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Complicate the Person Above


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Re: Complicate the Person Above


His sea-shells really taste nice ... or would, if you had some lemon juice. And Seanaci is making a killing selling the lemons on the other side of the street!


And if you complain the outrageous prices she demands you get pummeled with a full grocery-bag full of lemons.


I saw people die!

And I saw Seanaci split her earnings with Enforcer so I personally think that it is a scam and they are members of the International Sea-Shell Lemon Mafia.


Am I right, Donna Seanaci?

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


Seanaci is lying about her age: She is not really 26. Instaed it should read: "26th incarnation".

She has been so far among others:

A wooly-mammoth (male), a man-eating tigress, a servant-girl at the court of the serpent king of Valusia, a Roman legionaire, a Chinese architect working on the Great Wall, a Chinese slave working on the Great Wall (same life - she really focked up with the architect job ..), a Queen of the Iroquoise, a gunslinger in the Old West, a slung gun in the New East, a spicy burrito in early 20th century Mexico (only an in-between incarnation for a day),a German soldier during WW1 (No, not the flying red guy!), a Turkish used goat-salesman in Istanbul and Japanese Imperial soldier hiding out on a Pacifiv Island till he committed suicide out of boredom.

And now she is an Ãœbergeek.

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


RB, Death Tribbles assistant in Math 101. Which, if I might add makes for quite the (humerous) experience in trying to learn math when you're already confused as it is. :P


*in professor-like voices, which in my imagination is for some odd reason, British*


DT: And so you see, 2+2 is indeed not 4, but 8.


RB: No no no, Tribble, you have it all wrong. 2+2 is 7.5.


DT: *turns, raises an eyebrow* And just where on the bloody earth did you come up with that?


RB: *in a quick and hushed tone so only DT can hear, he explains what he's written on the board, then looking to DT for a reply*


DT: Ahhh yes, old chap, you are indeed right. Class, forget what I've told you of 2+2 being 8. RB here is most correct in his math that 2+2 is indeed 7.5. *looks about the class and sees every face confused beyond belief* And I do believe my job here is done. Class dismissed.

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


Seanaci ... unintended self-aware AI construct, spawned of the NSA's domestic surveillance program. This form provides an important "sanity check" (!!) for her, providing invaluable checks on idiom, syntax, and high-level absurdity.

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


Sorry for the delay Cancer. I'm still working on your character sheet.


I'm not sure why the cosmic GM wants a page-by-page accounting of each body in your constellation, but its starting to gel now.


I'm on page fourteen of your spectral and radiographic powers, :dyn

I'll have the gravitic sections ready tomorrow noon.


C-ya !

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


The unguarded secret entrance to VR Dragon's Evil Mastermind Fortress is the 3rd stall from the left in the men's room at the municipal water park in Moscow, Idaho. It's diabolically clever to put it there; the park is closed nine months a year, so only during the summer does he get unintended intruders. That corresponds to his feeding season.

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


Seanaci - looks so sharp it puts your eyes out!

(Oh, crap - this isn't "Compliment the person above"! Damn! Okay, breathe calmly .... and thinkthinkthink ...)

And she has a whole necklace of popped-out eyeballs that she wears regularly to Christmas and Thanksgiving!

(Wheew! That was close. But still pulled it off - for I am: Der Rote Baron!)

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Re: Complicate the Person Above


If only Roter Baron would lighten up a little, then he'd be known as Hellroter Baron.


Horrible cross-language pun #12709


Hellish red I already am!


(make that pun # 12710)


Anyway, I am not here to have a good time, but to complicate for Kaiser, Volk und Vaterland.


And I see Cancer's Doppeldecker right in front of me. So it's him (nothing personal .... verdammter Amerikaner! :eg: ):


Cancer knows all about the framing of Oswald and Savinien, the deadly sniper:

He hired both of them!

And invited Kennedy to Dallas.

And invented words like "pre-paid", "Whodunit" and "or else"!

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