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Look to the skies!


Whoops, let's start again. For my champions game, I am planning on writing and printing out the occasional newsfax for my PCs, so that they have an idea of what's happening in the world around them. One article in the one I am writing now needs a statement from an alien who is resident on earth, and likely available for comment. Unfortunately, the only one that I can think of off-the-top-of-my-head is, Ironclad. So, are there any others out there? Include members from your own team if they're based in something resembling CU.


This is why we need more info on some of the other heroes of the world.

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Re: Aliens


Firewing is probably available for comment at least occasionally. After all, he mostly just beats up superheroes or villains for fun, rather than conquering the world or killing everyone in a ten mile radius.


Nebula might provide comment occasionally; after all, *she* doesn't view herself as a villain.


As for campaign specific aliens. . . none that would really work.

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Re: Aliens


not exactly an alien but pretty close The Ambassador was a low level foreign service diplomat assigned as ambassador to a tiny island protectorate of the British empire.


unbeknown to the world at large the island was used as an experimental sample and periodical visited by aliens as part of a continuing assessment of the human species.


he was abducted and spent almost 100 years living amongst aliens as her majesties ambassador to the stars.

He returned in the late 80s to warn earth of a interstellar conflict that might be devastating to earth


during his travels, he has acquired lots of alien super tech as well as some very esoteric knowledge especially about alien politics warfare and diplomacy.


he has a rather strange outlook a unusual combination of alien and Victorian values. this would probably make him very interesting to interview.

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Re: Aliens


Funny, the 4E Champions Universe used to be lousy with alien heroes. :rolleyes:


From my last campaign, Ohodra was a powerful Mandaarian psionic, director of the latest of that race's periodic "exploration parties" to Champions Earth. She acted as an unofficial ambassador for her people, and occasional source of information on galactic affairs, although like all previous Mandaarian explorers she never directly interfered in Earth's internal matters.

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Re: Aliens


I have a Superhero in my game who is actually an energy being from another set of multiverses( Or Omniverse). He used to be an immensely powerful entity. He was somehow "defeated" and banished to this physical universe. He has a body of pure energy (humanoid shape) and can take human form for up to one hour.


He has been in this reallity for only a month or so. He would be willing to give an interview. Treat him as clueless when it comes to anything about pop culture. In fact, if it doesn't have to do with physics, nuclear physics, subatomic physics or mathematics, he's clueless. He has become a suprehero because he is facinated with the ammounts of super-powered beings on this planet and wants to interact with them more closely. Heroes seem to have more patience with him.




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