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Gimme a cool challenge...


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I'm in the mood to make a BTAS-style pic.


If you're interested, post a character concept that's cool. I especially like Golden Age heroes, so please inspire me along those lines. If I choose yours, you can feel free to use the pic for your gaming purposes, but I might want to use it later, so I reserve the copyright, for what it's worth.


I'm not the most accomplished figure designer, but some of you might have liked the work that I've posted in the past. If you're one of them, or just have a character that you've wanted to see realized in the animated style, then post away.

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Re: Gimme a cool challenge...


BTAS = Batman: The Animated Series, if I'm not mistaken.



As for some concept ideas, while sorting through my comics collection, I came across a JLA Elseworlds 3-part mini-series called Act of God. Basic story idea is that something happens to make all biological powers cease, so only tech heros can continue.


At the end, 4 formor superheros train with the Bat crew and form a group called the Phoenix Initiative.


Wally West became a martial artist called Red Devil, and used a trident in combat.


Arthur Curry became The Hand, with a cybernetic left hand with a bunch of tools.


Linda Danvers became Liberty, and wielded a double mace (the 'scales of justice') and had a blindfold inspired mask.


J'onn J'onzz became The Green Man, and relied on his goofy martian appearance and trick skull bombs, along with martial arts.


You might be able to combine certain aspects of the four characters, such as a shock appearance with the Liberty motif and super toolkit of The Hand?

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Re: Gimme a cool challenge...


Let's see - some ideas I've had but haven't been able to play yet:


Fury/Harpy - female crimebuster, dark colored bodysuit with metallic armor/wings. Helmet with hideous gargoyle-like faceplate.


Dr. Olympus - Greek-mythology themed super-scientist. Wears a three-piece suit/hat made from "golden fleece", has various gadgets like his "lightning rod", "medusa ray" (pistol that turns targets to stone), "tablets of Dionysius" (transform any liquid to wine - useful for those acid pits), etc.

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Re: Gimme a cool challenge...


...Dr. Olympus - Greek-mythology themed super-scientist. Wears a three-piece suit/hat made from "golden fleece"' date=' has various gadgets like his "lightning rod", "medusa ray" (pistol that turns targets to stone), "tablets of Dionysius" (transform any liquid to wine - useful for those acid pits), etc.[/quote']


I like this one a lot. Just the sort of campy-cool that I love about the Pulp and Golden Age genres. I'm gonna work on it, I think.


More proposals are welcome. Hero gamers never cease to surprise me with their creativity. Let's hear your best stuff, people.

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Re: Gimme a cool challenge...


I'll take a shot at the Mask of Justice and Dr. Olympus for now. Don't be shy about posting more ideas, though!


By the way, in the Mask's description, it mentions that he may move to a full-blown costume soon. Has that happened? How would you prefer him depicted?

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Re: Gimme a cool challenge...


By the way' date=' in the Mask's description, it mentions that he may move to a full-blown costume soon. Has that happened? How would you prefer him depicted?[/quote']



No, it's still early in his career in the campaign. So I'd prefer the hat-and-coat version.


Thanks muchly!

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Re: Gimme a cool challenge...


I'll take a shot at the Mask of Justice and Dr. Olympus for now. Don't be shy about posting more ideas, though!


By the way, in the Mask's description, it mentions that he may move to a full-blown costume soon. Has that happened? How would you prefer him depicted?


Excellent!!! :thumbup:


Thanks for volunteering Etherio!



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Re: Gimme a cool challenge...


...Dr. Olympus - Greek-mythology themed super-scientist. Wears a three-piece suit/hat made from "golden fleece"' date=' has various gadgets like his "lightning rod", "medusa ray" (pistol that turns targets to stone), "tablets of Dionysius" (transform any liquid to wine - useful for those acid pits), etc.[/quote']


...And here he is...


Dr. Olympus:


At first, I envisioned him as a villain, but after rereading your post, I got more of a heroic feel. Lemme know what you think. I gave him a holster for his "Medusa Ray" and a Golden-Age, gadgety-looking "Lightning Rod," as you mentioned in his description.


Editing: I reposted this image for a while at a lower resolution.

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Re: Gimme a cool challenge...


Zeus' beard! Great job Etherio - thanks!


Dr. Olympus is indeed intended as a hero. Originally envisaged for a WWII game, a high-tech Greek patriot fighting for the allies. I planned on giving him a "Circe Beam" so he could turn SS into "Nazi swine!" :winkgrin: Not all of his ideas work out, like the super-wax airplanes, which tend to have problems at higher altitudes...

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Re: Gimme a cool challenge...


I know this is a real pedestrian request' date=' but since I use a lot of paper minis it would be a great help. Any chance you have, or could make, Uncle Sam from the old Quality Comics days (DC owns Uncle Sam now, I beleive). I'd love to use him in my Champions game sometime.


Uncle Sam wouldn't be too hard, considering that no design is necessary for the fugure...he's already well developed. However, I'd have to get to it eventually and spend the time on it.


This help for now? It's the WWII 'Uncle Sam' from my campaign world.


Editing: I'll be pulling this pic soon because of the attachment size limit, so grab it if ya want it. This one was posted on another thread before...only attached it here because of Agent 333's request for an Uncle Sam image.

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Re: Gimme a cool challenge...


...And here he is...


Dr. Olympus:


At first, I envisioned him as a villain, but after rereading your post, I got more of a heroic feel. Lemme know what you think. I gave him a holster for his "Medusa Ray" and a Golden-Age, gadgety-looking "Lightning Rod," as you mentioned in his description.


Very Cool!!!


Gotta steal him.



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Re: Gimme a cool challenge...


I'll offer my own meager talents if anyone is interested. Perhaps the requests that etherio can't get around to.


Cool...glad to have you aboard. It'd be nice if this thread could remain in the "request-and-provide-if-it-inspires-ya" format, rather than becoming a showcase for stuff we've done before. Sound okay to you, Winterhawk?

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Re: Gimme a cool challenge...


The Mask of Justice




could use a character picture, if you're so inclined.


I think the Mask could use a pic too. Especially since he is the only original Golden Ager to not have one. Poor Slob!


Presenting the 'Mask of Justice'...


Once he was done, I felt like I had combined 'Rorschach' and the 'Question.' I think he has some style of his own, though. Enjoy...no PC should go without a pic for long, especially if everybody else has one.


Editing: I reposted this image for a while at a lower resolution.

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Re: Gimme a cool challenge...


I posted the images in high resolution, so you can use them for larger portraits on character sheets if you like. Before long, though, each image is going to have to be reposted at lower res, or even deleted, in order to stay within my 1 meg storage limit.

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