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Hello and question about powers and such


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Hello all, first post from a HS noob here.


1) What material is available for running a villainous campaign?


2) I want a power that consists of a formula that the hero brews up in his lab. One dose takes him about 2 hours to brew up and lasts him a week. Normally he has plenty on hand (a year's supply), but if his supply is destroyed he'll need (special) facilities and 2 hours or no formula... edit: duh, the question is, what kind of modifier is this and what strength is it?


[my only idea so far is the lab is a focus that makes charges of a framework (say elemental control) power that last a week (continuous charges or whatever), but is a focus that stays safely in your hidden base really a focus?]


The formula adds STR, CON, BODY, etc., if it matters.


3) Is there a way I could give the formula more than one effect, so that early in the week it's at its strongest and later in the week the effects diminish? This isn't terribly important but I'd like to know if anyone's mechanized this sort of modifier, just to know.


I'm using Hero System 4th Edition btw.

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Re: Hello and question about powers and such


1) I am not sure as I haven't really considered this type of game but it's certainly do-able.


2) As a GM I would not allow any mod on this as a years supply (even though it could be destroyed) is really not a limitation. This works almost like having a magic potion in fantasy hero. One possibility you might consider is while granting the extra stats the formula is addictive and your character has become depedent on his doseage. So long as he takes the brew he maintains his powers, but if he misses a dosage he begins to suffer damage. I would allow other mods if for instance the brew took 2 hours to create and required the special lab, and had to be taken daily rather than weekly.


3) You can certainly give the brew more than one effect by creating a compound power. You can also have it gradually fade away but the longer it takes to fade the less of a limitation this is and thus the fewer points its worth.

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Re: Hello and question about powers and such


1) yeah no doubt, I'm just wondering about sourcebooks or Websites and such.


2) Okay, how about if the player has only a few sitting around, but it still takes him just 2 hrs. and his lab to make another dose which lasts a week; how about then?


I love the addiction idea, thanks. The disad idea has merit too.


3) Yeah I was thinking this would be pretty easy actually and that it was kind of a dumb question.

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Re: Hello and question about powers and such


Conquerors, Killers, and Crooks is the Champions villian source book. It is chock full of villians and each villain has some plot hook ideas that can be adapted to your characters.


Here is an example of how you might write this up for a STR brew (of course you could use any stat).

Power Brew: +10 STR, Delayed Effect (x1 number active) (+1/4), Uncontrolled (+1/2), 6 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Week each (+1 1/2) (32 Active Points); Independent (-2), OIF Fragile Expendable (Difficult to obtain new Focus; Flask of brew; -1), Slowly Fades (Character loses 2 points of STR per turn after 3 turns; -1/4)

Active Cost = 32, Real Cost = 7

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Re: Hello and question about powers and such


Hmm that's a very interesting writeup Starwolf, thanks!


Here's my edit:


Power Brew: +10 STR, 6 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Week each (+1) (20 AP); Independent (-2, Fragile (-1/2), Expendable, Hard to Acquire (-1/4) )


Cost= 20/4


I got rid of delayed effect because it didn't fit the power at all given the 4th edition text, and because it isn't an advantage in the way it does apply, but rather a limitation (it takes a bit of time to take effect). I got rid of Uncontrolled for similar reasons (STATS are passive and don't need it).


I changed the 6 Continuing Charges from (+1 1/2) to +1 since by my reading of the rules I have it makes sense.


I got rid of OIF because I think much of what Independent does overlaps this; instead I fudged the Independent bonus a bit to reflect that it's fragile (using the bonus for same from the Focus lim as a yardstick).


I got rid of the slowly fades cuz I wasn't willing to make the trade-off. :)

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Re: Hello and question about powers and such


I'd actually give him a physical limit. "Must have access to either chemicals or a fully equipped lab every week or lose attributes, Infrequently, Slightly" - 5 pts.


The power itself isn't really limited enough to warrent a limit, but the character has to make allowences to prevent himself from running out.

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Re: Hello and question about powers and such


I'd actually give him a physical limit. "Must have access to either chemicals or a fully equipped lab every week or lose attributes, Infrequently, Slightly" - 5 pts.


The power itself isn't really limited enough to warrent a limit, but the character has to make allowences to prevent himself from running out.


That's how I'd do it too. It's really not much different than the "Must take a bubble bath once a week or lose powers" sort of thing.

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Re: Hello and question about powers and such


3) Just a quick thought : you could use a reverse drain Side Effect to simulate the fade rate over a week (reverse in the sense that points slowly flow away instead of back). A continuous cumulative drain with extra-time (1 per day) might do as well. A nice touch would be tying it to the character's healing rate in some way (healing away his own powers :).

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Re: Hello and question about powers and such


Hello all, first post from a HS noob here.


1) What material is available for running a villainous campaign?

There really isn't but the VIPER: Coils of the Serpent book and Dark Champions would be a good place to start.


I'm using Hero System 4th Edition btw.
Upgrade. It is worth it. :D
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Re: Hello and question about powers and such


Okay, after reading the rules more closely (especially foci and charges) I realized that Jhamin and rjcurrie are right. So, I tried again:




* "Formula" 2 continuous charges, last 24 hours each (+0), uncontrolled (+1/2); Independent (-2)


+1 SPD (10 AP) *

Regeneration: 1 BODY/turn (10 AP) *


Elemental Control: 15 AP *

+30 STR (30 AP) *

+10 DEX (30 AP) *

+15 CON (30 AP) *

+15 BODY (30 AP) *



Does that work? My guess is that Linked doesn't apply even though they are all linked.


Thanks for the thread Haerandir, thanks for the idea Enamel, thanks for the suggestions Super Squirrel (funny that you mentioned two of the HS supplements I'm most interested in).

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Re: Hello and question about powers and such




So far you have gotten a lot of good information for your questions. That is great; one of the best things about the HGB is that loads of knowledgable and friendly posters frequent these parts.


1) Villian campaign. HS has loads of premade villians tossed in every single sourcebook. But to my knowledge only Viper: Coils of the Serpent has information about running a game from that angle.


2) I can see you are a gamer in favor of limitations. Fine, the only bad way to game is the way of no fun. Stick to that mantra and you will go far in life. Still I suggest the following:


Independent is bad. The -2 limitation is there for a reason, respect it. A "magic formula" with independent means that you only get one use, and then the power and the points are gone! Now think about the use of adjustment powers and the likelihood your character is going to lose his powers permenently after getting slapped with a paltry 1d6 DEX Drain. Scary! Avoid Independent.


My advice would be to take Only In Heroic Identity to represent the need to consume an elixer to become hero guy. The effect for your sfx would last until you no longer needed to be a hero, and there is a reasonable way to stop you from being Hero man. Fits the bill to a T in my opinion.


All characteristic ECs are bad, 4e (Big Blue Book) or 5er (Big Bulletproof Book). Even if the All Powers in the EC must cost end rules are waived they are still bad. At most restrict yourself to one Characteristic per Framework. Remember that Characteristics in a MP do not give figured characteristics.





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Re: Hello and question about powers and such


For the formula effect, I'd honestly suggest something like a longterm Aid with a fade rate that fits into what your thinking. And limitations that require the Extra time and lab resources to use.


as for setting up a years supply that'd be a bit harder (perhaps using trigger/ or delayed effect as others had suggested, to set up multiple prepared uses)


just my .01

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Re: Hello and question about powers and such


I think my problem is I'm trying to wring high-powered characters out of a lower-powered point base. Guess I should save the stress and use a 375 point base. :)


Very good idea. You can set your point limits at what is needed to play the game you want. It's one of the many reasons I prefer Hero over other systems

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