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In honor of PotC: Dead Man's Chest....


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[b]Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes[/b]
15	STR	5	12-	Lift 200 kg; 3d6 HTH Damage
18	DEX	24	13-	OCV:  6/DCV:  6
16	CON	12	12-
12	BODY	4	12-
21	INT	12	14-	PER Roll 14-
17	EGO	14	12-	ECV:  6
20	PRE	10	13-	PRE Attack:  4d6
16	COM	3	12-

6	PD	3		Total:  6 PD (0 rPD)
5	ED	2		Total:  5 ED (0 rED)
4	SPD	12		Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12
6	REC	0
32	END	0
30	STUN	2		T[b]otal Characteristics Cost:  103

Movement:[/b]	Running:  6"/12"
Swimming:  4"/8"

[b]Cost	Powers & Skills[/b]
[b]Martial Arts:[/b]  [i]Cinematic Swordfighting[/i]
[b]Maneuver	OCV	DCV	Damage[/b]
3	Cut/Thrust	+2	+1	Weapon Strike
5	Lunge	+1	-2	Weapon +4 DC Strike
4	Parry	+2	+2	Block, Abort
4	Riposte	+2	+2	Weapon +2 DC Strike, Must Follow Block
5	Slash	-2	+1	Weapon +4 DC Strike
4	Void	--	+5	Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort

2	[b]"Will You Be Saving Her Then?":[/b]  Swimming +2" (4" total)
25	"[b]You're Supposed To Be Dead!":[/b]  Luck 5d6

4	[b]"But You Have Heard Of Me.":[/b]  Reputation:  Pirate Captain (throughout the 
Caribbean, 14-) +2/+2d6

6	Ambidexterity (-1 with Off Hand)
3	[b]Sure Footed:[/b]  Environmental Movement:  Supreme Balance

20	[b]"Not Impossible, Merely Improbable...":[/b]  Skill Levels:  +2 Overall

3	Acrobatics 13-
3	[b]"Impersonating An Officer...":[/b]  Acting 13-
3	[b]"Welcome To The Caribbean!":[/b]  AK:  Caribbean 14-
3	[b]"Obviously You've Never Been To Singapore.":[/b]  AK:  The World's Oceans 14-
3	[b]"But How's Your Footwork?":[/b]  Analyze Fighting Style 14-
3	[b]"What Say You To Three Shillings And We Forget The Name?":[/b]  Bribery 13-
3	CK:  Tortuga 14-
3	Climbing 13-
3	Combat Sailing 13-
0	Concealment 8-
3	[b]"Well Then, I Confess...":[/b]  Conversation 13-
0	Deduction 8-
2	KS:  Pirate History And Tales 11-
0	Language:  English (native)
2	[b]"Now... Bring Me That Horizon.":[/b]  Navigation (Marine) 14-
3	[b]"And Then They Made Me Their Chief...":[/b]  Oratory 13-
0	Paramedic 8-
3	[b]"And I'll Buy You A Hat! A Really BIG One... Commodore.":[/b]  Persuasion 13-
2	PS:  Knot Tying 11-
3	PS:  Pirate Captain 13-
2	PS:  Sailor 11-
3	[b]"What Do You Have To Lose?":[/b]  Seduction 13-
0	Shadowing 8-
3	[b]"I Couldn't Resist Mate.":[/b]  Sleight of Hand 13-
3	Stealth 13-
3	Streetwise 13-
4	Survival (Marine Surface, Tropical Coasts) 14-
3	[b]"Savvy?":[/b]  Tactics 14-
4	TF:  Rafts, Small Rowed Boats, Small/Large Wind-Powered Boats
3	WF:  Blades, Early Emplaced Weapons, Early Firearms
[b]158	Total Powers & Skills Cost
261	Total Character Cost

125+	Disadvantages[/b]
10	Distinctive Features:  Assorted brands, scars, and tattoos (C)
10	Distinctive Features:  Constant drunken mince (C)
0	Psychological Limitation:  "I See No Profit In It For Me..." (C, S)
15	Psychological Limitation:  Man Of His Word (C., S)
15	Psychological Limitation:  Pirate's Code (C, S)
0	Psychological Limitation:  Wants The Black Pearl (C, S)
15	Reputation:  pirate and a scoundrel, 14-
15	Rivalry:  Barbossa (Prof, Mo Pow, Kill)
20	Social Limitation:  Wanted Criminal (F, S)
25	Unluck:  5d6
11	[b]He's A Pirate!
261	Total Disadvantage Points[/b]


Not much is known about Captain Jack Sparrow. There are stories, of course, stories about how he vanished from under the noses of seven agents of the East India Company, how he sacked Nassau Port without ever firing a shot, how he recruited a crew of find the legendary Isle de Muerte and was marooned for his efforts, and how he escaped from abandonment by roping several sea turtles together to make a raft.


In any case, its been ten years since Jack was forced to watch Firstmate (and now Captain) Barbossa sail away with is beloved ship, the Black Pearl. He's been wandering about the Caribbean (and possibly the world) ever since, looking for Barbossa and the chance to recover this ship. He's also heard of the curse (and isn't sure if it's true or not) and knows recovering his ship won't be easy -- others have heard of the curse as well, and aren't too keen on going up against a band of unkillable, undead pirates who are so ruthless as to make other pirates shudder to even think about it.



Jack is an enigma. One can never tell exactly what he's thinking or planning, or even if he's speaking the truth. To be honest, he does seem a man of his word, and sticks to it, even if circumstances lead one to believe otherwise. Of course, he does have his priorities, and staying alive tops the list. In fact, much of what he does is driven by how his actions can best benefit Jack. A prime example of this is his conversation with Will in the jail. He has no interest in being freed until he knows who Will really is, and in him sees a way to take his revenge on Barbossa. Some of this self-centeredness can be attributed to Jack's devotion to the Code of the Brethren (a.k.a. the Pirate's Code), in which it is stated (among other things) "any man who falls behind is left behind".


Quote: "When you marooned me on that god forsaken spit of land, you forgot one very important thing, mate: I'm Captain Jack Sparrow."



A a pirate (and a flamboyantly cinematic one, at that), Captain Jack has all the abilities one would expect. He's a capable swordsman, a skilled sailor, and has more luck than any man has a right to. He's at home both in the rigging and on-deck, can handle a variety boats and ships, and certainly knows his way around the Caribbean (and the rest of the world). Jack's greatest asset, however, isn't his skill with the sword, pistol, or ship's wheel, but with words. He's quite capable of talking just about anyone into doing whatever it is Jack needs done. For example, he is able to get Will to help him steal a ship, Commodore Norrington to set up an ambush for Barbossa's crew, and to get Barbossa to send his men into said ambush. Of course, as Jack is also (at times) cursed with "no luck at all," not all of his plans work out quite the way he intends.



Jack stands 5'10", with a lean build and deeply tanned skin. His black hair is worn in an amazing variety of dreadlocks and braids, and strung with an assortment of beads, baubles, and what look like bones. On his right arm is branded the letter "P", marking him as a pirate by the East India Company. Above that is the tattoo of a sparrow. His left arm looks to have been badly burned at one point, and he bears the scars of two musket balls on his right breast.


Jack's clothing consist of tall boots, trousers, a loose white shirt, and several scarves worn around his waist. Over his he often wears a long coat and what looks like a leather tri-cornered hat.


Designer's Notes:

I think that if Jack has been played by just about anyone else, Pirates of the Caribbean wouldn't have been nearly as big a hit as it was. Johnny Depp's basing Jack off of Keith Richards (with a little Pepe Le Pew thrown in for good measure) made the character who he is, and made the movie. Jack has so many good lines, I couldn't help but using them as SFX for as many powers, skills, and talents as possible.


Jack carries a flintlock pistol with a single shot. It should be (roughly) a 1d6 to 1d6+1 RKA, and might have +1 STUN (flintlocks fired fairly large-caliber balls). It has no OCV bonus and a RMod of -2 (very much a short range weapon). Of course, this being Hollywood, you might want to make it a 1 1/d6 RKA with a RMod of 0. His sword is best classified as a small sword, a fairly short fencing weapon. It's a 1d6-1 to 1d6 HKA.


If you feel Jack's too powerful, you can remove his Overall Levels and some of his Interaction skills if you want, or simply drop his PRE and give him a level with all Interaction skills. Speaking of PRE, he might have some defensive PRE, as Jack seemed unfazed by just about everything. He might also have some additional fencing skills, specifically a disarm and a bind. Otherwise, he makes an excellent cinematic pirate.


(Captain Jack Sparrow created by Gore Verbinski, Ted Elliott, Terry Rossio, Stuart Beattie, Jay Wolpert and Johnny Depp, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)



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Re: In honor of PotC: Dead Man's Chest....


I agree - a very good build. I would only question giving Jack a 15 STR. He does not look like he should be lifting 200 kg. easily. Perhaps an 11-13 STR would be more appropiate? Jack Sparrow seems to me to be more of a lover than a fighter - lover of rum, gold, women,... :) Now Will Turner being a swordsmith all those years would have a STR 15...


"Not Impossible, Merely Improbable..." I think this would be due more to luck (3D6 Luck?) than skill.


I consulted my hero books and came up with these stats for his weapons.


Flintlock pistol: 1D6+1 RKA, Increase Stun Modifier (+1; +1/4), +0 OCV, -1 Range Modifier (Active Cost: 19); OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4), STR Min 10 - Cannot Add/Subtract Damage (-1), 1 Shot (-2). Total Cost: 4.


The pistol given to Jack by Barbosa is one of the smaller caliber pistols. It looks to be about .40 caliber. Something in the .45-.50 caliber range would have 1 1/2D6 (based on the Colt .45 in FRED). It has only one shot because the promised Jack has made. Otherwise I'd give it 10 shots (-1/4) and Extra Time (9 phases to reload; -1 1/4).


And here's his sword. I don't think what he uses is a cutlass.


Small Sword: 1D6 HKA, +0 OCV, Ranged (can be thrown; +1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (30 Active Points); OAF (-1), Range Based On STR (-1/4), STR Minimum 10 (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4). Total Cost: 10 points.


Now, how would you write up a compass that "points to your heart's desire"?:think:

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Re: In honor of PotC: Dead Man's Chest....


I agree - a very good build. I would only question giving Jack a 15 STR. He does not look like he should be lifting 200 kg. easily. Perhaps an 11-13 STR would be more appropiate? Jack Sparrow seems to me to be more of a lover than a fighter - lover of rum' date=' gold, women,... :) Now Will Turner being a swordsmith all those years would have a STR 15...[/quote']


I think I gave jack a 13 initially, but ended up giving him a 15 due to his spending a lot of time working on ships. And gave him a 15 due to the metagame benefits to damage, PD, STUN, and so on. Oh, and STR 15 can't lift 200 KG easy. It can just get it off the ground and to about ankle height.


"Not Impossible' date=' Merely Improbable..." I think this would be due more to luck (3D6 Luck?) than skill.[/quote']


That's just a a tag used for his Overall Levels. The line itself relates more to his Luck, but I'd already used "You're Supposed To Be Dead!" for that.


Now' date=' how would you write up a compass that "points to your heart's desire"?:think:[/quote']


That's easy. Detect, Requires an EGO Roll, with assorted adders like Telescopic, Sense, 360 Degrees, and Discriminatory. Limitations would be OAF, Extra Time (Full Phase), and maybe 1/2 DCV Concentrate.

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Re: In honor of PotC: Dead Man's Chest....


...due to his spending a lot of time working on ships.

LOL. I think you sank that line of reasoning with the word "working". The only exercise I saw Jack do in these two movies was a lot of running and lifting a bottle of rum. But I see what you mean.


"That's just a a tag used for his Overall Levels. The line itself relates more to his Luck..."
That's what I was thinking, perhaps the phrase "That Got To Be The Greatest Pirate I've Ever Seen" would be more appropiate.


That's easy. Detect, Requires an EGO Roll, with assorted adders like Telescopic, Sense, 360 Degrees, and Discriminatory. Limitations would be OAF, Extra Time (Full Phase), and maybe 1/2 DCV Concentrate.

Yeah, and you would also have to add Increased Range (how much to be able to sense the entire world) and Extra-Dimensional, may-be (to find those islands that like to remain lost).


Anyway these are all minor quibbles. It's still all a very good build. Being too lazy to do it myself, I can wait to see your version of Will, Elizabeth and hopefully, old Davy Jones himself?


And speaking of islands. What was that fog-shrouded island with the fortress Jack escape from in the beginning of the film?

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Re: In honor of PotC: Dead Man's Chest....


Yeah, and you would also have to add Increased Range (how much to be able to sense the entire world) and Extra-Dimensional, may-be (to find those islands that like to remain lost).


Anyway these are all minor quibbles. It's still all a very good build. Being too lazy to do it myself, I can wait to see your version of Will, Elizabeth and hopefully, old Davy Jones himself?


And speaking of islands. What was that fog-shrouded island with the fortress Jack escape from in the beginning of the film?


Telescopic handles the increased range. Technically there's no max range for senses, just massive PER Mods.


And I wondered about the island itself. I mean, it shows up for a bit and then... nothing.

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Re: In honor of PotC: Dead Man's Chest....


I find myself REALLY wanting a write up for Davey Jones and the Krakan, as well as the Flying Dutchman itself. What a perfect baddy to throw against those mystic types, or water based characters. I wonder what the folks down in Atlantis would think of these two?

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Re: In honor of PotC: Dead Man's Chest....


I agree, but I feel like we only know half of Davy Jones' story at this point. A full character sheet for Davy and his crew will probably have to wait until the next movie, when we find out how they can be beaten!


A few open questions:


- The big one: How did Davy Jones come to be? Lots of us have had girl problems, but they typically don't lead to your heart in a chest and the power to doom men's souls to servitude. Something else is involved.


-What is the deal with the crab locket? The musical one Davy has, the image on the chest, and the second locket in the voodoo woman's house?!


-The monster pirates seemed to take stun but no body from standard weapons, and Will looked like he may have inflicted some actual body with a flaming sword (but it was hard to be certain). However you rule it, the raiding party on land took several solid hits from our heroes but always got back up.


-They can apparently teleport from ship to ship (the spyglass scene) but the exact limits of this are anybodies guess.


-Did Davy Jones shave points by buying a giant Summon: Kraken as part of his vehicle to get the 1/5 cost savings on top of OIF, Bulky, Immobile, and Crew Served? Or can he control it without the rig on the ship?


-What is the limit of Davy's power to bind your soul to his crew? How much 'oomph' would it have if a dedicated mystic tried to undo the curse?







In other new: It looks like the Black Pearl may be more than just a fast ship. It was apparently raised from the depths as part of a deal with Davy Jones and it certainly faired better against the Kraken than either of the Kraken's other targets did. (One splintered, one split, but the 'Pearl went under in one battered piece)

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Re: In honor of PotC: Dead Man's Chest....


-What is the limit of Davy's power to bind your soul to his crew? How much 'oomph' would it have if a dedicated mystic tried to undo the curse?


I'd say unless the dedicated mystic was on the level of a Dr. Strange or Dr. Fate, they'd probably be better off not trying. Unless the third movie says otherwise, I'm guessing the curse is something only mystics on that level have a hope of countering.

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Re: In honor of PotC: Dead Man's Chest....


- The big one: How did Davy Jones come to be? Lots of us have had girl problems, but they typically don't lead to your heart in a chest and the power to doom men's souls to servitude. Something else is involved.


-What is the deal with the crab locket? The musical one Davy has, the image on the chest, and the second locket in the voodoo woman's house?!

Dunno. I hope they explain it all in the third movie. But peeoples in this movies don't seem to die very easy or stay dead. Look at Barbossa. :)

(How can you tell its a Disney movie?)


-The monster pirates seemed to take stun but no body from standard weapons, and Will looked like he may have inflicted some actual body with a flaming sword (but it was hard to be certain). However you rule it, the raiding party on land took several solid hits from our heroes but always got back up.

Well, they are undead creatures of the sea...


-They can apparently teleport from ship to ship (the spyglass scene) but the exact limits of this are anybodies guess.

Since this only happens once, I think this a power that only Davy Jones has. What I want to know is what type of undead are they? For the most part they seem to be animated corpes, but with that teleporting certainly makes them more ghost-like.


-Did Davy Jones shave points by buying a giant Summon: Kraken as part of his vehicle to get the 1/5 cost savings on top of OIF, Bulky, Immobile, and Crew Served? Or can he control it without the rig on the ship?

Probably yes. I think the Summoner on his ship would be to call the Kraken, no matter how far away it is. But Once it is close enough, Davy Jones can use his power. Then again that capstan could his only focus to control the beast.


-What is the limit of Davy's power to bind your soul to his crew? How much 'oomph' would it have if a dedicated mystic tried to undo the curse?

Remember the scene where Will first meets Davy Jones, aboard that wrecked ship? Where one sailer refused to join Davy Jones' crew and was thrown overboard? You have to accept the curse willingly. That pact would make for the basis of a very powerful binding and your mystic may have to defeat Davy Jones himself to break it (or get him to release the bound soul, anyway). IMHO anyway.

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Re: In honor of PotC: Dead Man's Chest....


I find myself REALLY wanting a write up for Davey Jones and the Krakan' date=' as well as the Flying Dutchman itself. What a perfect baddy to throw against those mystic types, or water based characters. I wonder what the folks down in Atlantis would think of these two?[/quote']


Well, according to the DEMON book, some Morbanes in the Bermuda Triangle have summoned up a ghost ship and 'a powerful and ancient evil' called Captain Redbraids to command it -- an evil they only think they control.


Maybe that's ol' Davy and the Kraken right there. (And when I hear the word Kraken, I always think Cthulhu...)

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Re: In honor of PotC: Dead Man's Chest....


Well' date=' according to the [i']DEMON[/i] book, some Morbanes in the Bermuda Triangle have summoned up a ghost ship and 'a powerful and ancient evil' called Captain Redbraids to command it -- an evil they only think they control.


Maybe that's ol' Davy and the Kraken right there. (And when I hear the word Kraken, I always think Cthulhu...)


If there are stats for them in that book I MIGHT have to dig up that sourcebook again. Unless of course the stats for them are in Evil Unleashed.

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Re: In honor of PotC: Dead Man's Chest....


Dunno. I hope they explain it all in the third movie. But peeoples in this movies don't seem to die very easy or stay dead. Look at Barbossa. :)

(How can you tell its a Disney movie?)


The implication was not that Barbarossa survived but that the witch had somehow brought him back from the dead. He was clearly deceased in the first movie after all.

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