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Fishbowl for a Head Man!

Dust Raven

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I'm working on a new villain, inspired by the Fishbowl Helmet in Gadgets and Gears. Basically, I saw it and laughed, thinking what kind of a whacko would put something like on, hero or villain? And so I made one, and he isn't evena whacko, but I need a name for him.


Here's his powers and origin (or what I've got so far):


He's a chemist of some sort doing experiments on my worlds version of kryptonite (the Smallville, kryptonite is superpowered snake oil element). He's discovered how to create a vapor form of the mineral that can be inhaled, and when inhaled, it stimulates brain activity. It boosts INT, EGO & PRE and gives some handy telepathic powers (Ego Attack, Mental Illusions, Mind Control and Telepathy) and some Mental Defense. It also tends to drive those who use it criminally insane. Guess who got ballsy and tried to test it out on himself?


So now he's out running around with a fishbowl helmet (to keep a constant flow of the vapor into his sytem, he only has the powers while he's breathing it; they fade immediately if not supplied with the vapor) and a flashy costume (I'm thinking something with a cloak, though I don't want anyone yelling "hey, Mysterio!"). His supersuit will be lightly armored, his cloak is cyberneticly prehensile and he has a "power staff" that manipulates gravitons (TK tricks).


I don't have a color scheme for his costume, nor a motivation or MO other than "get rich & powerful; hurt people in my way." I can work that out latter. What I need right now is a name. It's got to me something ominous/scary or at least impressive, and I just can't think of anything...

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Re: Fishbowl for a Head Man!


That's a toughy. With EGO, PRE and TK, it sounds like he's all about Willpower, and I've been trying to think in that vein for names.


Prime Mover (Because of the TK)

Force Majeure (Really a legal term, but it translates to "Greater Force")

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Re: Fishbowl for a Head Man!


What I need right now is a name. It's got to me something ominous/scary or at least impressive' date=' and I just can't think of anything...[/quote']


So, you are looking for something that is not silly, though the helmet would look so...


Hmm... if the helmet and suit looked something like a space suit (which I am assuming it would), you could go something with a Astronaut/Cosmonaut-like style...


Why does "Spaceman Spiff" keep jumping out at me? Stop it! ARGH!!!!!!

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Re: Fishbowl for a Head Man!


How about a name that derives from the name of the substance he uses. It could even be a hint as to his weakness. I'm not sure if you meant it was really "Kryponite," but if it is (and I really can't think of anything serious that hasn't been taken, so here are the silly ones), how about The Krypto Knight, Kryptonificator, Krypto Fiend, etc.

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Re: Fishbowl for a Head Man!


Oh, and too bad his substance isn't in liquid form. Then you could give him a Psychological Disadvantage that makes it difficult for him not to talk to the fish that are constantly orbiting about his head. :D


Maybe there could even be situations that cause the fish to go berserk and start attacking his face. They are Kryptonite-enhanced fish, after all! Of course, he must need the fish somehow; either to keep the substance stable, because they are his only food supply, or because he is psychologically dependent upon them.

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Re: Fishbowl for a Head Man!


Thanks everyone! Keep those ideas coming though!


So far I like Dr. Vile. It seems to work.


I also like Force Majeure, but it doesn't have the right punch. Dr. Majeure might work.... perhaps I'm just leaning to something with Dr. in it, maybe because those kinds of names already carry a bit of ominousness with the title, and maybe because he's really a Dr. in his Secret ID...


I'll have to look up that word though....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Fishbowl for a Head Man!


Okay, I'm actually writing up the villain now, but I've decided not to use Force Majeure, cool as it is. I thought about the Dr. Vile suggestion and I liked it, but figured that I want him to have a rather snug Secret Identity, and a name like that screams to be his actual name or related to it (Vial, he is a scientist). Perhaps there is something else I could use. Maybeso and prestidigitator asked some questions about the chemical he's using for his powers, so here's some info about that.


What color is the vapor he's inhaling? How about "Purple Haze" (or whatever the color of the vapor is) for a name. ;) His secret I.D. could even be Dr. Hayes.


How about a name that derives from the name of the substance he uses. It could even be a hint as to his weakness. I'm not sure if you meant it was really "Kryponite," but if it is (and I really can't think of anything serious that hasn't been taken, so here are the silly ones), how about The Krypto Knight, Kryptonificator, Krypto Fiend, etc.


The substance is called Alderite, and is a deep blue color. Here's the basic description from the Uncanny Materials file:




Alderite is a crystal-like stone of extraterrestrial origin. All alderite known to exist fell to Earth in the early 1990s near Dapperville,


The most apparent, if not the most profound property of alderite is that it can be refined into nearly any medium. It can be melted, smithed, powered, liquefied and even turned into a stable vapor. Its other properties often change during refinement and tend to be somewhat unpredictable. Scientists believe this variance has something to do with the way the alderite is refined. Additionally, it emits a very low level of unusual radiation. The full effects and nature of this radiation and not fully known or understood by the scientific community, but what is known follows:


· If kept under fluctuation pressure, alderite emits a harmonic energy that can be harnessed to produce electrical power.


· Alderite can be used as a substitute for carbon when making steel. The result is a bluish tinted, super-strong metal with a near crystalline structure.


· Lasers can be made using crystal alderite. These lasers produce a weakness ray that drains the strength of living things but seems to cause no physical damage.


· The radiation emitted by alderite is believed to produce superhuman abilities in some people. The exact cause of this is unknown, and only seem to occur under highly unusual circumstances. Scientists believe that some aspect of these circumstances act as a catalyst for the alderite to produce this abilities. Most of the scientific community rebuke such theories and believe the proximity of alderite near mutants who first manifest their powers is just a coincidence.


Alderite is most commonly used in the making of costume jewelry sold in gift shops to tourists of Dapperville, but scientific experiments are still being conducted to determine other, more particle, uses for the odd stone.

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