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To END or Not to END.


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I'm going to start running a Superheroic Hero Game. Half the players have played before, half have not.


I'm really trying to decide if I should use END or not. I fear it may make things too difficult for the new players.



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I say use END. Although it is one more thing to have to keep track of, it is only ONE more thing to have to keep track of. As long as the END costs are listed on the character sheets, it shouldn't be too difficult. As GM, the task may fall on you to constantly remind them to spend their END, but eventually it'll become second nature to them.

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Originally posted by Killer Shrike

Use Endurance, and just buy the newbies powers 0 END as much as possible. Best of both worlds.


I agree with Shrike...just don't let the newbies get over on active point limits in your game because of it. When they see other characters throwing more dice because they are willing to track END, they will come around.

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Definitely use END. One thing you might want to do for newbies -- or heck, I do it for ALL characters -- it to pre-figure some typical END per Phase costs. Good choices are


  • Half movement plus "typical" attack power
  • Full movement
  • "Standing" -- especially if the character has more than one constant power they're expecting to keep up (for example Force Field and Invisibility).
  • Full Burn -- every power that could logically be active in a phase, with the main attack pushed


END costs do add a layer of complexity, I'll admit. However I feel it is a necessary one -- especially for the superheroic genre -- so you don't have the characters just constantly throwing their weight around. It also allows for a nice genre bit, the master villain using henchmen to wear down the PC's END before the fight ;)

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I agree with y'all - use END. We've always used END in my campaign (except for the first few months when I first started Champions so way long ago). Using END has allowed some really tense, and exciting, moments when heroes and heroines pushed their powers when they had like 1 or 0 END, knocking themselves out with the effort and the villain goes down. Lotsa fun with lotsa players cheering the player who dared to go the extra mile.

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Re: To END or Not to END.


Originally posted by needo

Half the players have played before, half have not.


It seems to me the answer is simple. Have END use, and assign an experienced player to help each newbie. (This might also encourage some team-ups during battles, generate some tactics between the pairs, etc.)


This won't work if a newbie has some deep secret he wants to keep from the other players, but otherwise it works well all the way around (including helping with calculating CV and other game-type stuff).

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