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Teleport to nearest X?

Dead guy on tab

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I was thinking of building a teleport power limited to the nearest location in given direction (church in my case). I was wondering how to do this. Fixed points would be way too expensive for the effect IMO. Floating fixed points aren't right because he doesn't necessarily study the place beforehand. I'm not sure the limited path limitation works because he teleports in the general direction so it isn't as limiting. Any suggestions?

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Re: Teleport to nearest X?


Depends on how you want to work it...


One way to ggo would be to give the some ability that detects the nearest church. The character doesn't have to go around saying "Church Sense...tingeling" or anything (unless you want him to). It's really just sort of a metagame construct so that the player has the ability to assign his Teleportations floating fixed location.


However, that's if you want the character to have some type of direct control over it. This kinda sounds like a plot device power to me. If that's the case, you could probably just build it as MegaScale Teleport with No Conscious Control (-1, Character can chose when to activate power, but has no choice of where he teleports to) and another lesser lim that makes it so he can only teleport when there is a church within range.

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Re: Teleport to nearest X?


I'd probably just buy TP (with megascale?), one floating fixed location, with the limitation (only to the nearest church within range, -1/2).


Something like:


17 Teleportation 10", Megascale (1" = 1km; +1/4)(25 Active Points); Limited Power Only to nearest church in range (-1/2)

5 Teleportation: Floating Fixed Location (1 Locations)

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Re: Teleport to nearest X?


I think Vanguard's on the right track, but the character still needs something to target the Floating Location.


I suggest the following:


Sanctuary: Teleportation 10", MegaScale (1" = 100 km; +3/4), Can Be Scaled Down 1" = 1km (+1/4) (40 Active Points); Can Only Teleport To Floating Fixed Locations (-1/2). Real Cost: 27

Nearest Church: Teleportation: Floating Fixed Location (1 Locations). Real Cost: 5

Sanctuary Sense: Computer (10 points). Real Cost 2


The Computer is built as follows:



Val Char Points

5 INT -5

10 DEX 0

1 SPD 10


Cost Powers

24 Sense Sanctuary: Detect Churches 10- (Unusual Group), Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Range, Sense, Telescopic: +180



1 Program: Memorize Nearest Church As Floating Fixed Location


Total Powers & Skills Cost: 25


Total Cost: 10


The Computer automatically and continuously scans for Churches and automatically sets the character's Floating Location to the nearest one. The character need do nothing but teleport and that's where he'll always go.

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Re: Teleport to nearest X?


I think Vanguard's on the right track, but the character still needs something to target the Floating Location.


I suggest the following:


Sanctuary: Teleportation 10", MegaScale (1" = 100 km; +3/4), Can Be Scaled Down 1" = 1km (+1/4) (40 Active Points); Can Only Teleport To Floating Fixed Locations (-1/2). Real Cost: 27

Nearest Church: Teleportation: Floating Fixed Location (1 Locations). Real Cost: 5

Sanctuary Sense: Computer (10 points). Real Cost 2


The Computer is built as follows:



Val Char Points

5 INT -5

10 DEX 0

1 SPD 10


Cost Powers

24 Sense Sanctuary: Detect Churches 10- (Unusual Group), Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Range, Sense, Telescopic: +180



1 Program: Memorize Nearest Church As Floating Fixed Location


Total Powers & Skills Cost: 25


Total Cost: 10


The Computer automatically and continuously scans for Churches and automatically sets the character's Floating Location to the nearest one. The character need do nothing but teleport and that's where he'll always go.



That sanctuary sense feels so very very wrong....


1. If you can only define the floating location as 'nearest church' I'd not bother with the sense - I mean you mon't know where you are going unless you actually know where the nearest church is (and villains can set up a church to hijack you, and you can't teleport inside churches because you are already there.....)


2. If I let you get away witht he comuter (and it DOES feel wrong) I'd require the sense to be targetting, and the programmes to include some way of communicating with you. Probably.

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Re: Teleport to nearest X?


That sanctuary sense feels so very very wrong....


1. If you can only define the floating location as 'nearest church' I'd not bother with the sense - I mean you mon't know where you are going unless you actually know where the nearest church is (and villains can set up a church to hijack you, and you can't teleport inside churches because you are already there.....)


2. If I let you get away witht he comuter (and it DOES feel wrong) I'd require the sense to be targetting, and the programmes to include some way of communicating with you. Probably.


I don't think it needs Targeting, but it certainly couldn't hurt. As for the computer, I specifically did it that way so the character has no knowledge of where the church is, and no reason to bug the GM for such information. As you say, a church could be set up as a trap, or a trap could be set up at the nearest church. Hell, the nearest church could be currently housing people suffering from the plague and you'd appear right in the middle of them all.


I do think there should be some means of targeting the teleport and a sense is required for that, but by putting the sense on the computer, the sense does not belong to the character so he can't use it for anything at all; it just lets him get to the nearest church. I'd say that's a heafty discount, and the cost of a computer has a built in one.

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Re: Teleport to nearest X?


I think I would simply do it as a MegaScaled Teleport with the safe blind teleport option and an appropriate Limitation: Only to Nearest Church (-3/2). I wouldn't require a Fixed or Floating location at all (why? You can't use the Teleport to go anywhere BUT a church, so having a known location is hardly an advantage).


Remember that, on top of all the other drawbacks listed, the character may be completely unaware of where (s)he has actually wound up, which is usually not the case with Teleport because you (generally) have to know where you are going ahead of time. That's assuming (s)he doesn't have other powers (such as an appropriate Detect) that give additional information.

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Re: Teleport to nearest X?


That sounds real good I always shy away from complex or pricey answers when SFX or limits can get you there...maybe buy Megascale Detect:Sanctum/blessed ground with a No concious knowlage lim? Now you get the same effect and save a few points...either link it into a sense group or buy Sense and likely Discrim as well and I'd consider it good...

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Re: Teleport to nearest X?


I have to go with Bloodstone and prestidigitator; a Floating Fixed Location isn't needed for this build. The simple Limitation "Only to nearest church" would be fine. Fixed Locations should, IMO, be used for places the character knows "where it is."


Still, some interesting ideas for "knowing what the character doesn't know." ;)

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