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Help with Hunted


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One of my players is playing a drasalite alien in my Champions campaign. I need help coming up with a hunted for him. I figure the hunted is somebody who wants to capture him and do experiments and check out his alien physiology. I am trying to think of a official Champions Universe character who would fit the bill.

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Re: Help with Hunted


VIPER is always looking for subjects for experimentation, and given the success of the grafting of alien eyes onto a human being which created Oculon, would doubtless welcome an alien body-part "donor."


If your alien demonstrates any technology more advanced than common on Earth, that would likely attract the attention of the Warlord, whose own equipment is derived from captured alien tech.


For a less powerful Hunter, Howler is paranoid regarding aliens, fearing that they will try to take her power-providing amulet away from her. She may attempt a "preemptive strike" against your character before he has the chance to try.


BTW Teleios is written up in Champions Universe, the Warlord and Howler are from Conquerors, Killers And Crooks, while VIPER has a whole sourcebook named after them. ;)



EDIT: VIPER and the Warlord would both undoubtedly be More Powerful Hunters, while Howler would likely be As Powerful. VIPER in particular has tons of Non-Combat Influence.

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Re: Help with Hunted


If your alien demonstrates any technology more advanced than common on Earth, that would likely attract the attention of the Warlord, whose own equipment is derived from captured alien tech.



Don't forget ARGENT. They would love to get Alien Tech to reverse engineer it and maybe make the next "big scientific breakthrough". And rake in the cash from selling it to the highest bidder... :)

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