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Vic Mackey?


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Re: Vic Mackey?



STR 18 DEX 15 CON 15 BODY 15 INT 13 EGO 12 PRE 15 COM 14

PD 6 ED 5 SPD 3 REC 7 END 30 STUN 32


+1" running


fam w/small arms, police equipment

Dirty Infighting

maybe 2 CSLs

Stealth, Shadowing, Concealment, Criminology(fam), KS: Police Procedure,

KS: Undercover work, KS: Gangs of LA, CK: LA, AK:(forget what the name of the neighborhood is), Bribery, Trading, Bureaucratics(fam), Persuasion, Acting, Seduction(fam), Lockpicking, Security Systems(fam), Forgery(fam), KS: major crime figures, Group Knowledge:LAPD


Several contacts and favors, 1 point of wealth, 1 level rep in his neighborhood, etc.


Wife(ex?) and kids--DNPCs

Hunted--various criminals

Watched--Internal Affairs


maxed out on psych lims;)

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Re: Vic Mackey?


So, what if I had a KS: Engineering vs a PS: Engineering?


What is the difference in EFFECT?


I think I know, I just want confirmation.


KS:engineering will allow you to know all sorts of stuff about engineering that isn't necessarily going to allow you to do anything in the field.


Teddy Roosevelt took over the Panama Canal from the French, and helped it to completion as one of the longest man made trenches in the world.


PS: engineering is the actual know how to do something.


Pour that concrete, set your risers, and lay down wiring and we'll have ships moving through here in no time.


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Re: Vic Mackey?



STR 18 DEX 15 CON 15 BODY 15 INT 13 EGO 12 PRE 15 COM 14

PD 6 ED 5 SPD 3 REC 7 END 30 STUN 32


+1" running


fam w/small arms, police equipment

Dirty Infighting

maybe 2 CSLs

Stealth, Shadowing, Concealment, Criminology(fam), KS: Police Procedure,

KS: Undercover work, KS: Gangs of LA, CK: LA, AK:(forget what the name of the neighborhood is), Bribery, Trading, Bureaucratics(fam), Persuasion, Acting, Seduction(fam), Lockpicking, Security Systems(fam), Forgery(fam), KS: major crime figures, Group Knowledge:LAPD


Several contacts and favors, 1 point of wealth, 1 level rep in his neighborhood, etc.


Wife(ex?) and kids--DNPCs

Hunted--various criminals

Watched--Internal Affairs


maxed out on psych lims;)


This is a good start.


I would add Conversation and Teamwork. Familiarity with Small Vehicles too.

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