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Queen City Knights


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I'm working on a campaign for Champions set in the present day in Charlotte, NC.

The basic premise is a 'Mutant Hysteria' campaign where the superheroes have recently appeared (publicly), and their appearance was triggered by a terrorist-released virus.


Anyway, I'm putting together a team, either as NPCs or as pregenerated PCs called (tentatively) the Queen City Knights.

(Charlotte is refered to as the Queen City)

I only have two characters in the works right now that are mostly completed.....


Bolt - An energy Projector that was struck by lightening during an assault by a white supremecist group.


S.C.A.R.A.B. - (Self Contained Autonomic Reflex Augmentation Battlesuit) A child prodigy that has to wear special leg braces to walk at all. He chose to fight crime after the attack that damaged his legs beyond hope of repair. (His legs were on the road to recovery prior)


I also am thinking of doing a Martial Artist and a weaponsmaster. I used the Random Superhuman Generator in Champions (as a starting point only).


Any advice, suggestions, or questions would be helpful and appreciated. Thanx in advance.......

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Originally posted by Killer Shrike

Every group can use a mentalist, and a brick is handy as well.


I was actually thinking of adding in my wife's character (if she won't be playing,...which is likely) , Stingray.

Stingray uses a modified bullwhip as her main attack, with other bells and whistles thrown in. She also has budding mentalist powers thrown in that are intended to develop over time.


I had a thread started about Stingray called 'cracking the whip'.

I'll post a thread as soon as I can find it.


As for a brick,.......I dunno. They're sometimes overdone, but then again, you can't go wrong with a good Brick. Speaking of overdone, I could use a different name for 'Bolt'. The name seems just a tad bit trivial.

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For Bolt, how about Thundercracker? Or maybe Volt? Or perhaps Juice (as in "Give it some juice!")? Hmm ... Negavolt, Megavolt, Megawatt, Kilowatt, Kilovolt, Arc ...


As for group members ...

Some kind of shifter ... shapeshifter, size alteration, etc. is very handy :) Perhaps the brick could be someone who shrinks and gains strength as he does?

A Gater, as in someone who opens gates, is also quite useful. Who needs a team jet when Portal is here? ;)

For the martial artist, how about someone with animal abilities? Like a cat-warrior. Or how about someone like Jin from Tekken who has some dark chi abilities?

Gotta have an alien of somekind as well ... JLA have the Martian Manhunter ... the Avengers have the Vision (as well as a plethora of other aliens). Maybe that could be your mentalist or even a martial artist, specialized in an alien martial art?


Hope these ideas help :)

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For the martial artist, I was thinking of the stereotypical old man or perhaps a small, thin-framed woman. Basically, someone who if you saw them in a fight, you'd never think that they'd win. Someone who I could see saying something like...

"Even Doctor Destroyer could easily lose in a back alley brawl. Remember, the larger the target, the easier he is to bring down. But even a wise man knows when to run."


Mentalist?... Lemme work on that. I like the idea of aliens, but I may go with an ex-CIA operative/research subject. The government in this setting has known about the existence of mutants for decades. They have always existed. But not until the release of the "Phase II" virus have they publically acknowledged their existence. Even then, they blame terrorists.


(The virus was invented by the Nazis, but after the fall of Berlin, it was lost somewhere in the Middle East, only to be found by al-Qaida circa 1996, just before the first WTC bombing.)


SCARAB may have to double as team brick for now.


Hopefully I can post this on my website, once I give it a major revamp.

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Originally posted by Killer Shrike



For a shrinking Brick check out White Dwarf at the above link. That guy is nasty effective.


Thanx Killer Shrike.


Why do I suddenly have a variant of the 'Fastball Special' in mind???


I can't help but picture this guy getting launched from a slingshot......:D

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Originally posted by Syberdwarf2

Thanx Killer Shrike.


Why do I suddenly have a variant of the 'Fastball Special' in mind???


I can't help but picture this guy getting launched from a slingshot......:D

Yeah, the human bullet factor is real high on that guy ;)


I made this character for a player, and then realized he is way to ugly to allow into play as a PC.

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Okay, so I'm finished with doing a bio sheet on 'Bolt', and am getting ready to start on SCARAB, but I'm having a couple of problems still. First, the name. Some of you have suggested some pretty good names which I am still considering. Second, I used the Quick Superhuman Generator as a starting point for character creation just for some inspiration. I have the QSG writeup for Bolt, but I thought it would be best if I built her from the ground up, with the QSG as a guide if I get stuck.

Anyway, I was trying to build her powers without copying the QSG verbatim, and asked a simple question, ..... what are her powers?


Well, after a few moments of thought, I decided that she works like a living capacitor/battery. Bolt's body is constantly soaking up small amounts of electromagnetic energy (which is present in every part of the universe) and converting it into bolts of lightening.


Then, I started hitting a brick wall. The word 'capacitor' stuck in my head, just begging me to twist it around into a superhero name. Any suggestions?

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  • 1 month later...

The Campaign thus far.....


(Warning for my players......remember the honor system)

Okay, Queen City Knights will soon be underway.

Here's the roster of PCs and 'pregens' so far...


Titan - A Powered Armor genius with a multi-billion dollar international conglomerate at his disposal. He's almost as smart as Dr.D (INT 33). However, unlike the "good doctor", he has a sense of honor. He also has Mechanon as a Hunted which ties directly into his origin....


Neolith - a 12 foot tall stone giant that aquired his powers / condition when his family was attacked during a home invasion. He currently hunts the gang that killed his family.


Bolt - (as described in other threads) Okay, so the name stuck. Anyway, she has several small businesses and is a major player in creating local jobs. She also spends the majority of her time working as a career counselor at a "Halfway House".


Villains include:

Mechanon - as noted, he has ties to Titan's origin.


Card Shark - (from Dark Champions 4th ed.) - a relatively new player to the scene. Possibly the leader of the gang that broke into the home of Neolith's family.


Klansman - (discussed in other threads) a racist in every sense of the word. He ties into Bolt's origin. Seeks to cleanse the world of the 'savages' and foreigners. Source of powers ties directly to 9/11. Possibly the main villain.


Frostbite - Not much development here yet, really. She's just a name drawn from a list. Orphaned girl with a chip on her shoulder.


Other notes;

Titan's company is called Muratech, a company that specializes in optical and recording technology. Also develops sensor tech for the US gov't. Donates regularly to the local 'school for the gifted'. (I need a name for the school).

Muratech HQ is based in the 'Triad' area of North Carolina.


As always, any suggestions, advice or questions would be greatly appreciated.

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Also being located in North Carolina, I have to admit that, given all the sports teams around here, I'd be tempted to do a team based on those:


Tarheel: A brick with HUGE knockback resistance and a damage shield when it (he stops the blow and hurts your hand)


The Carolina Panther: similar to Tigra, a cat-man martial artist


The Charlotte Hornet: Shrinking, flying super who attacks with an energy blast or a sword (a sting)


Wolfpack: multiform character with duplication, who can become a wolf, then duplicate into an entire pack of them


Hurricane: either a weather control guy, or another brick with flight.


Demon Deacon: a religious figure possessed by a powerful demon (kind of like Etrigan) who uses the demon's power for good, but struggles to control it.


Blue Devil: for some reason, a speedster with a slightly demonic visage.


While these sound silly, you have to admit that, considering the powers, you have a fairly good roster.


I'm really fond of Wolfpack as I don't think I've ever seen duplication and animal multiforms combined in one hero before.

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The Hornets suck...... that being said, :rolleyes: ...


I'm giving some serious thought to Wolfpack, especially since I was considering using 'The Pack' from Dark Champs.


Also, since Bolt's origin deals with Klansman and his (sometimes) group 'White Front', I started trying to develop his other cohorts. Here's what I have so far;


The Sheriff

White Dragon (Grand Dragon?)


Big House


Rebel Yell




As for what their powers are, I dunno. The names just seemed to fit. I'm also planning on using, maybe, some villains from CKC.


Also, if anyone has any general advice on master villain / generic villain creation, lemme know or post a link.


As always, thanx in advance.

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I've been working on a gameworld where super-powers come into prevalence during the end of world-war II and the beginning of the Nuclear Age (for anyone who's seen the ridiculous anime Giant Robo, think of the weird radiation from the shizuma driver causing super-powers...). I decided that it would be likely that private schools 'for the gifted' would develop. In my world, they started out segregated, but that's because it starts off earlier.


Considerations for the schools: How would the general public see them? Is it like the X-men, where they're feared and the schools are located away from major cities? Or are they accepted and considered a good idea so that kids might get some relative understanding of their powers and see that they're not alone? Do the schools train the kids on their powers as well as teaching them algebra?


You might want to research stuff about schools for the deaf, or schools for the blind so see how their social atmospehere is as well. I went to a college that had a sister school right on campus, the National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID). It was pretty interesting. There are deaf frats, tons of deaf oriented clubs and orginizations, and a very high sesne of commradery (with better spelling) amongst the deaf students. It also helps the school is based in Rochester which is the deaf capitol of the world (highest population of deaf people anywhere). I think it would be useful to take these ideas into consideration when looking to create 'schools for the gifted'.


my 2 cents (the rant's free :))

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ch0w,..... thanx for the input. It'll be put to good use.


Alert to players (I know you're reading this);

The villains have been selected and/or written up. The first adventure will be underway soon. And on that note....


Hopefully, as the game progresses, QCK will have a narrative 'play-by-play' synopsis of each session posted to the boards. At least, such is my intention at present. As always, any input and suggestions are always welcome.

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  • 1 month later...
Originally posted by Damage,Inc.

Are you beginning a new campaign or adventure? I/we live in post 9/11 and chose to not realize 9/11 in our campaign because of it's complex ramifications. I would suggest not to use terroism because of it's ''fear of the day'' influence.


Thank you, sir, for not being afraid to bring up the very sensitive subject of 9/11. I beleive that (and correct me if I'm wrong) what you mean by fear of the day influence is the reaction people may have to that in a way consistant with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder? We've pretty much all had that. Most of us had to find ways, quickly, to cope with it. Most of us did.


Now, I didn't have anyone personally involved with anyone related to the victims themselves. But I remember. I remember fearing for the lives of my children and not wanting to leave my home for days. I remember not being able to eat, or sleep, or change the channel.


I feel I've adjusted to the incident pretty well. 9/11 happened and there's nothing that can change that. I intended to show that in my games. Originally, it was just intended to be part of the history of superpwered origins in my universe because it was all I could come up with on very short notice. I don't feel that it is offensive, but it is sensitive. That's why I made sure, before my group started, that I asked all of my players how they felt about mature / sensitive subjects such as drugs, murder, rape, and terrorism.


My group is made of grown adults. We've all come to the table with a good degree of maturity. We recognize that these elements are real, and for the sake of reality in our games, they shouldn't be the main focus but they shouldn't be ignored.


9/11 happened. By pputting it in the history of my world I have moved on and coped. I show that I remember by dealing with it. I asked everyon before we started if they had a problem 9/11 being a part of the background; to which they said no.


I can no more ignore the events of 9/11 than I can the senslessness of the german death camps, or forced abortions in China, or...(insert historical act of senseless violence and human depravity here).....


It Is Just My Way Of Moving On.

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