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Re-Imaged Hero(ines)


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Re: Re-Imaged Hero(ines)


Mrs. Who watched the entity - once her companion - as it sank further and further into Shadow and Darkness, until no light could save it.


She mourned, then, and headed off to her work, but she mourned too early. Some are born with Will beyond any known. Yes, her companion had fallen to the Darkness, but she had never surrendered.


One day, the Darkness was disturbed by a new force. Less than the spirits of fallen stars, but far greater than the spirits of physical beings. One of its slaves had thrown off her chains with a mighty, horrific blast. Forever changed, she was not at Who's level, and barred forever from her company, but she remained undeterred.


She stands as living (more or less) proof that even those who fall farthest into darkness can remain themselves, so long as they never surrender. Now she travels the darkest places, finding those who still fight and aiding them.


In a fit of whimsy, she calls herself Mrs. Nothing, but her enemies simply know her as the Dark Star.

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Re: Re-Imaged Hero(ines)


here's my entry not a hero but it was the best concept I came up with for the name.


The year was 1938 and Jason Lamont was setting hearts racing the quintessential movie villain cruelly beautiful looks smoldering eyes and perfect Shakespearean delivery.

Lamont was loved by the kind of women who liked a bad boy variety had called him the dark star of holly wood but he found him self typecast always the villain never the lead and while his fame and wealth where appealing what he truly wanted was power.


He saw how the world was turning and took up with a secret society of fascists believing that when fascists took control of the world he would be able to take control of Hollywood and using its influence even become president or at least that was the plan. He worked diligently in secret fomenting the American fascist league and later with nazi agents trying to infiltrate and control Hollywood.


It wasn’t until 1941 and the attack on pearl harbor that he had doubts seeing how the country turned against the axis powers he relished that there was no chance that eh would ever succeed with that approach.


Jason was a pragmatist and managed to successfully eliminate everyone who knew of his connection to the Nazis and fascists. He then made him self a centerpiece of the patriotic propaganda machine.


He was safe and in truth he had already found another path to power his nazi contacts had intrigued him with talk of the occult. The man had spoken of how the power of ancient magic would help the Reich hold power for a thousand years.


Jason spent the next four years studying all he could of the infernal powers when he exhausted all he could learn in the united states he embarked on a world tour ostensibly as a good will ambassador and USO entertainer but secretly gathering items and tomes of power from the devastated sanctums of Europe’s magical society. The black market was awash with mystical artifacts looted by the Nazis stolen recovered from bombed out cities And Jason Lamont took it all home and then he disappeared into seclusion in his Bell-air mansion.


It was not for almost a decade till his name became famous once more but not for the original reason.


In 1957 police investigating the disappearance of six wannabe starlets fresh of the bus from the Midwest where lead to the Lamont estate by an anonymous phone call.


In the basement of they found an occult temple dedicated to some infernal creature and in the very center a circle of runes and the carefully arranged defiled and dismembered bodies of the missing girls each one had had there heart partially eaten and at the center of the grizzly remains a patch the flag stones was blackened warped and cracked as if a fire of incredible heat had been there but there was no remains of what had burnt there and Jason Lamont was gone.


Decades later the mansion stood empty a group of high school kids decided to break in they stole through the overgrown gardens jimmied a window and headed down to the basement spoken of in whispers ion local legend one of the girls cut her self on a nail as they slipped inside and as they approached the site of the grizzly murders the faint traces of the bloody runes still clinging to the flags and the burnt and blackened stone sat the heart of the mystery a single drop of blood fell onto the black stone.



And then there was LIGHT and FIRE and FURY as the air was filled with the sounds of Souls in torment. An explosion of furious energy threw the trespassers through the air.


As the terrified dazed teenagers looked at the center of the flaming maelstrom they saw a figure, there in the very heart of the conflagration, wreathed in flame and seething with ungodly power, stood a reborn Jason Lamont.


There was only one survivor of that tragic day her screams still reverberate around the mental hospital where she has been held for the last three years and Jason Lamont has assumed a new identity and is slowly but surely becoming the black heart of Hollywood the nightmare version of the Hollywood dream. Using a combination blackmail Faustian pacts and demonic magic to create an empire that will eventually let him control the world or so he hopes anything to save him from the fate that awaits should he fail.


He is DARK STAR. He is the darkest star in Hollywood’s glittering constellation one that will eventually consume all the others

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Re: Re-Imaged Hero(ines)


The concept was simple: Create a humanoid robot with a personality sufficiently human-like to be useful in low-profile police-like urban operations, but also tough enough and powerful enough to survive metahuman opposition. Simple, but impossible. A humanoid frame simply couldn't contain the mechanisms for the secondary purpose, and a non-humanoid frame would defeat the primary purpose. So two robots were created. The first was a pretty girl of average size, loaded with every bit of communications, sensory and recording gear she could hold, a long-duration power supply, and made as durable as possible while still being able to pass for normal (even in bed, if need be). The second was a huge, metallic, blatantly robotic monstrosity, a cross between a wildcat and a spitting cobra, massively armoured, heavily armed, fast and quick, but with almost no brainpower of its own: Only enough to recieve and implement the "Heel!" "Come to me!" and "Home!" signals. All else is handled by a direct plug-in to the humanoid, which takes over the monster, turning the beast into an extension of herself.


In a fit of whimsy, the units have been code-named Sugar and Spike.

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Re: Re-Imaged Hero(ines)


Sugar and Spike are a pair of metahuman assasins that have been working Hudson City for a short time but meeting with remarkable succuess due to their modus operandi. Even for assasins they don't fight fair. "Sugar" poesseses, among other appealing physical attributes, powerful pheromonal effects and subtle but powerful mental abilites that allow her manipulate others and sap their willpower all while appearing innocent and harmless She will act the part of the innocent victim, damsel in distress or new lover interest whatever it takes.


Spike metahuman abilities lay in less subtle direction. He is powerful, strong and very fast with a the ability to form psychokinetic weapons of any sort though he prefers cutting and stabbing implements over all else. When Sugar has gotten the target into a vulnerable position, Spike with strike with ruthless efficency, backed by her if nesscary. Sugar is highly capable in conventional combat though not to Spike's level. Her skills at make up, seduction and acting make her a perfect inflitrator and even if she fails as a lure she can gather critical information on the target and its defenses. Though she doesn't often fail. In the few weeks since they've appeared, Sugar and Spike have racked up an impressive lst of kills including 3 known metahumans. So far their targets have only been criminals of various strips though most consider it only a matter of time before they take on, and possibly take out, a hero.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Re-Imaged Hero(ines)


Thank you. And the next candidate is Starshine


We're playing My Little Pony now? :nonp:


Hello! I'm Starshine a rainbow pegasus!

I love adventures and making new friends.

Please be my friend.

Will you comb and braid my long rainbow hair and tie it with a ribbon?




Just to be clear - that Starshine?

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Re: Re-Imaged Hero(ines)


Starshine Liebowitz's parents were 70's hippies left behind by the disco era when she was born. Hence, in part, the name. Starshine's mother didn't know she was pregnant when she tried the designer drug briefly marketed to the street as Revelation, but it left the developing embryo permanently changed. Starshine was born both albino and powerfully telepathic, able to read and eventually attack and control minds. Her aversion to sunlight, greater than usual even for an albino, left her unable to attend school, raised in isolation by brain-fried parents. As a teenager she was abducted by an organisation looking to exploit her abilities, but they couldn't control her. She summoned heroes to rescue her even through the psi shield they used on her. For a while she was a member of the team that came to her aid, Strikeforce Omega, but they eventually realised that she had been tampering with their mind repeatedly, editing their memories to try to help them. She altered their memories one more time to make them think she'd died in action. Now she wanders at night, finding minds in pain and removing the pain by altering or simply removing the memories that cause the pain.

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Re: Re-Imaged Hero(ines)


Stars are alive. buried within those balls of gas is intelligence, intellect older and more alien than anything humans can comprehend. Not gods, not demons, mortal and yet infinitely old, there is unimaginable wisdom in them if you know how to see it. There is great good and benevolence in some stars, in others hatred blazing beyond the comprehension of lesser beings.


Gerrald F. Hatcher's parents were of tw minds on the stars His father was an astrononmer, seeking to learn the physical forces that made starts what they were. His mother was an astrologer, a mystic who believed the stars controlled human destiny. Despite their completely opposite world views, the marriage worked because they enjoyed the fights (and that both were devilishly attractive and exuded sexuality played a large part as well). Gerald grew up handsome, charismatic, brilliant, and horny as a crazed herd of rabbits.


So it was little wonder the odd girl who called herself Starshine was attracted to him when she came to Earth. He enjoyed her company, and teaching her the finer points of life and love on earth, yet when he introduced her to his parents they both recoiled in fear -- especially when her "Daddy", a hideously powerful man of living flame, came to pick her up. The girl used her powers to save Gerald and his familiy, but in the process they were ripped from hrr now mortal-body and infused into Gerald.


when gerald discoeverd he could fly, alter gravity, project blazig heat and blinding loight, and innumerable other powers the surface of which he has only scratched, his lover explained the truth: she was the "spirit" of Alpha Centauri Beta, who came to earth wrapped in flesh to escape the attention of her "father", Alpha Centauri Alpha, a star hostile to life who had revented planetary systems from forming around him so he could have his part of space to hismelf in peace. Now that Alpha knows that Sol has permiotted a life-bearing solar system, he will not trest until he has destroyed "the Bastards of Sol". Unfortuntaely Sol is still a young star, who has not yet learned to send its avatar to other worlds.


so, until Sol is awakened, Gerald must protect the earth from Alpha. Calling himself Starshine in honor of the stellar girl (who he has come to love deeply), he seeks to hold off Alpha's menace until Sol awakens from her hibernation -- hoping that Sol is less annoyed by the presence of life-bearing planets than Alpha is....

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Re: Re-Imaged Hero(ines)


Starshine Liebowitz's parents were 70's hippies left behind by the disco era when she was born. Hence' date=' in part, the name. Starshine's mother didn't know she was pregnant when she tried the designer drug briefly marketed to the street as Revelation, but it left the developing embryo permanently changed. Starshine was born both albino and powerfully telepathic, able to read and eventually attack and control minds. Her aversion to sunlight, greater than usual even for an albino, left her unable to attend school, raised in isolation by brain-fried parents. As a teenager she was abducted by an organisation looking to exploit her abilities, but they couldn't control her. She summoned heroes to rescue her even through the psi shield they used on her. For a while she was a member of the team that came to her aid, Strikeforce Omega, but they eventually realised that she had been tampering with their mind repeatedly, editing their memories to try to help them. She altered their memories one more time to make them think she'd died in action. Now she wanders at night, finding minds in pain and removing the pain by altering or simply removing the memories that cause the pain.[/quote']


This is a really cool entry. The character is, IMO, a great example of good intentions but wrong method which makes it very effective and memorable. She would be a great NPC to thrown into a game to introduce some shades of gray to the campaign and a slightly creepy means at that. A very odd psi-vigilante of sorts that could do as much as good with her somewhat heavy handed (and innocnetly arrogant) method of helping people. We're shaped as much by our negative experiences as our positive (No murdered parental figures, like no Spider Man or Batman, for instance). Very thought provoking character that could lead to some interesting role playing, maybe even making PCs think about they're crime fighting methods.


Congradulations on a well deserved win.

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Re: Re-Imaged Hero(ines)


Tony van Hees wasn't much to look at. A little short, a trifle scrawny, average looking overall. Nothing repellent or ugly, just nothing noteworthy. Like many kids, he got a second-hand home computer for one birthday, and a game with it called Diablo. He got into the game, then its expansions and sequels, then into other Blizzard products, like Warcraft and Starcraft. Then one day, he was thinking about one of his characters, and how cool it would be to have a body like that, when he came down with a blinding headache. Stumbling to the bathroom, he groped for an aspirin, then looked at himself in the mirror and saw his character! It didn't take long, though, before he realized it was only a holographic projection he'd somehow covered himself with.


Tony thought about this, and briefly considered crimefighting. Very briefly, he wasn't the cop type and he knew it. The idea of being a supervillain was even more laughable. So that left gainful employment, but as what? He was a high school kid. But he was a high school kid who happened to live in Newport Beach, just adjacent to Irvine, where Blizzard Entertainment is headquartered. So where else would a Blizzard fan looking to cash in on such an ability go? Eventually, after some interviews and some questions, and discussions with lawyers, he got hired to appear at conventions and special promotions, and to pose for game-related artwork. He's even discovered that his voice changes to match his appearance. It's not a separate power, he's just a really, really good voice actor with an extraordinary range. Now Tony's known as "the face of Blizzard," or sometimes just "Blizzard." He has spending money, recognition, and girls are even starting to notice him. Life is good.

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Re: Re-Imaged Hero(ines)


Daniel Fairborn was just a regular guy with a 9 to 5 job, a pretty wife and two kids. In fact if you looked up ordinary in the dictionary, you’d likely find a picture of him; but that all changed one wintry night on an icy highway. He never found just what had darted in front of the car, a deer, a rabbit maybe but in the end it didn’t matter. Rebecca, soft hearted as always, jerked the wheel and sent the SUV into a hard spin that ended with them overturned in a ditch beside the road.


It was heat that brought Daniel back to consciousness, the warmth of his own blood running into his face. It felt practically searing compared to the howling winter storm gusting around him. He could just see the car and Rebecca hung up in her seat belt, suspended like a broken marionette tangled in its own strings. He could only hear the kids, screaming for help and when he tried to rise his legs failed him; he couldn’t feel them at all and the numbness was starting to spread across the rest of his body as the cold seeped into his bones. He was going to die here, but more importantly everyone he loved was going to die here. No help was coming, not at this hour, not in this blizzard. Never much for religion, Daniel prayed that night, prayed for something, anything to come and save his family, not himself.


And something answered. Something whispered to Daniel through the wind and blowing snow and offered him a bargain. His family would be saved but he would have to give himself over, to serve. It was a force older than the towering trees around him, the force of the land itself, worshipped and revered since the earliest people had roamed the region and since forgotten but now it would be heard. Daniel Fairborn did die that night or more so changed. His body and soul merged with ancient forces and was reborn as an elemental creature of wind and cold, a virtual living storm, but the promise was kept. With his newly found powers what used to be Daniel was able to get his family to safety in town just a few miles away. Then like the legendary wendigo he had to leave them behind; human no longer.


Daniel’s soul has moved on to whatever awaited it but his essence was used to forge a creature of pure living magic. As such it is almost impervious to mundane harm. It commands the winds and can alter the weather over roughly a mile to create blinding snowstorms or on a more focused level to freeze things solid or buffet them with razor sharp shards of ice along with other winter effects. It stands roughly 10 feet tall and appears as a craggy distorted shape barely visible through the raging winter storm that always accompanies it.


Blizzard mostly acts on instinct, lashing out at those who harm the land or that strike it as “evil” but the spirits, the Manitou of the region speak to it and guide it to their ends. Hunters, loggers, and others that have seen it or suffered its wrath have given its many names, such as "Jack Frost" and "The Winter Killer", and even referred to it as Bigfoot but the name that has stuck and is most widely used is Blizzard. Nothing else decribes it's power and unfettered fury. Once enraged it is more like a force a nature than a living being. However, there is also something of Daniel in the creature that remembers being a man and a father and Blizzard will act to protect women and children or defend the innocent in general. When calm it fades to a semi-intangible state and merely observes the region, curious about humanity for reasons it can't fully understand.

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