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I am hot!


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Re: I am hot!


See above. The way i see it' date=' the effect of the power would have to be limited to those on whom normal flirting could be reasonably expected to work -- that is, someone who is otherwise attracted to women. Thus it wouldn't work on straight women, children, eunuchs (and other genderless beings), or men who are so commited to homosexuality that they are offended by the idea of a woman flirting with them.[/quote']

So committed to homosexuality? Offended by flirting? :nonp: How about gay men (as opposed to bisexual men) who simply aren't attracted to women?

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Re: I am hot!


What is this "Outside" I hear you people speak of? :P

See that wooden object mounted in your wall? The one with the metal knob to one side and hinges on the other.


Good. That's called a "door". You can open that think and walk through the space. There may be some other examples of this "door' thing, but if you open up enough of them you'll eventually come to a place with no cieling.


That's "Outside".


Now, when you're there for the first time, Outside is a very frightening place. but it comes with its own built-in sprink;ler system, and several other amenities. it is also where pizza passes through to get to you from where the pizza originates.

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Re: I am hot!


See that wooden object mounted in your wall? The one with the metal knob to one side and hinges on the other.


Good. That's called a "door". You can open that think and walk through the space. There may be some other examples of this "door' thing, but if you open up enough of them you'll eventually come to a place with no cieling.


That's "Outside".


Now, when you're there for the first time, Outside is a very frightening place. but it comes with its own built-in sprink;ler system, and several other amenities. it is also where pizza passes through to get to you from where the pizza originates.

..No way man! There's SUNLIGHT out there.... you trying to get me KILLED!?! :eek:

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Re: I am hot!


..No way man! There's SUNLIGHT out there.... you trying to get me KILLED!?! :eek:

at this partciular moment, no there's not. You see, there's this time where the sun isn't out. Most of us have come to know it as "night".


if you go out at night, monsters will not eat you most of the time.

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Re: I am hot!


How would the writeup change if instead of setting things aflame' date=' skin contact caused other undesirable effects such as detonation (anything you touch explodes), freezing, being covered with an impenetrable layer of chocolate, etc?[/quote']They require just a little adjustment here and there to make them fit.


Basically, to do it, take the Advantages 0 END (+1/2), Continuous (+1), Damage Shield (+3/4), Persistent (+1/2) and the Limitation Always On Except When Wearing Special Clothes (-1/4) and stick them on you power in question. It may require a little tinkering here and there, but basically that's it.


To take those examples:

Ka-Boom: 1d6 Energy HKA, 0 END (+1/2), Continuous (+1), Damage Shield (+3/4), Persistent (+1/2), Explosion (+1/2), Personal Immunity (+1/4) (67 Active Points), Always On Except When Wearing Special Clothes Over Applicable Portions Of Body (-1/4), STR Doesn't Add (-1/2). Real Cost: 38


Freeze: 1 pip Energy HKA, 0 END (+1/2), Continuous (+1), Damage Shield (+3/4), Persistent (+1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2), (24 Active Points), Always On Except When Wearing Special Clothes Over Applicable Portions Of Body (-1/4), STR Doesn't Add (-1/2), Disappears If Entangle Ends (-1/2). Real Cost: 11 plus 1d6 Body, 4 DEF Entangle, 0 END (+1/2), Continuous (+1), Damage Shield (+3/4), Persistent (+1/2), (94 Active Points), Always On Except When Wearing Special Clothes (-1/4), Vulnerable to Heat or Fire (-1), Linked to HKA (-1/4). Real Cost: 38


Chocolate: 1d6 Body, 4 DEF Entangle, 0 END (+1/2), Continuous (+1), Damage Shield (+3/4), Persistent (+1/2), (94 Active Points), Always On Except When Wearing Special Clothes (-1/4). Real cost: 75

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Re: I am hot!


OK changed my mind:

Most of the people on this board are nice.


In the interest of fairness for all parties involved, you may want to read this thread.




It is rather long, and it will probably take a while for you to fully understand what people are talking about, but once you do I think you will see why you are being greeted with some amount of suspicion by some of the members here.


One main point is that in the beginning a lot of members had doubts about the poster(s) in question, and were shouted down by others who wanted to believe.


Which is why people are a bit more skeptical now, and a bit less likely to back down from their suspicions.


Try not to take it personally.


If you actually are a hot female who loves to game and is naturally flirtatious, some day you will run into someone from these boards who will meet you in person and verify your existence, at which point apologies will most likely be offered. Also understand that this board was a friendlier place before that incident, and one of the reasons we can seem a bit rude is that we don't want things to get even more chilly for people who come here to learn about Hero.


If you are some idiot who is trolling, especially the same idiot mentioned above, please leave now. I really don't think you will get very far, at least not with anyone who has been here for a while.



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Re: I am hot!


If you are some idiot who is trolling' date=' especially the same idiot mentioned above, please leave now. I really don't think you will get very far, at least not with anyone who has been here for a while.[/quote']


In the interests of fairness, and to offer a counter-perspective, pretending to be someone you are not will only cause problems among those who become emotionally invested in the "truth" of your story. Trying to identify gender in others is a practice common to humans, but some of us on these boards care not a whit what gender you may be. Others, myself included, will casually accept whatever you report, but be unaffected by it. I have read The Confessions of Thorarinn Gunnarson and, while I never heard his tales, I know myself well enough to be certain that I would have enjoyed the stories he told for their own sake, and found their value reduced not at all when the facts were finally revealed.

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Re: I am hot!


Call it a healthy does of skeptisism.


Regardless ... we're all here because of Hero, and to discuss Hero. Keep that your main topic and you'll be treated fairly, well and be respected.


Deviations belong in NGD (non-gaming-discussion)...


Welcome to Hero. Come for the cookies, stay for the ice cream.

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Re: I am hot!


Isn't an additional persona one of the things that is so appealing about the Internet? I don't think I've ever explicitly stated my real name here, though I have alluded to it a few times as I recall.


Anyway, welcome Dawn/Siren/Michael/Henry/Obfuscatusfo. I'd like to think that you're a hot gamer girl. If we start flirting or set up a cross-continental date, I'd also like to hope you're being honest about it or that you'd break down and do so at some reasonable point. Whatever, and cheers! :);)

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Re: I am hot!


Lumping all people into a mold just because you had a bad experience with one is simply discrimination. Candy coat it all you want “healthy does of skeptisism”, it is the same thing.


Though if you scare off a potentially good (definitly fun) player then I hope you are happy with a board full of PhilFleischmann, CBikle, and keyes_bill.


I find it odd that not one person spoke up in defense of the new player.

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Re: I am hot!


Lumping all people into a mold just because you had a bad experience with one is simply discrimination. Candy coat it all you want “healthy does of skeptisismâ€, it is the same thing.


Though if you scare off a potentially good (definitly fun) player then I hope you are happy with a board full of PhilFleischmann, CBikle, and keyes_bill.


I find it odd that not one person spoke up in defense of the new player.


What'd I say? :think:


Oh yeah. "Yup."


That's pretty mean, all right. :fear:



("a board full of ... keyes_bill"? Is the world ready for that much fun?) :lol:

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Re: I am hot!


Lumping all people into a mold just because you had a bad experience with one is simply discrimination. Candy coat it all you want “healthy does of skeptisism”, it is the same thing.


Though if you scare off a potentially good (definitly fun) player then I hope you are happy with a board full of PhilFleischmann, CBikle, and keyes_bill.


I find it odd that not one person spoke up in defense of the new player.

reread my posts. I don't share the skeptisism, I was simply pointing out what it was.


I also have done nothing but welcome Siren to the boards.


thank you very much.

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