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[Third times a charm...] Any interest in a Defenders PbP game?

Snake Gandhi

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Howdy all. Me again. Some of you might remember me from the Avengers PbP game I started a while ago, or the Thunderbolts game a started some time after that.


Anywho, I was kinda reluctant to post this, as my last couple games had me dropping out due to personal crisis. But said crisis are finally done with, and since I actually got some folks asking if I'd be willing to run the game I figured I'd bite the bullet and see if anyone was game.


The drill is, it's the present day in the Marvel U, but instead of time standing still for our favorite characters it moved on normally. So most of are favorite folks are well into their golden years, and it comes down to the next generation of heroes to take over.


This particular flavor is based around everyones favorite weird and wacky team, the Defenders, who roster has lncluded the likes of founders Dr Strange, Silver Surfer, The Hulk and Namor, to folks like Prof X, Ben Grimm, Nova, Valkyrie to folks like Hawkeye, Spider-man, Daredevil, Iron Fist, Hercules, Black Knight, well, the list goes on and on.

Now, here is where this team will be different. First, 4-5 players, tops. Second, characters are going to be based on about 1000 points, maybe as high as 1200, still debating. (note, you don't have to use all those points if you dont want. Still, I can see some folks here coming up with 1200 Daredevil and Hawkeye legacies :) ). Thirdly, this will not be your average 'fight the supervillians' team. The Defenders don't do anything that pedestrain, at least not on purpose. Think 'strange' and 'weird', those will be the standards of the day for the Defenders, from fighting extra-dimensional vampires to psychic carribu from the year 11,000, a day in the Defenders is like a day on LCD, you never know what the hell you're gonna see.*


This will be the type of game where, should Mephisto and an army of demons appear in Central Park, this group goes "Is it Tuesday already?"


So, any interest in something like this?


*Note, this is also sort of a challenge to myself, to see just how well I can run a different sort of HERO game. One without real limits or structure or occasionally logic...

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Re: [Third times a charm...] Any interest in a Defenders PbP game?


Honestly, I don't have a problem with someone getting busy and dropping off a campaign. It happens, and, from what I've seen, it's pretty common on HC. My problem is how it was handled. You didn't leave the Thunderbolts campaign. You disappeared. There was no warning and no notification. The new campaign is going very slow since Supreme Serpent took over but he'd posted he was extremely busy between life and new child and such, and everyone knew upfront things would be slow, so I'm OK with that. My issue is that you disappeared without any warning whatsoever. It would have taken about a minute and a half to pop on and say, "Listen, I'm sorry, life has taken over, I can't continue with this" and that would have been that, and everything would have been OK.


Realistically, I would say you should probably poll any potential future players in your HC campaigns upfront to figure out which ones are willing to GM after you vanish.

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Re: [Third times a charm...] Any interest in a Defenders PbP game?


Sorry everyone, after my last post I kinda ignored the thread figuring no it was a dead idea. But if we've got some people really wanting to play, I'm more than willing to run it.


Everyone's free to post some ideas, and we'll see what looks good. And what the hell, let's go for broke and say characters are 950 + 250, with it being perfectly acceptable to take less if you'ed like.

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Re: [Third times a charm...] Any interest in a Defenders PbP game?


Goo - A strange extra-dimensional amorph. Mostly a brick, but has freaky weird goo powers. Most of the time, he can control his goo powers, but sometimes they get the best of him when he spreads himself "too thin".


Quote: "Look, I got my own problems here. Tell the spider monkeys that they have to wait."

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