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Hooligan_X and Proditor Present: "The Third Semi-Annual Great HERO Figure Contest!"


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The Bunny's Entries!


OK, just because I hate to see Hooligan and Proditor weeping like little girls, here's my entries.


Original Character:

Darklight, a fallen angel who became a succubus in the armies of hell. But despite being told that humanity is weak and worthless, she has seen the good in mankind and therefore is trying to redeem herself by becoming a heroine.


I'm including a closeup piccie of her lantern, which I'm particularly proud of. :D


Original Team:

The Super Squad, a government-backed team of super patriots! They are:

Patriot -- Team leader & supersonic powerhouse.

Bill O. Wright, AKA Constitution -- As brilliant as he is mighty!

Skyrocket -- An alien who has come to appreciate America's "grand experiment."

American Eagle -- Gifted with the power of the enduring symbol of American freedom.

Stars & Stripes -- Twin sisters, each of them is a powerful energy projector; together they are unstoppable!


Unfortunately, looks like I'm not going to have time to do my Champions Universe conversion. I was gonna do Quasar, but oh well. :o

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A couple of suggestions.


First, does your camera have a macro setting? It's often indicated with a little flower symbol. Most people never have a need for it, so it may be hard to find -- check your documentation. If you've got macro, make sure you're using it.


Second, make sure you've got enough light. Put the figure under two bright (60+ watt) bulbs, one to the left of your fig, one to the right. Daylight-type bulbs are the best (like GE Reveal bulbs). The more light the better. And turn off the camera's flash -- it'll create weird shadows.


Third, set up your camera on a tripod (if you've got one, or set it on something solid) when you take your picture. It needs to be braced or your pic will come out blurry.


More tips and tricks here: http://www.herogames.com/digitalHero/Samples/dh29mini.jsp



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Re: Hooligan_X and Proditor Present:


I surrendered days ago when my 4th attempt at a fig was stillborn. Maybe next contest' date=' but I doubt it.[/quote']


I'm with Bill on this one. We'd rather see you glue arms to a penny, paint it, and name it "flat man" than not enter. The Kali fig you made a little while back was freakin' awesome. Quick plug for those who missed it: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1164886&postcount=5


Bill: Awesome work as usual, and wow, what are the odds that we get a soviet team and a patriotic american team as our first two original entries?!?


Awesome serendipity say I.


Bill again: It was kind of weird seeing the Superfigs since my mind automatically substituted what I used them for so far. IE: "No that's not right, that's supposed to be Stalwart..." ;) Really excellent work Bill. :thumbup:

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Well, I'm still behind and balking at putty prices because I'm having a cheap phase... on the good side, I did fit new spark plug wires and header gaskets to my car... *sigh*


Okay, I swear I'm going to start up again on the miniatures. Today. Putty and tools are already out, found a lot of dried out paint, though. =(


These are pieces I have ti finish up for playing with in group, though, so don't expect show paint jobs. Those are hard to patch up after someone chips the fig. By midnight on sunday, right?

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Re: Hooligan_X and Proditor Present: "The Third Semi-Annual Great HERO Figure Contest


I very much have the feeling I am doing something wrong with what I'm working on.... oh well, pictures tommorow, after I base these fraggers, I'll have to do the diorama part some other time or something... besides, I have 2... no, 3 more models to do now for that group. *sigh* I'm so pathetically apathetic... =)


And I ran out of putty for the single fig... so that's not happening afterall, I guess. Well, at least I have time before the next one, now, to properly do it all up right... =)

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Re: Hooligan_X and Proditor Present: "The Third Semi-Annual Great HERO Figure Contest


Okay, so I finally got around to finishing what I had at least... and since I don't know how to thumbnail and all that, I'll just include this link to the EpicGuard miniatures page which I just updated to accomadate this.




That's my entry, with explanations of what I did to make these darn guys. Again, these are playing pieces, so the paint jobs aren't exactly show quality. Next time, I'll just make pieces specifically for the contest, as apparently I wasn't supposed to make miniatures for my group so much as I was supposed to make up my own group. =) Follow links for character sheets and bios and such on the top nav bar if you want more information on the game itself.


Thanks much!


P.S. this is for original group, I guess. =)

Quartermain = Rapier

Chimera = Bloodstone

Heavy Metal = Remjin


3 more team members on the way, one up soon, 2 more coming much later...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Hooligan_X and Proditor Present: "The Third Semi-Annual Great HERO Figure Contest


About ten days left guys, and we're doing okay, but I sure would like to see a few more entires (Hint, freakin' hint, to quote my partner in crime).


Ya'll better get cracking or you'll force me to enter Doc Grond in my own contest. ;)

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Re: Hooligan_X and Proditor Present: "The Third Semi-Annual Great HERO Figure Contest


I decided that i wasn't going to add to my entries, since I got done what I did for the deadline as is... though, perhaps putting Chimera in the single entry might be better, but 2 is a bad team... =)


I'm working on a bunch of minis lately, so I'll be ready for the next one by the time it comes around... I hope. a lot of conversions and some scratch building involved, but I love the minis...

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Re: Hooligan_X and Proditor Present: "The Third Semi-Annual Great HERO Figure Contest


Three days left.


Contest ends Sunday, then I'll put up a pictures thread, send the entries off for official voting amongst the HERO folk, lay out the rules for peer voting, and make the forum poll. All of which sounds like a lot more work than it really is actually. :D

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