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Hero Machine Thread


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There are a lot of artist threads out there. But for those of us not gifted with our own talent we have Hero Machine. Granted it's not perfect, but it's better than nothing. This is not a thread to debate whether Hero Machine is better/worse then "real" art. It's no contest. Real art will win 99% of the time. However, I have seen some noteworthy Hero Machine art. Of the top of my head I can think of Corven's Pink figure and Justicar. I can't remember who created Justicar though.


I would like all those HM users out there to post some of their work. Hopefully we can share some tricks back and forth i.e. "Hey, how did you do that?" I have tried to re-create some of the "sample" work and I don't see how they did some of it, without third party software. (which is cheating ;) )


Also if anyone has other uses or ideas that go along the same vein feel free to post them. I for one try and get a HM character figured out before I ask for a commission.


Well here goes.

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Re: Hero Machine Thread


The picture of Justicar was mine; he's my character for my new Dark Champions campaign. I was pretty pleased with how well Justicar turned out. I only had to modify the picture very slightly with Paint Shop Pro (I shortened HM's staff to make it a rod and added the cross as a cloak clasp.)


My co-GM Blackjack does pictures of all his villains with HM so we can see what the baddies look like. I'm now using HM 2, which is much better than the free HM 1. It costs $20 and is still far from perfect, but for the artistically challenged (like me) it's a godsend.

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Re: Hero Machine Thread


My co-GM Blackjack does pictures of all his villains with HM so we can see what the baddies look like. I'm now using HM 2, which is much better than the free HM 1. It costs $20 and is still far from perfect, but for the artistically challenged (like me) it's a godsend.


Definately agree. I can't draw for beans. But with HM 2 I can at least get the point across. Layering was a great improvement. I also like doing agents and normals in HM. You can change uniform colors or styles easily. "Gang bangers" are a breeze. Create one then keep the same color scheme and modify.

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Re: Hero Machine Thread


I'm still hoping that guy will finish his Comic Artist program' date=' which even in beta looks far better than HM. (Better yet, Hero Games would buy it and incorporate it into Hero Designer 3).[/quote']

I hadn't even heard about it. Thanks for the tip I'll check it out.


May I link to your picture of Justicar? So you don't have to repost it

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Re: Hero Machine Thread


My co-GM Blackjack does pictures of all his villains with HM so we can see what the baddies look like. I'm now using HM 2' date=' which is much better than the free HM 1. It costs $20 and is still far from perfect, but for the artistically challenged (like me) it's a godsend.[/quote']


Attached is a "group picture" of all my 5th Ed. Champions characters. The only "cheats" are that I used Paint to combine the screen captures into a single JPG and to add the eagle next to Nightwolf.


If you're curious, the characters are (starting at the top left and in 'reading order):

Silhouette, Dorian Llewellyn, Peregrine, Dynamo, Nightwolf, Jinx, White Dragon, and Lotus.


I hope you find them interesting...

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Re: Hero Machine Thread


I posted a bunch of these in the main art thread... but I had to remove them when the board limited our attachments. Dozens and dozens of character ideas. I still have them all on a CD I burned.




I can host them for you on my site, if you want, and let you link to them so it doesn't use up any of your attachment space. Just let me know.

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Re: Hero Machine Thread


Aylwin13: How did you change the pose? or is this form HM 1? Nice character :)


Blackjack: Good idea combining them into one jpeg. I'll have to try that. I personally like Jinx and White Dragon myself.


Nevereverend: Blaster looks fun. Nice coloring


Of course logically the next step is to post some stats.... :)

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Re: Hero Machine Thread


This is Roberto Romero. Gypsy, jester, general comic relief character that I am really looking forward to play when I get home. I know his eyebrow shouldn't techincally go over his hat but it fits his cartoonish feel.


He's designed for a fairy tale/Fantasy HERO game. It's called Terra Fey. There a cool post about it on the Fantasy boards.

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Re: Hero Machine Thread


Aylwin13: How did you change the pose? or is this form HM 1? Nice character :)




Of course logically the next step is to post some stats.... :)

Thanks greymankle. This was done on HM1. Haven't broken done and bought 2 yet. And as for stats (and some character fiction) you can look here . If you read the other thread, please post your comments there. I'd like to hear your opinion. :)

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Re: Hero Machine Thread


This is TURBO: The Hypersonic Man.


He is my first actual character that I have created using the HERO 5th Revised, and I am going to be playing in TheImperialKhan's Champions Campaign. I have been away from HERO for almost 10 years...and I missed it.


I am also including the Hero Designer Files for TURBO, his Base, and his Computer.

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Re: Hero Machine Thread


I wonder if I'm like others here with the HM program; just a HUGE stockpile of pictures that I use for gaming and cannot really pick out just one as my favorite. I cannot say enough good things about this program and as a completely inept artist it is a godsend!


Just for fun I used HM 2.0 to make my favorite Saturday morning villain team:

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Re: Hero Machine Thread


That's a nice group you got there Agent333. :nod: Now we need the joes to match.


I am inept at third party software. How did you reverse the fourth one in?


No way am I doing the Joes, nothing else would get done :)


I originally had the idea that my friends super-team would meet and deal with Cobra, but that never panned out.


Major Bludd was reversed using Adobe Photoshop, but it could just as easily be done in MS Paint I think. This was done b/c Bludd's robotic arm is his right arm. HM doesn't do robotic limbs very well IMO.


Your villian looks very intimidating. Anybody can wear a suit of body armor while carrying a sniper rifle, it takes a scary M-Fer to slap horns on it and shoot super-heroes!


I too believe that horns can make the villain, one of my favorites is from my Champs games named Speed Demon (a mutant speedster).

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Re: Hero Machine Thread


I have done several of my heroes using hero machine...I won't recopy them her but they can be seen in my heroes & villains thread.

Yeah you do good work Corven. The pink superhero you did for your daughter half-inspired this thread. :cheers:


Agent333: NICE COLORING! If you don't mind, I know I can find a use for him. I'm actually using horns to signify the villians that have "Earned their stripes" in the new terrorist organization.


Nevereverend: That's quite a team you've got there. :thumbsup: I really like Umbra. Good use of the stretchy arm.


Sigh, I really should make a group shot. But all of mine are sporatic, no groups to lump together.

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