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Magic of the Realm: Regency Spells

Teflon Billy

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I've been working on my campaign world. One aspect of my campaign world is a kingdom ruled by a very powerful Archmage. Powerful enough that he could come up with his own spells and to design spells that don't just effect himself but his entire kingdom.


Which brings me to why I'm bringing this thread to my fellow Fantasy Hero board readers.


What kinds of spells would an Archmage who ruled (or served for a person who ruled) an Epic High Fantasy Kingdom come up with?


These can be anything, but the more sweeping and powerful the better. No Active Point limits, no Skill Roll penalties. Have at it...



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Re: Magic of the Realm: Regency Spells


My first foray I hope will set out what kind of far reaching (and possibly insidious) effects that you could develope for a trully powerful Archmage if given carte blanch to turn his magic to the betterment of his Kingdom.



Cost Power

45 Will of the King: Major Transform 1d6 (Peasant into Peasant with Certain Quality Desired by the King, Heals Back by: Natural Personality Shift Once Outside the Area of the Spell), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Affects Desolidified Any form of Desolidification (+1/2), Area Of Effect (14" Radius; +1), Continuous (+1), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1), MegaScale (1" = 10,000 km; +1 1/4), Can Be Scaled Down 1" = 1km (+1/4), Difficult To Dispel (x4096 Active Points; +3) (157 Active Points); Gradual Effect (1 Week; -2), Spell (-1/2)

Powers Cost: 45


This spell is used by the Regent to enforce certain cohesions upon his people. I developed it for the purpose of helping an imortal king who didn't want to have to learn every generation's new slang or have to deal with linguistic shift within his own people.


That spell was: The King's Common: (Subject into Subject whose native language is that of the King)


This way everyone who lives within the Kingdom for any length of time will all speak the same tongue.



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Re: Magic of the Realm: Regency Spells


I would think the most common types (depending on the benevolence or lack in the king) would be spells that increased trade and production. Something like 2d6 transform... Maximum yeild crops. Megascale. 1 season.


Enrich Deposits (Stone, Metals, Gems) would be similar.


Natural Resources....Detect.


Then for those who lived in harms way (or were marching on someone else)... Summon The Legions of the Past. Recalls hundreds of great warriors from the grave. They may or may not be kindly disposed to the king.


Tremor would be a good one. Only to knock over enemy formations. Kinda hard to keep a shield wall cohesive when the ground is shaking. Of course, you could just have the earth swallow the enemy.


Check out BIRTHRIGHT for some other ideas.

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Re: Magic of the Realm: Regency Spells


Even if I had my books and/or Hero Designer with me I'm too tired and lazy to come up with actual power write-ups. I'll throw out some ideas, though.


Weather Control - Change Environment (however many inches megascale needed to cover the realm) to affect weather patterns. Give it enough limitations/side effects to make it a "only once in a great while" kinda spell, like during droughts or particularly nasty storms.


Detect intruders - a telepathy-linked-mind scan spell that detects intruders with hostile intent toward the country. It's a reach, I know, but it'd be kinda cool.


Some sort of spell that allows the Archmage to look through the eyes of any of his subjects so long as they're actually in his land. Heck, you might even make a spell that lets him temporarily inhabit any one person in his kingdom.


Don't forget a megascale teleport anywhere in his kingdom.

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Re: Magic of the Realm: Regency Spells


Just to take out any pesky invading armies:


Army Killer: Killing Attack - Ranged 6d6, Increased Maximum Range (253,125"; +3/4), Area Of Effect (16384" Radius; +3 1/2) (472 Active Points)


Got a town that's on the verge of rebelling? Cast this one:


Pacify City: Mind Control 12d6 (Human class of minds), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Continuous (+1), Area Of Effect (1920" Radius; +2 3/4) (315 Active Points); Set Effect (Only to make people peaceful; -1/2)

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Re: Magic of the Realm: Regency Spells


Here's a suggestion - a magic table, with a map and little manniquins for important people. The archmage makes a manniquin for each person the king requests. Thereafter, the manniquins move about the map reflecting the actual location of the person.


20d6 Mindscan, usbale by one other (125 active), only to detect location of specific persons (-1), OAF, immovable, fragile (-1 1/2), only within the borders of the map (-1/4). 33 real points


Note that the map could extend outside the borders of the kingdom, so a rival warlord mustering an army on the border would show up. If you want the user to be able to interrogate the manniquins ie: "What are you doing right now?" you could drop some telepathy onto it, which would also allow the user to send commands through it.


cheers, Mark

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Re: Magic of the Realm: Regency Spells


Here's a suggestion - a magic table, with a map and little manniquins for important people. The archmage makes a manniquin for each person the king requests. Thereafter, the manniquins move about the map reflecting the actual location of the person.


20d6 Mindscan, usbale by one other (125 active), only to detect location of specific persons (-1), OAF, immovable, fragile (-1 1/2), only within the borders of the map (-1/4). 33 real points


Note that the map could extend outside the borders of the kingdom, so a rival warlord mustering an army on the border would show up. If you want the user to be able to interrogate the manniquins ie: "What are you doing right now?" you could drop some telepathy onto it, which would also allow the user to send commands through it.


cheers, Mark


Good stuff.

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Re: Magic of the Realm: Regency Spells


Cost Power

45 Will of the King: Major Transform 1d6 (Peasant into Peasant with Certain Quality Desired by the King, Heals Back by: Natural Personality Shift Once Outside the Area of the Spell), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Affects Desolidified Any form of Desolidification (+1/2), Area Of Effect (14" Radius; +1), Continuous (+1), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1), MegaScale (1" = 10,000 km; +1 1/4), Can Be Scaled Down 1" = 1km (+1/4), Difficult To Dispel (x4096 Active Points; +3) (157 Active Points); Gradual Effect (1 Week; -2), Spell (-1/2)

Powers Cost: 45

Too big on the size. As stated in 5th ed, an AoE is actually a sphere. As written, the spell gives you a radius of 140,000 km; that is more than 10 times the diameter of the Earth! :eek:


Unless your fantasy world is HUGE, I advise you to decrease the MegaScale to 1 hex = 1000 km. If you don't want to cover the whole Earth, drop to 1 hex = 100 km (or less, depending on the size of the kingdom).

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Re: Magic of the Realm: Regency Spells


There could be an item the Mage has (one Ring to rule them all, so to speak) that allows him to use Mega Scale (once per Turn maybe) on any normal spell. This would give him massive power, but with a weakness that could be exploited by your plots. The active costs are still dispellable by a very good mage and his damages wouldn't be so off the scale that a well prepared defence would have no chance.

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Re: Magic of the Realm: Regency Spells


Too big on the size. As stated in 5th ed, an AoE is actually a sphere. As written, the spell gives you a radius of 140,000 km; that is more than 10 times the diameter of the Earth! :eek:


Unless your fantasy world is HUGE, I advise you to decrease the MegaScale to 1 hex = 1000 km. If you don't want to cover the whole Earth, drop to 1 hex = 100 km (or less, depending on the size of the kingdom).

Why yes, my fantasy world is huge, thanks for asking. :D


The world is a Dyson Sphere 15 light-minutes in radius, and the Empire that I'm fleshing out covers an area of just about 1 million Earths. I low balled the Megascale for this example. It should be much much bigger for it to cover the entirety of the Imperium.



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Re: Magic of the Realm: Regency Spells


What about a Running bonus [only on Imperial Roads] to make travel and commerce faster and easier?


Environment Change Megascaled to make even a Northern Kigdom a perfect paradise with bountiful crop yields.


Each City and Town equipped with a town square Fountain with Telepathy, limited class of minds, only those within 1" of the Speaking Circle of the Fountain--to allow instant communication with others at other fountains (trick it out however you want)


What about a "Defense" CSL/ OCV, DCV or DC bonus for all inducted members of the Wizard's guard with the LIm "only on native soil" to represent a buff that makes the Wiz's hired muscle difficult to defeat in case of invasion.


Enchanted Chamber Pots or trash bins generally available with 'only on native soil' lim--do your business in the pot, cover it, and the refuse or waste is instantly gone.


Brooms/mops that sweep/mop on their own.


Cook pots which immediately fill with savory food with an incantation.

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Re: Magic of the Realm: Regency Spells


Why yes, my fantasy world is huge, thanks for asking. :D


The world is a Dyson Sphere 15 light-minutes in radius, and the Empire that I'm fleshing out covers an area of just about 1 million Earths. I low balled the Megascale for this example. It should be much much bigger for it to cover the entirety of the Imperium.




Um, that is a tad large. OK, go ahead with your MegaScaled as written. Please continue your regularly scheduled discussion. Nothing to see here; move along.


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Re: Magic of the Realm: Regency Spells


With this level of magic - you had better make sure that there are suitable countermeasures to stop anyone from accidentally destroying the sphere - such as piercing the skin and having the atmosphere bleed out.
Sorry, I miss used terminology.


It isn't literally a technological Dyson Sphere (a manufactured metal shell around a central sun), it in reality is a pocket demi-plane somewhere in the deep Ethereal.


There is at least a 10,000km of rock that makes up the "crust" for this demi-plane (if not more, no one has reached the "bottom"). There dozens of levels to the Underdark for this plane, that go down for hundreds of kilometers.



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