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Quick question


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This has maybe been covered already, but if anyone has an answer or direction on where I might find an answer, much appreciated.


How do you treat Captain America's shield where he can throw it, hit targets, and it comes back to him. I get the throw it part (EB) and the hit multiple targets (Area Effect), but how do you do the 'it comes back to him' part?



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Re: Quick question


Someone posted a build, I think in the Fantasy Hero forums, of a magic thrown weapon. They used the area affect hexes, straight line, to simulate the weapon hitting mutiple people when thrown. That might help yah out.


As others have said, the "returns to my hand part" was just a sfx. I think the FH build above also used a small lim that said the attack couldn't be used on consecutive phases, because the weapon was en route back to the owner on the next phase after it was used. Just a little thing for color.

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Re: Quick question


What they said.

Might go ahead and take a -1/4 Restainable and a -1/4 Lockout limit on the Ranged attack portion of the multipower, defined as the fact the the sheild USUALLY comes back, but can be caught, deflected, stuck in a sticky entangle etc.

Another common way to do it is to make the ranged attack an advantaged HtH attack, and require the use of a skill level to bounce the attack back to the character.

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Re: Quick question


I've seen another method suggested which would consider the shield to lack an Energy Blast or similar power. In this case, the assumption is that Cap simply uses his own STR to throw his shield.


Cap has lots of skill levels. He uses one to "bounce" the shield off his target so it will come back. Extrapolated, he hits multiple targets with a Rapid Attack maneuver, again using a level to Bounce the shield back to him.


Overall, however, I'd be more inclined to use the EB/AE approach, since this seems more true to the reliability of Cap's powers. OTOH, the "skill level" aproach explains why the shield does not properly return if Cap misses or the shield is deflected. Electro doesn't lose the ability to blast again next phase just because his EB this phase gets deflected.

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