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Character name help!!!


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my brain is gone to mush, and I cannot come up with a good name for a character...


This superhero is a Telekinetic Brick, who is also a paranormal medical researcher (by trade). He has a military background. The source of his powers is mostly his telekinetics. In fact, his heightened STR is almost completely caused by an internalization of his telekinetic powers (in fact, he can enhance this even further through the application of his telekinetics).


Now, the character:

Doc ???

Val Char Cost Roll Notes

50/70 STR 40 19- / 23- Lift 25.6tons/409.6tons; 10d6/14d6 [5/7]

20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7

35 CON 50 16-

20 BODY 20 13-

13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-

11 EGO 2 11- ECV: 4

20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6

14 COM 2 12-


28 PD 18 Total: 28 PD (14 rPD)

28 ED 21 Total: 28 ED (14 rED)

5 SPD 20 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12

20 REC 6

70 END 0

70 STUN 7 Total Characteristic Cost: 233



Running: 8"/16"

Flight: 15"/30"

Leaping: 10"/20"

Swimming: 2"/4"



Cost Powers END

0 FPCA Radios: Radio Perception/Transmission (Radio Group), Sanctioned Hero; OAF (-1), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Sense Affected As More Than One Sense [hearing] (-1/2)

14 Bulletrproof: Damage Resistance (14 PD/14 ED)

30 Telekinetic Strength: Multipower, 30-point reserve

3u 1) Telekinesis: Telekinesis (20 STR) (30 Active Points) 3

3u 2) Agile Telekinesis: Telekinesis (13 STR), Fine Manipulation (30 Active Points) 3

3u 3) Telekinetic Flight: Flight 15" (30 Active Points) 3

3u 4) Telekinetic Shield: Force Field (7 PD/7 ED) (Protect Carried Items), Hardened (+1/4) (30 Active Points) 3

3u 5) Telekinetic Blade: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6 (4d6 w/STR) (30 Active Points) 3

1u 6) Telekinetic Strength: +20 STR (20 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2) 2

1u 7) Telekinetic Bracing: Clinging (normal STR) (10 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-1/2) 1

1u 8) Telekinetic Surgery: Healing BODY 2d6, Decreased Re-use Duration (1 Hour; +1/2) (30 Active Points); Extra Time (5 Minutes, -2), Requires A PS: Surgeon Skill Roll (-1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) 3

1u 9) Coal Into Diamonds: Major Transform 2d6 (lump of pure coal into a diamond) (30 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 1/4), Limited Target Pure Coal (-1), No Range (-1/2), All Or Nothing (-1/2) 3


3 Well-Connected

1 1) Contact (2 Active Points) 11-

1 2) Contact (2 Active Points) 11-

1 3) Contact (2 Active Points) 11-

1 4) Contact (2 Active Points) 11-

Core Super 8 Training

2 1) Fringe Benefit: Super 8 Graduate

5 Sanctioned Hero Package: Fringe Benefit: Membership: FPCA Sanctioned Hero, Registered Paranormal

0 Sanctioned Hero Package: Vehicles & Bases

5 Money: Well Off

1 Fringe Benefit: Medical Doctor


10 +1 Overall

2 +1 with Pulling Punch

10 +2 with HTH Combat

Academy Basic Training (Seattle)

0 1) KS: Paranormal History (Basic Super 8 Training) 11-

0 2) KS: Super 8 History (Basic Super 8 Training) 11-

0 3) Power: Brick Tricks (Basic Super 8 Training) 12-

Advanced Academy Training

0 1) Bureaucratics (Advanced Academy Training) 13-

0 2) Deduction (Advanced Academy Training) 12-

0 3) Hoist (Advanced Academy Training) 12-

0 4) Paramedics (Advanced Academy Training) 12-

0 5) Teamwork (Advanced Academy Training) 13-

3 Concealment 12-

3 Conversation 13-

2 CuK: The Military World 11-

3 Forensic Medicine 12-

2 KS: Army History and Traditions 11-

3 Linguist

1 1) Language: German (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)

1 2) Language: Latin (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)

1 3) Language: Russian (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)

2 PS: Combat Medic 11-

0 PS: Doctor (Everyman) 11-

2 PS: Paranormal Medical Researcher 11-

3 PS: Surgeon 13-

3 Power: Telekinesis 12-

Sanctioned Hero Package

0 1) KS: Supervillains (Sanctioned Hero) 11-

0 2) PS: Sanctioned Hero (Sanctioned Hero) 11-

3 Scientist

1 1) SS: Biochemistry 11- (2 Active Points)

2 2) SS: Medicine 12- (3 Active Points)

2 3) SS: Paranormal Medicine 12- (3 Active Points)

1 4) SS: Pharmacology 11- (2 Active Points)

3 Stealth 13-

3 Tactics 12-

3 WF: Small Arms, Knives


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 152

Total Cost: 385


200+ Disadvantages

Academy Graduate

0 1) Distinctive Features: Formally Trained (Super 8) (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Uncommonly-Used Senses; Super 8 Graduate)

0 2) Social Limitation: Super 8 Identity (Frequently, Major, Super 8 Graduate)

Sanctioned Hero Package

0 1) Distinctive Features: FPCA Logo (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

0 2) Hunted: FPCA 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)

10 Hunted: Army 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching)

30 Hunted: De Beers (Diamonds) 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Harshly Punish)

10 Psychological Limitation: Greedy (Common, Moderate)

Notes: see Master Lists description. He can control his urges, but they have gotten him into trouble in the past

10 Physical Limitation: Medically Resistant Skin (Infrequently, Greatly Impairing)

Notes: Most normal medical equipment (needles, scalpels,etc) cannot pierce his skin. Would probably be worth more without his Telekinetic Surgery power.

20 Psychological Limitation: Will Not Kill (Common, Total)

20 Psychological Limitation: Won't Allow Bystanders to Come to Harm (Common, Total)

Notes: see Master Lists description

10 Social Limitation: On Call (Frequently, Minor)

10 Social Limitation: Subject to Recall (Occasionally, Major)

0 Social Limitation: Public ID (Frequently, Major, Overrides Super-8 ID)

65 Experience Points

(7 points unspent)


Total Disadvantage Points: 385




I was kind of toying with a name like Doc "Something", since Doc Sampson has been stuck in my mind. However, I am looking for even more creative suggestions.


Note that at the current time, I am still looking to come up with about 30 more disadvantage points, so suggestions here would be good as well.


I particularly like the "Hunted by De Beers" (this design is for a player in my game, he came up with the framework, and another player came up with the Hunted... makes sense given their methods... :) )


So, any ideas would be welcome!


However, please also briefly explain the reason for the name (who gave it to him, how does it map back to his powers, etc)

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Re: Character name help!!!


He's got a public ID' date=' maybe something mundane like a normal, real name like "Dr. Wilson"?[/quote']

Given the player, that may be the best idea...


We'll see...


Keep the ideas flowing!


Also, please note that I am open to suggestion on powers that would fit into the structure, additional disads, etc.


So, actually, this is more a plea for character help!

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Re: Character name help!!!


Ok then, if he is a paranormal medical researcher...


More Science skills, particularly Genetics and perhaps some Xeno-biology skills. Diseases - can he cure lycanthropy?


Inventor - is he like a Hank Pym/Reed Richards of paranormal medicine?


A paranormal medical kit consisting of:

Super-Hypospray - a healing aid through a focus, with charges

Super-innoculations - Same for Life support vs poisons/diseases plus a dispel versus poisons/diseases

some kind of medical tricorder device - detects

Bonus to paramedics - bandages etc


Small medical gear VPP - can he boil up viruses/poisons to incapacitate villains?


Maybe a lab.


Relevant contacts - mainly medical/science/alien contact based... any organisations worth talking of?



One thing that I'd like to see is a Heroic Motivation Psych Lim... as in why does he do what he does?


The only motivation seems to be greediness at the moment... the Code vs Killing and protects bystanders are more immediate action based. What drives this character?


Anyways, they're my thoughts so far.

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Re: Character name help!!!


B/c of his Latin skill: Animus or Forte - Forte is nice because of the conection to fortitude, a strength of mind/spirit. Dr. Animus and Dr. Forte work too.


In more of the direction of a pun, he's military, he's medical, and he's very strong: Mash!

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Re: Character name help!!!


I love a good TK Brick. Here's a few suggestions (the origins of which should be obvious)...


Thanks for the ideas...


Dr. William Powers

Sounds too much to me like an mentalist... I get where you are going, but...


Major Force

Major Thomas Force

Given his military background, this one is probably a winner!


I really like this one. :D

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Re: Character name help!!!


Ok then, if he is a paranormal medical researcher...


More Science skills, particularly Genetics and perhaps some Xeno-biology skills. Diseases - can he cure lycanthropy?

Good ideas... he is definitely more of a surgeon than an immunologist. Due to his powers (etc), he has focused more on the doctor as mechanic aspect of medicine.


Inventor - is he like a Hank Pym/Reed Richards of paranormal medicine?


A paranormal medical kit consisting of:

Super-Hypospray - a healing aid through a focus, with charges

Super-innoculations - Same for Life support vs poisons/diseases plus a dispel versus poisons/diseases

some kind of medical tricorder device - detects

Bonus to paramedics - bandages etc


Small medical gear VPP - can he boil up viruses/poisons to incapacitate villains?


Maybe a lab.

Naw, the player isn't the type to really run an inventor. In fact, it may be stretching for him to run this sort of researcher.


Plus, from a metagaming standpoint, I think that he would be better served by diversifying his telekinetic abilities.


Relevant contacts - mainly medical/science/alien contact based... any organisations worth talking of?


In fact, there are a few good ones in the campaign, I just haven't plotted them in the character. However, I would probably have specific individuals in the orgs be the contacts.



FPCA (Federal Paranormal Control Agency): This is the key government organization that handles paranormals


River City Institute of Paranormal Medicine: This is institution that he will be a researcher at.



One thing that I'd like to see is a Heroic Motivation Psych Lim... as in why does he do what he does?

The only motivation seems to be greediness at the moment... the Code vs Killing and protects bystanders are more immediate action based. What drives this character?


All valid points. The greedy is there (along with the Coal into Diamonds power to explain his H: De Beers... I still chuckle about the fun I will have with this one... This is a case where it probably will be shown in his history/background more than Psych Lims. My guess is that he is a hero to serve the common good, at least in part. He served in the military, and his fighting crime as a costumed hero is just an extention of this fealing civic duty.


Thanks for the help, and the leading questions!

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Re: Character name help!!!


Just a few more thoughts then from me and those leading questions you know and love...


Far reaching effects


If he can make diamonds just like that and he serves the common good, why doesn't he make 'em and give them away to people who need it? Or even (to compensate that he might not give things away unless he gets something in return) give heaps to charity. Its then a tax write-off, plus he get given pretty stuff and free tickets to the Oscars and such.


And if he can make diamonds and is greedy why is he merely Well-off? He could seriously undercut the diamond price.... and in fact probably has. Also wouldn't flooding the market (as a greedy person with no economic know-how from his current skills) destabilise the stock market etc.... there's economic implications. Plus there are probably some African warlords after him because of the damage he's doing to their currency.... (just basing that bit on something I saw in Lord of War... I know, movies aren't real... but then, neither is roleplaying).



Interesting... some options there for romantic interests and rivals too.



So he is a hero because he feels a civic duty? What does that actually entail? Is he a "for the greater good of humanity" type guy? Or is he a "with great power comes great responsibility" guy? Just asking is all.


Also does he adhere to the Hippocratic oath? Because that's different to a code versus killing.


Finally (this post), I am not a fan of total psych lims as a player or GM. They imply extreme-ism. If this guy... lets call him Headmaster for another name for you to consider was in the army he couldn't have had it at that level and remained in the army, could he? Or did something happen since to make him go all extreme


Military Rank

I saw that you liked the Major Force name. Is this dude still a Ranked Military Officer or is he retired/honourably discharged? If so...


More food for thought.

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Re: Character name help!!!


Just a few more thoughts then from me and those leading questions you know and love...


Far reaching effects


If he can make diamonds just like that and he serves the common good, why doesn't he make 'em and give them away to people who need it? Or even (to compensate that he might not give things away unless he gets something in return) give heaps to charity. Its then a tax write-off, plus he get given pretty stuff and free tickets to the Oscars and such.


And if he can make diamonds and is greedy why is he merely Well-off? He could seriously undercut the diamond price.... and in fact probably has.

Well, some of that has to do with why De Beers is after him, if only to prevent him from flooding the market. Since he is only 'moderately' greedy, he has the common sense to not push them too hard... he likes his bling, but he likes his life more.

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Re: Character name help!!!


Well' date=' some of that has to do with [i']why[/i] De Beers is after him, if only to prevent him from flooding the market. Since he is only 'moderately' greedy, he has the common sense to not push them too hard... he likes his bling, but he likes his life more.


Good to hear.


Also maybe he could develop a TK version of psychic surgery or something like that - literally willing bones to knit and muscles to repair etc.

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Re: Character name help!!!


Good to hear.


Also maybe he could develop a TK version of psychic surgery or something like that - literally willing bones to knit and muscles to repair etc.


Heh. Well, actually... that is kind of what I see his Telekinetic Surgery being. He uses his Tk to knit bones and other tissues together.


I am also thinking the character probably should have a family (i.e., DNPCs), which would be another reason to be careful about the overproduction of diamonds. This may be an additional issue on the Hunted, as the DNPCs would be rather vulnerable.


However, I don't see De Beers going at him in a frontal assault (at least not all of the time ;) ), but rather using their influence to cause other headaches. Their money is enough to buy the best mercs, after all!

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Re: Character name help!!!


Well, I have to thank you all for the help.


The player whose character this is loved the name. He said it was just cheesy enough to be genre, and not so much that he wouldn't play it.


Now, Major Force is arguing with his wife about where his super-suit is... evidently she sent it to the cleaners, and it shrunk. ;)


To see him in all his glory...


Major Force

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Re: Character name help!!!


No problem - was a pleasure to be of assistance. Anytime you need that kind of creative noodling, I'll be there.


And I like the character - may even nick him as an NPC :D Except maybe that multipower needs to be 60 pts :eg:


Go right ahead... plagarism is the sincerest form of flattery, right?


Well, I can't deny that a 60 pt MP wouldn't be more versatile, but the 30 point pool does make for some interesting decisions.

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