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Teleporting Oxygen into and out of a hex

Major Freedom

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Re: Teleporting Oxygen into and out of a hex


Umm... wow. Interesting power. I guess it depends on what the player is trying to do by teleporting oxygen in/out of a hex.


If he wants to be able to teleport oxygen to himself or a teammate so that they can breathe (perhaps underwater, in a vacuum, or a really high altitude) I'd build it as: Life Support: Self-Contained Breathing (Useable By Other; +1) with whatever limitations are appropriate to the character concept.


If he wants to "blast" somebody with a sudden burst of pure Oxygen to make them dizzy, I'd say it's an Xd6 EB (NND [defense is self-contained breathing]; +1; AoE (1"; +1/2)). (Or, to simulate dizziness w/out doing STUN damage, try a Drain to DEX w/ the Ranged (+1/2) advantage.) Overpressurization, to me, would just be a straight EB (w/ the No Knockback lim if the Pressure is equal on all sides.)


If he wants to deprive someone of Oxygen and suffocate them, I'd rule that a killing attack. Xd6 RKA (NND [defense is self-contained breathing]; Does Body (+1); +1; AoE (1"; +1/2))


If he wants to feed a fire (or a person with a fire-based powerset) I'd go with Aid (or Succor) Xd6 Aid/ Succor; Expanded Effect [All Fire Based Powers Simultaneously]); AoE (1").


Likewise to quelch a fire or drop the hammer on Feuermacher, I'd build it as a Suppress (same advantages as above)



Really, the best way to figure how to build something is to determine what you want the end result to be, and then find whatever power most closely matches that (IE: EB's and RKA's for damage, Drains for Characteristics Loss, etc.)


Hope that's helpful.

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Re: Teleporting Oxygen into and out of a hex


Sonds like a Multipower doesn't it.


1/ Teleporting Air out: AoE one hex NND EB

2/ Teleporting Air In: AoE one hex EB (maybe with penetrating) Linked with Flash

3/ Teleporting Air In (non combat): Life support, usable on others (w/ concentration)

4/ Teleporting Air Out: Suppress/Drain to maybe END or Fire Powers or something unusual.

5/ Burst of Air: Leaping w/ focus required of a cape.

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Re: Teleporting Oxygen into and out of a hex


Don't want to seem snarky or petty, but I think the player wants to deprive an area of atmosphere, not just the small percentage that is Oxygen. Just Oxygen won't get a good decompression zap. The reason I mention this is because if the player voids the whole atmosphere they could link a sound/hearing Darkness to the powers, which could be cool. No medium, no sound.


If they have self-contained breathing, the player could keep the field up around themselves for stealthy suffocation of any foe who dares to get close.

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Re: Teleporting Oxygen into and out of a hex


I was going to point out the same thing. How does a person TARGET the air to teleport it out?


This seems kinda abusive too. Do any super heroes from the comics teleport gasses around? This is something I might allow once in a while with a Power skill roll, but not too often unless a player could back it up good with an example character from the comics.

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Re: Teleporting Oxygen into and out of a hex


This seems kinda abusive too. Do any super heroes from the comics teleport gasses around? This is something I might allow once in a while with a Power skill roll, but not too often unless a player could back it up good with an example character from the comics.


I dunno, I can see using "such and such from X comic does it" as an easy shortcut, and I love rip-offs....err...homage characters, but I wouldn't exclude something just because it hasn't been done before. If a player can come up with something that's relatively original, neat and not abusive, good for them.

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Re: Teleporting Oxygen into and out of a hex


found the following on the oxygen material safety data sheet(msds):






here is the link to the sheet:



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Re: Teleporting Oxygen into and out of a hex


I would recommend asking the player for an explanation of how they intend to use the power in play and reverse engineer the power from there. As it is, this ability could have so many varied effects that you could justify a VPP and a list of power write ups to simulate it. It would be simpler to know what the player wants to do with it and model that.

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  • 1 year later...

Re: Teleporting Oxygen into and out of a hex


Maybe this is just a bad approach, but what about simply transforming the oxygen in the hex to something else as a power (as per USPD, pg 268 with the Philosopher's stone multipower), and giving it the sfx that the oxygen is teleported out/in, etc?

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Re: Teleporting Oxygen into and out of a hex


Change Environment could also work due to the additional effects you can purchase to go with it, though other constructs may be more immediately effective. Not that this was an old thread I hadn't already commented in...

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Re: Teleporting Oxygen into and out of a hex


Do any super heroes from the comics teleport gasses around? This is something I might allow once in a while with a Power skill roll' date=' but not too often unless a player could back it up good with an example character from the comics.[/quote']


To answer your question:


Windfall, Molecule Man, and Vortex all have powers that would allow them to simulate this effect.

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