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Wanted, South American Supervillains !

st barbara

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Okay so my "All The Worlds Heros" project is nearing completion and I am on the lookout for supervillains, either individuals or teams, from any South American counties. If anyone can come up with some good names for South American villains I would be interested. I have plenty of heros but any names for villains from any South American country would be appreciated.

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Re: Wanted, South American Supervillains !


Doh! Ok Here we go again...


List of Hispanic Superheroes



International Superheroes - Argentina



International Superheroes - Brazil



International Superheroes - Chile



Mesoamerican Mythology and Religion



List of Native American Superheroes




List of Hispanic Champions Universe Superheroes/Villains

* Professor Muerte

* Giganto

* The Golden Emperor (?)

* Arc

* Sapphire







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Re: Wanted, South American Supervillains !


El Porto: Opens gate (Teleportation) At megascale levels and personal level. He works for a drug cartel. To your door bulk drug delivery, without the hastle of customs. I like to use him to flood campaign cities with cocaine and marijuana. The reason the big cartels don't usually deal in pot is that the bulk shipping is more risky for less money than cocaine. When you can drop all you want across the globe with the effort of moving it to the next room, the profits are huge.

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Re: Wanted, South American Supervillains !


Some time back I created a team of supervillains from Latin America who worked as mercenaries for various organized crime groups, revolutionaries and corrupt politicians from the region. I called them The Ravagers and based them off one of the classic Avengers lineups, but using names and themes from Latin America. My players had little trouble recognizing them (which was part of the fun of using them), and I doubt I'll have to explain them to anyone reading this thread:


The Cartel Commando, a trained soldier with enhanced physical abilities gained from a refined derivative of cocaine;


Thunder, avatar of the Inca storm god of the same name;


The Golden Man, powered-armor wearer;


Andes, brick with growth and density powers;


Killer Bee, with shrinking and insect-based powers;


Bruja, mistress of elemental magiks;


Atlatl, highly skilled with that traditional Aztec dart-thrower, using gimmicked projectiles.

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Re: Wanted, South American Supervillains !


Thank you one and all ! Concerning "The Golden Man" I already have a hero from Peru known as "The Golden Warrior" who wears a set of conquistador armour and has the ability to summon elemental beings (only one at a time) and a bit of Tk and flight.


Just to clarify, El Dorado ("the golden man") is a figure of legend from Colombia, supposedly an ancient king who would engage in a yearly ritual, covering himself in golden ornaments and gold dust before bathing in a sacred lake, leaving the gold behind. Many treasure hunters since the days of the conquistadores have searched the lake for the supposed treasure. The name "El Dorado" later became confused with other legends of lost cities full of treasure.


The reference is specific enough to the region that there wouldn't necessarily be confusion between the Golden Man and your Golden Warrior. But of course it's yours to decide if they're too similar. :)

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Re: Wanted, South American Supervillains !


How about the scientific term Apis mellifera or just Mellifera for although it derives from the greek for honey carrying it sounds like a Latin name.


As for a killer bee being a hero the africanised bee attacks only in defence of the hive, admittedly they are more sensitive than their Western European cousins but they are not mean as they have been portrayed.


If your character is based on a bee then they should have some form of pheramone power sense/communication as pheramones are very important in the bee world

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Re: Wanted, South American Supervillains !


If anyone can come up with some good names for South American villains I would be interested. I have plenty of heros but any names for villains from any South American country would be appreciated.

In my campaign I've used several villains from Mexico, but you could relocate them to any spanish-speaking country.


Hijo del Sol (trans. "Son of the Sun")

If you play in my campaign, don't read the following spoiler. Anyone else is welcome to read it.


Hijo del Sol is a supervillain energy projector / mentalist.


His energy projection manifests as sunfire and sunlight (flash, EB, FF).


His mentalism mostly manifests as superhuman PRE. His presence inspires fear and loyalty.


His nastiest power is an AE, megascale, EGO-based transform that gradually (and slowly, due to the extra time limitation) transforms individuals who remain in his presence into fanatically loyal followers of his. Anyone who has Mental Defense is immune, though many people with Mental Defense also follow him due to his charasmatic personality. This power as intended as a plot hook, not as a way to directly manipulate the PCs. Instead of the PCs being directly affected, their DNPCs, followers and allies might become converts to Hijo del Sol's cause (if they spend enough time in the area).


This is the kind of supervillain who has 350 - 500 point villains as followers.




At one point a team of Hijo del Sol's followers tangled with the PCs. I remember most of the team, but not all of it:


Tiempo Vola (trans. Time Flies)

His major powers included Aid to SPD (which he used on his entire team) and Suppress SPD.


Montana (pronunciation: there's a tilde over the "n", so it's pronounced "moan - Tanya") (trans. Mountain)

This brick has linked Growth and Density increase.


Bandido (trans. Bandit)

This is Montana's brother. Unlike the rest of the team, Bandido has NCM and no superpowers. However, he is built on the same number of points and is an extremely skilled shot (combat levels, find weakness, etc.). The PCs decided he was a threat when they saw him do a 1-shot KO with his hunting rifle against a guy in powered armor.


Cerebra (trans. Mind)

The team's mentalist. She's not versitile, but has TK and Ego Blast.


I'm having difficulty remembering the last member, but I think it was Infierna (trans. Inferno and/or Hell)

She's a fairly standard fire-based energy projector.



Another campaign I played in (long ago) had a group called the South American Nazis. These were the children and grandchildren of Nazis who had fled to South America after WWII. The only one I remember was Uberfrau (trans. Overwoman), a brick.

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