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Making up Martial Maneuver’s


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I was thinking about this so I decided to post this as a thread where the assembled here could post home-made MA's. What I hope to see are any maneuver's that others have created.


Martial Maneuver’s


5 pt's: Redirect, takes one phase: 1+1 phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, Block, requires that you have an action, indirect (same origin, always comes from the one attacking you; +1/4),

[this was in the follow thread: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39153]


5 pt’s: Redirect 2, takes one phase, +1 OCV, +1 DCV, Block; requires that you have an action, indirect (same origin, always comes from the one attacking you: +¼).


I hope that I can get some of the creative minds here to post. I do know that I will be adding the best ones into my list of MA's that I create or others create.


I want to thank anyone that responds. This is also in the General Roleplaying area.

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Self Preservation Programming


Here is a robotic martial art I designed for a couple of characters I won't be using after all.


Note it's designed for robots following Asimov's Laws, meaning they are compelled to protect their own existance but prohibited from harming Humans. However, I think they would be appropriate any time you have robots who would be programmed more for restraining people than harming them. These would work for a "robocop" say or a security or prison guard robot, but a "warbot" programmed to kill would have very different programming.


Self Preservation Programs


Evasive Action: +4 DCV Dodge, may make up to full move cost 5 pts


Taking evasive action.


Restrain: -2 OCV, +1 DCV, Grab 2 limbs, +20 STR to hold cost 5 pts


Seizing and holding an assailant without harming them.


Repel: +0 OCV, +3 DCV, shove +10 STR, opponent falls cost 3 pts


Shoving an assailant and causing them to fall; the most aggressive manuever in the programming. May be executed by sidestepping and tripping/shoving the assailant in the direction they were already going, or by simply pushing them backwards. (I considered making it +2 OCV and +1 DCV but I think a low OCV is appropriate; the robot is always taking great care not to HURT the opponent.)


Intercept: +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block cost 4 pts


Blocking a blow.


Interdict Weapon: +1 OCV, +0 DCV, Disarm +10 STR cost 5 pts


Depriving an assailant of a weapon. It will land 1/2d6 hexes away.


Confiscate Weapon: +0 OCV, +0 DCV, Grab Weapon +10 STR cost 5 pts


Taking possession of a weapon, either to destroy it or to retain it until surrendering it to proper authorities.



Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary still wants to know about martial arts for quadrapeds.....

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Re: Making up Martial Maneuver’s


Martial arts for quadrapeds

(Replace dog with the quadrapeds of choice)


Takedown (based on Legsweep)

Dog takes a running leap and using his mass forces the victim down without becoming prone himself.

Once prone, this manuever is used to prevent the victim from righting himself. This becomes important in pack tactics to keep one dog ready to takedown the victim if he gets the chance to stand and then have him bite just before the other one's phase comes up. :sneaky:


Disarm Bite (based on Martial Disarm)

Dog bites the weapon hand. Does bite damage instead of STR damage.


Mean Bite (based on Martial Strike) :eek:

Dog bites somewhere tender (inner thigh, neck, etc.)

Dog does bite damage plus 2 extra damage classes.


Distract (unique)

Lone dog approaches and starts barking loudly at the victim. Thus giving the pack bonuses for attacking from behind. This isn't a martial manuever but a successful pack tactics roll. The heroes can make a tactics roll to realize they are being distracted.


Remember to use at least two dogs per hero and Multiple Attacker Bonus.

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Some of my previous contributions


Does a new style from existing maneuvers count?



Used with Parasol or Clubs; that Weapon Element is free.

Parry: ½ Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV , Block, Abort, Cost 4 pts

Poke: ½ Phase, +1 OCV, +3 DCV, Weapon, Cost 5 pts

Swat: ½ Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, Weapon+4 DC Strike, Cost 5 pts

Trip: ½ Phase, +2 OCV, -1 DCV, STR+1 DC Strike, Target Falls, Cost 3 pts


Skilled Archer

23 Skilled Archer: Multipower, 30-point reserve, all slots 32 Recoverable Charges (+3/4) (52 Active Points); all slots OAF (-1), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4)

1u 1) Accurate Shot: RKA 1d6+1, Area Of Effect Accurate (One Hex; +1/2) (30 Active Points); OAF (-1), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) 0

1u 2) Eye Shot: Sight Group Flash 6d6 (30 Active Points); OAF (-1), Beam (-1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) 0

1u 3) Multi-Shot: RKA 1d6+1, Autofire (5 shots; +1/2) (30 Active Points); OAF (-1), Beam (-1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) 0

1u 4) Notch Arrow: +30 PRE (30 Active Points); OAF (-1), Limited Power Only For PRE Attacks (-1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4)

1u 5) Shot Clothing to Wall: Entangle 3d6, 3 DEF (30 Active Points); OAF (-1), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) 0

1u 6) Shot the Missile Out of the Air: Missile Deflection (Thrown Objects) (5 Active Points); OAF (-1), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) 0

1u 7) Standard Shot: RKA 2d6 (30 Active Points); OAF (-1), Beam (-1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) 0

1u 8) Trick Shot: Telekinesis (5 STR), Fine Manipulation (18 Active Points); OAF (-1), Limited Power Only To Push (-1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) 0

1u 9) Vitals Shot: RKA 1d6+1, Armor Piercing (+1/2) (30 Active Points); OAF (-1), Beam (-1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) 0

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Re: Some of my previous contributions


......................1u 2) Eye Shot: Sight Group Flash 6d6 (30 Active Points); OAF (-1), Beam (-1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) 0



I had to smile at this one:


You cad; I'm blinded, you shot me in the eye with an arrow!


6 segments later


...ah that's better, I've pulled it out, and I can see again!


One thing I thought I'd mention: I built a set of three 'fencing' martial arts, all of which were pretty poor: +1 OCV/+1 DCV/+1d6 damage, that sort of thing, and took away the minimum maneuvre cost, the idea being that various protagonists would be competent at fencing and then be the ones to discover new maneuvers as the campaign progressed. Worked quite well.


Oh, and the Elven Martial Arts sound intriguing...

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Give a llama a break, would you!


I had to smile at this one:


You cad; I'm blinded, you shot me in the eye with an arrow!


6 segments later


...ah that's better, I've pulled it out, and I can see again!


That point was brought up when I originally posted this write up and it is certainly a valid argument from a realistic point of view.


The problem I see with that is that, arguably, an arrow to the eye should be very lethal and the blinding effect merely a side effect. However, combining the two would make it less lethal than a standard shot and limit the length of the blinding effect, which could very well be permanent. In the interest of making this style more cinematic, I opted for a straight Flash. You could adjust the SFX to be shooting a piece of cloth into the eye or sand in the eye or something more appropriate to a non-damaging, temporary blinding effect.


I am sure this is more information than anyone really wanted. I just wanted people to know that I had given it more thought than might be apparent.

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Re: Making up Martial Maneuver’s


I'm not too fond of creating new maneuvers (as per the UMA). I rarely need them, and when I do, it's a highly specific circumstance and can't really be taken out of the context of the martial art it was designed for.


But I can share my favorite maneuver that I created, though not with the rules in UMA.


The Ultimate Martial Strike: EB 12d6 No Range.


Sure it's 40 points, but you can Spread it for accuracy and area and it does more KB.

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Re: Making up Martial Maneuver’s


Flying Trip:

Basis: Throw (+1)

Helpful Elements: FMove (+3)

+1 OCV (+1)

Cost: 5 pts


5 Flying Trip: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, Opponent Falls; FMove


Since it doesnt use the Strike basis, you can also Multiple Power attack with it in conjunction with Flying Kick, although you'd hose the Flying Kick's Knockback (but of course there are times where you might not want to knock an opponent around).


You'll also note that it has the same OCV/DCV signature as, so essentially you can use both at the same time with absolutely no penalty.

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Re: Making up Martial Maneuver’s


Strike (0 points)

NND +1/2d6 (+1 points)

+1 OCV (+1 point)

FMove (+3 points)

Total: 5 Points


5 Whiplash: 1/2d6 NND; 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV; Fmove




Exert basis +5 STR (1 points)

+1 OCV (+1 point)

FMove (+3 points)

Total: 5 Points


5 Ramming Speed: +5 STR Shove; 1/2 Phase; +1 OCV, +0 DCV; FMove




Block (0 points)

FMove (+3 points)

+1 OCV (+1 points)

Total: 4 points


4 Intercepting Block: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, Block, Abort; FMove

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Arts of Elf Defense


Well, thanks to the recent exchanges with Steve Long to clarify some rules, I've had to comletely re-imagine my Sidhe Sword Mastery package.


After I've worked it over a bit I'll post it.


Lucius Alexander


Contemplating the yin and yang of the palindromedary

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Arts of Elf Defense - Sidhe Swordmastery I


Going to post in two parts - philosophy then "crunchy bits."


The secret to Elven swordplay is to rely on a trained feel for the balance of the weapon and a sure grip, rather than brute strength. Two manuevers have the "Zero STR" element. Required before buying any manuevers is the "Sidhe Swordmaster" talent: limited STR only to meet the STR min requirements of a weapon, and only while using Sidhe Swordmaster manuevers. This combination meets several objectives:


1 Prevents Elves from buying up STR just to meet a weapon's STR min.


2 Prevents Elves from buying up STR to add damage.


3 Prevents Elves from adding STR to the basic manuevers, which violates the spirit of the art.


4 Means a swordmaster intent on causing more damage must either put skill levels into added damage or into OCV and try for a called shot - much more in the spirit of the art.


5 Reflects the art's emphasis on "appropriate force" i.e. being trained to exert only the minimum STR necessary to hold a weapon firmly and direct it where you want it to go. Efficiency of force is what allows a swordmaster to use weapons that are otherwise beyond their STR. (Contrary to popular impression, Elven weapons are often heavier than Human equivalents becuase they are made of bronze or other alloys rather than iron or steel.)


Theoretically, a 0 STR Pixie could learn these techniques and use a STR 10 sword (why not, if a rat can learn ninjutsu....) - if she can find one in her size. Physical limitation "Pixie size" still prevents her from using normal weapons.


Lucius Alexander


Where did the palindromedary go?

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Arts of Elf Defense - Sidhe Swordmastery II


Sidhe Swordmaster Talent:


+10 STR (10) 0 END (+1/2) (15)

No figured (-1/2) Does no damage (-1/2) Only to meet a weapon's STR min or to retain a weapon against Grab and Disarm (-1) Only while using Sidhe martial arts (-1)

Real cost: 4


+15 STR costs 5





Dancing Sword

Elements: 0 STR (-2) +2 OCV (+2) +3 DCV (+4) Cost= 4


The basic manuever - required for all Swordmasters



Elements: 0 STR (-2) Full move (+3) Throw (+1) Add Velocity/3 (+3) Cost = 5


Either charging forward and knocking the opponent down, or sidestepping while swinging at their lower body.



Elements: Block +2 OCV (+2) +2 DCV (+2) Cost= 4


Your basic parry


Flying Weapon

Elements: Disarm (+1) -1 OCV (-1) +1 DCV (+1) +10 STR to disarm (+2) Cost = 4


So called because it makes the opponent's weapon fly out of their hand.


Embrace the Foe

Elements: Bind (+1) Grab 1 limb (+2) Cost = 3


Stepping close to seize one arm and lock the opponent's weapon into a harmless position.


Render Harmless

Elements: Must follow Embrace (-2) Grab Weapon (+3) Throw (+1) +10 STR to grab weapon (+2) +1 DCV (+1) Cost = 5


A rather advanced move, obviously only learned after learning Embrace the Foe. It deprives the opponent of a weapon and forces them to the ground. Note, before grabbing the weapon, the Swordmaster must either release the opponent's limb, or drop his own sword. Unless he has Extra Limbs.




The above are the basic art; obviously, Familiarity with Swords is required. Also suggested are:



Fast Draw

Sleight of Hand

Defense Manuever


Combat Sense

Danger Sense

Lightning Reflexes


Edit: Writing in the more advanced manuevers.


Ultimate Martial Artist has several examples of martial arts in which certain skills are required to practice the art at all. In this case, certain skills are required to learn the more advanced manuevers.


Elf Stroke

This set of 3 manuevers is quasimagickal in nature: one must have at least a 1 pt Familiarity with Magick to use them. They must also be learned in order, like Defense Manuever.


These are all based on the "disable" element. The first two are "by the book" if the book is the Ultimate Martial Artist; disabling limbs, or the torso, is covered, basically a zero point element that automatically targets the chosen location and does impairing/disabling damage, but does not use the location modifiers for damage. Disabling the head is obviously more dangerous: I attempt to balance it by making it a +2 element, and forcing the player to buy the first two manuevers before getting that one.


Elf Stroke I

Elements: +4d6 damage (remember, that's only 2 damage classes with a killing attack weapon) (+6) Disable Limb, -2 OCV (-2) +1 segment (-1) Cost : 3


Elf Stroke II

Elements: +4d6 damage (+6) Disable Torso (location 12) - 1 OCV (-1)

+1 segment (-1) Cost : 4


Elf Stroke III

Elements: +4d6 damage (+6) Disable Head (+2) -2 OCV (-2) +1 segment (-1)

Cost: 5


To learn this last move, the character must have at least 3 pts in Magick, and 1 pt each in Fast Draw and Sleight of Hand.


Flashing Sword

Elements: Flash 4d6 sight and hearing (+7) +1 Segment (-1) Take half damage (i.e. take 2d6 flash yourself) (-1) Cost = 5


By moving the blade in a swift, distracting and mesmerizing pattern, the swordmaster can capture an opponent, even mid-charge, in a brief trance in which they can see and hear nothing but the flashing, humming sword. This can be dangerous because the swordmaster is also temporarily captured in the same trance.




Lucius Alexander


Where did that palindromedary come from?

Lucius Alexander

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