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Killer Shrike

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Originally posted by Killer Shrike Everybody get real shy all of a sudden? Surely some of you have neat thug-level supervillains to share? Bring em on! :D
By the way, when you post your character, at the very top of the post type this:

<a name="NameOfCharacterWithNoSpacesOrPunctuation"></a>This will embed an anchor tag in the post and I can put a link directly to the character in the roster line up. Thanx!For example, because I put a tag at the beggining of Gauntlet's post like this:<a name="Gauntlet"></a>this link will go directly to him:Gauntlet

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Originally posted by Killer Shrike By the way, when you post your character, at the very top of the post type this:

<a name="NameOfCharacterWithNoSpacesOrPunctuation"><\a>This will embed an anchor tag in the post and I can put a link directly to the character in the roster line up. Thanx!For example, because I put a tag at the beggining of Gauntlet's post like this:<a name="Gauntlet"><\a>this link will go directly to him:Gauntlet

Hey KS, good idea! How about this one: Add the anchor tag automatically into the export template. :D Then no one has to remember.
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Originally posted by Durnin

Hey KS, good idea! How about this one: Add the anchor tag automatically into the export template. :D Then no one has to remember.

Well, I did on my version; I didnt put it into the public one because it requires discipline/understanding to use it correctly.


Spaces and illeagal characters will barf the tag, and I dont have anyway of modifying the export features of HD to strip them out. If HD had a Replace or URLEncode handle I could take care of it in the Template......but AFAIK it doesnt....


So, basically, I decided it was safer to not include it to protect the end users from themselves :D

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Originally posted by Killer Shrike

Well, I did on my version; I didnt put it into the public one because it requires discipline/understanding to use it correctly.


Spaces and illeagal characters will barf the tag, and I dont have anyway of modifying the export features of HD to strip them out. If HD had a Replace or URLEncode handle I could take care of it in the Template......but AFAIK it doesnt....


So, basically, I decided it was safer to not include it to protect the end users from themselves :D

Really?? Unfortunately, I am not at my HD computer to test this, but couldn't you just include the anchor tag in the export template? Something like:

<a name="<CHARACTER_NAME>">

I'll have to give it a shot tonight, and see if I can make it make more sense.

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Originally posted by Durnin

Really?? Unfortunately, I am not at my HD computer to test this, but couldn't you just include the anchor tag in the export template? Something like:

<a name="<CHARACTER_NAME>">

I'll have to give it a shot tonight, and see if I can make it make more sense.


Ya, thats how it goes, but if the Characters name is something like:





"Bullet-tooth" Tony


etc, its a no go. The tag wont format correctly.


Ill embed all 4 and you can give em a go (they wont show on screen, but they are in text):


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Coffin Nail JoeI'll post the picture when I have it. Here's the character.I intend to change one thing: The OAF needs to be worth less than it is, because he's able to do this with any group of nails or spikes that he picks up, not with a specific group he carries around.Also noticed an error with the PRE based stuff. It's supposed to be defensive, but I guess I forgot to check the "doesn't add" check box because it seems to have boosted his PRE based skills.

Combat Information Page

Character Name: Coffin Nail Joe

Alternate Identities: Joe Bellamy

Player Name:

Val Char Base Points Total Roll Notes
15 STR 10 5 15 12- HTH Damage 3d6 END [1]
26 DEX 10 48 26 14- OCV 9 DCV 9
18 CON 10 16 18 13-
15 BODY 10 10 15 12-
10 INT 10 0 10 11- PER Roll 11-
11 EGO 10 2 11 11- ECV: 4
25 PRE 10 5 25 14- PRE Attack: 5d6
10 COM 10 0 10 11-
16 PD 3 13 16   16 PD (16 rPD)
16 ED 4 12 16   16 ED (16 rED)
6 SPD 3.6 24 6   Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
7 REC 7 0 7  
60 END 36 12 60  
38 STUN 32 6 38    
6" Running 6 0 6"    
2" Swimming 2 0 2"    
3"/1 1/2"" Leaping 3 0 3" 153 Total Characteristics Points
Total earned: 0
Spent: 7
Unspent: 0
Base Points: 200
Disad Points: 110
Total Points: 317
Type Total
Run (6) 6" [12" NC]
Swim (2) 2" [4" NC]
H. Leap (3") 3"
V. Leap (2") 1 1/2"
Hair Color:  Dirty Brown
Eye Color:  Brown
Height:  6' 0"
Weight:  165 lbs

Type Amount Notes
Physical Defense 16 Current BODY:
Res. Phys. Defense 16  
Energy Defense 16 Current END:
Res. Energy Defense 16  
Mental Defense 0 Current STUN:
Power Defense 0  
OCV: 9 DCV: 9
Combat Skill Levels: +4 with EC nail powers
Maneuver Phase OCV DCV Effect
Block 1/2 +0 +0 Block, abort
Brace 0 +2 1/2 +2 vs. Range Mod.
Disarm 1/2 -2 +0 Can disarm
Dodge 1/2 -- +3 Abort, vs. all attacks
Grab 1/2 -1 -2 Grab two limbs
Grab By 1/2 -3 -4 Move and Grab
Haymaker 1/2* +0 -5 +4 DC attack damage
Move By 1/2 -2 -2 STR/2 + v/5
Move Through 1/2 -v/5 -3 STR + v/3
Set 1 +1 +0 Ranged Attacks only
Strike 1/2 +0 +0 STR or weapon
Range 0-4 5-8 9-16 17-32 33-64 65-128
RMOD 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10

Cost  Power END
5 So?: +10 PRE (10 Active Points); Defensive Only (-1)
16 Damage Resistance (16 PD/16 ED)
25 Skils that makes the kills: Find Weakness 12- (Related Group of Attacks (Nail Attacks))
13 Disenfranchised: Invisibility to Hearing Group, Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (20 Active Points); Always On (-1/2)
Notes: SFX: He cannot be heard; He believes this is because he has been ignored for so long.
15 Whippin' Nails: Elemental Control, 66-point powers, all slots: (33 Active Points); OAF (Bag of nails; -1), Range as Thrown Weapons (-1/4)
1) Spiked: Killing Attack - Ranged 3d6 (vs. PD), Reduced Endurance 1/2 END (+1/4), Armor Piercing x1 (+1/2) (79 Active Points); OAF (Bag of Nails; -1), Range as Thrown Object (-1/4), No Knockback (-1/4)
Notes: SFX: A single large spike, like a railroad tie.
2) Cluster Throw: Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6 (vs. PD), Reduced Endurance 1/2 END (+1/4), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2), Armor Piercing x1 (+1/2) (67 Active Points); OAF (Bag of Nails; -1), No Knockback (-1/4), Range as Thrown Object (-1/4)
Notes: SFX: Handful of nails that litter one whole hex.
3) Spray fire: Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6 (vs. PD), Armor Piercing x1 (+1/2), Reduced Endurance 1/2 END (+1/2), Autofire (10 shots; +1) (90 Active Points); OAF (Bag of Nails; -1), Range as thrown object (-1/4), No Knockback (-1/4)
Notes: SFX: For taking on large groups of normals and agents
4) Crucify: Entangle 3d6, 3 DEF, Cannot Be Escaped With Teleportation (+1/4), Reduced Endurance 1/2 END (+1/4), Takes No Damage From Attacks All Attacks (+1/2), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2) (75 Active Points); Target must have a wall or appropriate suface in the hex on opposit side of attacker Power does not work in Very Common Circumstances (-1), OAF (Bag of Nails; -1), Range as Thrown Object (-1/4), Cannot Form Barriers (-1/4)
Notes: SFX: The classic 'nail the opponent to the wall' effect. Requires the opponent have a wall on the opposite side from the attacker.
135 Total Powers Cost

Cost  Name
12 +4 with EC nail powers
3 Acrobatics 14-
3 PS: Machinist 12-
5 Shadowing 12-
3 Stealth 14-
3 Streetwise 14-
29 Total Skills Cost

Cost  Disadvantage
10 Distinctive Features: Dirty homeless man (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
15 Enraged: When purposely ignored (Very Common), go 8-, recover 14-
10 Hunted: Anthem, Daughter 11- (Less Pow; Harshly Punish)
10 Money: Destitute
25 Physical Limitation: Mute (All the Time; Fully Impairing)
15 Psychological Limitation: Alcoholic (Common; Strong)
10 Psychological Limitation: Hatred of Rich People (Common; Moderate)
5 Rivalry: Professional (Daughter, Anthem; Rival is Less Powerful; Seek to Harm or Kill Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry)
10 Unluck: 2d6
110 Total Disadvantages Cost
Height: 6' 0" Hair: Dirty Brown
Weight: 165 lbs Eyes: Brown
Background: There are those who fall through the cracks of society, and then there are those who plunge through without being pushed. Joe Bellamy was a machinist laid off from his job who had difficulty finding a new one due to an anger management problem and showing up for interviews half in the bag. After a hard day of abusing his daughter he'd go out and get soused and complain to anyone who would listen. The problem is that after a while even your friends stop listening. Joe drank himself into a stupor on so many occasions that he eventually began to have memory issues. The problem is that if he'd ever really done something with the tremendous throwing talents he'd always had, he might have made a difference, instead he never identified them and became a nameless face on the steet corner begging for change and being ignored.


He subsequently has become the protege of a villain who saw him hurl a handful of nails at a passing car that nearly hit him. He punctured the tires and shattered te tail lights with no effort and with just one throw. He still has an alcohol problem, but no one seems to care as long as he shows up on 'game day' and does his job. He still has issues with being clean, and the others have taken it as a part of his personna.

Campaign Use: His daughter is the hero "Anthem", who has similar throwing skills, only using Shurikens.
Character created with Hero Designer (version 1.47)
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Added Coffin Nail Joe to the roster.


Enforcer, Wily Q & Odd Hat, if you could add the anchor tag at the start of your characters (I described how to do this a few posts back) and let me know youve done it, I can get thier names linked up to thier posts.



For those of you who havent posted, dont be shy folx! Enforcers Inc is an Equal Opportunity (for Mayhem) Employer! Submit those resume's now!


Unger interviewing potential new Contractor

-Unger: I see you've got experience with casual violence and public menacing.


-Applicant: I EXCEL at casual violence, and have mastered public menacing.


-Unger: Good, good. So where do you see yourself in 5 years if you stay with the company?


-Applicant: Well, my short terms are to stay out of Stronghold for the next 3 years, and then go back so I can finish my undergrad work and get my Masters.


-Unger: Ah, yes, continuing education is important; got to stay current afterall. What field of study, might I ask?


-Applicant: Nuclear Physics, with a minor in Marketting. I've got a world domination angle in mind and I really think a degree in those two fields will give me an edge when it comes time to hold the nations of the world for ransom. You've got to sell them on the idea that you'll really use the nukes, when its obviously not in your own best interests to do so. Thats where the Marketting comes in, you understand.


-Unger: Well, I see you've thought things thru. When you become established I hope you'll consider us for all your powered assistance needs. In the meantime, Id like to set you up with a contract we just got in. Looking at your resume, you are certainly qualified. How do you feel about doing a job for ARGENT? Also, do you have any capes riding you in Akron, Ohio? No? Good....just sign here, and Ill get you set up. We'll send you over for a screening interview with the clients this afternoon........

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Tag Added and HDC


Added the tag to DIANABOL (though dropping the punctuation means also dropping the sad pun, such as it was). Made some small changes to backstory to make it easier to get her involved with Enforcers Inc. Here's the HDC file.

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Re: Tag Added and HDC


Originally posted by OddHat

Added the tag to DIANABOL (though dropping the punctuation means also dropping the sad pun, such as it was). Made some small changes to backstory to make it easier to get her involved with Enforcers Inc. Here's the HDC file.

Kewl; thanx! She's all linked up now. As an aside, your closing anchor tag is biffed.


Hopefully we'll be seeing more entries from you soon. Im working on 1 now as I type this :D

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Combat Information Page

Character Name: Nightwalker (Incubus)

Alternate Identities: Daniel Thorne

Player Name:

Val Char Base Points Total Roll Notes
15 STR 10 5 15 12- HTH Damage 3d6 END [1]
10 DEX 10 0 10/25 11- / 14- OCV 3/8 DCV 3/8
10 CON 10 0 10/25 11- / 14-
15 BODY 10 10 15 12-
16 INT 10 6 16 12- PER Roll 16-
20 EGO 10 20 20/30 13- / 15- ECV: 7/10
15 PRE 10 5 15/50 12- / 19- PRE Attack: 3d6 / 10d6
16 COM 10 3 16/50 12- / 19-
10 PD 3 7 10/20   10/20 PD (10/20 rPD)
7 ED 2 5 7/20   7/20 ED (7/20 rED)
2 SPD 2.0 0 2/6   Phases: 6, 12/2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
0 REC 5 -10 0/3  
20 END 20 0 20/50  
42 STUN 28 14 42/50    
12" Running 6 0 12"    
2" Swimming 2 0 2"    
12"/6"" Leaping 3 1 12" 66 Total Characteristics Points
Total earned: 250
Spent: 250
Unspent: 0
Base Points: 200
Disad Points: 150
Total Points: 600
Type Total
Run (6) 12" [24" NC]
Swim (2) 2" [4" NC]
H. Leap (3") 12"
V. Leap (2") 6"
Flight 0"/15" [0"/30" NC]
Teleport 0"/1" [0"/2" NC]
Hair Color:  Black
Eye Color:  Blue
Height:  6' 0"
Weight:  195 lbs
A modestly tall, attractive Englishman in his mid-40s with black hair usually worn long and blue eyes. Lean and spare, with sad eyes. As Nightwalker he wears a simple black costume with a black full-faced mask. As Incubus he wears whatever he has on at the time, but tends towards black gothic-looking clothes. During the day he looks like a fairly attractive but basically normal looking person, but at night women (and some men) see him as indescribably attractive and mesmerizing.

Type Amount Notes
Physical Defense 10/20 Current BODY:
Res. Phys. Defense 10/20  
Energy Defense 7/20 Current END:
Res. Energy Defense 7/20  
Mental Defense 13/15 Current STUN:
Power Defense 5  
OCV: 3/8 DCV: 3/8
Combat Skill Levels: +2 with HTH Combat
Maneuver Phase OCV DCV Effect
Block 1/2 +0 +0 Block, abort
Brace 0 +2 1/2 +2 vs. Range Mod.
Disarm 1/2 -2 +0 Can disarm
Dodge 1/2 -- +3 Abort, vs. all attacks
Grab 1/2 -1 -2 Grab two limbs
Grab By 1/2 -3 -4 Move and Grab
Haymaker 1/2* +0 -5 +4 DC attack damage
Move By 1/2 -2 -2 STR/2 + v/5
Move Through 1/2 -v/5 -3 STR + v/3
Set 1 +1 +0 Ranged Attacks only
Strike 1/2 +0 +0 STR or weapon
Range 0-4 5-8 9-16 17-32 33-64 65-128
RMOD 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10

Cost  Power END
12 Resistent Skin: Damage Resistance (10 PD/10 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (12 Active Points)
33 Demonic Gifts: Life Support , Eating: Character does not eat, Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents, Immunity: All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents, Longevity: Immortal, Safe in High Pressure, Safe in High Radiation, Safe in Intense Heat
8 Perching: Clinging (normal STR) (10 Active Points); Requires Climbing Skill Roll (-1/4)
5 Regeneration: Healing 1 BODY, Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (20 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Hour (-2 1/4), Self Only (-1/2)
Demonic Form, all slots: Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4), Only at Night (-1/4)
1) +15 DEX (45 Active Points)
2) +15 CON (30 Active Points)
3) +3 SPD (30 Active Points)
4) +10 EGO (20 Active Points)
5) +10 PRE (10 Active Points)
6) Irresistible Presense: +25 PRE (25 Active Points); Only vs Appropriate Sexual Orientation (-1)
7) Rakish Good Looks: +34 COM (17 Active Points); Only vs Appropriate Sexual Orientation (-1)
8) Demonic Mind: +9 Mental Defense (13/15 points total) (9 Active Points)
9) Demonic Resistance: Power Defense (5 points) (5 Active Points)
10) Sleep Resistance: (Total: 23 Active Cost, 10 Real Cost) Life Support , Sleeping: Character does not sleep (Real Cost: 3) plus +20 STUN (20 Active Points); Only To Resist Sleep Attacks (-1) (Real Cost: 10)
11) Creature of the Night: Nightvision (5 Active Points)
12) Sense of the Hunter: Detect Single Women 14-, Analyze, Discriminatory, Increased Arc of Perception: 360-Degree, Range, Sense, Targeting Sense, Telescopic (+3), Tracking (45 Active Points); Smell & Mental Awareness (-1/4)
13) Heightened Senses: Enhanced Perception (+4 to PER Rolls for All Sense Groups) (12 Active Points)
14) Demonic Resilience: Armor (10 PD/10 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (37 Active Points)
7 Demonic Adaptations: Elemental Control, 20-point powers, all slots: (10 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4), Only at Night (-1/4)
1) Rapid Healing: Healing (Regeneration) 4 BODY (Can Heal Limbs), Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (90 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Hour (-2 1/4), Self Only (-1/2)
2) Shadowy Wings: Flight 15" (30 Active Points)
3) Emotion Control: (Total: 65 Active Cost, 21 Real Cost) Mind Control 5d6, Telepathic (+1/4), Cumulative (x4 max.) (+1) (56 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Only vs Appropriate Sexual Orientation Subset of a class (-1/2), Stops Working If Mentalist Is Stunned (-1/2), Eye Contact Required (-1/2), Linked to Seduction (-1/4) (Real Cost: 17) plus Seduction 15- (22-) (Real Cost: 9)
4) Powerful Strikes: Hand-To-Hand Attack +4d6 (20 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2)
5) Talons: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1 1/2d6 (plus STR) (vs. PD) (25 Active Points)
6) Enhanced Leaping: Leaping +8" (11" forward, 5 1/2" upward) (Accurate), Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2) (21 Active Points)
7) Enhanced Running: +6" Running (12" total), Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2) (24 Active Points)
8) Shadow Walking: Teleportation 1", Position Shift, x2 Increased Mass, Safe Blind Teleport (+1/4), Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2), Megascale (1" = 10 km; +1/2), Can Be Scaled Down: 1" = 1km (+1/4) (30 Active Points); Only while in Darkness or large Shadow (-1/2), Must Emerge From a large Shadow/ Area of Darkness (-1/4)
9) Cloak of Darkness: Invisibility to Sight Group (20 Active Points); Only When Not Attacking (-1/2), Only while in Shadows or darkness (-1/2)
10) Body of Shadows: Desolidification (affected by Holy Items, Consecrated Ground cancels completely) (40 Active Points)
11) Soul Drain: Transfer 4d6 (BODY to REC), Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Day) (+1 1/2), Invisible Power Effects, Hide effects of Power (Fully Invisible; +2) (300 Active Points); Only during Intercourse (-2), Only vs Women (-1)
431 Total Powers Cost
Cost  Name
2 Comptetant Supervillain: Reputation (A medium-sized group; 11-) +2/+2d6
3 Anonymity
5 Total Perks Cost
Cost  Name
5 Iron Willed: Resistance (5 points)
25 Demonic Tongue: Universal Translator 17-
30 Total Talents Cost

Cost  Name
15 Adept Movement: +5 with All Movement
10 Adept Fighter: +2 with HTH Combat
3 Acrobatics 11- (14-)
3 Breakfall 11- (14-)
3 Climbing 11- (14-)
3 Conversation 12- (19-)
3 Persuasion 12- (19-)
3 Shadowing 12-
3 Stealth 11- (14-)
3 Streetwise 12- (19-)
3 KS: Anglican Religion (INT-based) 12-
3 KS: History (INT-based) 12-
3 Traveler
1) CK: London (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12-
2) AK: England (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12-
3) AK: America (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12-
4) AK: Europe (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12-
5) AK: Australia (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 12-
68 Total Skills Cost

Cost  Disadvantage
30 Accidental Change to Demonic Form: At Night Always (Very Common)
10 Distinctive Features: Mystic Aura (Not Concealable; Extreme Reaction; Detectable Only By Unusual Senses; OIHID; Disadvantage Limit)
25 Susceptibility: Holy Ground 3d6 damage, per Phase (Uncommon)
10 Social Limitation: Secret Past (Occasionally; Major)
20 Psychological Limitation: Chauvanist (Very Common; Strong)
10 Physical Limitation: All dogs growl & try to protect thier masters from him (Frequently; Slightly Impairing)
15 Hunted: Society of Leopold 8- (As Pow; Harshly Punish; Extensive Non-Combat Influence)
10 Physical Limitation: Cant eat solids (Frequently; Slightly Impairing)
12 Enraged: Spurned by a Woman (Uncommon), go 11-, recover 11-, OIHID
8 Reputation: Demonic entity 11- (Extreme (Known Only To A Small Group; OIHID))
150 Total Disadvantages Cost
Height: 6' 0" Hair: Black
Weight: 195 lbs Eyes: Blue
Appearance: A modestly tall, attractive Englishman in his mid-40s with black hair usually worn long and blue eyes. Lean and spare, with sad eyes. As Nightwalker he wears a simple black costume with a black full-faced mask. As Incubus he wears whatever he has on at the time, but tends towards black gothic-looking clothes. During the day he looks like a fairly attractive but basically normal looking person, but at night women (and some men) see him as indescribably attractive and mesmerizing.
Personality: Daniel is strangely jaded. He's seen and done so much that he is basically blase verging on apathetic on most subjects. He basically has no real interest in anything, and just keeps busy as a way to alleviate his boredom. He likes being around party scenes, because all the chaos and activity help him forget for a while what he is and allow him to live in the moment.


Daniel isnt motivated so much as driven by the forces that are contained within him. He is driven to feed, and to survive, and thats about it.

Quote:(thought bubble) {What difference does it make; you'll all be dust in a few decades...}
Background: Daniel was born in 1586 AD in London and grew up in a time of huge religious turmoil in England. The Anglican Church had succeeded from the Roman Church in 1536 by direction of King Henry VIII. The Book of Common Prayers was printed in 1549 and revised in 1552, and the Anglican Church was assisted in its organization by Queen Elizabeth I in 1562 onward. 1564 saw the advent of the Puritans, who printed the Geneva Bible in 1575, were mocked by Shakespeare in 1590, and generally outlawed by 1593. Elizabeth I was succeeded by King James I in 1603, Roman fanatics tried to blow up parliament in 1605, 1607 saw the founding of Jamestown in America by Captain John Smith, 1609 saw the creation of the Baptist movement by former Anglican preacher John Smyth, and 1611 the first publication of the King James Bible. Thus, though almost 1000 years old by the time of Daniels birth, the Anglican Church specifically and England in general was in a high state of change then and for almost 70 years after.


Daniel was born to Anglican parents, his mother dying shortly after childbirth. His father was a simple craftsman and cared for the child as best he could, but after Daniel was 6 he gave him over to the Church to raise. Thus the turn of the century saw Daniel, at 14, nearing adulthood as an altar boy in the Anglican church. Separatists, Reformers, and Puritans abounded during this period; Priests argued and debated, and even occassionally warred in private upon one another. In 1611 Daniel was fully ordained as a priest in the Anglican church, and was assigned as an assistant to John Donne, an older and more experienced priest that was widely respected within the order. Daniel served under Donne's guidance for 11 years, and in 1622 went with him when Donne was made Dean of St. Paul's Cathedral in London after the previous Dean died of an accidental fall.


At St. Paul's, Daniel began to have nightmares. Lurid, graphic dreams and night haunts plagued his slumber and within weeks he had progressed from a calm, mostly content middle aged priest to a haggard shadow of himself. He found that if he dozed during the day he could escape the dreams, but his duties did not permit him the luxury of day time slumber. Thus, finding no surfeit from his dreams, he took to insomnia to avoid them. Wandering the grounds at night, he eventually explored deeper into the recesses of the premises and seemingly by accident discovered a secret passage in the lower levels that led him, twisting and turning, into a small vestibule. In truth, though he knew it not, he had been drawn there inexorably by the power of dark forces trapped in a small gold and silver medallion inscribed in ancient runes which rested in that room upon a consecrated altar surrounded by various articles of faith and the remains of past rites intended to suppress the unquenchable evil housed within the medallion.


Unknown to Daniel the previous Dean of the Cathedral had been the last successor of a long chain of holy men that had been responsible for warding against the evils contained in the amulet for several thousand years, and had died unexpectedly without having passed the task on to a successor. Thus, without the renewal of the wards upon it the evil forces contained within the medallion were able to exert thier influence again, and chose Daniel as their target, for in truth he sometimes chafed under the restrictions of a priestly life which was in many ways chosen for him rather than by his own free will. Almost in a trance Daniel reached forth past the waning wards to touch the medallion, and was forever altered thereafter. With his touch the evil energies leaped from the medallion they had been trapped within for millenia into Daniels body, corrupting him to his very soul and working irreversible changes upon him, and also releasing a backlash of invisible force that caused tremendous structural damage to the church. Daniel was beyond noticing this however, as he immediately felt tremendous pain from the consecrated grounds of the church, and without thought he reflexively _shifted_ away, emerging in a darkened alley in the outskirts of London where the changes infecting him continued to take effect.


Daniel was possessed by some dark spirit which infected his mind with thoughts of lust and strange dark urges. Those first few nights were a blur; Daniel never has been able to remember them clearly. But soon tales spread of some curse that was affecting the women of London; many a single female was found dead in her chambers in a shameful state, as if they died in the middle of coitus. There were never any signs of entry into the room however; locked door mysteries every one of them. After a few days, maybe a week of this, Daniel came to himself. He was regaining control of this faculties, but his personality was still imprinted with evil thoughts. At first Daniel despaired of his state and as he gained greater control tried to resist the urge to feed upon the life energies of women, but soon found himself emaciated and weakened; eventually he would grow so weak that the dark urges would supplant him again and he'd loose several more days to a grey fugue of debauchery. Daniel finally accepted that he had become some kind of Incubus; a creature of the night that feeds upon the souls of women, using sex to corrupt them first and then taking thier souls unawares. During the day he was much the same as before, though somewhat more durable and resilient, and lacking the ability to eat or sleep. But by night, dark energies swelled within him and he was faster, stronger, unstoppable. Able to step from shadow to shadow, fly upon wings of darkness, rend things with talons that sprouted with a thought, strike with crushing force, and of course utterly control women with but a thought, in fact be seemingly irresistible to them.


Daniel was confused, and didnt know what to do. During the day he wandered around London, and by night he preyed upon women for several weeks. Finally he realized that if he stayed much longer his predations would draw more attention than neighboorhood rumors, and regretfully he left his beloved London behind and set out into England at large. He quickly discovered that he had much more difficulty finding prey or blending in outside of a city, and so made his way to other urban areas and eventually leaving England alltogether for the more densely populated mainland around the same time King Charles I ascended the throne of England in 1625. He returned to England briefly on a whim in 1639, but left rapidly as Cromwell seized power and the Puritan regime settled in. He returned again in 1661 after Puritan rule has been repealed, but having traveled Europe extensively in the meantime, Daniel has gained a more cosmopolitan view and tired rapidly of what he now perceived as petty squabbles between people bickering over minor, inconsequential differences in the same basic religion. Having lived in his demonic state as long as he had lived as a mortal, his perspective had shifted considerably.


In 1684 Daniel traveled to America for the first time after his presense in England accidentily triggered a rash of witch trials and general fits of superstition and persecution of anything percieved to be supernatural. With his absence, the whole sad affair dwindled by 1685 with the last witch trial to ever be held in England. However, his predations in the colonies help to kindle superstitions there as well, touching off another string of witch trials and general superstitious flailing. Abandonning the colonies he returned again to Europe in 1701, and traveled extensively for over a century, leaving a trail of bodies initially, but eventually gaining better control over his abilities and the demonic impetus. During this time he gradually learned how to take only a little from each woman, leaving them weakned but still alive and using his power over thier minds to make them forget him. It was more work for him and meant he had to feed 2 or 3 times a night, but on the otherhand it allowed him to stay in one place much longer, and he could set up a rotation schedule with a small pool of women, leaving some fallow for a few days like a farmer managing his crops, only to return when they had regained thier strength.


He settled in Prague and Vienna in 1830, traveling between the two at whim. It was in Vienna that he first encountered the Society of Leopold, and they have appeared to harrass him on numerous occasions since then. Somehow his mental powers did not work on one of his victims (she was secretly a true lesbian and had no attraction to men at all; thus his powers failed to affect her), and she took shelter in the church after his visit. The Society investigated the matter unbeknownst to Daniel, and found a number of women who friends and relatives indicated were "unusually distracted and wan". The Society wasted no time and set a trap for Daniel, staking out one of his victims rooms for days. When Daniel next visted her chambers, oozing in like a shadow before taking form he was quite suprised to find her bed warded off by holy water, and to be set upon by a number of warrior-priests weidling consecrated swords and holy water. Daniel laid about him in the intial confusion, killing or injuring several of the priests, but quickly opted to flee rather than fight, fading into the night. Throughout the 2 centuries since then the Society has caught him out in similar fashion on several occasions. In moments of reflection Daniel finds it ironic and faintly amusing that his only real enemy is a part of the Roman Catholic Church.


World War I and the collapse of the Austria-Hungary region into chaos motivated Daniel to depart Europe again, and he eventually ended up in America in time for the roaring 20's. Daniel and the Roaring 20's was a good fit; many women he didnt even need to use his powers on to entice. He found he could actually have a social life of sorts, passing himself off as a rake, simply showing up to parties at night. He also became involved with bootlegging after a speakeasy he was frequenting was raided by cops; loathe to spoil the good thing he had going by using his powers to escape, Daniel instead knocked out 10 of the cops bareknuckled, ignoring thier billy clubs and punches thanks to his supernatural resilience. After the cops were all unconscious and everyone was clearing out post haste, the mobster running the joint came over and pushed Daniel out with the rest of the patrons, but several days later Daniel was approached at a roadside cafe as he sipped tea by 3 suited Italian types and offered a job working as muscle for them. He turned them down, but they insisted he visit "the boss". Deprived of most of his powers during the day he went along with them. He turned down the bosses offer as well, but seeing an opportunity to make some money with which to continue his charade he offered to instead become a bootlegger himself; he offered to act as a works-alone courier instead, brining booze across the border from Canada. The boss was skeptical, but after Daniel arrived with a shipment of booze the next night completely undetected, he was sold.

Daniel made good money in this fashion, and used it to throw a few parties of his own. He bacame something of a notable among the party set, darkly mysterious and hit with the ladies. But the collapse of Prohibition, the declining economy, and the fact that everyone else was getting older while he stayed the same age as always led Daniel to depart. However, having had a taste of the high life and blending in he couldnt go back to his previous existance of existing outside of society like a wolf in the woods. He traveled next to Australia, along with some of the friends he had made in America, but found it too primitive for his tastes and he returned to America, this time the West Coast. He became involved in the film boom of the 30's, and renewed some of his ties with the mob in Las Vegas, which soon blossomed into an excellent haunt for Daniel. While World War 2 raged, he alternated between L.A., Las Vegas, Frisco, and Seattle. As a side benefit, all the women with husbands and beau's off to war made easy pickings for Daniel.


During this time Daniel became a kind of odd-jobs man for the mob. He didnt really need the money, or a job for that matter; but the truth of it was he's just bored and tired of his endless existance, and taking jobs for the mob gave him something interesting to do to while away eternity. He never revealed his true nature to them, but it was known that he could somehow get in and out of just about anywhere, no questions asked. It also became obvious that he didnt age, but nobody really cared about that so long as he got the job done.

Life continued in a similar vein thru the 70's, aside from a couple of Society of Leopold visits, and Daniel was content in his existance. However, the Italian mafia started to change during the late 70's and early 80's, as it tried to deal with encroaching cartels and triads. Also, most of the fella's Daniel was in good with were ancient or dead by then. The swinging high times were coming to a close. Plus, powered individuals were much more common and technology was getting ever better at detecting theft and illeagal entry, causing Daniel to have competition in the mysterious theft department as well as greater probability of being detected.


Finally, a major ambush by the Society of Leopold in L.A. convinced Daniel to fade for awhile. He went back to Australia in 1987 for a stint and got involved with organized crime down under. The country had come a long way since his last visit, but he found himself missing the good times in America. Finally, he recently returned to America. Lacking any of his old contact in the mob, he struck out as a freelancer and recently accepted a contract via Enforcers Incorporated.

Powers/Tactics: Daniel has a wide array of abilities revolving around his demonic state and an affinity with shadows and the night. Most of Daniels powers are in fact only usable at night. Daniel also has tremendous abilities to manipulate the hearts and minds of the opposite sex. The origin of his powers is unknown to him but are in fact almost inconceivably ancient. Daniel is an immortal and never sleeps, cant eat solid food, and has a presense that upsets pets, particularly domesticated dogs.


Despite his suite of abilities, Daniel is not very offensively equipped, and is almost normal by day.

Campaign Use: Mysterious supernatural quasi-villain. Makes a great adversary for strongwilled female PCs. Excellent infiltrator, with Teleport and Desolid to get in and out of places.
Character created with Hero Designer (version 1.47)
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Re: Re: Tag Added and HDC


Originally posted by Killer Shrike

Kewl; thanx! She's all linked up now. As an aside, your closing anchor tag is biffed.


Hopefully we'll be seeing more entries from you soon. Im working on 1 now as I type this :D


I have a few thugs that might fit. If I get time tonight I'll be glad to re-work one and send it in.


I liked your Incubus caracter. I was thinking of submitting my version of Casca the Eternal Mercenary, but one immortal thug in a group is probably enough.

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Re: Incubus


Originally posted by OddHat

That was one epic origin story. Well done.

Thanx, although I seem to be having trouble maintaining tense today :(


Oh well....he turned out ok regardless.


I sat down to make a completely different character, but this is what turned up :)


Little bit of the Confessor in there, along with general Vampire the Masquerade and the Highlander Immortal schtick too, but he still seems distinct enough....all around Im happy with it :D

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Milos FearonThe inspirations for this character should be obvious. :)

Combat Information Page

Character Name: Milos Fearon

Alternate Identities:

Player Name:

Val Char Base Points Total Roll Notes
13 STR 10 3 13 12- HTH Damage 2 1/2d6 END [1]
18 DEX 10 24 18 13- OCV 6 DCV 6
23 CON 10 26 23 14-
20 BODY 10 20 20 13-
18 INT 10 8 18 13- PER Roll 13-
29 EGO 10 38 29 15- ECV: 10
18 PRE 10 8 18 13- PRE Attack: 3 1/2d6
10 COM 10 0 10 11-
12 PD 3 0 12   12 PD (9 rPD)
14 ED 5 0 14   14 ED (9 rED)
4 SPD 2.8 12 4   Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
8 REC 8 0 8  
46 END 46 0 46  
39 STUN 39 0 39    
6" Running 6 0 6"    
2" Swimming 2 0 2"    
2 1/2"/1"" Leaping 3 0 2 1/2" 139 Total Characteristics Points
Total earned: 0
Spent: 0
Unspent: 0
Base Points: 200
Disad Points: 150
Total Points: 350
Type Total
Run (6) 6" [12" NC]
Swim (2) 2" [4" NC]
H. Leap (3") 2 1/2"
V. Leap (1") 1"
Hair Color:  Grey
Eye Color:  Grey
Height:  5' 7"
Weight:  136 lbs
Small, thin man of indeterminate age. Often disguised. Street clothes.

Type Amount Notes
Physical Defense 12 Current BODY:
Res. Phys. Defense 9  
Energy Defense 14 Current END:
Res. Energy Defense 9  
Mental Defense 0 Current STUN:
Power Defense 0  
OCV: 6 DCV: 6
Combat Skill Levels:
Maneuver Phase OCV DCV Effect
Block 1/2 +0 +0 Block, abort
Brace 0 +2 1/2 +2 vs. Range Mod.
Disarm 1/2 -2 +0 Can disarm
Dodge 1/2 -- +3 Abort, vs. all attacks
Grab 1/2 -1 -2 Grab two limbs
Grab By 1/2 -3 -4 Move and Grab
Haymaker 1/2* +0 -5 +4 DC attack damage
Move By 1/2 -2 -2 STR/2 + v/5
Move Through 1/2 -v/5 -3 STR + v/3
Set 1 +1 +0 Ranged Attacks only
Strike 1/2 +0 +0 STR or weapon
Range 0-4 5-8 9-16 17-32 33-64 65-128
RMOD 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10

Cost  Power END
25 Eternal Death: Healing 1 BODY (Can Heal Limbs, Resurrection), Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (70 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2)
30 Filled With Own Pain: Mental Damage Reduction, 50%
5 Life Support , Longevity: Immortal
25 Evil Eyes: Elemental Control, 74-point powers, all slots: (37 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2)
Notes: Gaze Attack: Must Make Eye Contact
1) Snake Eye: Entangle 2d6, 2 DEF, Works Against EGO, Not STR (+1/4), Takes No Damage From Attacks All Attacks (+1/2), Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2), Based On EGO Combat Value (Mental Defense; +1), Continuous (+1) (85 Active Points)
Notes: Must Make Eye Contact
2) Killing Gaze: Killing Attack - Ranged 1d6 (vs. ED), Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2), Penetrating (+1/2), Based On EGO Combat Value (Mental Defense; +1), Continuous (+1), Does BODY (+1) (75 Active Points); -1 STUN Multiplier (-1/4)
Notes: Must Make Eye Contact
139 Total Powers Cost
Cost  Name
18 Combat Luck (9 PD/9 ED)
18 Total Talents Cost

Cost  Name
3 Streetwise 13-
3 Tactics 13-
3 Shadowing 13-
3 Stealth 13-
3 Lockpicking 13-
3 Security Systems 13-
3 Disguise 13-
3 Electronics 13-
3 Mechanics 13-
2 WF: Small Arms
3 PS: Mercenary (INT-based) 13-
3 Linguist
1) Language: English (Romany Native) (completely fluent; literate) (4 Active Points)
2) Language: Spanish (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)
3) Language: Italian (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)
3 Scholar
1) KS: The Mercenary World (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 13-
2) KS: The Metahuman World (2 Active Points) 11-
3) KS: The Romany World (2 Active Points) 11-
3 Traveler
1) AK: America (2 Active Points) 11-
2) AK: Europe (2 Active Points) 11-
3) AK: Major Cities (INT-based) (3 Active Points) 13-
54 Total Skills Cost

Cost  Disadvantage
20 Hunted: Law Enforcement Agencies 8- (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish; Extensive Non-Combat Influence)
15 Hunted: Occult Superhero Group 8- (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish)
10 Reputation: Reliable Contract Killer 14- (Known Only To A Small Group)
10 Psychological Limitation: Casual Killer (Common; Moderate)
10 Psychological Limitation: Mercenary's Code of Honor (Uncommon; Strong)
10 Psychological Limitation: Protective of Gypsies and Outsiders (Uncommon; Strong)
5 Distinctive Features: Tests positive as Metahuman (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable Only By Unusual Senses)
70 I've Been Killing People For A Long Long Time Bonus
150 Total Disadvantages Cost
Height: 5' 7" Hair: Grey
Weight: 136 lbs Eyes: Grey
Appearance: Small, thin man of indeterminate age. Often disguised. Street clothes.
Personality: Milos was a petty criminal with a grudge against the world when he "died," and a monster when he came back. He's matured over the last half century, and now takes a calm, methodical approach to murder. He continues to kill because it's what he knows, and he's very, very good at it.
Quote:"May I speak to you sir?"

"You think I haven't seen that trick before boy?"

Background: Murder should never be easy, but it was. When his father took him on a raid of the townies home, Milos was happy, happy and proud to get what his people needed from the outsiders. Then the townie shot him, shot his father as his father turned to flee. His father died. So did Milos. Three days later he came back, locked in a drawer, helpless, trapped. A townie heard his screams. That townie died. Now, nearly sixty years later, Milos still looks much the same as he did the day he came back. At first he killed the outsiders for vengence, and was killed more than once himself, both by outsider police and outsider "heroes." After his power became clear to his clan, they asked him, begged him to leave. Stealing was one thing, but cold murder day after day was more than they could stand. Milos wandered far, and slowly lost much of his hatred and contempt for the outsiders. He never stopped killing them. For the last forty years he's been a mercenary and a contract killer. He's been everywhere, done everything. He sees Enforcers Inc. as another source of contracts, and likes the professionalism displayed by the core members.
Powers/Tactics: Milos has been killing people since World War Two, and he's good at it. He'll avoid open confrontation where he can, prefering to use stealth, shadowing, and disguise to follow the target, quietly walk up to them, attract their attention, and look into their eyes.


Once a victim is looking in his eyes, Milos will hit them with his continuous Evil Eye (multiple power attack) phase after phase, keeping them paralyzed until they're unconcious or dead. If contracted for a kidnapping, or ordered not to kill, Milos will simply paralyze his victim.


Milos has a strong commitment to the mercenaries code, always putting the mission above all else and never breaking a contract. He's more than willing to take younger Mercs and teach them what he knows. He also has a soft spot for gypsies and "outsiders," and has been known to give them "help," often by killing those he sees as their tormentors.

Campaign Use: NPC killer and scary opponent for the low-ego PCs.
Character created with Hero Designer (version 1.47)
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Originally posted by OddHat

The attachment seems to be a bit screwy. Here's Milos' .hdc file.


Cool; a gypsy Demise :D


Ill get him all linked up in a bit.


BTW, whats going on isnt the attachment; your closing anchor tag at the top is biffed somehow, and its throwing the page's tag rendering off.


The problem is your using a \ where you should be using a / :D


Which is totally my fault bcs I did that in the example I put up :rolleyes: {SMACKS SELF}. Sorry!

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Originally posted by Killer Shrike

Cool; a gypsy Demise :D


Ill get him all linked up in a bit.


BTW, whats going on isnt the attachment; your closing anchor tag at the top is biffed somehow, and its throwing the page's tag rendering off.


The problem is your using a \ where you should be using a / :D


Which is totally my fault bcs I did that in the example I put up :rolleyes: {SMACKS SELF}. Sorry!


Oh well. :) Fixed it as best I can. The attachment is still screwy though.

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Originally posted by Killer Shrike

By the way, am I correct in pronouncing "Milos" as "ME-low-sh"?


Yup, that's as it's intended. "Milosh" is a valid aternate spelling.


"Milos" came from a web site on Romany names, and "Fearon" is the family name of a gypsy boy killed while housebreaking in the UK a few months ago.

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