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Mutant Twins Special Power


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Two of my players want to create a pair of mutant twins. Aside from their individual powers, they want to have a special mega-power which leaves them totally exhausted (probably unconscious)after using it. When they manage to touch each other,and both are not Stunned or Knocked Out, they can unleash an incredibly powerful energy wave. Now my question is: Who gets to pay for that power, and how much? Do I simply divide the total costs between the twins, or does one of them have to pay for all of it? And what value would the limitation be for the twins having to touch each other (s.a.)? I thought a -1/2 would be okay, what do you think?

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Try this


Cost Power END
12 Twin Blast: Energy Blast 10d6 (vs. ED), Adds to Twin's power (+1/2) (75 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (5x END; -2), Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (-2), Conditional Power (Only in contact and in conjunction with conscious twin; -1) 35
Powers Cost: 12


I suggest using the custom advantage "adds to twin's power" as a variant form of cumulative at 1/2...

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Re: Mutant Twins Special Power


Originally posted by Brick

Now my question is: Who gets to pay for that power, and how much? Do I simply divide the total costs between the twins, or does one of them have to pay for all of it? And what value would the limitation be for the twins having to touch each other (s.a.)? I thought a -1/2 would be okay, what do you think?


Both of them pay for the power, but like anything else, the limitation on it should be ranked by how rare it is that they're going to be apart. IIRC, there are a couple of such twins out there in the comic world that have something similar (i.e. they can't use their powers unless they're touching), but the 'mega-blast' ... hmmm.


I think I'd force them to buy identical powers, with the following limitations: 'Must Be Touching Twin (-1/2)', 'Beam (-1/4)', 'x10 End (-4)', 'Must Fire Simultaneous with Twin's Mega-Blast at Same Target (-1/4)'. The latter is more an 'effect limitation' than anything else, but it should be written down -- and, after all, since both of them are zapping out, it leaves them both massively vulnerable. Hmmm...


EB (15d6), Area Effect (Cone) (+1), Personal Immunity (+1/4) [169 Active Points]; No Range (-1/2), Beam (-1/4), Must Be Touching Twin (Equivalent to 'Linked', -1/2), x10 END (-4), Must Fire Simultaneous with Twin's Mega-Blast at Same Target(-1/4) (26 Real Point Cost) -- 170 END.


Yeah, okay, they probably don't have that much end. Here's a list of suggestions, then ...

  • x2 END (-½) -- 34 END, 56 Real Points.
  • x3 END (-1) -- 51 END, 48 Real Points.
  • x4 END (-1½) -- 68 END, 42 Real Points.
  • x5 END (-2) -- 85 END, 38 Real Points.
  • x6 END (-2½) -- 102 END, 34 Real Points.
  • x7 END (-3) -- 119 END, 31 Real Points.
  • x8 END (-3½) -- 136 END, 28 Real Points.
  • x10 END (-4) -- 170 END, 26 Real Points.

Of all that, a x5 or x6 END looks to be your best bet (enough to put them out for the count, even with a full charge). Also, they BOTH have to have it at the same level, i.e. they have to agree to spend extra points to bring the END cost down.


If you don't want it to be an AoE effect -- IMO, it works best as a cone or line -- then convert straight to a one-target EB, which would put it at 27d6 (yeesh!!). For game play purposes, I'd automatically treat this as a 'coordinated attack', and give them the bonus of rolling only one 'to hit' -- but the penalty of using the worst OCV. Gonna be a lot of knockback...


Other thoughts: they might add the limitation 'Does No Knockback'. They might take 'Concentration' or 'Extra TIme' limitations ... hrm. I had other thoughts (one mainly involving bringing that disgusting 27d6 one-target EB down to 20d6 or so), but I don't remember what most of them are. Again, I'd have both of 'em pay for it; after all, this is a massive 'blast' sort of thing that both of them give out. On that thought, I MIGHT up the 'Must Fire Simultaneous At Same Target' limitation to -1/2.


For an explanation: 'Must Be Touching Twin (-1/2)' I judge to be about equal to 'OIF' or 'Restrainable'. 'Must Fire Simultaneously At Same Target' is something between a 'fluff' limitation (this is their intent, after all!!) and a really restrictive limitation (hey, they can't fire at separate targets at will, right?). I judge it to be about equivalent to Concentration or Extra time, i.e. about -1/4 or -1/2. Smart Wonder-Twins (weren't they the 'Fenris Twins' in Marvel, one of the X-Foes?) will purchase both Concentration and Extra Time -- and make sure they're going to hit the fraggers.


N.B. -- 15d6 EB AoE Cone No Range == 31" Cone, starting the hex right in front of 'em. That's gonna hit a LOT of bad guys. Or good guys. 15d6 EB AoE Line No Range == 60" Line, though I'd make it 2" wide x 30" long. them being 'two people wide'. YMMV.

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Re: Mutant Twins Special Power


Originally posted by Brick

Two of my players want to create a pair of mutant twins. Aside from their individual powers, they want to have a special mega-power which leaves them totally exhausted (probably unconscious)after using it.

The exhaustion thing just seems to be a increased END cost x YY limitation or a side effect STUN/END drain (or both)

When they manage to touch each other,and both are not Stunned or Knocked Out, they can unleash an incredibly powerful energy wave. Now my question is: Who gets to pay for that power, and how much? Do I simply divide the total costs between the twins, or does one of them have to pay for all of it? And what value would the limitation be for the twins having to touch each other (s.a.)? I thought a -1/2 would be okay, what do you think?


I would use (for each of them) a

50 Multipower

5u 18D6 energy blast ( 18 as an *example* of course) : 90 BP

(+ Explosion or AOE eventually or whatever)

+ Personal immunity +1/4

+ personal immunity (22,5 AP) is Usable by self and one other: +1/2 ( adds 6 AP)

(total active points : 119 !! )

- Increased END cost x 3 : -1 (total END cost : 36 )

- Only when supported by brother: -1/2

(real cost : 48 points)

4u Succor : Energy blast 21D6 : 105 BP

- Only to succor brother's EB: -1

- Increased END cost x 3 : -1 (total END cost : 30 )

(real cost : 35 points)


So thanks to the multipower, each of the twins can either support his bro, either use the blast if supported by his bro.

Anyway, they both consume END when they use the energy wave. the SFX is just that they both release the blast.


You should decrease the real cost of the MP by reducing the number of dices, increasing the END cost (and give them a END reserve), charges or whatever you think appropriate.


Anyway, it may have a simpler way to do it but it needs a question to mr Long.


If X has a 5D6 EB Usable by Other, and grants it to Y who has a 7D6 EB on his own.

Y has :

a) 2 EB one with 5D6 the other with 7D6


B) one EB with 12D6 ?


in the case of B) the whole thing is simply a +1/4 advantage "usable by other/only on brother" on the power.


Note : the "twin brother" case is discussed in the description of personal immunity in the Fred. check it there (i don't have it here). you should not even need my trick of "advantage on advantage"

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Altamaros, I really like your Succor/EB idea. Easiest to do that way would be for one of the characters to have the Succor, the other character to have the EB bought to the same point-cost as the succor. Ergo...


Twin 1: AID (Succor): 10d6 (50 Active Points) to EB, x7 END Cost (-3), Twin Only (-1): 10 Real Points, 35 END.


Twin 2: Energy Blast, 10d6 (50 Active Points), x7 END Cost (-3), Must Be Touching Twin (-1): 10 Real Points, 35 END.


When Twin 1 maxes out the AID (using 70 END to do it), Twin 2's EB is at 50 + 60 = 110 Active points, or a 22d6 EB. Firing this would cost 77 END, which'd probably drop him in his tracks, or at least tire him out completely. The Real Point cost for each should remain equal, it's just a matter of how big a blast you're willing to let them throw.


And Space Cadet, thanks. IIRC, though, they didn't have a mega-combined-blast, just two very lethal EBs/RKAs that required them to be touching each other.

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Originally posted by Space Cadet

I believe the particular mutant twin-team in question is Fenris

(Andrea and Andreas Strucker) from the X-Men series, at least

as far as a joint attack power is concerned.


Space Cadet :cool:


Also Northstar and Aurora before Sasquatch experimented on Aurora and screwed up her powers.

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