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Tactical Computer for a Brain


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The character concept is that she was designed as practically a living tactical engine, able to almost instantly anaylize any combat situation, predict its opponents, come up with best responce, etc, personally and for a team under her command. What would be some good power constructs for such a character?

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Re: Tactical Computer for a Brain


Mentiac has something like this written up in the UNTIL sourcebook.


Also, in the New Sentinels campaign, we had a character called Warmaster Fielan who had the same gift. We statted it as Precognitive Clairsentience, Vague and Unclear, Only For Things That Could Possibly(*) Be Intuited From Available Data.





(*) Of course, the definition of 'possibly' extends some for an INT 30 character with Tactics 24-. Hey, a character backstory of "the greatest general in a million spheres, the #1 military strategist for the Dimensional Empire" *needs* beefy stats to match.

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Tactical Computer for a Brain


Naked Advantage, Armor Piercing (and/or Penetrating?) Usable By Others, Range or perhaps some kind of Area Effect Selective, Requires Tactics Skill Roll....


A kind of shareble Find Weakness, telling team members exactly where to aim to hurt a particular foe.


Lucius Alexander


Where did that palindromedary go?

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Re: Tactical Computer for a Brain


Naked Advantage, Armor Piercing (and/or Penetrating?) Usable By Others, Range or perhaps some kind of Area Effect Selective, Requires Tactics Skill Roll....


A kind of shareble Find Weakness, telling team members exactly where to aim to hurt a particular foe.



I don't know if I would allow either of those in a game. Could you imagine all of your team getting Find Weakness rolls against the same target or group of targets. Even someone who is really tough would be at a major disadvantage. On second thought, maybe the first one, but I would still be leery.

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Re: Tactical Computer for a Brain


I'd recommend taking a look at Dr. Simian on the GGU NPCs page. He's got a number of powers to represent his insanely high INT score.


Among others:


LUCK to represent superior planning ("I meant for that to happen!").

+8 Overal Skill levels, Usable By Others (to represent how well things go when the team follows his instructions).

Clairvoyance: The Future (he knows what you're gonna do--it's OBVIOUS).

Clairvoyance: The Past (he knows what you did--the clues are everywhere).

Clarivoyance: The Present (he can anticipate what you're doing RIGHT NOW).

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Re: Tactical Computer for a Brain


You can also represent good defenses that way...either Armor or perhaps Damage Reduction (knowing where the shot was going to come from and where it was going to land, and so ducking or dodging out of the way), probably with the Nonpersistent and Requires a Tactics Roll Limitations, possibly along with Must Be Aware of Attack/Source of Attack (if you don't feel that would be 'double dipping' the Limitations).

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Guest Suleyman Rashid

Re: Tactical Computer for a Brain


I'd recommend taking a look at Dr. Simian on the GGU NPCs page. He's got a number of powers to represent his insanely high INT score.



I did just that in response to your suggestion. Jeez, that's one bad-*** monkey! His skills alone would make him a nasty customer. His powers just make it worse!

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Re: Tactical Computer for a Brain


From Rex Vivat, the Master Dog, may I suggest:


Amazing Doggie Brain!


1) Canny Canine Advice: Aid Any one characteristic 4d6 (standard effect: 12 points), any Characteristic one at a time (+1/4), Trigger (Activating the Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action, Trigger requires a Turn or more to reset, Trigger can expire (it has a time limit); The Aid is usually triggered by a spoken command, but can also be situational; +1/4) (60 Active Points); Incantations (Must Give Detailed Instructions; -1/4)

Notes: The Master Dog spends a minimum of one full turn giving detailed instructions to his minions, or working out a problem for himself.. At the end of that turn, the Trigger is set. When the Minion or Master faces the problem that was discussed, his ability to deal with it will be greatly enhanced.



2) Super-Intelligent Doggie Deduction: Retrocognitive, Precognitive Clairsentience (Sight Group), Rapid: x1000, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (103 Active Points); Precognition/Retrocognition Only (-1), Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), Only to Activate, -3/4), Vague and Unclear (-1/2)

Notes: Given a full turn to examine an area, the Master Dog can achieve Sherlock Holmsian levels of insight as to exactly what has happened in the past, or what will happen in the future. These insights are limited to what could, from a cinematic point of view, be deduced from the evidence at hand.



3) Devilish Doggie Deceptions: Major Transform 1d6 (Any human's psychological limitations, including adding or destroying memories), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Improved Target Group (Any new memory or psych limit; +1/2), Based On EGO Combat Value (Mental Defense applies; +1), Continuous (+1), Invisible Power Effects, Source Only, Hide effects of Power (Fully Invisible; +1) (75 Active Points); Incantations (Requires Incantations throughout; Complex; Must speak to the target without interuption; -1), Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), Only to Activate, -3/4), Limited Target (Only human memories and Psych limits; -1/2)

Notes: The Master Dog can talk almost any human into anything, given time. Metahumans are often immune to this effect.



4) Low Down Sneaky Dog: Invisibility to Sight and Hearing Groups , Costs END Only To Activate (+1/4) (31 Active Points); Only When Not Attacking (-1/2)

Notes: Incredible stealth can be quite handy for a naughty dog.


Add on a massive danger sense and some CSLs and you're good to go.

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Re: Tactical Computer for a Brain


Re: Dr. Simian, the GGU bad-*** NPC villain


I did just that in response to your suggestion. Jeez' date=' that's one bad-*** monkey! His skills alone would make him a nasty customer. His powers just make it worse![/quote']


Yep. He's pretty much the high-water mark on the Hero System suuuuuuuuper-genius, in my book.

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