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Matrix Hero


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Don't forget the extra knockback. Smacking people around, into walls, into other Mr. Smith's etc. is important. Buying a significant chunk of HA with the variable advantage might be a way to go too, although that can get real expensive real fast.


Could you buy a series of naked power advantages for STR to use in HTH in an Multipower pool for "Matrix Martial Arts Moves"? I don't have FrED with me at the moment. Even if using naked power advantages this way is one of those things that are normally questionable, it might be an acceptable exception for the Matrix game setting.

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A lot of the 100 Agent Smith's battle could come down to maneuvers. Remember... Champions/Hero doesn't have to be about buying complicated powers and advantages all the time.


Sweep... Defense Maneuver... Acrobatics... all of these would represent the majority of what Neo pulls off against multiple Agent Smiths... not to mention, a higher SPD so he gets more attacks.


Neo and Smith were roughly equal until the end of the first movie. In this one, Smith has new abilities, but Neo is clearly, faster, stronger, tougher and more skilled than any one Smith.


Don't over complicate stuff. Most of that fight was in the basic combat rules... the rest is special effects and very common skills and stats.

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Originally posted by Doug McCrae

Inside the Matrix, your powers depend solely on strength of will. So we only need one stat - Ego, or as I call it, Psyche, from the 1980s Marvel superheroes rpg. I've developed a complex mathematical system using logarithms to derive all other powers from Psyche...


Here's my take: To start, like Neo, you don't have any special skills or abilities because you are handcuffed in the matrix by the same perception of yoruself as you would have in real life. So a superhero jacking into the matrix might have the same superpowers he had in the real world. But to do matrixy effects one would have to be taught to lose their misconception of how the world works. This means that in my game, any heroes plugging in will be able to do thier own abilities like in the real world, but if they want to do more than that they'll actually have to spend experience and buy skills/powers with a limitation specific to only working inside the matrix. "Blue" is built entirely this way. She is normal in the real world, but has learned to go beyond that in the net, since she practically lives there, and therefore has all sorts of neo-esque abilities that she can't do when awakened into the real world.


She also has special SPD and DEX bought for only in the net, with the special effect that it's the product of having actual cyber-jacks, as compared to everyone else who has to use electrode-type hookups (and who operate at their normal real-world speed when in the matrix).


I've had this character concept for seven years now and only refined it since the first matrix came out. Now that I'm finally getting around to runnng it as an NPC, it almost seems totally borrowed because of Reloaded.

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