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Hmm. Well, I did the living with my parents thing for a while in my late thirties! (Long story.)


It certainly was an experience.


As for the Titans: when I built my vague equivalents, I used two broad templates.


Robin, Speedy and Kid Flash were based on one: "someone fast with gadgets and skills". Kid Flash, of course, traded off the gadgets and skills for powers and more characteristics.


Wonder Girl and Aqualad were variants on "brick with secondary (ego) powers".


Each character was heavily tweaked, of course, but they started out as variants on these themes.


I find this technique quite useful for building teams. The Legion of Superheroes is another handy superteam to consider. If you ignore the Superboy equivalents, most of the characters are basically normals with a narrow set of powers, standard equipment, and often fairly similar sets of skills. This particularly is true of the early members: Lightning Lad, Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl and so on. Even better, they began as teens!


Hmm. I haven't thought about building the Young All-Stars yet.



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Originally posted by Squid

Depends on how you want to play it. IMO (and I assume in most people's O), it's a godawful show. They should have just called it X-Men: 90210 and gotten it over with.


I don't think it's THAT bad. If nothing else, there are some decent plot seeds to be gotten from the show.


What specifically makes it "godawful" in your opinion?

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Good grief. If you think the 40 point active point limit is too limiting, don't use it. Steve Long and his associates are not going to show up on your doorstep in dark suits with violin cases to take care of you if you don't follow their guidelines. If you decide that your teen heroes should be built on 3000 points and you have an idea of how to hangle it, do it. It is your campaign. The suggestions that Hero has given are based on what they see as the differences between teen and adult heroes. If you have a different set of differences in mind, create guidelines that will result in the feel you want for your teen heroes.

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Originally posted by Squid

They should have just called it X-Men: 90210 and gotten it over with.


Don't underestimate the power of SOAP OPERA HERO.


I used to pick up copies of the weekly world news and soap opera digest to come up with subplots for two of my players who totally dug that sort of thing...

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Originally posted by Kristopher

I don't think it's THAT bad. If nothing else, there are some decent plot seeds to be gotten from the show.


What specifically makes it "godawful" in your opinion?

I continued watching it, and after their powers became public it got a lot more interesting. Darker, a bit edgier, not quite so damn perky.


What bothered me? Let's see. The kids are at a dance. I don't care. Oh look, they're having a party. I don't care. Annoying high school-esque crushes, concerns about grades, that junk. It's just boring.


Furthermore, there's lots of silly stuff. Avalanche attempts to kill Kitty and her family in one of the early episodes, yet she kisses him in later episodes. Riiight. Another one, a mind controlled Kitty kicks Wolverine in the shin and he hops up and down in agony. A 14-year-old girl kicks a man with adamantium bones in the shin, and he's the one who's hurt.


Stuff like that. Lots of internal inconsistencies. Like I said, the show's improved with the later episodes, but the early episodes annoy me.

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Originally posted by Squid

... Another one, a mind controlled Kitty kicks Wolverine in the shin and he hops up and down in agony. A 14-year-old girl kicks a man with adamantium bones in the shin, and he's the one who's hurt.


Actually, there's quite a lot of nerves in the shin, at least that's my impression, since I've heard of people making other people go owowow by sort of scraping their shoe-edge down the front of the shin in preparation for a foot stomp.


But Kitty should've been hopping up and down too...


[i can't quite get into the show myself, but it was nice to see them bring back Nightcrawler as a regular, even if he has a stringy-looking haircut.]

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I like the fact they are dealing with stuff as teens. If someone is going to run a "Teen Superhero" game, they need to keep in mind that kids are very social creatures. Going to a dance, crushes, bad Impressions, going through changes, all a part of being a kid.


I've run games where you focus more on the Super and not the Teen. It got bad quick. My favorite comics are the "down-time" between World-Ending Crisis. It shows how human they really are. Breaking up the "Villian of the Week" with a date between a PC and a NPC, going to class and taking tests, Heck just kids being kids present a wonderful Role-Playing experience.

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