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Gamma Girl pics


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Re: Gamma Girl pics


Another good job, Chimpira. Please see PM.


I'm going to try and attach a couple of pics that I have been using for Gamma Girl; one for the costume, the other for face and hair. The art was originally drawn by T.Catt, and I do not intend to contest his rights in any way by posting the pics here.







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Re: Gamma Girl pics


I should probably add the pics presented above have been altered slightly from T. Catt's originals. (This is not said to try and claim some kind of "rights" for the pics away from T. Catt, but just to clarify the pics weren't drawn by T. Catt to be pics of Gamma Girl originally.) The pics have had their proportions adjusted a bit by me (they were too tall and thin), Haven changed the "Super S" symbol into a "gamma" symbol, and a couple of our resident Hero Board artists helped change the hair on the second pic from Supergirl-blond to Superman-blue/black. :)

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Re: Gamma Girl pics


Gamma Girl was originally a kid sidekick to Lady Gray, a Batman-clone, so she (GG) was loosely based on Robin the Boy Wonder. I wanted a costume that was reminiscent of Robin's, so I chose one with something like a cape and bare legs. But since I can't draw to save my life, all I have to work with is whatever artwork I can find on the Net...and none of it is ever quite right. (These two pics were actually T. Catt's suggestions for new and more interesting costumes for Supergirl.)


So it's all a matter of mix-n-match. I liked the costume in the first pic, especially the sort-of capes on the sleeves, and the colors. The character's hair is the right length, but the it's the wrong color and style, and her body is _far_ to slender, almost attenuated. Face is wrong, too.


I liked the face, the posture and the hair color in the second pic. The snazzy little cropped jacket is good, too, and the character's build is better; she doesn't look like she's about to break in half. But the sky-blue jumpsuit doesn't do much for me, and the character's hair is too long and too straight.


But these two pics are the best I've been able to do for an image of Gamma Girl. I posted them so that Chimpira could see what I've been using so far in our LSH/Champions game...and because I thought other people might find it interesting to watch the developments.


Long Live the Legion!

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Re: Gamma Girl pics


Chimpira, I really like your work. Both images look a lot more like real people than most comic-book art -- which isn't always bad, but tends to really, really over-idealize human physiques.


While it's not the same as Aaron William's art on PS238, it does have the same refreshing quality of not being more "I learned to draw from a book on drawing comic books, now look at the only 4 people I can actually draw!"

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Re: Gamma Girl pics


Thanks Kris. Sorry guys no new image of Gamma Girl for today. Something came up and totally derailed my schedule. I have to comit to finishing these eight pages of artwork for this comic pitch by sunday so I have to put all my energy into that. And still go to work. And deal with my mother coming to visit. And it now appears that I have to go to a doctor as well. Sigh. At any rate I will be able to post another pic by next tuesday. If any artists out there wants to post up any ideas for Gamma Girl pics I think that might be cool. I have been approaching this as one part punishment and two parts fun. I was pretty sure that the first two designs would not be 'Gamma Girl' but I just kind of like the idea of how many concepts for this character can I come up with. Truth be told most Legion of Superhero characters wear just a body suit. I have some more designs in mind and I am also going to do a piece with the material that was posted by Haven. I am glad that you have enjoyed what little I have put up in this post. I promise much much more in the future.

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Guest lucky

Re: Gamma Girl pics


Both images look a lot more like real people than most comic-book art -- which isn't always bad' date=' but tends to really, really over-idealize human physiques.[/quote']

Okay, sorry--I couldn't let this go. Have you (any of you?) taken a good look at these images? Have you held your hand up to the monitor and used your thumb and index finger to measure the length of these women's legs vis-à-vis their torsos? If you haven't, go ahead and do it. I'll wait.



Okay, now that you're back... is anyone seriously going to argue that these women are not drawn like Barbie dolls? Seriously now, come on. I'm not trying to attack Kristopher's opinion or taste, nor am I slagging the artist's work. These are nice comic-book drawings--but let's not compare these images to actual, physical women in the real world.

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Re: Gamma Girl pics


Okay, sorry--I couldn't let this go. Have you (any of you?) taken a good look at these images? Have you held your hand up to the monitor and used your thumb and index finger to measure the length of these women's legs vis-à-vis their torsos? If you haven't, go ahead and do it. I'll wait.



Okay, now that you're back... is anyone seriously going to argue that these women are not drawn like Barbie dolls? Seriously now, come on. I'm not trying to attack Kristopher's opinion or taste, nor am I slagging the artist's work. These are nice comic-book drawings--but let's not compare these images to actual, physical women in the real world.

LOL. I personally do not think of them being realistic although I see where people come from when they describe them that way. My style is just, well, my style. People see what they want. I see ink on a page that brings an image to mind and I then name that image a car or a woman or a ball, but it is really just ink on paper. I am not belittling my own work and I did not want to speak of this before mainly because it might sound like I was digging for compliments or trying to be faux-humble. As an artist I have a lot of work ahead of me but the most important concept to grasp is that not everyone is going to like my work. I am just trying to draw my best, but I have not reached that point where I do not think there is room for improvement. I hope I never reach that point. Anyways I think they were not trying to say that those images could be substituted for the real thing because they can not. The images do not look like real people nor were they meant to. I just wanted to draw things a little different from what I usually see. I think that is what they are saying when they say real. At any rate thank you for posting your thoughts.

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Guest lucky

Re: Gamma Girl pics


I just wanted to draw things a little different from what I usually see. I think that is what they are saying when they say real. At any rate thank you for posting your thoughts.

Thanks for getting what I was saying--I was concerned that you might take offense at my comments, which wasn't my intent. I really do think these are nice comic-book drawings.

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Guest lucky

Re: Gamma Girl pics


Hey' date=' Lucky? To which pics were you referring? Is the proportion problem with the colored ones by T. Catt, or Chimpira's black-and-whites?[/quote']

I was referring to the coloured ones on the second page. Upon re-reading, I realize that they might not be Chimpira's work; we may have gotten our wires crossed a bit. :)

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Re: Gamma Girl pics


I was referring to the coloured ones on the second page. Upon re-reading' date=' I realize that they might not be Chimpira's work; we may have gotten our wires crossed a bit. :)[/quote']It would seem so. :) The two colored pictures posted by Haven on the second page are by an artist known as T. Catt, slightly modified by Haven, myself, and a couple of other HERO board artists.
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Re: Gamma Girl pics


Hi Chimpera,



Forget the T&A comments.


The drawing is fine.



Your colour rendering needs work.


But I've been there and the only way it's going to improve is keep practicing.


You practice and you'll get faster and more accuarte.


Go for it.


Good luck.






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Re: Gamma Girl pics


Hi Chimpera,



Forget the T&A comments.


The drawing is fine.



Your colour rendering needs work.


But I've been there and the only way it's going to improve is keep practicing.


You practice and you'll get faster and more accuarte.


Go for it.


Good luck.






Uh thanks Rover, but I did not color my pics. Those were graciously done by Freakboy6117. And as long as I post them I do not mind if he colors them.

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Re: Gamma Girl pics


Really like both of the concepts, Chimpira... but can only rep one right now... :)


You could actually use both concepts for the same character... the first one has a more mature looking face, body and costume style... the second a younger beginner look... so concept two could be when she was starting out and concept one is after she has a few years under her belt...

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Re: Gamma Girl pics


I was referring to the coloured ones on the second page. Upon re-reading' date=' I realize that they might not be Chimpira's work; we may have gotten our wires crossed a bit. :)[/quote']


I was refering to Chimpira's two black and white pieces, for the record.



I'm not saying that they're perfectly realistic, only that they have a much less idealized, comic-booky feel than what's typically seen in mainstream comic books.


To continue my earlier comparison, Aaron Williams work on PS238 isn't anything like prefectly realistic, and not at all like Chimpira's, but it has that same novel quality.

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Re: Gamma Girl pics


No new stuff till tuesday at the earliest....:weep:


Hope the schedule dies down a bit. But only the negative busy stuff.


I think its funny that the two 'negative' (for lack of a better term) comments were about artwork that wasn't done buy Chimpira. Seems to me that points to the quality of your work!

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Re: Gamma Girl pics


A newsletter? That was news to me as well. Perhaps Al-Hazred meant the message board?

My apologies. That's a joke from a while back, when everyone and his brother was using the Internet to self-publish his own newsletter about whatever topic floated his boat. And some people were known to subscribe you to their newsletters if you said anything even slightly complimentary about them.


What can I saw? I'm old in the brain!

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Re: Gamma Girl pics


Sorry Guys. I did not finish the pic. But to show Haven that I am not flaking on her, I will post the pencils of what I am doing right now. It will look better after I ink it and add a few more little details. I would ink it now but I have to go to work soon and since part of my job is to take down live feeds and roll commercial backups for live events, my bosses might get mad if I nod off and cost us thousands of dollars. I will ink this later and try to knock something else out.

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