      [u]Notes[/u][/b]
13    STR     3   13/25      12- / 14-       HTH Damage 2 1/2d6/5d6  END [1/3]
20    DEX     30   20      13-       OCV 7 DCV 7
18    CON     16   18      13-
10    BODY    0   10      11-
13    INT     3   13      12-       PER Roll 12-/17-
10    EGO     0   10      11-       ECV: 3
13    PRE     3   13/16      12-       PRE Attack: 2 1/2d6 / 3d6
10    COM     0   10      11-
4    PD      1   4/20             4/20 PD (0/10 rPD)
4    ED      0   4/20             4/20 ED (0/10 rED)
4    SPD     10   4                 Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12
7    REC     0   7
30    END     -3   30
26    STUN    0   26
7    RUN      2   7"                END [1/2]
2    SWIM     0   2"                END [1]
3    LEAP     0   2 1/2"/4 1/2"                2 1/2"/4 1/2" forward, 1"/2" upward

[b]CHA Cost: 65[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]POWERS[/u][/b]
50     [b][i]Gun-Fu[/i][/b]: Multipower, 75-point reserve,  (75 Active Points); all slots OIF Gun Of Opportunity (-1/2) [Notes: Jack typically packs and/or finds lots of guns.] - END=
1u     1)  [b][i]Pistol Whip / Gun Butt[/i][/b]: Hand-To-Hand Attack +4d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (30 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), OIF Gun Of Opportunity (-1/2) - END=0
2u     2)  [b][i]Pick Up A Pistol[/i][/b]: Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6-1, 8 Recoverable Charges (+0), +1 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1/4), Armor Piercing (+1/2) (44 Active Points); OIF Gun Of Opportunity (-1/2), Beam (-1/4) - END=[8 rc]
4u     3)  [b][i]Pick Up A SMG[/i][/b]: Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6-1, +1 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1/4), Autofire (5 shots; +1/2), Armor Piercing (+1/2), 32 Recoverable Charges (+3/4) (75 Active Points); OIF Gun Of Opportunity (-1/2), Beam (-1/4) - END=[32 rc]
4u     4)  [b][i]Rapid Fire[/i][/b]: Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6-1, 8 Recoverable Charges (+0), +1 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1/4), Armor Piercing (+1/2), Area Of Effect (10" Cone; +1), Selective (+1/4) (75 Active Points); OIF Gun Of Opportunity (-1/2), Can Be Missile Deflected (-1/4) - END=[8 rc]
3u     5)  [b][i]Hit The Gas Tank[/i][/b]: Energy Blast 10d6, 8 Recoverable Charges (+0), Explosion (+1/2) (75 Active Points); Requires Environmental Explosive (-1/2), OIF Gun Of Opportunity (-1/2), Activation Roll 15- (-1/4) [Notes: Activation roll to spark off the gas.] - END=[8 rc]
4u     6)  [b][i]Between The Eyes[/i][/b]: Killing Attack - Ranged 5d6, 8 Recoverable Charges (+0) (75 Active Points); OIF Gun Of Opportunity (-1/2), Beam (-1/4) - END=[8 rc]
3u     7)  [b][i]Skull Crease[/i][/b]: Energy Blast 15d6, 8 Recoverable Charges (+0) (75 Active Points); OIF Gun Of Opportunity (-1/2), Beam (-1/4), No Knockback (-1/4), Reduced Penetration (-1/4) - END=[8 rc]
5     [b][i]Two Gun-Fu[/i][/b]: Another Gun(-Fu) (5 Active Points) - END=0
      - END=
Mirrorshades: List, all slots OAF Mirrorshades (-1) - END=
2     1)  [b][i]Image Enhancer[/i][/b]: +5 PER with Normal Sight (5 Active Points); OAF Mirrorshades (-1) - END=0
1     2)  [b][i]Zoom Function[/i][/b]: +7 versus Range Modifier for Normal Sight (3 Active Points); OAF Mirrorshades (-1) - END=0
7     3)  [b][i]Targeting Reticle[/i][/b]: Penalty Skill Levels:  +5 vs. Range Modifier with All Attacks (15 Active Points); OAF Mirrorshades (-1) - END=
2     4)  [b][i]Mirrored Surface[/i][/b]: Sight Group Flash Defense (5 points) (5 Active Points); OAF Mirrorshades (-1) - END=0
8     [b][i]Armoured Clothing[/i][/b]: Armor (5 PD/5 ED) (15 Active Points); OIF Armour (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4) - END=0
9     [b][i]Combat Reflexes[/i][/b]: Armor (5 PD/5 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (19 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2), Nonpersistent (-1/4), Must Be Aware Of Attack (-1/4) - END=0
1     [b][i]Been There, Done That[/i][/b]: +3 PRE (3 Active Points); PRE Defense Only (-1) - END=
      - END=
12     [b][i]Action Hero Tricks[/i][/b]: Multipower, 12-point reserve - END=
1u     1)  [b][i]Burst Of Strength[/i][/b]: +12 STR (12 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -1/2) - END=2
1u     2)  [b][i]Roll With The Shot[/i][/b]: (Total: 12 Active Cost, 10 Real Cost) +6 PD (6 Active Points); Must Be Aware Of Attack (-1/4) (Real Cost: 5) [b]plus[/b] +6 ED (6 Active Points); Must Be Aware Of Attack (-1/4) (Real Cost: 5) - END=0
1u     3)  [b][i]Not As Bad As It Looked[/i][/b]: Healing Characteristics 1d6, any Characteristic one at a time (+1/4) (12 Active Points) [Notes: Improvise treatment for minor wounds/toxins.] - END=1
1u     4)  [b][i]Run 'n Gun[/i][/b]: Running 6" (12 Active Points); Only To Calculate Half-move (-1/2) [Notes: 7" half-move, rather than 7" full move.] - END=1
1u     5)  [b][i]Hitching a Lift[/i][/b]: Running 0" (7" total), x8 Noncombat (10 Active Points); OIF Ride of Opportunity (-1/2) - END=1
1u     6)  [b][i]Expert Climber / Tightrope Walker[/i][/b]: Clinging (normal STR) (10 Active Points); Cannot Resist Knockback (-1/4), Not On Ceilings or Slippery Surfaces (-1/4) - END=0
1u     7)  [b][i]Vanishing Teleport[/i][/b]: Teleportation 6" (12 Active Points); Only To Vanish When No-one Is Looking (-1/2), Only To Otherwise Reachable Places (-1/2) - END=1
      - END=

[b]POWERS Cost: 125[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]SKILLS[/u][/b]
0      1)  Acting 8-
0      2)  Climbing 8-
0      3)  Conversation 8-
0      4)  Deduction 8-
0      5)  Language:  English (idiomatic; literate) (5 Active Points)
0      6)  Paramedics 8-
0      7)  Persuasion 8-
0      8)  PS: Soldier of Fortune 11-
0      9)  Shadowing 8-
0      10) TF:  Small Motorized Ground Vehicles

5      Rapid Autofire
3      Breakfall 13-
9      +3 with Gun-Fu
3      Concealment 12-
3      Demolitions 12-
3      Fast Draw 13-
5      Rapid Attack (Ranged) 
3      Scholar
1      1)  KS: Mercenary World (2 Active Points) 11-
1      2)  KS: Military Weapons & Equipment (2 Active Points) 11-
1      3)  KS: US Military (2 Active Points) 11-
3      Stealth 13-
3      Tactics 12-
10      Two-Weapon Fighting (Ranged) 
2      WF:  Small Arms, Clubs, Fist-Loads, Thrown Rocks, Unarmed Combat

[b]SKILLS Cost: 55[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]PERKS[/u][/b]
1      Fringe Benefit:  Weapon Permit
1      Reputation:  Deadly Vigilante (Campaign City) 11-, +1/+1d6

[b]PERKS Cost: 2[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]TALENTS[/u][/b]
3      Lightning Reflexes: +2 DEX to act first with All Actions

[b]TALENTS Cost: 3[/b]
[b][u]Value[/u]  [u]DISADVANTAGES[/u][/b]
15     Social Limitation:  Secret Identity (Frequently, Major)
20     Normal Characteristic Maxima
15     Psychological Limitation:  Esprit De Corps (Common, Strong) [Notes: Won't leave comrades behind, always helps friends, etc.]
15     Psychological Limitation:  Cult of Toughness (Very Common, Moderate) [Notes: Won't take crap from anyone, won't back down, vengeful.]
15     Psychological Limitation:  Protective Of Innocents (Very Common, Moderate)
10     Reputation:  Deadly Vigilante (Raven), 8- (Extreme)
10     Social Limitation:  Subject to Current Contract (Occasionally, Major)

[b]DISADVANTAGES Points: 100[/b]

Base Pts: 150
Exp Required: 0
Total Exp Available: 0
Exp Unspent: 0
Total Character Cost: 250


Height: 1.90 m Hair: Black

Weight: 90.00 kg Eyes: Gray


Appearance: Raven always wears black -- typically a black dress shirt, black jeans, thin black leather gloves, black boots, a black half-mask covering his lower face, and a black duster. He also almost always wears silvered sunglasses and at least two pistols. He is a fairly tall, lanky caucasian, with straight black shoulder length hair, worn loose. Jack tends to be more colourful in his clothing selection, eschewing black entirely, though he still prefers somber colours. He wears his hair tied back in a short ponytail, but he still wears the sunglasses.


Personality: Jack's seen a lot of kids go through a lot of crap just as part of growing up in the city, and he's tired of it. He'd like the world to be a better place, but he doesn't know how to make it that way, so when he's not away on a contract, he concentrates on at least making his little corner of it a safer place. He has in the past worked with King Of Pain and Coon, and considers them to be friends and comrades. As such, he'll go out of his way to help them with their own vigilante careers. Otherwise, Jack considers himself to be a pretty tough hombre and won't tolerate anyone trying to push him around. Jack generally doesn't go looking for trouble, unless King Of Pain or Coon ask him to, but he won't stand idly by while someone threatens an innocent, and he won't back down from a fight if trouble gets started.


Quote: "Just show me what you want dead."


Background: There's not much to say about Jack's childhood except that he had one. He doesn't talk about it, except to say that he lived in the poor part of town and joined the forces to get out of that life. He spent several years in Uncle Sam's army before deciding the pay was better on the outside. He'd known a few friends who went that route, and he joined up with them for a bit, but for the last dozen years he's been working mosttly as a solo contractor or small unit team leader. In that time he's earned enough to keep him in reasonably comfortable conditions, but Jack knows that the more missions you run, the more likely that the odds will one day catch up with you, and this keeps him from getting too greedy.


Jack still prefers to live in his home town, when he's not off in some foreign land doing who knows what, and it always makes him angry to see how things keep on not changing for the better while he's gone. It seems like the same problems that plagued his youth are still running rampant throughout the city, if anything, compounded by new ones. When he sees a drug dealer selling crack to some poor kid not even out of grade school yet, Jack gets annoyed. And it's not a good idea to get Jack annoyed.


So even though he knows it's not for pay, and that the more missions you do, the more likely your number is to come up, Jack still sometimes feels the need to go out onto the streets as Raven, and bust some heads. He's not a full-time vigilante like his friend Coon, or as fully plugged into the local street scene as his friend King Of Pain, but he's always ready to lend a hand should either of them call, and he is in many ways the most deadly of the three. He is perfectly willing to kill -- that's his job. The fact that he is always careful about picking his targets is what sets him apart from other, more indiscriminate vigilantes. If there is the slightest doubt in his mind about his target's guilt, he will aim to wound rather than kill, cover the target instead of shooting, or let one of his friends take the target down.


Powers/Tactics: Raven is very much a direct 'shoot first and ask questions later' kind of guy. He is a naturally skilled gunman able to hit targets with pinpoint accuracy, with either hand or even both at once. Still, he doesn't usually go in for much in the way of trick shooting, instead preferring to simply put down his target as quickly as possible. As he is a natural marksman with just about any firearm, when he runs dry with one weapon, instead of reloading it he will often simply discard it and draw another one he brought along or pick up a weapon from a fallen foe. As such, for Raven, lack of ammunition is rarely a problem.


To supplement his skills as a gunman, Raven wears a pair of sunglasses made for him by Coon. These help him to be able to see his target more readily and aim at it more effectively. Additionally, Raven has also picked up a variety of tricks over the years that have helped him survive the dangerous life of a mercenary. These include bursts of strength, the ability to shrug off or improvise a treatment for minor wounds and toxins, the ability to fire accurately even while on the move, and the ability to climb short distances quickly and fluidly.


Campaign Use: Raven is intended for a gritty street-level game in the style of Dark Champions or Animated Dark Champions. He is quite a skilled gunman and usually has no trouble hitting what he is aiming at, especially when he's wearing his sunglasses. He's deadly at a distance, but opponents that can close with him or entangle him can give him trouble. Though he's quick on his feet and fluid enough to shoot while on the move, he is not speedy enough to entirely avoid a fast-moving opponent that wants to close the range.

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Re: Supers With Pictures: Fun For All


Last one for now, until I get around to coming up with some more ideas. Here's another guy set up for a Dark Champions or Animated Dark Champions game, who could be a sometime partner for KingOfPain, Raven, and Coon. He's a street mage by the name of:




[b]Cynwyddon - John Conklin[/b]

[b][u]VAL[/u]   [u]CHA[/u]   [u]Cost[/u]   [u]Total[/u]   [u]Roll[/u]      [u]Notes[/u][/b]
13    STR     3   13      12-       HTH Damage 2 1/2d6  END [1]
18    DEX     24   18      13-       OCV 6 DCV 6
18    CON     16   18      13-
10    BODY    0   10      11-
13    INT     3   13      12-       PER Roll 12-
14    EGO     8   14      12-       ECV: 5
18    PRE     8   18      13-       PRE Attack: 3 1/2d6
10    COM     0   10      11-
4    PD      1   4/14             4/14 PD (0/10 rPD)
4    ED      0   4/14             4/14 ED (0/10 rED)
4    SPD     12   4                 Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12
7    REC     0   7
36    END     0   36
26    STUN    0   26
6    RUN      0   6"                END [1]
2    SWIM     0   2"                END [1]
3    LEAP     0   2 1/2"                2 1/2" forward, 1" upward

[b]CHA Cost: 75[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]POWERS[/u][/b]
33     [b][i]Ritual Combat Shotgun[/i][/b]: Multipower, 50-point reserve,  (50 Active Points); all slots OIF Shotgun (-1/2) [Notes: Shotgun has a strap to prevent loss.] - END=
2u     1)  [b][i]Cold Iron Buttstroke[/i][/b]: Hand-To-Hand Attack +5 1/2d6, Affects Desolidified: Mystic SFX (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (49 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), OIF Shotgun (-1/2) [Notes: 8d6 w/ STR.] - END=0
2u     2)  [b][i]Standard Shot[/i][/b]: Killing Attack - Ranged 2 1/2d6, +1 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1/4) (50 Active Points); OIF Shotgun (-1/2), Reduced Penetration (-1/4), Reduced By Range (-1/4), 4 clips of 6 Charges (-1/4) - END=[6]
2u     3)  [b][i]Rock Salt Pellets[/i][/b]: Energy Blast 10d6, STUN Only (+0) (50 Active Points); OIF Shotgun (-1/2), Reduced By Range (-1/4), 4 clips of 6 Charges (-1/4) - END=[6]
2u     4)  [b][i]Cold Iron Slugs[/i][/b]: Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6-1, Affects Desolidified: Mystic SFX (+1/4), +1 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1/4), Penetrating (+1/2) (50 Active Points); 2 clips of 6 Charges (-1/2), OIF Shotgun (-1/2) - END=[6]
2u     5)  [b][i]Dragon's Breath Shells[/i][/b]: Energy Blast 8d6, Affects Desolidified: Mystic SFX (+1/4) (50 Active Points); 2 clips of 6 Charges (-1/2), OIF Shotgun (-1/2) [Notes: Magnesium/phosphorous w/ cold iron filings.] - END=[6]
2u     6)  [b][i]Mists of the Forgetful Sea[/i][/b]: Change Environment 4" radius, -6 INT Roll and all INT Skill Rolls, Long-Lasting 20 Minutes, Affects Desolidified: Mystic SFX (+1/4) (50 Active Points); 2 clips of 6 Charges (-1/2), OIF Shotgun (-1/2) [Notes: Tear Gas shells w/ replacement contents.] - END=[6]
2u     7)  [b][i]Grave Dust Shells[/i][/b]: Sight and Mystic Groups Flash 9d6 (50 Active Points); 2 clips of 6 Charges (-1/2), OIF Shotgun (-1/2) [Notes: Beanbag shells w/ replacement pellets.] - END=[6]
2u     8)  [b][i]Lightning Ley Line[/i][/b]: Teleportation 15", No Relative Velocity, x8 Noncombat (50 Active Points); 2 clips of 6 Charges (-1/2), OIF Shotgun (-1/2), Must Pass Through Intervening Space (-1/4) - END=[6]
5     [b][i]Detachable IR Scope[/i][/b]: (Total: 13 Active Cost, 5 Real Cost) Infrared Perception (Sight Group) (5 Active Points); OAF IR Scope (-1) (Real Cost: 2) [b]plus[/b] +1 with Ranged Combat (5 Active Points); OAF IR Scope (-1) (Real Cost: 2) [b]plus[/b] Penalty Skill Levels:  +1 vs. Range Modifier with All Attacks (3 Active Points); OAF IR Scope (-1) (Real Cost: 1) - END=0
8     [b][i]Armoured Clothing[/i][/b]: Armor (5 PD/5 ED) (15 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Real Armor (-1/4) - END=0
8     [b][i]Luckstone[/i][/b]: Armor (5 PD/5 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (19 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2), Nonpersistent (-1/4), Must Be Aware Of Attack (-1/4), Physical Manifestation (-1/4) - END=0
      - END=
5     [b][i]Magesight[/i][/b]: Detect Magic 12- (Sight Group) [Notes: Sight: Includes Sense, Range, Targeting.] - END=0
3     [b][i]Mystic Longevity[/i][/b]: Life Support  (Eating: Character only has to eat once per week; Longevity: 200 Years; Sleeping: Character only has to sleep 8 hours per week) - END=0
18     [b][i]Druidic Power Items[/i][/b]: Multipower, 32-point reserve,  (32 Active Points); all slots Physical Manifestation (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4) [Notes: Spells produce magically constructed items.] - END=
1u     1)  [b][i]Glain Naddair[/i][/b]: Succor  Characteristic 3d6+1 (standard effect: 10 points), any Characteristic one at a time (+1/4), Range Based On STR (+1/4), Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4) (30 Active Points); Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4), Physical Manifestation (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4) [Notes: An 'egg' of power, anyone can hold only one.] - END=2
1u     2)  [b][i]Torc of Cernunnos[/i][/b]: Succor  Attack Powers 3d6+1 (standard effect: 10 points), any Attack Power one at a time (+1/4), Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4), Range Based On STR (+1/4) (30 Active Points); Extra Time (Full Phase, to Activate, -1/4), Physical Manifestation (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4) [Notes: Confers accuracy, anyone can hold only one.] - END=2
1u     3)  [b][i]Cold Iron Lodestone[/i][/b]: Suppress Magic 2d6, all Magic powers simultaneously (+2), Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4) (32 Active Points); Range Based On Strength (-1/4), Beam (-1/4), Physical Manifestation (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4) - END=3
1u     4)  [b][i]Herbal Sachet of Regrowth[/i][/b]: Healing Characteristics 0 1/2d6, Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4), Continuous (+1), Decreased Re-use Duration (1 Turn; +1 1/2), all Characteristics simultaneously (+2) (29 Active Points); Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4), Physical Manifestation (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4) - END=3
1u     5)  [b][i]Animal Mask[/i][/b]: Shape Shift  (Sight, Touch and Hearing Groups, Animal shapes), Costs END Only To Change Shape (+1/4) (32 Active Points); Concentration (0 DCV, to change shape; -1/2), Physical Manifestation (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4) [Notes: Mask is distinctly visible to mystic senses.] - END=3
1u     6)  [b][i]Cloak of the Winds[/i][/b]: Gliding 18", Usable By Other (+1/4), Usable As Leaping (+1/4) (27 Active Points); Physical Manifestation (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4) - END=0
1u     7)  [b][i]Cloak of Deep Shadow[/i][/b]: Invisibility to Sight and Hearing Groups , Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4) (31 Active Points); Not In Bright Direct Light (-1/4), Physical Manifestation (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4) - END=2
1u     8)  [b][i]Airbe Drtiad[/i][/b]: Force Field (5 PD/5 ED/5 Power Defense), Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4), Usable By Other (+1/4), Hardened (+1/4) (26 Active Points); Physical Manifestation (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4) [Notes: A mystic cloak of tough twigs and fibers.] - END=2
1u     9)  [b][i]Conch Shell of Awen's Waters[/i][/b]: Mind Link , Human and Animal classes of minds, Any Willing Target, Number of Minds (x2) (30 Active Points); Nonpersistent (-1/4), Physical Manifestation (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4), Gestures (-1/4) [Notes: Acts as a mystic phone for one's mind.] - END=0
      - END=

[b]POWERS Cost: 105[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]SKILLS[/u][/b]
0      1)  Climbing 8-
0      2)  Concealment 8-
0      3)  Deduction 8-
0      4)  Language:  Native Language (idiomatic; literate) (5 Active Points)
0      5)  Paramedics 8-
0      6)  PS: Profession / Hobby 11-
0      7)  Shadowing 8-
0      8)  Stealth 8-
0      9)  TF:  Small Motorized Ground Vehicles

3      Acting 13-
3      Analyze:  Magic 12-
3      Animal Handler (Birds, Canines) 13-
3      Breakfall 13-
3      Conversation 13-
3      Fast Draw: Firearms 13-
3      High Society 13-
3      Interrogation 13-
2      Language:  Seelie (fluent conversation)
3      Persuasion 13-
3      Power:  Magic 12-
3      Scholar
1      1)  KS: Druidic Lore (2 Active Points) 11-
1      2)  KS: Ghosts, Spirits, & The Undead (2 Active Points) 11-
1      3)  KS: Mystic World (2 Active Points) 11-
1      4)  KS: Occult Groups, Threats, & Practices (2 Active Points) 11-
1      5)  KS: Tales, Myths, & Legends (2 Active Points) 11-
1      6)  KS: The Seelie (2 Active Points) 11-
3      Seduction 13-
3      +1 with Ritual Combat Shotgun
10      +1 Overall
3      Sleight Of Hand 13-
3      Streetwise 13-
1      Survival (Temperate/Subtropical) 8-
3      Teamwork 13-
3      WF:  Small Arms, Clubs, Crossbows, Fist-Loads, Thrown Rocks, Unarmed Combat

[b]SKILLS Cost: 70[/b]

[b][u]Value[/u]  [u]DISADVANTAGES[/u][/b]
10     Dependent NPC:  Gwyn Hollis, Would-be Apprentice 11- (Slightly Less Powerful than the PC) [Notes: A perky college-age Buffy wannabe, eager for action. (75+75)]
15     Dependent NPC:  Gwyn's Crew 8- (Normal; Group DNPC: x2 DNPCs) [Notes: Occasionally Gwyn's schoolmates become tag-alongs.]
15     Hunted:  Various Lesser Nobles of the Unseelie Court 8- (Mo Pow, Capture) [Notes: Usually they hunt him alone or in small groups.]
15     Psychological Limitation:  Sworn to Confront Mystic Evil (Common, Strong) [Notes: Will not shy away from combat, even if odds are grim.]
20     Normal Characteristic Maxima
15     Psychological Limitation:  Protective of Innocents (Very Common, Moderate)
10     Psychological Limitation:  Devoted To Finding His Family (Uncommon, Strong) [Notes: Long-term project; doesn't come up on a daily basis.]

[b]DISADVANTAGES Points: 100[/b]

Base Pts: 150
Exp Required: 0
Total Exp Available: 0
Exp Unspent: 0
Total Character Cost: 250


Height: 1.75 m Hair: Black

Weight: 75.00 kg Eyes: Brown

Appearance: A caucasian man of middling height and average build, Cynwyddon usually dresses in a white dress shirt, a dark ties, pants, duster, and often hat. He keeps his shotgun on him practically at all times, hidden under his duster. He doesn't smoke, but often keeps a twig or matchstick in his mouth. His hair is black, and his face lined with grief, weathering, and age. He looks to be in his forties, though he's actually closer to 60.


Personality: Cynwyddon is typically somewhat withdrawn and reluctant to talk about his past, preferring not to dwell on his past trials and mistakes. Instead he focuses on the task ahead of him, his current foe, and, of course, on his long-term goal of recovering his wife and sons. He has made a handful of attempts over the years to contact them in the Seelie realm, and though he has made a few enemies there in the process, so far he has met with no success. Nevertheless, he refuses to give up his quest. No longer needing to sleep or eat much, Cynwyddon doesn't really have much use for money or much of a life aside from his self-appointed job as a monster hunter. He will occasionally visit a homeless shelter, often in a church, if he feels he needs a meal and a night's rest. Despite his Druidic learning, Cynwyddon is very embracing of different traditions, realizing that many of them have different and often valuable perspectives on the truth; associating with practitioners of different religions is not a trouble to him.


Quote: "Step away from the girl, pal. It's time you went back where you came from."


Background: If I'd known then what I know now, I'd never have taken that vacation to Great Britain. I'd have taken Brenda and my kids, Joey and Michael, to a nice beach in south France, or Spain, or maybe Italy. For sure I would never have gone to Glastonbury Tor. For damn sure I would never have said word one to that old man.


Now, of course, it's far too late.


But that's where it all started. At the time, things were looking good. I was a mid-level executive in a profitable brewery. I had a good benefits package, enough vacation time to make a decent trip. Both the wife and I had roots of a sort in England, Wales, and Scotland, relatives there. Truth to tell, our ancestries were so mixed there were only a few distant cousins. We went as much for the beer as anything; it was something of a wonder that we bothered to visit them. The first week in and around London was great, met a few relatives, saw some sights, drank a lot of beer. We made our way west slowly, touring, enjoying the countryside.


We got to the Tor around the middle of the second week, just about halfway through our vacation schedule. We wanted to check out the sights, the boys wanted to see the maze. The boys won, of course. I can still remember walking up the hill of the Tor when this old fellow accosts me, wants to talk to me. The kids want to get to the maze, I tell Brenda to go ahead with them, I'll be right behind. The old guy starts yammering away, about times of yore when the Druids still walked the earth, about how those times aren't so far removed as one might think, about faeries and doors to the underworld, about fate, about how sometimes one chooses one's destiny, and how other times one's destiny is chosen by others, or by circumstance. I don't really remember what all he said, but I wasn't really listening that closely. I was just being polite, trying to think how to get away from the old guy without seeming rude, one eye on him and the other on the door to the only entrance to the maze. I didn't want to disappoint the boys.


Finally I got tired of the prattle and took my leave. Rather impatiently, I entered the maze. It wasn't the kind of maze that had branching paths, it just wound its way toward the center. There was only one way to go. I had seen them go in, hadn't seen them come out, but I hadn't really been delayed all that long, just a few minutes; I knew they had to be ahead of me somewhere. I wasn't worried. Not, that is, until I got to the center, and they were nowhere to be found. The went in, but never came out -- vanished without a trace.


Worried sick, I ran back out of the maze, hoping against hope that I'd somehow missed them and that they'd be waiting for me at the entrance. They weren't. The old man was, sorrow in his eyes. He waited for me while I searched the Tor for my family, fruitlessly. Then he took me away from there, and began to teach in earnest. I didn't want to hear what he had to tell me, I didn't want to believe -- but I had to. It was the only explanation I had. It was the only chance I might have to see them again.


The remainder of that week, that month, and the next several months after that, I spent in England. I took disability from my job, then eventually quit, citing emotional stress. I never did learn that old man's name, but he started my education before he died, left me a few books, sent me to another teacher. And so it went, moving from place to place, learning a bit here, a bit there. Developing my own connection to the mystic realms, my own style, my own weapons. Searching for a way to recover my family.


Thirty years later, I'm still searching. I've learned a lot since then, about magic, about the supernatural, different traditions, different threats. My eyes have been opened. I've come to realize that while the odds grow shorter by the year, my quest is not utterly hopeless. People can sometimes spend half a mortal lifetime in the faerie realm and emerge later unchanged, not having aged a day. If so, there's still time; we can still be together. I can't give up hope, it's all I have left. Hope, and the responsability not to let others fall victim to the perils of the world that lies beyond sight, as my family did.


Powers/Tactics: Cynwyddon's main mode of attack is his customized shotgun, for which he has a wide variety of loads, both mundane and magically-enhanced. It is a fairly potent weapon but not exceptionally so, but makes up for this with versatility. His other powers all involve the creation of a variety of temporary enchanted items of druidic power, most of which confer some sort of benefit to the holder, but all of which last only so long as Cynwyddon maintains the enchantment.


Cynwyddon's tactics depend on which of his power items he is currently using or plans to use. If he is using his Cloak of Deep Shadow or his Animal Mask, for instance, he will rely on stealth and attacking from surprise. On the other hand, if he is expecting an encounter with a close combat specialist, he may use his Cloak of Winds to keep his distance and avoid being grappled. If Cynwyddon does get grappled, he will be at a significant advantage, and knows it; fortunately, he is skilled enough at maintaining control of his shotgun that disarming him is quite difficult, and he will often be able to find a way to use it even if grappled or entangled. Cynwyddon prefers not to call too much attention to himself, but is not afraid of fighting his battles in public venues if necessary, as one of his cloaks or his mask will usually let him slip away unhindered afterward if he so desires.


Campaign Use: Cynwyddon's a monster hunter and source concerning matters of the occult. He's fairly strong against many mystic opponents because of his knowledge of their proclivities and weaknesses and because his weapons often tend to affect them even when normal weapons will not. He also has some decent investigative skills and a versatile suite of minor magics to help him uncover mystic events of importance wherever he roams. On the other hand, he doesn't have as many special advantages against more conventional opponents, and his defenses aren't strong enough to withstand a major assault, should he attract more attention than he can handle.

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Re: Supers With Pictures: Fun For All


I managed to miss putting this where it should go, so I'll place it here as well:




A character meant for a Galactic Champions campaign.


[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
13/50*	STR	21	19-	Lift 25 Tons; 10d6 HTH Damage
15/24*	DEX	28	14-	OCV:  8/DCV:  8
15/30*	CON	25	15-
11	BODY	2	11-
20	INT	10	13-	PER Roll 13-
20	EGO	20	13-	ECV:  7
20/25	PRE	13	14-	PRE Attack:  5d6
16	COM	3	12-

6	PD	3		Total:  36 PD (30 rPD)
6	ED	3		Total:  36 ED (30 rED)
3/6	SPD	25		Phases:  4, 8, 12/3, 5, 8, 10, 12
6	REC	0
30	END	0
30	STUN	4		[b]Total Characteristics Cost:  157[/b]
Values after / from OIF (powered armor; -1/2)
*:  No Figured Characteristics (-1/2)

[b]Movement:[/b]	Running:	7"/14"
	Flight:	35"/560"
	Swimming:	3"/6"

[b]Cost	Powers & Skills[/b]
29	[b]Star Glaive:[/b]  Multipower, 59-Point Pool; all OAF (-1)
3u	1) [b]Blade:[/b]  HKA 2d6+1 (4 1/2d6 with STR), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); OAF (-1)
2u	2) [b]Wedge:[/b]  HKA 1 1/2d6 (3d6+1d6 with STR), Armor Piercing (+1/2), Reduced 
Endurance (0 END; +1/2); OAF (-1)
2u	3) [b]Shaft:[/b] HA +6d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); OAF (-1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2)
1u	4) [b]Reach:[/b]  Stretching 1", Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); OAF (-1), Always 
Direct (-1/4), No Noncombat Stretch (-1/4), Only To Cause Damage (-1/2)

65	[b]Phased Blaster:[/b]  Multipower, 75-Point Pool, 60 Boostable Charges (+3/4); all OAF (-1)
4u	1) [b]Ion Beam:[/b]  EB 15d6; OAF (-1)
4u	2) [b]Pulsed Ion Beam:[/b]  EB 10d6, Autofire (5 Shots) (+1/2); OAF (-1)
4u	3) [b]Focused Ion Beam:[/b]  EB 10d6, Armor Piercing (+1/2); OAF (-1)
4u	4) [b]Laser:[/b]  RKA 5d6; OAF (-1)
4u	5) [b]Pulsed Laser:[/b]  RKA 3d6+1, Autofire (5 Shots) (+1/2); OAF (-1)
4u	6) [b]Focused Laser:[/b]  RKA 3d6+1, Armor Piercing (+1/2); OAF (-1)
9	[b]Phased Blaster Inherent Accuracy:[/b]  +6 versus Range Modifiers; OAF (-1)

[b]Martial Arts:[/b]  [i]Basic Unarmed Combat[/i]
[b]Maneuver	OCV	DCV	Damage[/b]
4	Block		+2	+2	Block, Abort
4	Disarm		-1	+1	60 STR Disarm
4	Escape		+0	+0	65 STR Versus Grab
3	Joint Lock	+0	-1	Grab One Limb; 60 STR Grab
4	Strike		+0	+2	12d6 Strike
3	Throw		+0	+1	10d6 +v/5; Target Falls

27	[b]Power Cells:[/b]  Endurance Reserve (200 END, 20 REC); OIF (-1/2)
5	[b]Strength Of Purpose:[/b]  +10 PRE; Only To Protect Against Presence Attacks (-1)
75	[b]Celestial Ranger Armor:[/b]  Armor (30 PD/30 ED), Hardened (+1/4); OIF (-1/2)
10	[b]Shielded Sensors:[/b]  Sight Group Flash Defense (15 points); OIF (-1/2)
7	[b]Shielded Sensors:[/b]  Hearing Group Flash Defense (10 points); OIF (-1/2)
30	[b]Deflector Shield:[/b]  Force Wall (15 PD/15 ED); OIF (-1/2), No Range (-1/2), Self 
Only (-1/2), END 7
13	[b]Sealed Systems:[/b]  Life Support (Self-Contained Breathing, Safe Environments:  all); OIF (-1/2)
16	[b]Strength Of Will:[/b]  Mental Defense (20 points)
57	[b]Celestial Wings:[/b]  Flight 35", x16 Noncombat; OIF (-1/2), END 8
2	[b]Move Soldier!:[/b]  Running +1" (7" total), END 1
1	[b]Excellent Swimmer:[/b]  Swimming +1" (3" total), END 1
6	[b]Communications Systems:[/b]  High Range Radio Hearing (Radio Group); OIF (-1/2), 
Affected As Sight And Hearing Group As Well As Radar Group (-1/2)
3	[b]IR Filters:[/b]  IR Perception (Sight Group); OIF (-1/2)
12	[b]Internal Radar:[/b]  Radar (Radio Group), 360-Degree Perception, Discriminatory; 
OIF (-1/2), Affected As Sight Group As Well As Radar Group (-1/2)
3	[b]UV Filters:[/b]  Ultraviolet Perception (Sight Group); OIF (-1/2)
2	[b]Ultrasonic Sensors:[/b]  Ultrasonic Perception (Hearing Group); OIF (-1/2)
6	[b]Macrobinoculars:[/b]  Telescopic +6 versus Range for Sight Group; OIF (-1/2)

30	Contact:  The Celestial Rangers (contact has extremely useful Skills or resources, good 
relationship with Contact, organization) 14-
4	Reputation:  Celestial Ranger (in the Galactic Federation) 11-, +2/+2d6

8	[b]Onboard Computer Systems:[/b]  Absolute Range Sense, Absolute Time Sense, Bump Of 
Direction, Lightning Calculator; OIF (-1/2)
4	[b]Microgravity Training:[/b]  Environmental Movement (No Penalties In Zero-Gravity)

16	Combat Skill Levels:  +2 with All Combat
6	Combat Skill Levels:  +2 with Phased Blaster

2	AK:  Milky Way Galaxy 11-
3	Climbing 13-
5	Combat Pilot 15-
0	Concealment 8-
0	Conversation 8-
0	Deduction 8-
3	Electronics 13-
2	KS:  Celestial Rangers History And Customs 11-
2	KS:  Federation Defense Forces 11-
2	KS:  Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 11-
2	KS:  Sentient Species Of The Milky Way Galaxy 11-
0	Language:  Galactic Federation Standard (native)
3	Navigation (Land, Space) 13-
3	Paramedic 13-
2	PS:  Federation Defense Forces Officer 11-
0	Shadowing 8-
2	SS:  Astronomy 11-
2	SS:  Astrophysics 11-
2	SS:  Physics 11-
0	Stealth 8-
6	Survival (Mountains, Temperate/Subtropical, Tropical) 13-
3	Systems Operations 13-
5	TF:  Human Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Terran Small Personal-Use 
Spacecraft, Human Large Personal-Use Space Craft, Human Small Military Space Craft
3	Tracking 13-
6	WF:  Human Common Melee Weapons, Human Small Arms, Human Advanced Small 
[b]558	Total Powers & Skills Cost
715	Total Character Cost

550+	Disadvantages[/b]
5	Distinctive Features:  Celestial Ranger Armor (EC)
20	Hunted:  Enemies Of The Celestial Rangers (As Pow, Kill) 11-
5	Hunted:  Galactic Federation Security Patrol (Mo Pow, NCI Lim Geo, Watching) 8-
20	Psychological Limitation:  Code Of The Celestial Rangers (protect the weak and 
innocent, stand firm in the face of evil [first in, last out], behave with honor and dignity 
at all time, aid all races -- regardless of pre-Ranger political/social affiliation (VC, S)
10	Psychological Limitation:  No Tolerance For Inefficiency And Laziness (C, M)
15	Psychological Limitation:  Protective Of The Defenseless And Innocent (C, S)
5	Reputation:  Celestial Rangers are lone wolves and go their own way, 8-
20	Social Limitation:  Subject To Orders Of The Celestial Rangers (VF, M)
15	Social Limitation:  "Secret" Identity (Celestial Rangers disregard their former 
identities upon joining) (F, M)
50	[b]Experience
715	Total Disadvantage Points[/b]



The Celestial Rangers are a group warriors dedicated to defending the galaxy from threats of all sorts. Recruited from the various sentient races of the galaxy, the Rangers defend the vast expanse of space from xenomorphs, Xenovores, the Nibu Gemani, and other strange and malign beings known to dwell in the interstellar darkness. A secretive group, the Celestial Rangers surrender their former identities and and allegiances upon joining, instead working for the greater good of the galaxy as a whole. Thus, they tend to act as a neutral third party, setting disputes impartially between geopolitical bodies if possible, and fighting only if they must, or if a threat if imminent.


Mirjana is one such Ranger. A human, her exact origins are unknown, as is her real name. She apparently is a former member of the Galactic Federation Armed Forces, but otherwise little to nothing is known about her. She operates within the Galactic Federation, especially on the borders of Ackálian and Mandaarian space, and has fought against incursions of Ackálians, Nibu Gemani, and others space-borne threats.


A loner, like all Rangers, Mirjana has politely declined offers from Defender to join the Champions, as well as similar offers from the Star*Guard, the Federation Defense Fleet, and even the Recruiter (who feels in the long run, she'd be less of a problem to work with than Zadyn). She has been even less talkative about who she is (or was), how she joined the Rangers, or who backs them. Rumors give any number of possible (and sometimes improbably) candidates including: a renegade Malvan (a popular theory in the face of the Ranger's advanced suits of powered armor), the Mandaarians (supported by the fact the Rangers often seek out enclaves of the Nibu Gemani), a separate division of the Star*Guard (which the Star*Guard denies), Defender of the Champions, or even a the Galactic Federation itself, as a form of 31st Century Foreign Legion.


Currently, Mirjana is a well-respected sight along the Federation frontier, less so the deep into Federation Space she goes -- while the Federation respects the work she's done, they're a touch uncomfortable with her unwillingness to discuss her origins as well as her refusal to swear any sort of allegiance to the Federation itself.



A former member of the Federation Defense Forces, Mirjana takes her duties as a Celestial Ranger just as seriously, if not more so, as she did as an FDF officer. At the same time, her desire to go beyond the restraints of the FDF, to work more independently, yet still support a noble cause, help explain why she agreed to join the Celestial Rangers when given the chance. Those who have worked with Mirjana, say she is both businesslike and compassionate, with an eye for detail and planning, coupled with a strong concern for the welfare of the innocent and defenseless. She also has little tolerance for inefficiency and laziness, and can become highly frustrated with bureaucratic paper pushing. In fact, she's most happiest on the battlefield, with obvious enemies in front of her and a clear plan of action.


Quote: "I'll worry about the enemy, you worry about getting the wounded out of here, and see to those fires!"



Like all Rangers, Mirjana wears highly advanced battlesuit into combat. Hers grants increased physical strength, protection against most attacks, a defensive force screen for emergencies, and the ability to fly at speeds well over 1,200 miles per hour. While the suit itself doesn't have any integral weapons systems, Mirjana has armed herself with a phase-blaster -- a tunable energy weapon; and a long-shafted and long-bladed weapon she calls the Star Glaive.


In combat, Mirjana prefers to keep her distance, using the phase-blaster to take down targets. Her choice of settings will depend on the nature of her foe. Ion blasts for common criminals and the like, lasers for Xenovores and Nibu Gemani. If the phase-blaster doesn't seem to be doing the job (or if it runs dry) she will then close and use the Star Glaive, striking with either the shaft of the blade as appropriate.


As the Code of the Celestial Rangers requires them to be the first in and the last out, Mirjana will always take the lead into the unknown, and will make sure any companions have left the area before retreating in the face of a unstoppable threat.



Mirjana's Celestial Ranger armor is a dark metallic gray with a blue and white breastplate, black gauntlets, and silver trim. Over this she wears a white surcoat with a red lining. The Celestial Wings are red, with blue-white inner feathers and pale orange outer feathers. The Star Glaive has a black shaft and blueish blades, while the Phased Blaster is metallic blue with silver fittings. Mirjana herself stands about 5' 8", with a fit physique, and icy blue-white hair that just brushes her shoulders.


Designer's Notes:

Allow me to say this -- building a 700-point Galactic Champions character is hard! Well, building this one was, anyway. The main issue was Mirjana's two weapons, both are OAF, and neither has a wide range of slots, so they weren't the massive point sinks most Galactic Champions mulitpowers are. Anyway, I will admit to basing a lot of her armor's powers on Defender 3000's, her disads on the Star*Guard's, and her skills came from a mixture of sources: Dark Champions, Terran Empire, and Star Hero.


Mirjana is meant to be a solo character, so she's just a bit over 700 points. The Celestial Rangers are a more militant version of the Star*Guard, and have no set origin (I certainly don't have one in mind). If you use them, feel free to come up with your own sponsor. They should be used on sparingly, and in may ways should come across like the Rangers from Lord of the Rings; mysterious and a touch frightening. Seeing more than a few together at once is a rare event indeed, and marks the presence of some great threat. Oh, and the "Foreign Legion" comment was deliberate. The Rangers should comprise people from all over the galaxy, including those who are traditional enemies, working together. Their selection process is unknown, but must be a good one, few if any Rangers go rogue and/or decline the offer to join.


(Character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)



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Re: Supers With Pictures: Fun For All


Wow, I'm surprised to see this thread around again. Thought the new attachment and HTML rules had killed it.


Good character, and a good concept, maybe a sort of still active Manhunters to the Star*Guard Green Lantern Corps.


I linked to a pic on my website and did some basic formatting in BBEDit before sending it on over. I'm working on another 700-point GC character, BTW. 75 STR, 40 DEF, cyborg. See pic below:



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Re: Supers With Pictures: Fun For All


Rep for the revival and the characters' date=' Michael....um....when I can, that is. I ran out today.[/quote']


I have a stack of characters I am developing based on pictures I have found. Sanura was just posted to the FH boards, in fact.

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